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Jan 16 2013 12:03am
DrMullet's v1.13 V/t (T/v) guide:

Table of Contents:

Page 1:

1. Introduction
3. FAQS and info(Frequently asked questions)

Page 2:

4. Gear

Page 3:

5. Gear setups
6. Stat distribution
7. Skill distribution
8. Hot keys

Page 4:

9. Duelling strats Part 1.

Page 5:

9. Dueling strats Part 2.
10. Explanatory Links
11. Credits
12. Disclaimer


Welcome to DrMullet's 1.13 v/t (t/v) guide. In this guide I will tell you everything you need to know about what it takes to be a successfull t/v. I will explain how to effectively pk every
character that you can possibly face. I don't claim to be the best player there is, but, with these mothods and practice it's entirely possible to be just that.



• 4000+ life
• 2700+ Smite damage
• 7000+ Foh damage
• 47% Damage Reduction (main setup)
• Max block
• 75% Fcr Breakpoint (main setup)
• 86% Fhr Breakpoint (main setup)
• Max res
• 18k+ Defense (40k foh side)

Effective Level: 95+
Suggested Minimal: 92

tele = teleport
stomp = teleport onto
synch = Dysnchronization
strat = strategy
C/l = Charge Lock
conv = Conviction
fanat = Fanatacism
foh = Fist of the Heavens


3. FAQS (Frequently Asked QuestionS) and info.

a. What is dysnch, and what are the methods to do it?
()Dysnching is when you appear to be in a particular area when you really are in another *Desychronization*.
()Synching happens when you do short charges around the map. I usually do very short charges while switching between two different auras rapidly with my hotkeys for maximum effect.
()You can also achieve an even greater synch by charging against puddles. Doing so will make you appear as if you are still stuck on the puddle for untill you walk long enough or teleport.
()Also there is the weapon swap synch. This is commonly used by zons as when they run away they will swap weapon sets. This is generaly used on paladin to get your body if you do die, or to not get tged out of the gate.

b. Are there ways to detur or break someone elses synch?
()Yes. Fist of the heavens casted on someone charging or weapon switching synching will break their synch. However, there are exceptions.
()If someone is using charge on nameclick rather than just trying to synch this might not always work. And usually takes more than one foh doing so and when fighting zons (more on this in dueling section).

c. Grief Phase Blade or Grief Berzerker Axe?
()I've tried both. And really, zerker is the worst that I've found besides perhaps a select few purposes. Zerk is good in SVS and perhaps sometimes vs barbs although I recommend my setup.
()With zerker you get more charge damage (inferior*explained later) the extra rangeadder of 2 vs PB's 1. However, this only hits certain areas. More info can be found "EXPLANATORY LINKS" section.
()With PB you hit -30 weapon speed automaticly, thus not needing further IAS from gear to hit 6 frame with lvl 2 fanaticism and minimum ias on grief. IAS calculator can be found in the "EXPLANATORY LINKS" section.
()Also allows you to hit 8 frame or 7 frame with 20 ias gloves vs lvl 12 Holy Freeze from doom vs the 11-12 frames you would get with zerker.
()PB hits faster with charge, and permits you ability to wear the all-so-important fcr gear (more on this in gear section).

d. WSG. What is it and how is it done?
()WSG Stands for "Weapon Switch Glitch". WSG is done by repeatedly using your switching key which is 'W' by default.
()This is best used when namelock/stunlocked by a certain attack, such as a trapper's mind blast abbility. By pressing 'w' repeatedly you can remove the lock and escape more easily. This also works with being smited against a wall or puddle, and anything else that requires a namelock attack.
()This is great offensively as well. Say if you are Fohing someone on foh side and the opponent runs you can press 'w' and it will either charge or start to walk/run towards them with smite, depending what you had pre-set. Giving you the chance to smitelock. Or Foh if you switch while on smite side.

e. Regular chainlocking locking info
()Use Throw ability on left click to namelock your target, bring cursor back to your feet, switch to teleport, tele, then switch to smite/fanat and click.

f. Smite Locking. What is it and how is it done?
()Smite locking is when you have someone namelocked and are running/walking toward them with smite, switching to teleport and then stomp them. Then switching from teleport to fanatacism.
()You will want to move your cursor back to your feet in order to get the smite off just after the teleport. This can be done without getting the smite off, but you will still have the namelock and be able to smite lock them for as many times as your skill will allow, or until you hit.

