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Aug 16 2009 04:09pm
Various Mercenary Builds
by TheUndyingGod

General Mercenary Information (Thanks to Epiphany)
FCR and FHR tables for Hirelings (Thanks to Faelwen)

List of Terms
Act I Hirelings: Rogue Scouts
Act II Hirelings: Desert Mercenaries
Act III Hirelings: Ironwolves
Act V Hirelings: Barbarians

List of Terms

FPA: Frames per Animation
IAS: Increased Attack Speed
FHR: Faster Hit Recovery
FCR: Faster Cast Rate
%DR: Damage Reduced by X%
LS%: Life Steal %
CtC: Chance to Cast
CB: Crushing Blow
DS: Deadly Strike
WSM: Weapon Speed Modifier
CS: Colossus Sword
CB: Colossus Blade

Act I Hirelings: The Rogue Scouts

The Faith Merc
Recommended type: Normal cold arrow

Helm: Delirium, Andariel's Visage, Giant Skull
Armor: Treachery, Fortitude
Weapon: Faith Great Bow

Notes: Faith is an effective runeword, but it lacks LS%. For optimal survivability, use Treachery+Andys (LS%, Fade, fastest IAS breakpoint). Delirium is interesting due to its CtC Confuse. Giant Skull offers Knockback and can be socketed with 2x 40/15's which unlocks the last breakpoint with Fortitude (assuming lvl 15 Fanaticism Great Bow) With Delirium, I strongly recommend that you use Treachery.

IAS Tables for a lvl 15 Fanaticism Great Bow
IAS --- FPA --- Attacks/sec.
0% --- 10 --- 2.08
8% --- 9 --- 2.27
30% --- 8 --- 2.5

IAS Tables with other commonly used elite bows:

Shadow and Diamond Bows (lvl 15 aura)
IAS --- FPA --- Attacks/sec.
0% --- 11 --- 1.92
5% --- 10 --- 2.08
20% --- 9 --- 2.27
48% --- 8 --- 2.5

The Ice Merc
Recommended type: Normal cold arrow

Helm: Delirium, Andariel's Visage, Giant Skull, Nightwing's Veil
Armor: Treachery, Fortitude
Weapon: Ice Great Bow

Notes: A great all around PvM mercenary. Can be used on Chaos Sanctuary Hammerdins that rely on Redemption for mana regeneration. A few combinations are possible; just take a look at the IAS tables.

Using Great Bow
IAS --- FPA --- Attacks/sec.
0% --- 13 --- 1.66
7% --- 12 --- 1.78
18% --- 11 --- 1.92
35% --- 10 --- 2.08
60% --- 9 --- 2.27
109% --- 8 --- 2.5

Using Shadow/Diamond Bows
IAS --- FPA --- Attacks/sec.
0 --- 14 --- 1.56
9 --- 13 --- 1.66
19 --- 12 --- 1.78
32 --- 11 --- 1.92
54 --- 10 --- 2.08
86 --- 9 --- 2.27
152 --- 8 --- 2.5

The Wrath Merc
Recommended type: Normal cold arrow

Helm: Giant Skull, Andariel's Visage
Armor: Treachery, Fortitude
Weapon: Wrath Great Bow

Notes: Mostly used on BM PvP characters of whom the damage is amplified by Decrepify (f.e Tornado Druid)

IAS Tables: View Ice Merc

Act II Hirelings: Desert Mercenaries

The Insight Merc
Recommended types: Nm defensive (Holy Freeze), Nm offensive (Might), Hell combat (Prayer)

Helm: Andariel's Visage, Vampire Gaze, Guillaumes Winged Helm, Crown of Ages
Armor: Treachery, Fortitude, Chains of Honor
Weapon: Eth Insight Tresher

Notes: The Insight runeword lacks LS%, IAS and CB%. A standard setup would be Treachery or Fort+Andys or Gaze+Insight, which is great if you are going to be using a character that can kill bosses efficiently himself. CoA and Guillaumes can both be used along with CoH (LS%) for different purposes. The CB% from Guillaumes will make your merc more effective against bosses, even though it will seem to do less raw damage.

