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Dec 17 2004 11:08am
PM me your account please, I'd like to see you in action. =)

Regarding armor: I said 160 ed, nothing else.

I dont really get your tactis, especially vs necs and druids. Are you only dueling non-tele opponents? Cause you dont run faster than teleport, thats for sure. All a necro has to do is to tele away and spam ibs, there's nothing you can do about it if you cant tele yourself. As for druids, you say it ends in a shootout. No good druid will let it end there. As soon as his stacked wolves are gone he just teleports away and resummons. Again, nothing you can do about it.

Also, I take it as you use no other frw-gear than enigma and boots? If not, then you wont run faster than my barb, which is quite slow actually. But we'll see about that.
As for other skills, if you dont play BvB (which I presume, since you maxed inc speed instead of shout), then try leap. A maxed leap is hilarious, and extremely useful. I'll show you if you want.

Lets put it this way; I wont lose to any non-zealot meleechar with my non-block, 3k def, 12k ar, 28% dr barb, no matter how good they are. I will get spanked by the best zealots since I dont have angelics nor 50% dr, and ain't THAT skilled with barbs.

However, mcm (a barb on uswest) beat the best temple-zealots (and they are godly indeed) without block (i.e. botd+beast). So it's indeed possible with a good build and enough skill. If I remember correctly he wen 10-0 with everyone except optikal, where he did 10-3.

I might be wrong, but you'll have to show me that you actually can catch defensive teleporters without teleport before I believe it evil.gif

Edit: In most leagues there is a cap on r/w-speed for most chars, especially amas and assasins. A barb with standard-gear shouldn't be able to outrun a bowazon focused on speed, nor an assasin with bos and the usual frw-setup (i.e. valk wing, enigma etc). Just a thought...

This post was edited by morotsjos on Dec 17 2004 11:14am
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Dec 17 2004 12:04pm
hm...tD-optickalax?? or sumthin like that ?
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Dec 17 2004 12:05pm
please, read my posts. if you don't this is useless.

i said that i don't try to catch them. i let them come to me once they start playing defensive.

if they bore me with teleporting away, then i bore them with not running after them. i don't like defensive playing, and i will do everything to make defensive duellers have a boring duel.

the gear is on my fortitude barb now (will keep on using enigma until ladder is over) and he's on level 70. not very competative yet.

This post was edited by Kortez on Dec 17 2004 12:13pm
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Dec 17 2004 12:48pm
shamackdude: OptikalFlare if I recall correctly.

i said that i don't try to catch them. i let them come to me once they start playing defensive

No you didn't. Nowhere in your post you say that. If that's what you meant, then you should've said it.

No good caster would ever "come" to a barb. The point is, necs & druids can play defensively, then advance slowly and trade a few hits, then tele away and recast bone armor/wolves. Necs will have ibs everywhere and sooner or later you will die since you cant tele away. Gogo decrepify+golem slow...

I dont like defensive duels either, thats why I use enigma to keep the pressure up. All decent casters will play defensive against barbs, if not immediately then after you've hit them the first time. It's inevitable, and unbeatable without enigma.

they have to stop when they want to shoot, that's where i get them.

Basically you're saying that casters must reside on your screen to shoot, thats never the case with good ones.
Though you can avoid fb:s etc, I'd like to see what you do against frozen orb, ibs etc that comes from two screens away and you're unable to outrun.
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Dec 17 2004 01:00pm
morotsjos you are terrible, you have nothing to backup your random points. like i said, you are a random, which means you are a pub, you talk and cant back shit up. i on the other hand know what i do works, because its been working since the patch went live. keep throwing your random comments out boy you obviously dont duel much at all, all you seem to do is practice in arguing semantics.

QUOTE (kanniball-gws @ Dec 17 2004, 06:08 AM)
I bet that pally is a better anticaster then your baba. Oh, yeah, almost forgot, stacked res + sorb, "not all the time, just when I don't wanna die. "  ph34r.gif

not likely, and i dont take someone seriously when they tell me what Holy Freeze slows down cast rate, way to go champ ahaha.

This post was edited by wuaffiliate on Dec 17 2004 01:07pm
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Dec 17 2004 01:06pm
double post, sorry.

This post was edited by wuaffiliate on Dec 17 2004 01:07pm
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Dec 17 2004 02:06pm
QUOTE (kanniball-gws @ Nov 28 2004, 11:43 AM)
If you can't afford doom, beast or fury are also a good options as 2nd axe.
I used beast for a while, but I think it's a bit overrated, the ar you get from fana is not so much, and the dmg boost is also a bit overrated. In my opinion doom > beast > fury

doom and beast cost the same.

i think doom is pretty pointless.... beast gives you a faster frame ww attack - you move so fast is it helpful. the extra strength = more ED. what about a highlords/dual raven setup? deadly strike with a little less ar is much better i think? what about 40/9s that is my favorite option in an arreats.

just a few thoughts.
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Dec 17 2004 03:22pm
"No good caster would ever "come" to a barb."