g. Foh Locking. What is it and how is it done?
()Foh locking is when you use Fist of the Heavens after a smite to add an unescapable Faster Hit Recovery animation. This is the most superior form of lock there is for t/v and possibly any character, but also the most difficult.
()After hitting someone with smite there will be swirls above their head for around 8 seconds or so. During this time and this time only will fohlocking work.
()This is more of a vs caster than anything. When I say this I mean it's easier vs caster, but can be done to anyone, such as barbs and various melee druids etc.
()75% and 86% fcr bps prefered. 38% and 48% is more for melee.

h. What are action frames?
()Action frames stand for the speed at which you begin and end the teleport or attack.
()These determin say in a caster vs caster situation, they both teleport and attack each other at the same exact time, whom is going to get locked up or not.
()More can be found on this with the following link: http://forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=52434886

i. Charge lock and slow charge info
()Charge lock happens mainly when you try to smite directly after or just before your charge gets to your opponent. The only way to eliminate this is to simply not charge, which is unneeded with this build in most cases.
()To fix C/l you need to hit 'w' to switch weapon sets. This doesn't work in some cases and you will have to Save and Exit or wait it out.
()Slow charge is when your guy looks like he's going fast but isn't going so fast. He also is stuck not being able to do anything in this slow motion until he reaches his opponent or they get far enough away.
()Slow charge is usually caused by either WSG switching to smite side with charge out and them teleporting away simultaniously. Or just them teleporting away when you get the charge namelock.
()Best way to avoid these is to not charge people at all, which is entirely not needed with what you have/will read in this guide.

j. Sacred Targe or Zakarum shield?
()When compairing these most people just look at what they refer to as the "Shown smite damage". These numbers are very inaccurate.
()Zakarum has more defense making it a better choice for the runeword exile.
()With my setup it comes down to 34 mininum damage and 27 maximum damage difference between the two. 838-911 PVP damage for Sacred Targe, 872-878 with Zakarum shield. You'll also see the two numbers of each add up to 1749 and 1750 the shields average being virtually the same. Calculator found in "EXPLANATORY LINKS" section.
()Sacred targe has similar resulting damage, but has 11% more base block. Requires less dex thus making it the superior choice. Also looks damn sexy with PB and COA.

k. Backlocking. What is it how is it done?
()Backlocking is when you get the namelock while going off someones screen or running away from them using throw.
()Generaly you should run/walk away from your opponent, switch to throw, get the namelock, then treat as a normal chainlock or fohlock.
()This is great for pvp circumstances. It's also a good thing for Town Guarding one of those pesty people who hug the entrance to town and just poke they head out, attack and run back in.

l. Field Casting info
()Field casting is when you put your Cube in your inventory to swap things out more handily... And is a legit way to prebuff if you so choose.
()Great for swapping CTA and Fohstick, or any other gear swaps that might come into consideration.

m. North Charge and North Smite info
()North charge is when you charge directly upward when someone teleports on you. It will automaticly hit them, even past all summons, I.e druid and summon nec. Provided you are charging directly upwards and not slanted.
()When north charging you won't see them teleport on you. You will however hear yourself hitting a s#*@ load of times, and will appear as if you just life leeched him 20 times in 2 seconds. If you hear yourself stop, charge downward and repeat.
()North smite is the same principle as North charge. It might be refered to as shift smiting as well. You just stand in one place, hold shift, and smite directly up with your cursor on your chars head. This will hit past all summons also.

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Jan 16 2013 12:04am
4. GEAR:

Crown of ages gives: 350-399 defense, 30% fhr, 1 to all skills, 30% all res, 15% Damage Reduction, 2 sockets.
This is your main choice, lots of defense, fhr, res, and DR. Socket this with a 30ED/9Dex/-15Req jewel in combination with a ber rune. This will give you the 47% DR while lowering str req and giving max block w/ dmg bonus (148 str req already achieved).
Permits you to use a different shield other than inferior hoz while maintaining near max DR (2% is worth it).

2 all skills, 141 life, 141 mana or so, 2 all attributes, 10% Damage reduction, 1 socket.
This is your second choice. Good for mana, decent boost in life, extra damage from the extra 1 all skills you don't get with coa.