Here are the different Jab IAS breakpoints with a Tresher so you can customize your setup:
IAS --- FPA --- Attacks/sec.
0% --- 6.5 --- 3.33
8% ---   6  --- 3.57
22% --- 5.5 --- 3.84
42% ---  5 --- 4.16
75% --- 4.5 --- 4.54
142% --- 4 --- 5

Using other commonly used polearms:

Colossus Voulge/Cryptic Axe
IAS --- FPA --- Attacks/sec.
0 --- 8 --- 2.77
5 --- 7.5 --- 2.94
11 --- 7 --- 3.12
22 --- 6.5 --- 3.33
35 --- 6 ---3.57
56 --- 5.5 --- 3.84
89 --- 5 --- 4.16
147 --- 4.5 --- 4.54
292 --- 4 --- 5

Low damage dealing version
Recommended type: Hell combat (Prayer)

Helm: Vampire Gaze, Crown of Ages, Kiras Guardian
Armor: Chains of Honor, Shaftstop, Guardian Angel
Weapon: Regular Insight Voulge

Notes: It's pretty pointless to add IAS charts, since all you want to do is keep him alive.

The Infinity Merc
Recommended types: Nm defensive (Holy Freeze), Nm offensive (Might), Hell combat (Prayer)

Helm: Andariel's Visage, Vampire Gaze
Armor: Treachery, Fortitude
Weapon: Eth Infinity Tresher

Notes on the setup: The only downfall of Infinity is its lack of IAS%, that's why I'm recommending a Tresher (-10 WSM) which is the fastest elite polearm in the game. Andys socketed with an IAS jewel + Treachery allows your merc to reach the 4.5 fpa breakpoint (4.54 attacks/sec.) Treachery + Vampgaze socketed with an IAS jewel gives 60% ias, which is enough for 5 fpa (4.16 attacks/sec.) Your merc also gets up to 35% DR when Fade procs. Andys (IAS jewel) + Fort reaches 5.5 fpa (3.84 attacks/sec.) I wouldn't recommend Fort + Gaze, since it has a slower attack speed than the other combinations.

IAS Tables: View Insight Merc

Low damage dealing version
Recommended type: Hell combat (Prayer)

Helm: Vampire Gaze, Crown of Ages, Kiras Guardian
Armor: Chains of Honor, Shaftstop, Guardian Angel
Weapon: Regular Infinity Voulge

Notes: It's pretty pointless to add IAS charts, since all you want to do is keep him alive.

The Reaper's Merc
Recommended type: Nm Offensive (Might)

Helm: Guillaumes Wing (IAS jewel)
Armor: Treachery
Weapon: Eth Reaper's Toll (IAS jewel)

Notes: This is probably the most damage dealing merc in the game. It has a decent raw damage, attacks very fast, and offers nice mods such as DS%, CB% and CtC Decrepify. It can even kill PI mobs. The setup isn't too flexible, since this is definitely the way to optimize it.

Using Reaper's Toll (Jab)
IAS --- FPA --- Attacks/sec.
0% --- 6.5 --- 3.33
8% ---   6  --- 3.57
22% --- 5.5 --- 3.84
42% ---  5 --- 4.16
75% --- 4.5 --- 4.54
142% --- 4 --- 5

The Eth BotD Merc
Recommended type: Nightmare Offensive (Might)

Helm: Crown of Thieves
Armor: Fortitude
Weapon: EBotD WP (20 WSM, 6.5 fpa)

Notes: This is the most commonly used setup on merc dependant goldfinders, mainly due to its high LS%. Crown of Thieves can be socketed with Lem (more GF or an IAS jewel - to reach 6 fpa attack speed)

IAS Tables using a War Pike (Jab)
IAS --- FPA --- Attacks/sec.
0% --- 9 --- 2.5
4% --- 8.5 --- 2.63
9% --- 8 --- 2.77
16% --- 7.5 --- 2.94
24% --- 7 --- 3.12
37% -- 6.5 --- 3.33
54% --- 6 --- 3.57
80% --- 5.5 --- 3.84
125% --- 5 --- 4.16

There are further breakpoints, but they are pretty unrealistic.

