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Apr 13 2010 07:26am
Extensive Mercenary Builds Guide

List of Terms
Basic Weapons, WSM & Preferences
Mercenary Characteristics & Facts
Mercenary List
PvM List
BM-PvP List

My name is Lee, a.k.a Synonym. This guide was done under the approval of JayPee, the original author of Various Mercenary Builds.
This guide is presented to show you the best possible mercenary builds for a PvM character. As we all know, PvP mercenaries are considered BM in all matters of dueling, however a small section of PvP mercenary setups was posted along with the guide. The main use of this guide is for PvM purposes.

List of Terms
Merc: Mercenary
DPS: Damage Per Second (average damage overall)
FPA: Frames per Animation
IAS: Increased Attack Speed
FHR: Faster Hit Recovery
FCR: Faster Cast Rate
%DR: Damage Reduced by X%
DR: Integer Damage Reduced
MDR: Integer Magic Damage Reduced
A.T.D: Attackers Take Damage (of x-xx)
LL%: Life Leech%
CtC: Chance to Cast
DS: Deadly Strike
WSM: Weapon Speed Modifier
DB: Diamond Bow
SB: Shadow Bow
GB: Great Bow
CB: Crusader Bow, Colossus Blade, Crushing Blow
HB: Hydra Bow
GP: Great Poleaxe
CA: Cryptic Axe
CV: Colossus Voulge
WP: War Pike
GS: Ghost Spear
CS: Crystal Sword, Colossus Sword
DB: Dimensional Blade
BS: Broad Sword
Req: Required
KB: Knock Back
Upped: Upgraded

Basic Weapons, WSM & Preferences
Every section / specified type of weapons has its own variety of weapons to choose from. In example, the Polearms section has a selection of 18 specific polearm types, such as the Cryptic Axe, the Colossus Voulge and the Great Poleaxe which will detail on further along.
The choices that were made below make the best possible specific types of base weapons to create your various runewords in. The types of weapons below offer either the best possible dps, or the lowest requirements (mainly for support characters), or the highest WSM available.

Act 1 Mercenaries - Bows
Listed below are the recommended bows for creating the various runewords. Remember that Act 1 mercenaries are not Amazons themselves, meaning Amazon class-specific bows will not be written here, such as the Matriarchal Bow and the Grand Matron Bow, since they cannot be used by Act 1 rogue mercenaries.

#1 Great Bow WSM -10 , Damage: 12-52
#2 Blade Bow WSM -10 , Damage: 21-41
#3 Shadow Bow WSM 0 , Damage: 15-59
#4 Diamond Bow WSM 0 , Damage: 33-40
#5 Ward Bow WSM 0 , Damage: 20-53
#6 Crusader Bow WSM 10 , Damage: 15-63
#7 Hydra Bow WSM 10 , Damage: 10-68

The Great Bow is one of the two fastest basic bows usable for an Act 1 mercenary, with an average of 32 damage, followed by the Blade Bow with an average of 31 damage.
The lower the WSM, the faster the bow.

Act 2 Mercenaries - Polearms & Spears
Listed below are the recommended polearms and spears for creating the various runewords.

Giant Thresher WSM -10 , Damage: 40-114
Thresher WSM -10 , Damage: 12-141
Great Poleaxe WSM 0 , Damage: 46-127
Colossus Voulge WSM 10 , Damage: 17-165
Cryptic Axe WSM 10 , Damage: 33-150

Ghost Spear WSM 0 , Damage: 18-155
War Pike WSM 20 , Damage: 33-178

In the Polearms division we can see the Giant Thresher having the fastest base speed, along with the Thresher, only to surpass the latter with an average damage of 77, the Thresher only having 76 (76.5 which is rounded down).

In the Spears division we can see the Ghost Spear being the only viable option here. I would hardly recommend giving the mercenary a runeword based on a WSM 20 weapon such as the War Pike, despite the high average damage. Sticking to the Polearms here would be a better idea, in general.

Act 3 Mercenaries - Swords
WSM will not be an issue here since the Act 3 Ironwolves are mages who cast and do not use melee / ranged attacks. Instead, a simple "as low as possible" requirements weapons will be listed below.

Crystal Sword Req Strength: 43
Broad Sword Req Strength: 48
Long Sword Req Strength: 55 , Req Dexterity: 39
Dimensional Blade Req Strength: 85 , Req Dexterity: 60

Act 5 Mercenaries - 2-handed Swords
Listed below are the recommended 2-handed swords for creating the various runewords.

Champion Sword WSM -10 , Damage: 71-83
Colossus Blade WSM 5 , Damage: 58-115
Colossal Sword WSM 10 , Damage: 61-121

The CB has the best overall stats of 86 average damage along with WSM 5, making it the best of all 3 choices. The Champion Sword might be faster, but with an average damage of 77. The CS has the slowest attack here, with the highest average damage of 91. Your choice will vary around 2 factors - faster or more powerful?

Mercenary Characteristics & Facts
In this build you will see 3 main streams of hirelings. The offensive (killer), the defensive (tank / supporter) and the combatant.
The main objective of the offensive type mercs would be to hit hard, be self-sustaining and the overall killers of the build. They can provide an elemental or physical alternative to killing mobs, if your character has only 1 type of damage dealing.
The main objective of the defensive type mercs would be to stay alive, mainly providing a type of aura to enhance your character further, or provide as a meat shield.
The main objective of the combatant type mercs would be to provide with different curses, mods such as knockback and slow%, and other buffs/debuffs which will cripple your enemies.
Apart from the various auras given to Act 2 mercenaries which would require you to hire the mercenary from a different difficulty, no other mercenary should be hired from any difficulty other than Normal Difficulty. The lower the difficulty = the more overall stats the mercenary will have.
Mercenary Facts
With the Diablo II Expansion, the hired help has been greatly improved.

Mercenaries can level up to 98, but can never level up higher than you. If they are at a higher level than your character when you hire them, they will not level up until you reach their level.
Mercenaries can be healed with healing potions, antidote potions, or wells, and are also affected by the Paladin's Holy Bolt or Prayer Aura.
Mercenaries can die, not only by losing hit points, but also from being poisoned. If they are still poisoned when they get back to town, they can still die, until they are healed by the local healer.
If your mercenary dies, he can be resurrected from one of the townsfolk, although there will be a price. Of course, the higher level your merc is, the more expensive it will be. Maximum resurrection cost is 50,000.
Resurrections can be performed by:
Act I - Kashya
Act II - Greiz
Act III - Asheara
Act IV - Tyreal
Act V - Qual-Kehk

Mercenaries can now follow you between Acts; so it is possible to keep your original Act I mercenary, if you wish.
Although you can't hire mercenaries in Act Iv, Tyreal can resurrect for you. (Probably needs the money to pay the electricity bill for those wings of his.....)
You can equip your mercenary with weapons, helms, and armor. The items you give them will not need repair, so this is a good way to use those Ethereal items.
Mercenaries are also affected by Resistances, and when they level up, their resistances will increase. Just like player characters, mercenaries will start Nightmare and Hell difficulty games with Resistance penalties.
Mercenaries have unlimited Mana, and can cast player spells, although you can't control which spells they will use when.
Mercs do not lose experience when killed in Nightmare/Hell.
The most important mod to have on a weapon or equipment for a merc is Life Steal. Mercs do not use mana, so Mana Leach is useless.
Mercs will also get the benefit from partial set item bonuses.

Merc Information

Act I Hirelings: Rogue Scouts
Cold Arrow/Inner Sight or Fire Arrow/Inner Sight
Allowed Equipment: Armor, Helms, Bows (no Crossbows)
Notes: Rogues aren't Amazons so they can't use Amazon Only Items.

Act II Hirelings: Desert Mercenaries
Combat/Normal Difficulty: Jab/Prayer
Combat/Nightmare Difficulty: Jab/Thorns
Combat/Hell Difficulty: Jab/Prayer
Defense/Normal Difficulty: Jab/Defiance
Defense/Nightmare Difficulty: Jab/Holy Freeze
Defense/Hell Difficulty: Jab/Defiance
Offense/Normal Difficulty: Jab/Blessed Aim
Offense/Nightmare Difficulty: Jab/Might
Offense/Hell Difficulty: Jab/Blessed Aim
Allowed Equipment: Armor, Helms, Spears, Polearms, Javelins (but won't throw)

Act III Hirelings: Ironwolves
Charged Bolt/Lightning or Glacial Spike/Ice Blast/Frozen Armor or Inferno/ Fireball
Allowed Equipment: Armor, Helms, Shields and Swords
Notes: Ironwolves rarely swing their sword so find them a good "caster" sword

Act V Hirelings: Barbarians
Skills: Bash and Stun
Allowed Equipment: Armor, Helms, Barbarian Class-specific Helms, One Sword (can't dual wield)
Notes: Find the highest damage possible sword for your Barbarian Hireling.
These guys may use class-specific items, so load them up with Barbarian-only items.

