Quote (Myko7 @ Dec 26 2022 06:34am)
This is nice, but have any BPs been changed compared to Old d2?
Confused as to why this is being posted.
Suposedly not.
But breakpoints feel's slower at a lot of characters.
Breakpoint system works on a 24 fps system, meanwhile diablo runs at 25fps.
D2R is using those 25fps and scales it up to 60fps.
Would not suprice me if something became different. The breakpoints should not be different, but the overall speed of the breakpoints feel off for me... 68fcr druid in d2r feel's like 4x fcr druid in d2lod. Hammers feel's slower as well.
I dno, the game just feel's less direct. More floaty, which is not a good thing. They think only of visuals, but for me gameplay is more important.