Note on act 2 hirelings: There are other budget items such as: Duress, Hone Sundan, Arioc's Needle, Bonehew and Obedience that were not mentionned, but are still usable.

Act III Hirelings: Ironwolves

The Lawbringer/Azurewrath Merc
Recommended type: Normal cold

Helm: Kiras
Armor: Guardian Angel, Shaftstop
Shield: Stormshield, Phoenix Monarch
Weapon: Lawbringer, Azurewrath

Notes: It's preferable to use a low req weapon to roll Lawbringer in; the merc is only there for the support, whatsoever. Azurewrath would probably have to be socketed with a Hel or a -req jewel.

FCR and FHR breakpoint tables can be found in the link on top of the thread.

Note on act 3 hirelings: They cannot block, whatever the shield they use.
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Aug 16 2009 04:09pm
Act V Hirelings: Barbarians

The Barbarian

Helm: Guillaumes Winged helm, Andariel's Visage, Vampire Gaze, Arreat's Visage
Armor: Fortitude, Treachery
Weapon: EBotD CB, EDeath CS, Eth LW CB, Grief Zweihander

Notes: These can use Barbarian only items. Many combinations are possible, just see the speed tables below.

IAS Tables using various types of weapons:

Colossus Sword (Normal Attack: 10 WSM)
IAS --- FPA --- Attacks/sec.
0 --- 8.5 --- 2.63
6 --- 8 --- 2.77
11 --- 7.5 --- 2.94
22 --- 7 --- 3.12
32 --- 6.5 --- 3.33
48 --- 6 --- 3.57
70 --- 5.5 --- 3.84
105 --- 5 --- 4.16
174 --- 4.5 --- 4.54

Colossus Sword (Bash/Stun: 10 WSM)
IAS --- FPA --- Attacks/sec.
0 --- 17 --- 1.31
6 --- 16 --- 1.38
11 --- 15 --- 1.47
22 --- 14 --- 1.56
32 --- 13 --- 1.66
48 --- 12 --- 1.78
70 --- 11 --- 1.92
105 --- 10 --- 2.08
174 --- 9 --- 2.27

Colossus Blade (Normal Attack: 5 WSM)
IAS --- FPA --- Attacks/sec.
0 --- 8 --- 2.77
6 --- 7.5 ---2.94
15 --- 7 --- 3.12
24 --- 6.5 --- 3.33
39 --- 6 --- 3.57
58 --- 5.5 --- 3.84
89 --- 5 --- 4.16
147 --- 4.5 --- 4.54

Colossus Blade (Bash/Stun: 5 WSM)
IAS --- FPA --- Attacks/sec.
0 --- 16 --- 1.38
6 --- 15 --- 1.47
15 --- 14 --- 1.56
24 --- 13 --- 1.66
39 --- 12 --- 1.78
58 --- 11 --- 1.92
89 --- 10 --- 2.08
147 --- 9 --- 2.27

Zweihander (Normal Attack: -10 WSM)
IAS --- FPA --- Attacks/sec.
0 --- 7 --- 3.12
6 --- 6.5 --- 3.33
16 --- 6 --- 3.57
30 --- 5.5 --- 3.84
52 --- 5 --- 4.16
89 --- 4.5 --- 4.54

Zweihander (Bash/Stun: -10 WSM)
IAS --- FPA --- Attacks/sec.
0 --- 14 --- 1.56
6 --- 13 --- 1.66
16 --- 12 --- 1.78
30 --- 11 --- 1.92
52 --- 10 --- 2.08
89 --- 9 --- 2.27

Hope this helps!