70 all res, Cannot be frozen mod.
This is great indeed to make up for lacking res. You are going to want to socket it with a 30+ cold res jewel or thul rune. I mainly use this for fire/cold sorcs. I can save that 1 extra skill point from salv by just changing my helm giving me more smite damage (more on this later).

Same as above. With this one you are going to want to put a 30+ lightning res, -15 req, 9 dex jewel and ber rune in. This is your go to with your vs foher, v/t, t/v setup. Very important.

Massive +str, 8% DR, 2 all skills, 5% max life, 15% damage replenish mana, 45% frw, oh yes and teleport not like that matters at all *satire*.
This is your only choice. Good frw for getting that second smite off before you need to fohlock someone. Teleport for the locks. Blah blah. This is the only armor you will ever need.

*For this you want a light weighted armor. Yes, armors have weight. The heavier the armor the slower you will move and ultimately charge around. In turn lowering your synchability.
More info can be found on this in "EXPLANATORY LINKS" section.

15% DR, 40 vitality, 10% fhr, massive defense, small rep life bonus.
This is your main belt. Huge + to total life, the all so vital 15% DR. With the 10% fhr you will hit the 86% bp w/ spirit and coa.

Arachanids Mesh:
1 all skills, 20fcr, 10% slow target, 5% max mana.
This is a great belt for hitting that 86% fcr actionframe more easily, and the extra mana and +1 all skills to boot.

2 pal skills, 20fcr, 25+ str, 20% all resistances, little bit of mana.
The unsurpassable amulet. The 20 fcr is a great upgrade from 10 and will let you hit higher fcr frames. Str over dex because you will still end up needing some to hit the 148 for coa. And since you shan't need to swap amulets, the str will always be there. Cheaper due to higher variant (1-30 vs dex 1-20).

2 pal skills, 10 fcr, 20+ str, 15+ dex, 15+ all res, 30+ specific light or fire res
Another great amulet. This is your second only choice. The 10 fcr is needed with this build or you shan't be able to hit 75 fcr bp without losing ravenfrost or dungos.

250 AR, 15-45 Cold damage, 20 dex, 40 mana, Cannot be Frozen mod, 20% cold absorb.
This right here should be on 100% of the time, or very close to it. You get the massive + dex for block, and the all too important cannot be frozen mod. The other things are just nice bonuses.

Rare ring:
10% fcr, 15 dex, 11 all res, 50+ mana, 25+ life. And specific light res or fire res depending on if you want to be able to not swap to kiras when fighting a fire sorc.
A fcr ring will help you hit your required frame. For me, it is needed for the 75% bp since I have a 10% fcr amulet. You will hit 85 and will need another fcr ring or arachs to hit 86-124 frame with 20fcr amulet.

1 all skills, 50+ life, 5 life leech.
BK ring is great for damage and a small but worthy boost to life. I would use this if not needing the 75% or 86% fcr bp, and/or when using the 20 fcr amulet.

Wisp Projector:
20% lightning absorb.
I use one of these for legit sorb when fighting lighting damage based characters, such as javazons and lightning sorcs. Two isn't neccisary for is bm and even with bm fc zons you should be able to kill them with just one equipped anyway.

Trang-Oul's Claws:
20% fcr, 30 Cold resist.
You will be wearing these about 95% of the time and really is your primary choice. 20% fcr and the nice 30 cold res to boot, great option.

20% fcr, Regenerate mana 25%.
Good alternatives. The oh so good 20% fcr is a must on the gloves, and they provide some mana recovery if you are concerned about that.

Rare Gloves:
20 Ias, 15 dex, 15 str, 10% Crushing Blow.
There is only one purpose you will use these for. That is fighting a bmer whom uses Holy Freeze. Whether it be from Doomz or from a paladin, these will allow you to reach 2 frames higher in IAS.

Spirit Sacred targe:
35% fcr, 55% fhr, 22 vitality, 80 light psn and cold res, 45 fire res, 2 to all skills, 112 mana, 8 magic absorb.*
Primary choice, this is. You can hit 75% fcr breakpoint as well as the 86% fhr breakpoint with just this shield. It also gives massive res, mana, and decent vitality.

*Magic absorb isn't by percentage so this doesn't matter much at all if not stacked.