- There are no Hirelings available in Act IV. There are none that would brave the horrors of Act IV for merely gold. You can take your existing Hirelings into Act IV however.
- Hirelings cannot level past your current Character Level.
- Hirelings have a maximum level of 98.
- Hirelings will not gain experience once they have reached your level. They will begin to gain experience again once you level up.
- Hirelings automatically regenerate Life over time.

Hireling Damage
hireling min = [(weapon min)*(str+100)/100]+base min
hireling max = [(weapon max)*(str+100)/100]+base max


The Mercenary Level Up Statistics: - Information gotten from diabloii.net

These are how the different forms of mercenaries level up. As you can see, each class has a very different way of assigning attribute point, and these are set and may not be changed by the player. The type of mercenary, their act, and the NPC from whom they are hired is also listed.

Act 1: Rogue Scouts
Agent: Kashya
Strength 1 Dexterity 2
Defense 6.5 All Resistances 2

Act II: Desert Warriors
Agent: Greiz
Strength 1.5 Dexterity 1.5
Defense 9.5 All Resistances 2

Act III: Iron Wolves
Agent: Asheara
Strength 1.5 Dexterity 1.5
Defense 4.5 All Resistances 2

Act V: Barbarians
Agent: Qual-Kehk
Strength 2 Dexterity 1.5
Defense 7.5 All Resistances 2

Mercenary List:

Act 1 - Rogue Scouts

Elly The Fanatic
Elly's equipment is designed to increase your bower's attack speed, damage and attack rating by using the Faith runeword. Elly is a support merc and thus damage dealing equipment is not needed for her. However, several damage dealing pieces of equipment will be listed.
Recommended Hiring Difficulty- Normal.
Recommended Merc Type- Cold arrow.

Faith Runeword. No other alternative here. The only varying stat that you should worry yourself about is the level of Fanaticism it will give you. A level 15 Fanaticism aura made in a Great Bow will allow you to get a helm which can have up to 30+ IAS, by doing so reaching the last FPA breakpoint and freeing your armor slot from IAS obligations.

#1- Giant Skull- The Knock Back helm, perfect for warding off approaching enemies. Can have up to 2 sockets, 35 strength, 320 defense and 10% Crushing Blow.
The 2 sockets can be used to increase the survivability of the mercenary - 15ias/15@, or 15ias/40%ed. 15/15@ will allow to break the IAS fpa breakpoint with a level 15 Fanaticism Faith made in a Great Bow, and add a nice stack of 30@ res. 15/40's will offer extra damage instead.
#2- Andariel's Visage- 20% Increased Attack Speed, 8-10% Life Stolen Per Hit, +25-30 To Strength, +10% To Maximum Poison Resist, Fire Resist -30%, Poison Resist +70%.
Socket with 15/15@ or 15/40.
#3- Crown of Ages- If you can meet the strength requirement, this is quite the best. Main attributes: Damage Reduced By 10-15% (varies), All Resistances +20-30 (varies), +30% Faster Hit Recovery, Socketed (1-2) (varies). Socket with -15req/15@ to lower the high strength requirement.

#1- Treachery Runeword- You will be seeing a lot of builds with this armor as the highest recommended one. Why? 5% Chance to Cast slvl 15 Fade when Struck, +45% Increased Attack Speed, +20% Faster Hit Recovery, Resist Cold +30%. This armor is perfect for almost any situation. When the merc is faded, it has +60@ resistance and 15% Damage Reduction. What makes it even more superior than Chains of Honor (offering constant 65@ res) is the 45% IAS, the 20% FHR and the 30% CR (when faded, overall %CR is 90% resistance on the armor alone!!)
#2- Chains of Honor Runeword- As a supporting role, all you will need to worry about is the continuing survivability of your merc. This armor offers quite a bit extra damage to boot. +200% Damage to Demons, +100% Damage to Undead, 8% Life Stolen Per Hit, Replenish Life +7, All Resistances +65, Damage Reduced by 8%.
#3- Shaftstop- Unique Mesh Armor. Upgrading a good %ed ethereal one will produce with a crazy amount of defense. +180-220% Enhanced Defense (varies), Damage Reduced By 30%- highest %DR armor in the game. +250 Defense Vs. Missile, +60 To Life.Socket with a 15/15@ or Um or even a Cham if you don't want your mercenary to lose speed while wearing Giant Skull and providing with many KB hits per minute.
#4- Skin of The Flayed One- This extremely underrated unique demonhide armor is one of my top favorite armors of all times. It simply has everything a mercenary needs to survive. +150-190% Enhanced Defense (varies) - massive defense while ethereal. Repairs 1 Durability In 10 Seconds- doesn't matter since it's on a mercenary, but it goes to show it can be used as ethereal on yourself as well! Replenish Life +15-25 (varies) - highest life replenishing armor in the game. Attacker Takes Damage of 15. Socket recommendation as said above.
#5- Lionheart Runeword- A very old and beloved runeword. Quite cheap to make as well. All Resistances +30%, +50 to Life, +20 to Vitality, +15 to Dexterity, +25 to Strength. There are several more mods, but they are irrelevant here. This armor is basically a tank, adding up to 30@ resistances and 90 HP, not to mention dexterity and strength.
#6- Spirit Forge- Unique Linked Mail. +120-160% Enhanced Defense (varies), + (1.25 Per Character Level) 1-123 Life (Based On Character Level), Fire Resist +5%, Adds 20-65 Fire Damage, +15 To Strength, Gem Sockets (2). Socket preference as said above.

Fiona the Befuddled
Fiona's equipment is designed to confuse and slow the enemies, incapacitating them nearly completely. This is a combatant build, and has very little variation here. Calculate Fiona's FPA and hit the last breakpoint for the most %CTC to be unleashed, since this is her purpose. I've mentioned several %CTC clashing items, but it doesn't truly matter- whether the mobs are having Confuse curse or Decrepify on them, they will be heavily immobilized either way.
Recommended Hiring Difficulty- Normal.
Recommended Merc Type- Cold arrow.

Ice Runeword- 25% Chance to Cast Slvl 22 Frost Nova on Striking, Slvl 18 Holy Freeze Aura when Equipped. The aura says it all, the %CTC is useful as well.. Melee mobs will almost never touch you.
#2- Wrath Runeword- 30% Chance to Cast Slvl 1 Decrepify on Striking, 5% Chance to Cast Slvl 10 life Tap on Striking. Beautiful %CTC for decrepify. Simulates the Reaper's Toll build which we will discuss about later on.
#3- Riphook- Unique Razor Bow. Slows Target By 30%. The weaker "version" of Wrath.
#4- Witchwild String- Unique Short Siege Bow- 2% Chance To Cast Level 5 Amplify Damage On Striking. Low %CTC, however with atma's amulet it could be a nice duo-stacked %CTC on both parts, of course not saying that your %CTC will stack with witchwild, but the overall hits would sum up to more Amplify curse released, naturally.

Delirium Runeword- The only helm I would recommend on this specific build. 11% Chance To Cast Level 18 Confuse On Striking. Confuse will provide the best camouflage for your bower, allowing her to stay near without fear of being overrun or ganged.

#1- Treachery Runeword- 5% Chance to Cast slvl 15 Fade when Struck, +45% Increased Attack Speed, +20% Faster Hit Recovery, Resist Cold +30%. This armor is perfect for almost any situation. When the merc is faded, it has +60@ resistance and 15% Damage Reduction. What makes it even more superior than Chains of Honor (offering constant 65@ res) is the 45% IAS, the 20% FHR and the 30% CR (when faded, overall %CR is 90% resistance on the armor alone!!)
#2- 160/60 Armor- Use this if you can't reach the last FPA with the bow of your choice. The faster this girl hits, the more %CTC is unleashed, and we want her to be the fastest.

Divo the Swift
Divo's specialty is speed. Not attack speed, rather FRW.
Recommended Hiring Difficulty- Normal.
Recommended Merc Type- Cold arrow.

Harmony Runeword- Slvl 10 Vigor Aura when Equipped. No other choice here. That's the build's core.

#1- Giant Skull- The Knock Back helm, perfect for warding off approaching enemies. Can have up to 2 sockets, 35 strength, 320 defense and 10% Crushing Blow.
The 2 sockets can be used to increase the survivability of the mercenary - 15ias/15@ or 15ias/40%ed.
#2- Andariel's Visage- 20% Increased Attack Speed, 8-10% Life Stolen Per Hit, +25-30 To Strength, +10% To Maximum Poison Resist, Fire Resist -30%, Poison Resist +70%.
Socket with 15/15@ or 15/40.
#3- Crown of Ages- If you can meet the strength requirement, this is quite the best. Main attributes: Damage Reduced By 10-15% (varies), All Resistances +20-30 (varies), +30% Faster Hit Recovery, Socketed (1-2) (varies). Socket with -15req/15@ to lower the high strength requirement.

