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Quote (PuA @ 29 Sep 2014 21:10)
Lol worst answers ever. Stop posting in this sub forum you make it look terrible. Just admit you have no idea what you're talking about, thanks for the links, would prefer an example as an answer and not out of book answers.
I asked if I could use -50 psn res dweb after I shot someone with a psn Java. Or even if I could use lower resist, PSN JAV hit, then switch to dweb + bow and tele to finish someone with super stacked res. I can fit all of these in my cube for switch.
Here is the sequence.
Shoot arrows so my 35% slow procs(multis)
Then as they near you, shoot a PSN JAV in their direction, run up yo the pinnacle of the PSN cloud (end tip) and switch out to LR wand while protected in cloud. LR the opponent,then switch to JAV again and try to poison him if you haven't already, then once he's poisoned evade him long enough to switch to dweb and just do shield + dweb + television + multis to eliminate him
This sounds like a lot, but if quick reactions and tactical , can pull off within seconds. This can also be done in gm but just no LR switch. Cube switch is totally gm. And even if they have huge PSN red, the -140 res + 120-150k plague + slow KB arrows is unstoppable, not to mention light fury to defensively get away.
are you retarded?