Phoenix Sacred Targe Knights mod:
465% Enhanced damage, 121 Attack rating, 399 defense vs missile, 50 to life, +5% max lightning res, +10% max fire res, 21 fire absorb, -28 fire resistances, 40% chance to cast lvl 22 firestorm.
This will be your go to shield for fighting barbs, ww sins, melee druids, and purebrid smiters. It has the downfall of the 40% chance to proc firestorm but will add 34% more damage when you do hit. This shield is optional but I found it to be irreplacable for fighting purebrid smiters.

Ebug Exile:
Massive defense is the only reason we will consider this, not for the tap or anything else. This shield you are going to use on foh side, that way it's not bm with the tap. This way you still get the massive defense for vs melee (Barbs more specificly) without being bm with tap.

2 pal skill, 2 combat skills, 30% Increased blocking chance, 20% AR bonus, 20 str, 20 vitality, 50 all res, 1 socket.
I chose to put this on here just for the fact that it has about 1k more foh damage when socketed with a -5/5 light facet. As well as decent res and stats. Personaly I feel that there is a soft cap for block so with enough dex for block on spirit, this seems to block much, much more.

Custom res Sacred Targe:
205 Cold res, 45 all res, 15% enhanced defense.
Put 4 Perfect Saphires in a 45 all resistance 15%ED Sacred Targe. This is obviously to fight cold sorceresses as they have around -230+ cold res.

Upped Waterwalks:
65 life, 15 dex, 20%frw, 5% max fire res, 100 defense vs missile.
Primary boots. Dex for max block, great defense, +65 life. Can't go wrong with these.

Eth or Regular Sandstorm Treks:
20% frw, 20%fhr, 15 vitality, 15 strength, 70 poison res, great defense.
People don't find poison res to be that important but if you think about it, it really is. Use these for fighting poison necros, plaguezons, and rabbies druids.

Rare res boots:
30% frw, 30+ tri res excluding poison, 9 dex.
These are good for res obviously, and the dex is to maintain block while fighting v/ts, and 1 v 2s. Fhr won't be needed but is more preference.

10% max fire res, 20% frw.
Use these for legit stack vs a fire sorc. I know many consider "one piece" to be gm thus making spurs available. But I choose to be gm as possible. Do what you will.

8 X 35+ lifer Pcombs
9 X 20 life 11 light res scs*
20/20/5 anni
20/20/25 Ptorch
Cube w/ -25/25 3/3/3 Foh stick, Wisp, Bk, Alternate Fcr res ring**

*20/11 lr > 20/5. The all res you can get from Kiras and/or res boots if need be. Light res is needed for t/vs, v/ts, fohers, infinity sorcs and the like.
**Cube is optional, it is a legit way to prebuff and allows to swap weapons after CTA I.E Field Casting.

Grief PB:
+400 damage, 30 Ias, 20% deadly strike, 35% chance to cast lvl 15 venom, -25% enemy poison resistance.
Thee main choice for everyone. The only thing that I had work well other than this was the following weapon. +400 damage substantially improves the ammount of % enhanced damage. Also why holy shield is so important.

20% chance to cast lvl 15 decrepify on striking, 159-210 fire damage, 130-180 cold damage, 7 life leech, 250 defense vs missile, 10 dexterity.
I found this to be effective in smite vs smite as good as or nearly as good as grief. That is, when the decrep procced. Lowers their DR by 50%, slows them by 50%, reduces their damage by 50%. Making them 75% less effective and you 50% more. But you lose the 400 dmg on grief.
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Jan 16 2013 12:05am
T/v vs v/t:
Helm: 60+ light res berd COA
Amulet: 10-20 fcr Pally amulet
Ring 1: Bk ring
Ring 2: Ravenfrost
Boots: 30% frw 9 dex 30+ tri res boots
Belt: 15/40 Dungos
Gloves: Trang Gloves
Armor: Enigma
Shield: Spirit St
Weapon: Grief PB

75% fcr 86% fhr Setup:
Helm: 30 ed 9 dex Berd Coa
Amulet: 10-20 fcr Pally amulet
Ring 1: Fcr res ring
Ring 2: Ravenfrost
Boots: 65 life Upped Water Walks
Belt: 15/40 Dungos
Gloves: Trang Gloves
Armor: Enigma
Shield: Spirit St
Weapon: Grief Pb

39-48 Fcr* "Phoenix Setup":
Helm: 30 ed 9 dex berd COA
Amulet: 10-20 fcr Pally amulet*
Ring 1: Fcr res ring*
Ring 2: Ravenfrost
Boots: 65 life Upped Water Walks
Belt: 15/40 Dungos
Gloves: Trang Gloves
Armor: Enigma
Shield: 465ED Knights mod Phoenix St
Weapon: Grief Pb

*You will hit either 39 or the 48 action frame fcr depending on your amulet. Both work fine.