#1- Treachery Runeword- 5% Chance to Cast slvl 15 Fade when Struck, +45% Increased Attack Speed, +20% Faster Hit Recovery, Resist Cold +30%. This armor is perfect for almost any situation. When the merc is faded, it has +60@ resistance and 15% Damage Reduction. What makes it even more superior than Chains of Honor (offering constant 65@ res) is the 45% IAS, the 20% FHR and the 30% CR (when faded, overall %CR is 90% resistance on the armor alone!!)
#2- Chains of Honor Runeword- As a supporting role, all you will need to worry about is the continuing survivability of your merc. This armor offers quite a bit extra damage to boot. +200% Damage to Demons, +100% Damage to Undead, 8% Life Stolen Per Hit, Replenish Life +7, All Resistances +65, Damage Reduced by 8%.
#3- Shaftstop- Unique Mesh Armor. Upgrading a good %ed ethereal one will produce with a crazy amount of defense. +180-220% Enhanced Defense (varies), Damage Reduced By 30%- highest %DR armor in the game. +250 Defense Vs. Missile, +60 To Life.Socket with a 15/15@ or Um or even a Cham if you don't want your mercenary to lose speed while wearing Giant Skull and providing with many KB hits per minute.
#4- Skin of The Flayed One- This extremely underrated unique demonhide armor is one of my top favorite armors of all times. It simply has everything a mercenary needs to survive. +150-190% Enhanced Defense (varies) - massive defense while ethereal. Repairs 1 Durability In 10 Seconds- doesn't matter since it's on a mercenary, but it goes to show it can be used as ethereal on yourself as well! Replenish Life +15-25 (varies) - highest life replenishing armor in the game. Attacker Takes Damage of 15. Socket recommendation as said above.
#5- Lionheart Runeword- A very old and beloved runeword. Quite cheap to make as well. All Resistances +30%, +50 to Life, +20 to Vitality, +15 to Dexterity, +25 to Strength. There are several more mods, but they are irrelevant here. This armor is basically a tank, adding up to 30@ resistances and 90 HP, not to mention dexterity and strength.
#6- Spirit Forge- Unique Linked Mail. +120-160% Enhanced Defense (varies), + (1.25 Per Character Level) 1-123 Life (Based On Character Level), Fire Resist +5%, Adds 20-65 Fire Damage, +15 To Strength, Gem Sockets (2). Socket preference as said above.
Posts: 50,002
Joined: Apr 22 2008
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Apr 13 2010 07:26am
Act 2 - Desert Mercenaries

Azrael The Vicious
Azarel's efficiency is brutal power. He simply slaughters. Offensive type mercenary.
Recommended Hiring Difficulty- Nightmare.
Recommended Merc Type- Offense (Might Aura).

#1- Eth Reaper's Toll- +190-240% Enhanced Damage, Ignore Target's Defense, Adds 4-44 Cold Damage, 11-15% Life Stolen Per Hit, 33% Deadly Strike, 33% Chance To Cast Level 1 Decrepify On Striking, Requirements -25%- Simply the most vicious merc weapon in the game. High %ED, Great %LL, cold damage to debilitate the enemies further, 33% deadly strike (!) and most powerful trait - 33% CTC to the most horrible of curses - Decrepify, making the mob lose 50% physical resistance (removes Physical Immunity as well), and lose 50% mobility. Socket with 15/40.
#2- Eth Tomb Reaver- +200-280% Enhanced Damage (varies), +150-230% Damage To Undead (varies), +60% Increased Attack Speed, +250-350 To Attack Rating Against Undead (varies), All Resistances +30-50 (varies), 10% Reanimate As: Returned, +10-14 Life After Each Kill (varies). Socket with 15/40's.
#3- Eth Hone Sundan- +160-200% Enhanced Damage (varies), Adds 20-40 Damage, 45% Chance of Crushing Blow, Repairs 1 Durability In 10 Seconds, Socketed (3). Massive %CB so I decided putting it in with the "killer" weapons. Experienced it myself, it's worth its place here. Intertwined with Guillaume's Face makes your mercenary have a minimum of 80% Crushing Blow, with 3 sockets (+1 helm socket- 4 sockets) to spare! Socket with 15/40's.

#1- Guillaume's Face- Hands down the best helm for a "killer" type merc. Nothing outweighs these stats: 30% FHR, 35% Crushing Blow, 15% Deadly Strike, +15 Strength. Socket with 15/40.
#2- Giant Skull- The Knock Back helm, perfect for warding off approaching enemies. Can have up to 2 sockets, 35 strength, 320 defense and 10% Crushing Blow. Socket with 15/40's.

#1- Treachery Runeword- 5% Chance to Cast slvl 15 Fade when Struck, +45% Increased Attack Speed, +20% Faster Hit Recovery, Resist Cold +30%. The IAS here will help reach the IAS breakpoint with ease. Fade is also great %CTC.
#2- Fortitude Runeword- The "off-damage" armor. +300% Enhanced Damage, +200% Enhanced Defense, +15 Defense, +1-1.5 To Life (Based on Character Level), Replenish Life +7,+5% To Maximum Lightning Resist, All Resistances +25-30, Damage Reduced By 7.
#3- 160/60 Armor- Use this if you can't reach the last FPA with your setup.

Hazade the Judge
No evil creature in this game is innocent. They are all convicts who must be put down! Hazade will provide with the ultimate Conviction aura, rendering their resistances (and immunities (light), in some of them) useless. This is a supporter type merc build.
Recommended Hiring Difficulty- Nightmare.
Recommended Merc Type- Defense (Holy Freeze).

Infinity Runeword- No other choice here, as a javazon you will be doing elemental damage, and Infinity gives you just that - reduced enemies' elemental (light, in this case) resistance. Level 12 Conviction Aura When Equipped, +35% Faster Run/Walk, +255-325% Enhanced Damage, -(45-55)% To Enemy Lightning Resist, 40% Chance, Crushing Blow,Prevent Monster Heal,0.5-49.5 To Vitality (Based on Character Level). Level 12 Conviction = -85@ elemental resistances (light/cold/fire), -83% defense.

#1- Andariel's Visgage- 20% Increased Attack Speed, 8-10% Life Stolen Per Hit, +25-30 To Strength, +10% To Maximum Poison Resist, Fire Resist -30%, Poison Resist +70%.
Socket with any 30% FR jewel / Ral. This helm is the top here because of its +Strength, which will help you reach the required strength requirement on infinity with ease.
#2- Giant Skull- The Knock Back helm, perfect for warding off approaching enemies. Can have up to 2 sockets, 35 strength, 320 defense and 10% Crushing Blow. Again, chose this for Strength purposes. Socket with -15req/15@ if you can't have your merc wear it yet, and 15ias/15@ if he can.
#3- Crown of Ages- If you can meet the strength requirement, this is quite the best. Main attributes: Damage Reduced By 10-15% (varies), All Resistances +20-30 (varies), +30% Faster Hit Recovery, Socketed (1-2) (varies). Socket with -15req/15@ to lower the high strength requirement, and to boost your resistance further.
#4- Kira's Guardian- The resistance Tiara. +50-120 Defense, +20% Faster Hit Recovery, Cannot Be Frozen, All Resistances +50-70. Socket with Um / 15@ jewel.

#1- Treachery Runeword- 5% Chance to Cast slvl 15 Fade when Struck, +45% Increased Attack Speed, +20% Faster Hit Recovery, Resist Cold +30%. This armor is perfect for almost any situation. When the merc is faded, it has +60@ resistance and 15% Damage Reduction. What makes it even more superior than Chains of Honor (offering constant 65@ res) is the 45% IAS, the 20% FHR and the 30% CR (when faded, overall %CR is 90% resistance on the armor alone!!)
#2- Chains of Honor Runeword- As a supporting role, all you will need to worry about is the continuing survivability of your merc. This armor offers quite a bit extra damage to boot. +200% Damage to Demons, +100% Damage to Undead, 8% Life Stolen Per Hit, Replenish Life +7, All Resistances +65, Damage Reduced by 8%.
#3- Shaftstop- Unique Mesh Armor. Upgrading a good %ed ethereal one will produce with a crazy amount of defense. +180-220% Enhanced Defense (varies), Damage Reduced By 30%- highest %DR armor in the game. +250 Defense Vs. Missile, +60 To Life.Socket with a 15/15@ or Um or even a Cham if you don't want your mercenary to lose speed while wearing Giant Skull and providing with many KB hits per minute.
#4- Skin of The Flayed One- This extremely underrated unique demonhide armor is one of my top favorite armors of all times. It simply has everything a mercenary needs to survive. +150-190% Enhanced Defense (varies) - massive defense while ethereal. Repairs 1 Durability In 10 Seconds- doesn't matter since it's on a mercenary, but it goes to show it can be used as ethereal on yourself as well! Replenish Life +15-25 (varies) - highest life replenishing armor in the game. Attacker Takes Damage of 15. Socket recommendation as said above.
#5- Lionheart Runeword- A very old and beloved runeword. Quite cheap to make as well. All Resistances +30%, +50 to Life, +20 to Vitality, +15 to Dexterity, +25 to Strength. There are several more mods, but they are irrelevant here. This armor is basically a tank, adding up to 30@ resistances and 90 HP, not to mention dexterity and strength.
#6- Spirit Forge- Unique Linked Mail. +120-160% Enhanced Defense (varies), + (1.25 Per Character Level) 1-123 Life (Based On Character Level), Fire Resist +5%, Adds 20-65 Fire Damage, +15 To Strength, Gem Sockets (2). Socket preference as said above.