Believe me, when you wait for some minutes and don't move, they will... or they just go to town and call you words, but you win then.

And please, Frozen Orb is a Joke. It's so slow and does so few damage. Even if you get random hits,, if he runs away i can very well run away too (and regenerate life).
Drinking Necromancers may be hard, but remember that you can just keep enigma in the box and get it out when needed.

I would then go with enigma and my 2 handed botd cb and even with 900 life less, make it 5500-6000, they won't be able to tank a 10000 avg damage barb (10000 avg with critical hit).
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Dec 17 2004 03:36pm
QUOTE (mrpink @ Dec 17 2004, 08:06 PM)
doom and beast cost the same.

doom cost more if u wanna make it yourself let's count: Lo+ Ohm+ Cham+ 5 sock BA or Ber + 5 sock BA, this is a hard choice for what's the most expansive X_X

i think doom is pretty pointless.... beast gives you a faster frame ww attack - you move so fast is it helpful.  the extra strength = more ED.

If u had read all the pages you'd know morot already made that point and I agree with him. "Srry for the mistakes I made in this guide but please read all the posts before giving comment, so that I don't have to say it every time again and again."

what about a highlords/dual raven setup?  deadly strike with a little less ar is much better i think? 

Well, I don't really need the extra damage that the dealdly strike gives u, having dmg enough (4,1k). A raven is always useful vs cold sorcs or if you havn't got the cbf mod. If u chose to wear raven(s) take them 240+ so that your ar is still ok. If u chose to wear 2 ravens highlords is a possible combination.

  what about 40/9s that is my favorite option in an arreats.

In spite of what I mentioned in the guide 40/9 str or dex (your choice) is indead the best choice. In the guide I said 40/15max witch is a terrible mistake since max dmg jewels in armors doesn't seem to work.
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Dec 17 2004 03:40pm
mrpink: beast is cheaper than doom. 1 hr vs 3, not to mention that people seem to prefer doom (by some reason since it sucks compared to beast).

They both meet the last bp for ww (the bp is at -35 and beast have 40% ias and doom 45%), and will attack at 4 fpa.
Fanaticism does NOTHING for wwspeed, only ias on the weapons counts.
How fast you attack (i.e. the 4 fpa bp) and how fast you move while whirling is two completely different things.
If you meet the 4 fpa bp you will attack every 4:th frame assuming there is a target in range.
How fast you move on the other hand is based on your runningspeed, i.e. you whirl faster if you have maxed increased speed and wear enigma etc. You whirl slower if you have 0 increased speed and heavy armor and no frw-boots.
This can be hard to see clientside, but it's the way it works serverside. Thats why ww often seem to desynch at your opponent, i.e. you start whirling slow and suddenly faster as the clients compensate for the barb's movement on the server. This is also one of the reasons why namelocking ww desynchs so bad, since a namelock ww usually last a while the barb will have whirled much longer serverside than clientside.

Yes, 40/9 is indeed the best thing to socket arreats with, since ed/max is bugged.
For highlords/raven and anything else barbrelated, see my wwbarb-guide. It should cover all that (noone has complained yet at least evil.gif )

wuaffiliate: Blabla, I thought this argument was done. By all means, be an ignorant kid and follow your fantasyland-beliefs, just dont fool others who doesn't know better to follow your crappy advice.

Do you seriously think I would post my opinions without having them tested?
I have dueled many sorcs using botd+wiz, and the outcome has ALWAYS been the same:
ALL decent sorcs have been able to TANK me. Thats right, they dont have to tele away at all, they just TANK me.
Granted, I dont use absorb, only max/stacked resists. Any 3-year old can win with absorb, just pointless waste of time.

i on the other hand know what i do works

The 2-fpa ww/shael wiz absorbkid has spoken! Amen to that my friend!

If you like to be competative in real duels you need botd+beast, simple as that.
Btw, dueled many necs/druids/paladins/bowazons with your shaeled wiz lately? evil.gif

The point here is that YOU claimed that botd+wiz is superior against sorcs (along with some other random bullshit like 2 fpa ww), and then admit that you dont even duel with your barb, you just use him to kill tg/nk:ers. You can use lightsabre vs lightsorcs/trappers too, that just makes a pointless "duel" longer and even more pointless.

If you ever try to actually duel vs good sorcs (and by duel I dont mean absorbing. duel != absorb, got it?), you'll realize that you NEED botd+beast, which means that arach + 2x fcr rings IS the optimal setup. Did I mention that fcr rings can have crazy resists?

Let me finish with some semantics:
You cant call me "a random" since random is an adjective (i.e. part of speech that states properties of things, or describes them if you like; ex. red, small, happy). If random = pub, then dfguijiosen=pub. Did you skip first grade?

Now be a good boy and go practise some bvc without absorbing. Perhaps you'll realize the necessity of beast, perhaps not. Couldn't really care less. As for everyone else reading this, go read my wwbarb-guide so I get some feedback! laugh.gif
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