• Strength - Base
• Dex - 136 to wear PB or enough to block*
• Vitality - Rest
• Energy - Base

With max mods on gear & 20 from base you will end up having 139 dex. Only requiring about 20 more for max block with Sacred Targe.
You will want more of course to hit max block with other setups such as having res boots and bk if you decide to use those.



• Holy Shield - 20
• Fanatacism - 20
• Fist of the heavens - 20
• Conviction - 0-2*
• Holy Shock - 20***
• Prerequisites - 12
• Smite - 11 or rest**

*Conviction and Salvation aren't needed on this build and I will explain why.
You get conviction with your foh stick and won't need to foh with conv on smite side, foh is only used there to fohlock. This saves us 3 points for smite from conv itself and the two prerequisites.
Although it might be a good idea to have 2 into it to tie a v/t or another t/vs conv or perhaps even cancel theirs out.
*Salvation I chose to leave out because you can use Kiras. In turn won't make you lose that 577% Enhanced damage from fanatacism when smiting and charging. This also gives us one more skill point for smite.
**Maxing smite before HS = More smite damage. Fact. In the end comes down to 4.17% more smite damage, but, isn't worth the 3.3k defense from HS imo.
Formula for smite before pvp conversion: (Shield Base + Holy Shield bonus + Grief bonus) * (1 + Smite %ED bonus + STR %ED bonus + Fanaticism %ED bonus + off-weapon %ED bonus) = Smite dmg


H=Battle Command
J=Battle Orders
V=Holy Shield
X=Fist of the Heavens

This is a superior setup to most. Easy to fohlock, chainlock, etc.
*Concentration is for smite side synch. You want to switch between this and fanat repeatedly to gain a heavier synch. On foh side switch between fanat and conv.
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Jan 16 2013 12:05am

9. DUELING STRATEGIES: Difficulty meter is 0-5

• Bowa 1/5 - These idiots are ez. I thought i'd give 0-5 but I guess they can get me like 1/30 times or so. W/ these guys you just short charge + aura swap synch in their map in left or right direction diagonaly then the other way after about half a screen.This way they will be fireing in different direction than where you are. If they see you coming or start to WSG synch then get slightly ahead of them and start fohing to break it. When they stop, telestomp smite and repeat as needed.

• Java 1/5 - Pretty simple, really. For these dudes just get good with charging left to right and fohing dodgeing their throws. If they come for close range attack just charge backwards and foh and continue to do this untill they range throw again. You will have nice light res but these guys hit hard. So if need be, wear a single wisp and go head to head with smite. If they start to run just foh to break synch or WSG lock into a smite lock. Also if they are running upwards you will always hit after the stomp.

• Hybrid jav/bowa 2/5 - Same strats as above. These are slightly more difficult due to them being able to fake you into thinking which attack they are going to use.

• BvC 2/5 - Might give these guys 2.5/5. Be sure to have walk on. Usually a good one will try to clip you, even if you have zerk grief they will still be able to do so without you hitting them. I suggest pb 75 fcr setup or 39 w/ phoenix. What you want to do is start the fight downwards on the map thenwork your way up. That way when they ww upwards you will be able to stomp and get about 4 smites in. Repeat this as needed. If they start to ww synch just teleport away and make them chase you or keep fohing them to break it. Having them chase you can be a good thing as well. If they think you are running, hurt or scared they will probably teleport on you. In which case you can North smite and get a few hits in. They don't have block so you can even get a charge lock in on them if they aren't expecting it. This is risky for if you charge into them while they are wwing you will get hit many times, and hard. Synching around and fohing can annoy and bring them in for a north smite. Use exile on FOH SIDE that way you can force them to get closer so you can smite since they won't hit you much at all.

• BvB 3.5-4/5 - I give these dudes a high difficulty level because they have MASSIVE hit rating. Not only that but a well built one will have phoenix for great damage, and double berd coa and dungos for max DR. For these dudes just use the same strat as above.