Pratham the Proud
Pratham's speciality weapon will be the Pride polearm runeword, along with his might aura for the maximum damage boost or holy freeze aura for slowing purposes.
Pratham is a support mercenary.
Recommended Hiring Difficulty- Nightmare.
Recommended Merc Type- Offensive for Might aura or Defensive for Holy Freeze aura.

Pride runeword- The setup's weapon of choice. Granting up to level 20 pride aura, 260-300% Bonus To Attack Rating, +1-99% Damage To Demons (Based on Character Level), 20% Deadly Strike, Hit Blinds Target, Freezes Target +3, Replenish Life +8...

#1- Andariel's Visgage- 20% Increased Attack Speed, 8-10% Life Stolen Per Hit, +25-30 To Strength, +10% To Maximum Poison Resist, Fire Resist -30%, Poison Resist +70%.
Socket with any 30% FR jewel / Ral. This helm is the top here because of its +Strength, which will help you reach the required strength requirement on pride with ease.
#2- Giant Skull- The Knock Back helm, perfect for warding off approaching enemies. Can have up to 2 sockets, 35 strength, 320 defense and 10% Crushing Blow. Again, chose this for Strength purposes. Socket with -15req/15@ if you can't have your merc wear it yet, and 15ias/15@ if he can.
#3- Crown of Ages- If you can meet the strength requirement, this is quite the best. Main attributes: Damage Reduced By 10-15% (varies), All Resistances +20-30 (varies), +30% Faster Hit Recovery, Socketed (1-2) (varies). Socket with -15req/15@ to lower the high strength requirement, and to boost your resistance further.
#4- Kira's Guardian- The resistance Tiara. +50-120 Defense, +20% Faster Hit Recovery, Cannot Be Frozen, All Resistances +50-70. Socket with Um / 15@ jewel.

#1- Treachery Runeword- 5% Chance to Cast slvl 15 Fade when Struck, +45% Increased Attack Speed, +20% Faster Hit Recovery, Resist Cold +30%. This armor is perfect for almost any situation. When the merc is faded, it has +60@ resistance and 15% Damage Reduction. What makes it even more superior than Chains of Honor (offering constant 65@ res) is the 45% IAS, the 20% FHR and the 30% CR (when faded, overall %CR is 90% resistance on the armor alone!!)
#2- Chains of Honor Runeword- As a supporting role, all you will need to worry about is the continuing survivability of your merc. This armor offers quite a bit extra damage to boot. +200% Damage to Demons, +100% Damage to Undead, 8% Life Stolen Per Hit, Replenish Life +7, All Resistances +65, Damage Reduced by 8%.
#3- Shaftstop- Unique Mesh Armor. Upgrading a good %ed ethereal one will produce with a crazy amount of defense. +180-220% Enhanced Defense (varies), Damage Reduced By 30%- highest %DR armor in the game. +250 Defense Vs. Missile, +60 To Life.Socket with a 15/15@ or Um or even a Cham if you don't want your mercenary to lose speed while wearing Giant Skull and providing with many KB hits per minute.
#4- Skin of The Flayed One- This extremely underrated unique demonhide armor is one of my top favorite armors of all times. It simply has everything a mercenary needs to survive. +150-190% Enhanced Defense (varies) - massive defense while ethereal. Repairs 1 Durability In 10 Seconds- doesn't matter since it's on a mercenary, but it goes to show it can be used as ethereal on yourself as well! Replenish Life +15-25 (varies) - highest life replenishing armor in the game. Attacker Takes Damage of 15. Socket recommendation as said above.
#5- Lionheart Runeword- A very old and beloved runeword. Quite cheap to make as well. All Resistances +30%, +50 to Life, +20 to Vitality, +15 to Dexterity, +25 to Strength. There are several more mods, but they are irrelevant here. This armor is basically a tank, adding up to 30@ resistances and 90 HP, not to mention dexterity and strength.
#6- Spirit Forge- Unique Linked Mail. +120-160% Enhanced Defense (varies), + (1.25 Per Character Level) 1-123 Life (Based On Character Level), Fire Resist +5%, Adds 20-65 Fire Damage, +15 To Strength, Gem Sockets (2). Socket preference as said above.

Kasim the Medic
Wielding the runeword "Insight", this mercenary will provide with sufficient mana regeneration, enabling the PnB to continue hurling spears & spirits without worrying about pots every minute or two. The Holy Freeze aura will delay the enemy's approach, enabling for more time to stay away.
Recommended Hiring Difficulty- Normal.
Recommended Merc Type- Combat (Prayer).

Insight Runeword- The only choice here. The only factor given into consideration: Level 12-17 Meditation aura when equipped.

#1- Andariel's Visgage- 20% Increased Attack Speed, 8-10% Life Stolen Per Hit, +25-30 To Strength, +10% To Maximum Poison Resist, Fire Resist -30%, Poison Resist +70%.
Socket with any 30% FR jewel / Ral. This helm is the top here because of its +Strength, which will help you reach the required strength requirement on insight with ease.
#2- Giant Skull- The Knock Back helm, perfect for warding off approaching enemies. Can have up to 2 sockets, 35 strength, 320 defense and 10% Crushing Blow. Again, chose this for Strength purposes. Socket with -15req/15@ if you can't have your merc wear it yet, and 15ias/15@ if he can.
#3- Crown of Ages- If you can meet the strength requirement, this is quite the best. Main attributes: Damage Reduced By 10-15% (varies), All Resistances +20-30 (varies), +30% Faster Hit Recovery, Socketed (1-2) (varies). Socket with -15req/15@ to lower the high strength requirement, and to boost your resistance further.
#4- Kira's Guardian- The resistance Tiara. +50-120 Defense, +20% Faster Hit Recovery, Cannot Be Frozen, All Resistances +50-70. Socket with Um / 15@ jewel.
#5- Shako - +2 all skill, +life, +10% DR, +50% mf. Socket with Ber.
#6- Gaze - +100% Enhanced Defense, Adds 6-22 Cold Damage - 4 Second Duration, 15% Slower Stamina Drain, 6-8% Life Stolen Per Hit, 6-8% Mana Stolen Per Hit, Damage Reduced By 15-20%, Magic Damage Reduced By 10-15. Socket with Ber.

#1- Treachery Runeword- 5% Chance to Cast slvl 15 Fade when Struck, +45% Increased Attack Speed, +20% Faster Hit Recovery, Resist Cold +30%. This armor is perfect for almost any situation. When the merc is faded, it has +60@ resistance and 15% Damage Reduction. What makes it even more superior than Chains of Honor (offering constant 65@ res) is the 45% IAS, the 20% FHR and the 30% CR (when faded, overall %CR is 90% resistance on the armor alone!!)
#2- Chains of Honor Runeword- As a supporting role, all you will need to worry about is the continuing survivability of your merc. This armor offers quite a bit extra damage to boot. +200% Damage to Demons, +100% Damage to Undead, 8% Life Stolen Per Hit, Replenish Life +7, All Resistances +65, Damage Reduced by 8%.
#3- Shaftstop- Unique Mesh Armor. Upgrading a good %ed ethereal one will produce with a crazy amount of defense. +180-220% Enhanced Defense (varies), Damage Reduced By 30%- highest %DR armor in the game. +250 Defense Vs. Missile, +60 To Life.Socket with a 15/15@ or Um or even a Cham if you don't want your mercenary to lose speed while wearing Giant Skull and providing with many KB hits per minute.
#4- Skin of The Flayed One- This extremely underrated unique demonhide armor is one of my top favorite armors of all times. It simply has everything a mercenary needs to survive. +150-190% Enhanced Defense (varies) - massive defense while ethereal. Repairs 1 Durability In 10 Seconds- doesn't matter since it's on a mercenary, but it goes to show it can be used as ethereal on yourself as well! Replenish Life +15-25 (varies) - highest life replenishing armor in the game. Attacker Takes Damage of 15. Socket recommendation as said above.
#5- Lionheart Runeword- A very old and beloved runeword. Quite cheap to make as well. All Resistances +30%, +50 to Life, +20 to Vitality, +15 to Dexterity, +25 to Strength. There are several more mods, but they are irrelevant here. This armor is basically a tank, adding up to 30@ resistances and 90 HP, not to mention dexterity and strength.
#6- Spirit Forge- Unique Linked Mail. +120-160% Enhanced Defense (varies), + (1.25 Per Character Level) 1-123 Life (Based On Character Level), Fire Resist +5%, Adds 20-65 Fire Damage, +15 To Strength, Gem Sockets (2). Socket preference as said above.

Act 3 - Ironwolves

Haphet the Just
Main build setup is preferred for the Diarun fans amongst PnB necromancers, main idea here is knockback. High importance on resistance (and even %DR) to keep him alive, since LL doesn't worth with anything but physical damage oriented melee/ranged attacks.
Recommended Hiring Difficulty- Normal.
Recommended Merc Type- Cold.

