Quote (gel87 @ Nov 8 2022 09:34am)
Nice sin :)
Only comments i have is:
I would say that dragon flight is useless in pvp, mindblast/clawblock(espsially)/shadowmaster is more usefull. DF has to slow animation and can get u killed or u can land to late and get prespammed.
Also, i know UM rune is the meta, but by my experience BER rune is the king on sins. And if u ever get a simular claw with 2 soc, then i Hope u wanna test out BER BER or BERLO as those are sick! I prefer to deal as much direct damage as possible when jumping some1, and Crushing blow has never gotten the love it deserves in pvp.
Besides, gores + chaos alone is 10/35% ow which usually is enought to land it once each wirl.
Hope D2r implements valkyrie wing 08 one day. Such a nice item for many builds.
Yes DF sucks. It was good for a short period of time in d2r when it was given a 100% hit rate
OW isn’t as valuable in d2r as it was in legacy as in legacy you could trap lock. Now dueling is all about trading hits. So immediate damage such as from Ber is more valuable Than it is in legacy.
Also with fhr changes, shadow dancers are next to useless, thus making even a hybrid be able to full time gores. And like you mentioned, 10%/35% will offer a high % chance to land OW in a WW series. Where going to 35/35% won’t be all that much of a higher % chance to land in a WW series.
Also on hybrid, physical damage through WW is much higher priority in d2r than legacy, due to trap lock no longer a thing. Thus the total damage you do from a trap perspective is much lower on d2r than legacy.
Didn’t watch the video, but I’ve seen Dazer and Cooley and Bui post countless nonsense and disinformation about sins overtime.