• Zerk/Conc/Melee/Throw barbs 1-2/5 - Your high block and defense will in combination with walking and fohlocking will defeat these broskies. Berserk ones hit hard so just north smite for they stomp or foh them down.

• Windy 3/5 - Realisticly this is a fair matchup despite every whiney pally complaining about them. For these guys just north smite with your cursor on your chars head and wait for them to stomp. If they don't do it quick enough charge down or to one of the sides and north smite again. When they stomp you, you will hit them every time past their summons, when having your cursor in the right place. After this you can either fohlock, go head-to-head, charge, or smitelock. Usually for like 95% of them 80% of the time they will run after the second head-to-head smite. In which case you can smite lock them for until you hit or until your skill allows you to lock. Fohlocking can be difficult for sometimes you get hit by a follow-up nado when you are about to cast foh. But it can be done, and somewhat easily. If they get smart and start playing defensive just north smite in one spot, get the namelock and telestomp. Or synch around and get some charges in when they just sitting in one place. Also you can north charge them if they don't have much block and they stomp you.

• Rabbies 2/5 - These lame-o's are fun as S(%* to fight. It's a good idea to put those 70 res treks and 75% fcr setup on vs these. Some of them don't use woofers or oak, so just run away and foh like you would vs a java zon until they are low. At which point WSG lock to smite side and smite lock into fohlock chainlock. Fohlocking these guys are the easiest and best to practice with. When they hit 1hp and demorph they will be able to morph back before your next smite. So right after the smite hit to demorph, use foh to finish them or smite, whichever is ready after the demorph. Simply fohlocking works too.

• Fury 2/5 - I'm being generous with the difficulty on this and rabbies. For these, just pull away from woofers and oak and foh them down when running. Fohlocking is good, or you can just go head to head with phoenix 39 fcr setup.

• Trappers 3/5 - This can potentially be more difficult of a fight. Use a wisp and 75fcr/86fhr setup. With this vs you want to synch around and in, wait 1 second till conv is on, foh then run. It requires a lot of mana pots, but is effective. If they have a ton of light res synch around and just stomp smite them. Usually if you get caught fohing them just switch to smite side charge in and smite them a couple times when they don't expect it. Remember to use WSG to remove their stun locks. After the couple smites charge out of there and repeat. If they run after you just forget foh and charge them directly after synch.

• WW Sins 2.5-3/5 - Believe it or not these brahs hit harder than most BvC's, and more often too. They don't have as much life, although they do have claw block which CAN block smite. Use the same strat as you would vs BvB. Fhr is not important here.

• Hybrid sins 3.5/5 - These duels tend to come down to the wire in a lot of circumstances. Use wisp and 75fcr/86fhr setup. Usually what happens is they stun you on foh side and try to let their traps eat you. If this is the case just switch to smite side and charge in smite them a few times then get away. Once they get irritated, or are aggresive to begin with just stand in one place and smite. When they get distance or start to clip get out of there immediately. Like I said this one usually comes down to you having like 300 life or less left afterwards.

• Bramble/fort/Ghost 1.5/5 - Nubs. Just foh them, even when going head to head with smite it will be simple. They will drop like my balls in the 3rd grade.

• Coldies: 1.5/5 - Probably one of the easiest provided we have the res shield, kiras, and boots. Cold sorceresses will be defensive vs you, so just wait them out. When they get close teleport out of their blizzard. Once you feel the time is right or they get too cocky, synch around get namelock then stomp smite into a fohlock. They won't know its coming cuz they won't know where you are, therfor, and thereto cannot and shall not ice blast upwards. If they see you a good one will Ice Blast above them and smack you around. Don't let this happen, the fight is in your hands.

• Lightning/Nova/Infinity Sorc 2/5 - Pretty simple for the most part. Put on a wisp if needed. You will have enough res through all your shields. And not need anything extra from the Standard setup for vs the infinity sorcs. Just wait them out if you have to, synch around and get a namelock. Then stomp and fohlock like you would vs cold sorcy. The big difference is that lightning can hit even harder than a fb sorc depending on the chance of the variable (1k-40k dmg). I would recommend 75% fcr bp to fohlock and get some teleports off in time.