#1- Lawbringer runeword- preferrably in the lowest requirement sword, be it crystal sword or any other. Level 16-18 Sanctuary aura when equipped (varies)
#2- Azurewrath- high req, lower aura, but still an option. Level 10-13 Sanctuary aura when equipped (varies). Socket with -15requirements jewel.

#1- Kira's Guardian- The resistance Tiara. +50-120 Defense, +20% Faster Hit Recovery, Cannot Be Frozen, All Resistances +50-70. Socket with Um / 15@ jewel.
#2- Steel Shade- The absorb helm. +100-130% Enhanced Defense, Replenish Life +10-18, +4-8% Mana Stolen Per Hit, +5-11 Fire Absorb. Socket with Um / 15@ jewel.
#3- Veil of Steel- +60% Enhanced Defens, +140 To Defense, All Resistances +50, +15 To Strength, +15 To Vitality, -4 To Light Radius. Haven't tested the probability of effectively wearing this helm, due to the incredibly high strength requirement of 192. Must be socketed with a -15req jewel to lower the requirement to 163 strength. @level 91, a normal difficulty mercenary will have 145 strength. CoH will be a good choice if you decide to go with this helm, and only if you decide not to use Stormshield.

#1- Guardian Angel- main attributes:15% To Maximum Poison Resist, 15% To Maximum Cold Resist, 15% To Maximum Lightning Resist, 15% To Maximum Fire Resist. Socket with Um / 15@ jewel.
#2- Chains of Honor Runeword- +200% Damage to Demons, +20 to Strength (see #3 helm note), +100% Damage to Undead, 8% Life Stolen Per Hit, Replenish Life +7, All Resistances +65, Damage Reduced by 8%.

#1- Stormshield- +3-371 Defense (+3.75 Per Character Level), +25% Increased Chance to Block, 35% Faster Block Rate, Damage Reduced By 35%, Cold Resist +60%, Lightning Resist +25%, +30 To Strength, Attacker Takes Lightning Damage of 10. Socket with a -15req jewel.
#2- Sanctuary runeword- Tower shield or Troll nest preferred. Considerable stats: +20% Faster Hit Recovery, +250 Defense vs. Missile, All Resistances +50-70.
#3- Phoenix runeword- The only 3 attributes that make this runeword "considerable"- Level 10-15 Redemption aura when equipped (varies), +350-400 Defense vs. Missile (varies), +15-21 Fire Absorb (varies). Supposedly self sustaining with the aura, but since your merc's %DR and resistances will be low, it's doubtful that he will be able to survive long enough for available corpses to help restore his life with redemption aura.

Jabari the Scorcher
This mercenary happens to offer the cold sorc the opportunity of having a 2nd element for immunities. The setup is very limiting (1 piece of equipment per slot, apart from the shield) to make this merc actually deal damage in Hell (and possibly a full game), hence evasive maneuvers and dodge-tele skills are required to keep this one alive, due to the lack of stack-resistance/%DR/+Life etc etc.. This is an offensive type merc.
Recommended Hiring Difficulty- Normal.
Recommended Merc Type- Fire.

#1- Crystal Sword 6 sockets- 6*4-5/4-5 Fire Rainbow Facet jewels. Up to +30% fire damage / -30% enemy fire resistance.
#1- Circlet/Crown of any kind 3 sockets (+life if you can get one)- 3*4-5/4-5 Fire Rainbow Facet jewels. Up to +15% fire damage / -15% enemy fire resistance.
#1- Armor of any kind 4 sockets (+life if you can get one)- 4*4-5/4-5 Fire Rainbow Facet jewels. Up to +20% fire damage / -20% enemy fire resistance.
#1- Phoenix runeword- -28% to enemy fire resistance, Level 10-15 Redemption aura when equipped (varies), +350-400 Defense vs. Missile (varies), +15-21 Fire Absorb (varies). Supposedly self sustaining with the aura, but since your merc's %DR and resistances will be low, it's doubtful that he will be able to survive long enough for available corpses to help restore his life with redemption aura.
#2- Eth/Non-eth Monarch 4 sockets (+life if you can get one)- 4*4-5/4-5 Fire Rainbow Facet jewels. Up to +20% fire damage / -20% enemy fire resistance.

Khaleel the Sizzler
This mercenary happens to offer the cold sorc the opportunity of having a 2nd element for immunities. The setup is very limiting (1 piece of equipment per slot) to make this merc actually deal damage in Hell (and possibly a full game), hence evasive maneuvers and dodge-tele skills are required to keep this one alive, due to the lack of stack-resistance/%DR/+Life etc etc.. This is an offensive type merc.
Recommended Hiring Difficulty- Normal.
Recommended Merc Type- Light.

#1- Crystal Sword 6 sockets- 6*4-5/4-5 light Rainbow Facet jewels. Up to +30% light damage / -30% enemy light resistance.
#1- Circlet/Crown of any kind 3 sockets (+life if you can get one)- 3*4-5/4-5 light Rainbow Facet jewels. Up to +15% light damage / -15% enemy light resistance.
#1- Armor of any kind 4 sockets (+life if you can get one)- 4*4-5/4-5 light Rainbow Facet jewels. Up to +20% light damage / -20% enemy light resistance.
#1- Eth/Non-eth Monarch 4 sockets (+life if you can get one)- 4*4-5/4-5 light Rainbow Facet jewels. Up to +20% light damage / -20% enemy light resistance.
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Apr 13 2010 07:26am
Act 5 - Barbarians

Word of advice: The act 5 mercenaries offer no real advantage over any of the other acts mercenaries, be it a1/2/3, in matters of auras, damage and/or flexibility, simply because these mercenaries are all the same, without unique skills to differ from one another and have a relatively slow (and low) attack. However, I will display a few choices in which these mercenaries can be used in several PvM characters, therefore I will not recommend them in any of the PvM characters, simply because they are not recommended over any of the other acts mercenaries, and as they are for your discretion.

Wulfgar Skull Splitter
This barbarian is all about damage dealing. Bashing and stunning left and right, this merc will not leave a single mob standing.

#1- Grief- The single most damage-enhancing runeword weapon in the game. Preferred to be made in an eth CB.
#2- Death- Great crushing blow + deadly strike, ethereal CB or even CS offer enough damage to be completely lethal.
#3- BoTD- Great +stats, %ed and life leech.
#1- Guillaume's face- The ultimate destroyer's helm. Great 35% cb and 15% ds, 30%fhr +15str and a free socket. What more can you ask for a killer? Recommended socket- Cham rune.
#2- Giant Skull- 10% CB, Knockback, +25-35 strength. +2 sockets- Socket with Cham + 15ias/40ed jewel.
#3- 120/45 helm- 120% ED, +45% IAS. Can be made in any 3os helm. This option supersedes Arreat's, Andy's and CoT simply because the setup here is for maximum DPS.
#4- Arreat's face- If you're going to choose a class-helm for the barbarian merc to wear, this is pretty much your best choice. +2combat/+2all barb skills gives the barbarian merc +4 to his bash and stun skills. Also, 30% fhr, 20% ar, 3-6% ll, and 30@ resistances make this helm the best survivor's helmet there is for an a5 merc. Since the point here is damage dealing over survivability, I'd still recommend Guillaume's above all others. Recommended socket- Cham rune.
#5- Andariel's Visage- +2 all skills, 20% IAS, 8-10% ll, +25-30 str, +10% max poison resistance, -30% fire resistance, +70% poison resistance. Recommended socket- Cham rune.
#6- Crown of Thieves- 9-12% ll, +33% fire resistance, +50 life are the important adds, besides others. Cheap and effective. Recommended socket- Cham rune.

#1- Fortitude- 300% off-weapon ED, 25-30@ resistances, +1-1.5 Life per Level. The %ED says it all for a killer merc.
#2- Treachery- I can go on forever about this beauty. 25% ctc venom, 5% ctc fade (Granting +60@ resistances, +15% DR, and reduced freeze/poison/curse duration), +45% IAS, +20% fhr, +30% CR.
#3- 160/60 +life armor- 160% ed, 60% IAS, +up to 100life archon plate or ancient armor (or even great hauberk, if you can reach the str requirement), whichever you can get is fine.

Barloc The Tank
Massive defense, life leech, %DR and resistances will make this barbarian a wall of impenetrable fortitude. And no, this time fortitude will not be an armor choice, despite the description.