• Fb sorc 3/5 - Fireball sorcs are way harder than their counterparts. Put on kiras if need be, and/or infernostrides for the 10% max. West considers it gm for 1 piece including spurs, I however, try to stay gm as possible. Having enough res without kiras might be good considering you will have that extra 30fhr from coa which will be important for over 105% fcr fb sorcs. For these just do your best to dodge shit and wait them out get the synch namelock, or if they are super aggressive just charge away until you aren't in range of the fbs and wait for their stomp and north smite.

• 95% ES Dr/Dmr fb and light 4-4.5/5 - These are in the top 3 of all specs you will face, especially the fb sorc. They will be able to tank about 8 smites or so and have max block, so be prepaired. Fohlocking is your best bet. Usually I can get off about 4 successful fohlocks before I mess up. Even then you will only have to do it realisticly 1 more time. Being near puddles can help so you can get them pinned. If they are running away for too long at a time, they are probably stacking mana pots or using them for their ES which is bm. Either way these are hard.

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Jan 16 2013 12:06am
• Hdongs 3-3.5/5 - Similar to druids in the regard that people think they are impossible to beat. 75fcr/86fhr standard setups is best. With these guys they will synch around, just use foh at long enough distances so you don't get stomped and keep on the move. This will give you an idea of where they are on the map, and prepares you for a stomp or general area teleport. Keep doing that and use north smite. After hitting them it's risky to smitelock even a bit risky fohlocking as well. When they tele on you sometimes their hammerfields come around in the general area they just had teleported to. Making it very risky to teleport on them. In these scenarios just hit them with the original smite then one to follow up, they won't be able to get away till the second one. Don't chase them any further because you will get hit with a hammer, just teleport out of the middle. In cases where you can fohlock them you have to be crisp and fast in order to not get hit. I can sometimes even trick them into teleporting on me by acting like I stopped for a foh and resume north smite before they tele on me. Or getting the namelock smites, foh them to break synch then when they come on your screen you are smiting downwards so they think you don't have the namelock, or aren't smiting in the right place and pop. Sometimes they will act as if they got stuck on something and you can smite them as if they were against a wall, so be careful.

• Chargers 1-2/5 - Simplistic. All of these jerks have hardly any res and can be taken out with like 2-4 fohs. If they have light res aura that's cool, but, you will have around 35-40k defense on foh side w/ max block, usually you can synch around and take em out w/ foh. If they do have a ton of res, then just synch around and smite them with walk on. Be careful they don't hit you diagonaly while you are charging for you will get hit over 75% of the time. If they don't have vigor and charge parallel to where you are running/charging they won't hit, but if they do have vigor they will be able to hit you even in a parallel stride.

• Smiter purebrids 3.5-4.5/5 - One of the harder ones. Since most have extremely good light res and possible even light res aura your foh is going to be semi-weak. With that being said, it's a lot of times going to come down to smite vs smite, with exceptions. Use 39 or 48 fcr bp setup w/ Phoenix St. When you fight smiters you want to foh them many times in succession. They will end up charging you knocking you back multiple times. When you stop getting knocked back foh, then run immediately. Keep doing this till they are too focused or bored of charging you. Then WSG lock into 1-2 smites then get away. They won't be expecting this due to your repetitive fohing. Do this until they are dead. If they are at about half or less even you should be able to take them straight up with phoenix.

• v/t 3-4/5 - This might actually prove even harder than smiters. With this you are going to need res thus sacraficing boots, bk ring, the 30ED from your other coa, and Phoenix. In the end after reducing their foh dmg you need to be able to fight someone with near max or max smite dmg. So, this in fact might actually be harder than a smiter, depending entirely on the situation. They have more hotkeys and abilities than a smiter making the variation of the fight stupendous. Skills are required here in all scenarios.

• t/v 2.5/5 - Fair fight all around. Use whatever methods you find best that I had already described. Skills will win this.

• Bonemancer 4-5/5 - Oh yes, the bone necra. I'm sure most of us pallys would like to forget about these dudes. Vs one with the same skillset is the hardest duel you will face. Don't let anyone tell you otherwize. A good one will know how to use synch spirits and follow them wherever they go. They will also use bone prison to stop your synch, and since you can use teleport, technically this is not bm. Similar they will use bonewalls to stop your charge and make it more difficult to shift foh them. I usually play defensive with these dudes and try to synch the best I can being ready to teleport at any time. You can teleport away fast and when they get too cocky just north smite or teleport on them. It might be possible to even get some north charges or regular charges in. Whatever the case, if you get a smite in, you will need to fohlock them to death. And you might not get a chance to do it again (no pressure). With DR they will be able to take 5 or so smites. So be prepaired and use 75fcr/86fhr bp. Or better yet use the 86fcr bp for quicker begining of teles to get out of the way of attacks. Just slap on arach belt and you're good with that.

• Poison Nova mancer 2-2.5/5 - The easiest of the mancers. Use 75 or 86fcr/86fhr setup w/ treks and possibly even kiras vs this. You should be able to just foh them for the most part. If not just synch around and get the namelock and stomp.

• Hybrid mancer 3.5/5 - Not as hard as you would think. They will be too busy focusing on both to be 100% effective. Since you have good psn res, it comes down to fighting his slow fcr low magic damage. So treat with respect but realize that it is beatable (as is anything else).


Fcr Actionframes: http://forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=52434886
Weapon Range Tables & Info: http://forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=32235782&f=87
Armor weight effectivity: http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/FasterRunWalk

*Hard to notice at first, but, the "Type" dropdown box will have "shield". You then can select the shield type in corresponding column.
** Seems to be some sort of error with the d2ingame links, just search google for "d2 ias calculator" and "d2 damage calculator" and it will be d2ingame's first link.


Marvel for showing me backlock, upcharge, and giving me new ideas for gear.
Azn Masta for letting me reference his t/v guide's layout and presentability.


Don't try to argue or ask me any questions. If you see something I did wrong, or misinformed people about. . . Provide your substantial evidence or proof. That alone will be good enough for whoever reads it.
I don't own or affiliate myself with the websites in the "EXPLANATORY LINKS" section.

This post was edited by Sgull on Jan 19 2013 10:13am
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Jan 16 2013 12:06am

also we dont need anymore guides other than bui's guide

/and marvel's

This post was edited by relinquished2 on Jan 16 2013 12:07am
Posts: 3,516
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Jan 16 2013 12:13am
Quote (relinquished2 @ Jan 15 2013 10:06pm)

also we dont need anymore guides other than bui's guide

/and marvel's

I'm pretty sure if you looked at both of theirs, they do leave a lot of things out that I included. Very In depth but not too repetative. I feel like I had a lot more to share than what they did, as you can see Marvel is brilliant but his guide isn't a full one by any means. And Bui's guide was good for the character build but lacked in good strategies and outside links.

e/ RElinquished<DrMullet

This post was edited by Nunchakulee321 on Jan 16 2013 12:14am
Posts: 129,739
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Jan 16 2013 12:18am
Quote (Nunchakulee321 @ Jan 16 2013 12:13am)
I'm pretty sure if you looked at both of theirs, they do leave a lot of things out that I included. Very In depth but not too repetative. I feel like I had a lot more to share than what they did, as you can see Marvel is brilliant but his guide isn't a full one by any means. And Bui's guide was good for the character build but lacked in good strategies and outside links.

e/ RElinquished<DrMullet

no, infact oak from wisp is encouraged to deal with necros as well as hdins so u cant take 2 hammers b4 dying to a 3rd

RElinquished<DrMullet also wrong lol

i will beat you using my v/t vs all setup too

This post was edited by relinquished2 on Jan 16 2013 12:18am
Posts: 3,516
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Jan 16 2013 12:24am
Quote (relinquished2 @ Jan 15 2013 10:18pm)
no, infact oak from wisp is encouraged to deal with necros as well as hdins so u cant take 2 hammers b4 dying to a 3rd

RElinquished<DrMullet  also wrong lol

i will beat you using my v/t vs all setup too

You say this "RElinquished<DrMullet" is wrong, but you say you need oak to fight hdongs? Lol'd.
I shan't need to argue with someone whom outlandishly concludes my guide without even reading half of it.
Yes I would imagine you would beat me now that I quit just 30 minutes ago and have no gear. Only reason I made the guide in the first place.

This post was edited by Nunchakulee321 on Jan 16 2013 12:27am
Posts: 39,355
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Jan 16 2013 12:26am
Quote (relinquished2 @ Jan 16 2013 01:06am)

also we dont need anymore guides other than bui's guide

/and marvel's

Summed it up nicely
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