#1- Last Wish- The best a5 survivor weapon. Packs a hefty amount of 60-70% CB to his punch, but the true survivability lies in the ctc's: 6% level 11 fade when struck, 10% level 18 life tap on striking- enables the merc to continuously replenish his life regardless of the amounts of damage received (I would acknowledge this as the real replenishing generator, over what you have suggested, Tommy dear, despite the pvp/pvm difference)
#2- BoTD- Great +stats, %ed and life leech.
#1- Arreat's face- If you're going to choose a class-helm for the barbarian merc to wear, this is pretty much your best choice. +2combat/+2all barb skills gives the barbarian merc +4 to his bash and stun skills. Also, 30% fhr, 20% ar, 3-6% ll, and 30@ resistances make this helm the best survivor's helmet there is for an a5 merc. Since the point here is damage dealing over survivability, I'd still recommend Guillaume's above all others. Recommended socket- Cham rune.
#2- Crown of Ages- Though high str req, offers pretty much everything needed for a survivor- 30% fhr, +20-30@ resistances, +1 all sk, +10-15% DR, +2 sockets. Socket with Cham and 15/15@ or 20/15@ jewel. If you can't seem to reach the requirements, socket with either 1* -15%/15@ or 2*-15/15@ jewels (depends on the str on your merc).
#3- Andariel's Visage- +2 all skills, 20% IAS, 8-10% ll, +25-30 str, +10% max poison resistance, -30% fire resistance, +70% poison resistance. Recommended socket- Cham rune.
#4- Vampire Gaze- 6-22 cold damage addition, 6-8% ll, 15-20% DR, +10-15 MDR. Recommended socket- Cham rune.
#5- Crown of Thieves- 9-12% ll, +33% fire resistance, +50 life are the important adds, besides others. Cheap and effective. Recommended socket- Cham rune.
#6- Tal Rasha's Helm- Nice life, life leech and cute @resistances. The poor man's choice. I would say socket with Cham but if you could afford one, you could afford any of the above choices. Socket with a 15% ias jewel.
#1- EStone- massive defense, especially on an eth elite armor such as sacred armor. +250-290% enhanced defense, 60% fhr, addition to mild strength/vitality (+16), +15@ resistances. Would aim for a 5k+ def armor.
#2- EShaftstop- Immense defense when upped + ethereal. +60 life, +30% DR, up to +220% enhanced defense, +250 defense against missile. Socket with a pul or 20/15@ jewel, or even 15ias/15@ jewel if you need to reach a certain breakpoint. Note: The relatively small amount of defense (in comparison with fortitude and such) is overlooked when +30% DR comes into effect. Bottom line- Smaller damage received > Higher defense.
#3- Efortitude- still makes a very good defensive armor, can also get up to 4.5-5k defense, not to mention adding a lot of off-weapon %ED, resistances and life.
#4- ECoH- Great +65@ resistances, adds ll and %8 DR, +2 all skills, +20str, +7 life replenish.
#5- EGladiator- Great defense when ethereal and even upped, +30% fhr, Cannot be frozen (allows your helm's socket choice to be something else other than Cham), poison length reduced by 50%, A.T.D of 20, +15-20 DR, +15-20 MDR.
#6- If you have failed to achieve a high defense armor, check the cheap choices for a good resistance armor: Treachery, Smoke, Duress and Lionheart.

Wiglaf the Swashbuckler
Wiglaf is all about crowd control, AoE-Knockback and confusion. This mercenary allows your character enough time to deal with mobs on your own, without having to deal with over-extensive maneuvering and tele-dodging. This is a unique setup, and will offer very few choices, if any at all, at each item section.

#1- Lawrbinger- The ultimate knockback aura, Sanctuary. Level 18 provides a very wide range.
#2- Azurewrath- Lower level of Sanctuary, but does the job. Enables multiple damage sources such as cold and magic, as well as physical damage.
#1- Delirium Runeword- The only helm I would recommend on this specific build. 11% Chance To Cast Level 18 Confuse On Striking. Confuse will provide the best camouflage for your merc, allowing both you and him to stay near without fear of being overrun or ganged.
#1- Treachery Runeword- 5% Chance to Cast slvl 15 Fade when Struck, +45% Increased Attack Speed, +20% Faster Hit Recovery, Resist Cold +30%.
#2- Chains of Honor Runeword- As a supporting role, all you will need to worry about is the continuing survivability of your merc. This armor offers quite a bit extra damage to boot. +200% Damage to Demons, +100% Damage to Undead, 8% Life Stolen Per Hit, Replenish Life +7, All Resistances +65, Damage Reduced by 8%.
#3- Shaftstop- Unique Mesh Armor. Upgrading a good %ed ethereal one will produce with a crazy amount of defense. +180-220% Enhanced Defense (varies), Damage Reduced By 30%- highest %DR armor in the game. +250 Defense Vs. Missile, +60 To Life.Socket with a 15/15@ or Um or even a Cham if you don't want your mercenary to lose attack speed.
#4- Skin of The Flayed One- This extremely underrated unique demonhide armor is one of my top favorite armors of all times. It simply has everything a mercenary needs to survive. +150-190% Enhanced Defense (varies) - massive defense while ethereal. Repairs 1 Durability In 10 Seconds- doesn't matter since it's on a mercenary, but it goes to show it can be used as ethereal on yourself as well. Replenish Life +15-25 (varies) - highest life replenishing armor in the game. Attacker Takes Damage of 15. Socket recommendation as said above.
#5- Lionheart Runeword- A very old and beloved runeword. Quite cheap to make as well. All Resistances +30%, +50 to Life, +20 to Vitality, +15 to Dexterity, +25 to Strength. There are several more mods, but they are irrelevant here. This armor is basically a tank, adding up to 30@ resistances and 90 HP, not to mention dexterity and strength.
#6- Spirit Forge- Unique Linked Mail. +120-160% Enhanced Defense (varies), + (1.25 Per Character Level) 1-123 Life (Based On Character Level), Fire Resist +5%, Adds 20-65 Fire Damage, +15 To Strength, Gem Sockets (2). Socket preference as said above.
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Apr 13 2010 07:27am
PvM List
The list below will regard each character and its various PvM possibilities. Each mercenary build will have more than 1 gear setup option, although the variations will not be a world apart.

The Bow Amazon
Main damage output orientation = Physical (and sometimes cold) damage.
Recommended Mercenaries:
#1 Elly The Fanatic- reason: Increased attack speed, attack rating and damage output.
#2 Hazade The Judge- reason: Conviction (-83% defense, -85@ elemental resistances). This is a choice for the more cold/freezing arrows oriented play style pvm bowers.
#3 Fiona The Befuddled- reason: Crowd control.
#4 Divo The Swift- reason: Faster run/walk speed.

The Java Amazon
For the PvM javazon, a few builds exist to satisfy the electrical power she hones, focusing all gear selection around the Infinity runeword.
Main damage output orientation = Elemental lightning damage.
Recommended Mercenaries:

#1 Hazade The Judge- reason: Conviction (-83% defense, -85@ elemental resistances), breaks most elemental immune mobs.

The Trap Assassin
For the PvM trapper, nothing beats more elemental damage given by -% resistances.
Main damage output orientation = Elemental lightning damage.
Recommended Mercenaries:

#1 Hazade The Judge- reason: Conviction (-83% defense, -85@ elemental resistances), breaks most elemental immune mobs.

The Martial Arts Assassin
The elemental oriented combo-charges assassin, requiring further -%res to boost the elemental charges overall damage. There really is only 1 available option here.
Main damage output orientation = Elemental light/fire/cold damage types.
Recommended Mercenaries:

#1 Hazade The Judge- reason: Conviction (-83% defense, -85@ elemental resistances), breaks most elemental immune mobs.

The Kicksin
A physical damage oriented setup, that is ideally boosted by speed, damage and AR. We cannot have any proccing mercs since the main proc of a kicksin should always be Life Tap, and there is no need for a proc-war between merc and player.
Main damage output orientation = Physical damage.
Recommended Mercenaries:

#1 Elly The Fanatic- reason: Increased attack speed, attack rating and damage output.
#2 Pratham The Proud- reason: Damage augmentation.

The Summoner
The summon necormancer's main concern is buffing his minion's damage, and in a counter manner, debuff the enemy mobs' defenses. As you know, less defense = more hit checks = more overall dps (damage per second). Every summoner should be a beast holder, and therefore the ideal merc would be an infinity holder. For those who don't like to hold beast for some reason, I'll list Elly the Fanatic as well.
Main damage output orientation = Physical and Elemental damage types (according to summon types).
Recommended Mercenaries:

#1 Hazade The Judge- reason: Conviction (-83% defense, -85@ elemental resistances).
#2 Elly The Fanatic- reason: Increased attack speed, attack rating and damage output.

Poison & Bone Necromancer
Not the ideal character for PvM, however there are those who wish to apply his skills in PvM as well. Since their magic damage cannot be boosted by any aura or curse, any sort of proccing or damage aura boosting would give no addition to the PnB necromancer's damage. The same aspect goes for novamancers, since their only debuffing curse is lower resist which shouldn't be over-procced or interuptted. Therefore, a different type of support is needed here.
Main damage output orientation = Poison and Magic damage types.
Recommended Mercenaries:

#1 Kasim The Medic- reason: Mana & Life regeneration.
#2 Haphet The Just- reason: Knockback / Crowd control.

The Berserker
Magic based attacker. Doesn't require any damage adding auras, rather speed or knocking back (latter specific for cs barbs).
Main damage output orientation = Magic damage.
Recommended Mercenaries:
#1 Haphet The Just- reason: Knockback aura / crowd control.
#2 Elly The Fanatic- reason: Increased attack speed, attack rating and damage output.

The Frenzy Barb
Physical oriented fast dual-wielder. More damage and attack rating is needed here above all.
Main damage output orientation = Physical damage.
Recommended Mercenaries:

#1 Elly The Fanatic- reason: Increased attack speed, attack rating and damage output.
#2 Pratham The Proud- reason: Damage augmentation.
#3 Azrael The Vicious- reason: Decrepify curse proccing resulting in -50% dr to enemies.

The Extra Gold Find Barb
The extra gold merc-reliant specified barbarian is nothing but a support character and thus the mercenary needs to be the main killer / tank. The damage-dealer type Eg-Barbs have no real use for mercs, though if one should fancy a merc, the listed below will do fine as well.
Main damage output orientation = Supportive roll / no damage.
Recommended Mercenaries:

#1 Azrael The Vicious- reason: Decrepify curse proccing resulting in -50% dr to enemies.

The Hammerdin
The all-around pvm char, does pretty much everything on his own. Requires no 'killer' mercs or any mercs of any kind, actually. Hence, only supportive mercs can be issued as a bonus. The mercenaries presented will be recommended according to preferred type of run (Chaos, Baal, etc..). This doesn't mean, naturally, that the merc cannot work at other places.
Main damage output orientation = Magic damage.
Recommended Mercenaries:

#1 Kasim The Medic- reason: Mana & Life regeneration.
#2 Haphet The Just- reason: Knockback / Crowd control.
#3 Fiona The Befuddled- reason: Holy Freeze or Decrepify proccing (assuming choice of bow)/ Crowd control.

The Zealot
A speed killer. May require a few mercs along the way that would aid him in life regeneration / mana regeneration. Can also be put to good use with a decrepifying merc to enhance damage.
Main damage output orientation = Physical damage.
Recommended Mercenaries:

#1 Azrael The Vicious- reason: Decrepify curse proccing resulting in -50% dr to enemies.
#2 Pratham The Proud- reason: Damage augmentation.
#3 Hazade The Judge- reason: Conviction (-83% defense, -85@ elemental resistances).

The Light & Fire Sorcs
For the light & fire oriented sorceresses, much like the pvm trapper, nothing beats more elemental damage given by -% resistances.
Main damage output orientation = Elemental light & fire damage types.
Recommended Mercenaries:

#1 Hazade The Judge- reason: Conviction (-83% defense, -85@ elemental resistances).

The Cold Sorc
Since Cold Mastery obliterates the point of using a weapon such as Infinity, a supportive type merc is preferred here.
Main damage output orientation = Elemental cold damage.
Recommended Mercenaries:

#1 Kasim The Medic- reason: Mana & Life regeneration.
#2 Jabari The Scorcher- reason: Alternate elemental damage (fire).
#3 Khaleel the Sizzler- reason: Alternate elemental damage (light).

The Werewolf & Werebear Druids
Both are mainly melee damage. Can be boosted with the debuffing or buffing mercenaries. The fire claws oriented shapeshift builds may require one type over the other, though.
Main damage output orientation = Physical (and fire) damage.
Recommended Mercenaries:

#1 Elly The Fanatic- reason: Increased attack speed, attack rating and damage output.
#2 Hazade The Judge- reason: Conviction (-83% defense, -85@ elemental resistances). The ultimate choice for a 'fire claws' skill build.
#3 Azrael The Vicious- reason: Decrepify curse proccing resulting in -50% dr to enemies.
#4 Pratham The Proud- reason: Damage augmentation.
#5 Divo The Swift- reason: Faster run/walk speed.

The Wind Elemental Druid
The only physical damage dealer in the game that casts his physical attacks . Hence requires physical enhancing / debuffing mercs or even supportive ones. Either will work.
Main damage output orientation = Physical (and cold) damage.
Recommended Mercenaries:

#1 Fiona The Befuddled- reason: Holy Freeze or Decrepify proccing (assuming choice of bow)/ Crowd control.
#2 Azrael The Vicious- reason: Decrepify curse proccing resulting in -50% dr to enemies.
#3 Kasim The Medic- reason: Mana & Life regeneration.
#4 Haphet The Just- reason: Knockback / Crowd control.

The Fire Elemental Druid
As with another fire oriented char, much like the fire sorc, nothing beats more elemental damage given by -% resistances. Hazade the Judge will do the trick.
Main damage output orientation = Elemental fire damage.
Recommended Mercenaries:

#1 Hazade The Judge- reason: Conviction (-83% defense, -85@ elemental resistances).

BM PvP List

The list below will be concise and short. This shouldn't really be in the guide but since I've seen people open topics about this subject as well recently, I'd figure I'd give them the pleasure. Mercs are 1 hit kill in pvp, so I'd hardly recommend any, if at all.

The ideal merc for the following PvP chars: Javazons, Trappers, Light & Fire (and in this case, cold as well) sorcs and Fire elemental druids (yes, shamans too ^_^ ):

Act 2 Desert Mercenary - Hazade the Judge
No evil creature in this game is innocent. They are all convicts who must be put down! Hazade will provide with the ultimate Conviction aura, rendering their resistances (and immunities (light), in some of them) useless. This is a supporter type merc build.
Recommended Hiring Difficulty- Nightmare.
Recommended Merc Type- Defense (Holy Freeze).

Infinity Runeword- No other choice here, as a javazon you will be doing elemental damage, and Infinity gives you just that - reduced enemies' elemental (light, in this case) resistance. Level 12 Conviction Aura When Equipped, +35% Faster Run/Walk, +255-325% Enhanced Damage, -(45-55)% To Enemy Lightning Resist, 40% Chance, Crushing Blow,Prevent Monster Heal,0.5-49.5 To Vitality (Based on Character Level). Level 12 Conviction = -85@ elemental resistances (light/cold/fire), -83% defense.

#1- Andariel's Visgage- 20% Increased Attack Speed, 8-10% Life Stolen Per Hit, +25-30 To Strength, +10% To Maximum Poison Resist, Fire Resist -30%, Poison Resist +70%.
Socket with any 30% FR jewel / Ral. This helm is the top here because of its +Strength, which will help you reach the required strength requirement on infinity with ease.
#2- Giant Skull- The Knock Back helm, perfect for warding off approaching enemies. Can have up to 2 sockets, 35 strength, 320 defense and 10% Crushing Blow. Again, chose this for Strength purposes. Socket with -15req/15@ if you can't have your merc wear it yet, and 15ias/15@ if he can.
#3- Crown of Ages- If you can meet the strength requirement, this is quite the best. Main attributes: Damage Reduced By 10-15% (varies), All Resistances +20-30 (varies), +30% Faster Hit Recovery, Socketed (1-2) (varies). Socket with -15req/15@ to lower the high strength requirement, and to boost your resistance further.
#4- Kira's Guardian- The resistance Tiara. +50-120 Defense, +20% Faster Hit Recovery, Cannot Be Frozen, All Resistances +50-70. Socket with Um / 15@ jewel.

#1- Treachery Runeword- 5% Chance to Cast slvl 15 Fade when Struck, +45% Increased Attack Speed, +20% Faster Hit Recovery, Resist Cold +30%. This armor is perfect for almost any situation. When the merc is faded, it has +60@ resistance and 15% Damage Reduction. What makes it even more superior than Chains of Honor (offering constant 65@ res) is the 45% IAS, the 20% FHR and the 30% CR (when faded, overall %CR is 90% resistance on the armor alone!!)
#2- Chains of Honor Runeword- As a supporting role, all you will need to worry about is the continuing survivability of your merc. This armor offers quite a bit extra damage to boot. +200% Damage to Demons, +100% Damage to Undead, 8% Life Stolen Per Hit, Replenish Life +7, All Resistances +65, Damage Reduced by 8%.
#3- Shaftstop- Unique Mesh Armor. Upgrading a good %ed ethereal one will produce with a crazy amount of defense. +180-220% Enhanced Defense (varies), Damage Reduced By 30%- highest %DR armor in the game. +250 Defense Vs. Missile, +60 To Life.Socket with a 15/15@ or Um or even a Cham if you don't want your mercenary to lose speed while wearing Giant Skull and providing with many KB hits per minute.
#4- Skin of The Flayed One- This extremely underrated unique demonhide armor is one of my top favorite armors of all times. It simply has everything a mercenary needs to survive. +150-190% Enhanced Defense (varies) - massive defense while ethereal. Repairs 1 Durability In 10 Seconds- doesn't matter since it's on a mercenary, but it goes to show it can be used as ethereal on yourself as well! Replenish Life +15-25 (varies) - highest life replenishing armor in the game. Attacker Takes Damage of 15. Socket recommendation as said above.
#5- Lionheart Runeword- A very old and beloved runeword. Quite cheap to make as well. All Resistances +30%, +50 to Life, +20 to Vitality, +15 to Dexterity, +25 to Strength. There are several more mods, but they are irrelevant here. This armor is basically a tank, adding up to 30@ resistances and 90 HP, not to mention dexterity and strength.
#6- Spirit Forge- Unique Linked Mail. +120-160% Enhanced Defense (varies), + (1.25 Per Character Level) 1-123 Life (Based On Character Level), Fire Resist +5%, Adds 20-65 Fire Damage, +15 To Strength, Gem Sockets (2). Socket preference as said above.

The ideal merc(s) for the following PvP chars: Bowzon, Kicksin, Summoner, Whirl-Wind, Zealot, Smiter, Werewolf (Fury based):

Act 2 Desert Mercenary - Azrael The Vicious
Azarel's efficiency is brutal power. He simply slaughters. Offensive type mercenary.
Recommended Hiring Difficulty- Nightmare.
Recommended Merc Type- Offense (Might Aura).

#1- Eth Reaper's Toll- +190-240% Enhanced Damage, Ignore Target's Defense, Adds 4-44 Cold Damage, 11-15% Life Stolen Per Hit, 33% Deadly Strike, 33% Chance To Cast Level 1 Decrepify On Striking, Requirements -25%- Simply the most vicious merc weapon in the game. High %ED, Great %LL, cold damage to debilitate the enemies further, 33% deadly strike (!) and most powerful trait - 33% CTC to the most horrible of curses - Decrepify, making the mob lose 50% physical resistance (removes Physical Immunity as well), and lose 50% mobility. Socket with 15/40.
#2- Eth Tomb Reaver- +200-280% Enhanced Damage (varies), +150-230% Damage To Undead (varies), +60% Increased Attack Speed, +250-350 To Attack Rating Against Undead (varies), All Resistances +30-50 (varies), 10% Reanimate As: Returned, +10-14 Life After Each Kill (varies). Socket with 15/40's.
#3- Eth Hone Sundan- +160-200% Enhanced Damage (varies), Adds 20-40 Damage, 45% Chance of Crushing Blow, Repairs 1 Durability In 10 Seconds, Socketed (3). Massive %CB so I decided putting it in with the "killer" weapons. Experienced it myself, it's worth its place here. Intertwined with Guillaume's Face makes your mercenary have a minimum of 80% Crushing Blow, with 3 sockets (+1 helm socket- 4 sockets) to spare! Socket with 15/40's.

#1- Guillaume's Face- Hands down the best helm for a "killer" type merc. Nothing outweighs these stats: 30% FHR, 35% Crushing Blow, 15% Deadly Strike, +15 Strength. Socket with 15/40.
#2- Giant Skull- The Knock Back helm, perfect for warding off approaching enemies. Can have up to 2 sockets, 35 strength, 320 defense and 10% Crushing Blow. Socket with 15/40's.

#1- Treachery Runeword- 5% Chance to Cast slvl 15 Fade when Struck, +45% Increased Attack Speed, +20% Faster Hit Recovery, Resist Cold +30%. The IAS here will help reach the IAS breakpoint with ease. Fade is also great %CTC.
#2- Fortitude Runeword- The "off-damage" armor. +300% Enhanced Damage, +200% Enhanced Defense, +15 Defense, +1-1.5 To Life (Based on Character Level), Replenish Life +7,+5% To Maximum Lightning Resist, All Resistances +25-30, Damage Reduced By 7.
#3- 160/60 Armor- Use this if you can't reach the last FPA with your setup.

The ideal merc(s) for the following PvP chars: Hammerdin, Bone Necromancer, Wind Elemental Druid, Berserker Barb:

Act 2 Desert Mercenary - Kasim the Medic
Wielding the runeword "Insight", this mercenary will provide with sufficient mana regeneration, enabling the PnB to continue hurling spears & spirits without worrying about pots every minute or two. The Holy Freeze aura will delay the enemy's approach, enabling for more time to stay away.
Recommended Hiring Difficulty- Normal.
Recommended Merc Type- Combat (Prayer).

Insight Runeword- The only choice here. The only factor given into consideration: Level 12-17 Meditation aura when equipped.

#1- Andariel's Visgage- 20% Increased Attack Speed, 8-10% Life Stolen Per Hit, +25-30 To Strength, +10% To Maximum Poison Resist, Fire Resist -30%, Poison Resist +70%.
Socket with any 30% FR jewel / Ral. This helm is the top here because of its +Strength, which will help you reach the required strength requirement on insight with ease.
#2- Giant Skull- The Knock Back helm, perfect for warding off approaching enemies. Can have up to 2 sockets, 35 strength, 320 defense and 10% Crushing Blow. Again, chose this for Strength purposes. Socket with -15req/15@ if you can't have your merc wear it yet, and 15ias/15@ if he can.
#3- Crown of Ages- If you can meet the strength requirement, this is quite the best. Main attributes: Damage Reduced By 10-15% (varies), All Resistances +20-30 (varies), +30% Faster Hit Recovery, Socketed (1-2) (varies). Socket with -15req/15@ to lower the high strength requirement, and to boost your resistance further.
#4- Kira's Guardian- The resistance Tiara. +50-120 Defense, +20% Faster Hit Recovery, Cannot Be Frozen, All Resistances +50-70. Socket with Um / 15@ jewel.
#5- Shako - +2 all skill, +life, +10% DR, +50% mf. Socket with Ber.
#6- Gaze - +100% Enhanced Defense, Adds 6-22 Cold Damage - 4 Second Duration, 15% Slower Stamina Drain, 6-8% Life Stolen Per Hit, 6-8% Mana Stolen Per Hit, Damage Reduced By 15-20%, Magic Damage Reduced By 10-15. Socket with Ber.

#1- Treachery Runeword- 5% Chance to Cast slvl 15 Fade when Struck, +45% Increased Attack Speed, +20% Faster Hit Recovery, Resist Cold +30%. This armor is perfect for almost any situation. When the merc is faded, it has +60@ resistance and 15% Damage Reduction. What makes it even more superior than Chains of Honor (offering constant 65@ res) is the 45% IAS, the 20% FHR and the 30% CR (when faded, overall %CR is 90% resistance on the armor alone!!)
#2- Chains of Honor Runeword- As a supporting role, all you will need to worry about is the continuing survivability of your merc. This armor offers quite a bit extra damage to boot. +200% Damage to Demons, +100% Damage to Undead, 8% Life Stolen Per Hit, Replenish Life +7, All Resistances +65, Damage Reduced by 8%.
#3- Shaftstop- Unique Mesh Armor. Upgrading a good %ed ethereal one will produce with a crazy amount of defense. +180-220% Enhanced Defense (varies), Damage Reduced By 30%- highest %DR armor in the game. +250 Defense Vs. Missile, +60 To Life.Socket with a 15/15@ or Um or even a Cham if you don't want your mercenary to lose speed while wearing Giant Skull and providing with many KB hits per minute.
#4- Skin of The Flayed One- This extremely underrated unique demonhide armor is one of my top favorite armors of all times. It simply has everything a mercenary needs to survive. +150-190% Enhanced Defense (varies) - massive defense while ethereal. Repairs 1 Durability In 10 Seconds- doesn't matter since it's on a mercenary, but it goes to show it can be used as ethereal on yourself as well! Replenish Life +15-25 (varies) - highest life replenishing armor in the game. Attacker Takes Damage of 15. Socket recommendation as said above.
#5- Lionheart Runeword- A very old and beloved runeword. Quite cheap to make as well. All Resistances +30%, +50 to Life, +20 to Vitality, +15 to Dexterity, +25 to Strength. There are several more mods, but they are irrelevant here. This armor is basically a tank, adding up to 30@ resistances and 90 HP, not to mention dexterity and strength.
#6- Spirit Forge- Unique Linked Mail. +120-160% Enhanced Defense (varies), + (1.25 Per Character Level) 1-123 Life (Based On Character Level), Fire Resist +5%, Adds 20-65 Fire Damage, +15 To Strength, Gem Sockets (2). Socket preference as said above.

The guide presented before you does not claim to be completely fulfilling in any way. Yes, there may be other types of builds which are not included here, and you're free to post them along. This is a revised & extended version of Various Mercenary Builds , and nothing more.
I would like to give thanks to:
JayPee- for approving the usage of his guide to create a larger, more detailed guide.
Eywa(Faelwen)- for facts approval.
Scaryghoul- for helping out in the editing of the guide.
For everyone else whom I pm'd and received help regarding the act 5 mercenaries.

This will be my final guide submission, and probably my final post in JSP. I will come from time to time to check up on things. Be free to pm me since I will not be post-answering anymore questions. To all I wish a good day, and goodbye.

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Apr 13 2010 07:27am
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Apr 13 2010 07:28am
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Apr 13 2010 07:29am
Best guide I've ever seen.

Especially you aren't a kid who underrates Andy + Treachery. :)

But with that setup Great Poleaxe is the best weapon.. most dmg per second
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Apr 13 2010 07:37am
no towncaster merc?
the best merc ingame!

bramble+pride+anda might merc act2!

for summon druids
and yes, summon necros
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Apr 13 2010 07:38am
Skimmed through it, I don't find it bad.

One thing. Fix Tyreal to Tyrael. ^_^
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Apr 13 2010 07:41am
Scrolled it through pretty fast, looks good m8te. :cheers:
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