This post was edited by TheUndyingGod on Aug 16 2009 04:28pm
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Aug 16 2009 04:12pm

Act 3 merc;
30/30 lightning facet sword
+3 lightning & facet ormus
20/20 lightning facet ethereal monarch (needs strength)
facet griffs

= 3-3059 damage lightning with -95% resists
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Aug 16 2009 04:12pm
Quote (deathwinger @ Sun, 16 Aug 2009, 18:12)

Act 3 merc;
30/30 lightning facet sword
+3 lightning & facet ormus
20/20 lightning facet ethereal monarch (needs strength)
facet griffs

= 3-3059 damage lightning with -95% resists

Thanks for the add!
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Aug 16 2009 04:18pm
GF Act 2 Merc
Nightmare Offensive
Lem'd Crown of Thieves
2x Lem'd Tomb Reaver
Eth Bugged Wealth Armor

All in all good guide. Just needs more builds of course. Bout time we got one of these!

Undying Act2 helper
Hell Defense ( for Defiance ) or Combat Nightmare ( for thorns )
Phoenix Polearm ( what keeps him alive )
Eth Fort
Andy's Visage or Gaze, socket with ber or 40/15

This post was edited by Eternal_Amaranth on Aug 16 2009 04:39pm
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Aug 16 2009 04:19pm
Quote (Eternal_Amaranth @ Sun, 16 Aug 2009, 18:18)
GF Act 2 Merc
Nightmare Offensive
Lem'd Crown of Thieves
2x Lem'd Tomb Reaver
Eth Bugged Wealth Armor

All in all good guide. Just needs more builds of course. Bout time we got one of these!

Thanks for that :)

I won't edit the guide with your suggestions, but people sure will read through the thread and find them.
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Aug 16 2009 04:23pm
Great dude, only think I'd recommend is throwing in a note about which to use for a Gold Find Barb since that is a significantly merc dependant build ( like which one to use, ofc) & consider Crown Of Ages as an alternate helm for the EReapers set up ( Ber + 15/15 Jewel ) Great info though, I'm always trying to track stuff like this down, & fail.
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Aug 16 2009 04:26pm
Quote (TheUndyingGod @ Mon, Aug 17 2009, 12:19am)
Thanks for that :)

I won't edit the guide with your suggestions, but people sure will read through the thread and find them.

yep ofc cours^^
first, good job, some ideas in :P

maybe an others more specifics (but all the main are in ur guid)

fire rogue (fire arrow)
hoj bow
dragon armor
giantskull 2x 55fire
=>gz for achieve enemy with psn chars, and in pvm cuz fire arrow explode (dmg to a group)

light a3 (variante for conv aura chars, foh, dreamers,...)
dream helm
dream shield
viper armor (res+fcr)

+some adds
infy a2merc, could have dream on helm (good dmg with dream+infy, res+fhr are usefull)
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Aug 16 2009 04:27pm
Quote (TheSonOfDisaster @ Sun, 16 Aug 2009, 18:23)
Great dude, only think I'd recommend is throwing in a note about which to use for a Gold Find Barb since that is a significantly merc dependant build ( like which one to use, ofc) & consider Crown Of Ages as an alternate helm for the EReapers set up ( Ber + 15/15 Jewel ) Great info though, I'm always trying to track stuff like this down, & fail.

Quote (metakirby @ Sun, 16 Aug 2009, 18:26)
yep ofc cours^^
first, good job, some ideas in :P

maybe an others more specifics (but all the main are in ur guid)

fire rogue (fire arrow)
hoj bow
dragon armor
giantskull 2x 55fire
=>gz for achieve enemy with psn chars, and in pvm cuz fire arrow explode (dmg to a group)

light a3 (variante for conv aura chars, foh, dreamers,...)
dream helm
dream shield
viper armor (res+fcr)

+some adds
infy a2merc, could have dream on helm (good dmg with dream+infy, res+fhr are usefull)

Appreciate the recommendations guys :)
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Aug 16 2009 04:39pm
Quote (TheUndyingGod @ Sun, Aug 16 2009, 05:19pm)
Thanks for that :)

I won't edit the guide with your suggestions, but people sure will read through the thread and find them.

Maybe make a section for user submitted builds?

Undying Act2 helper
Hell Defense ( for Defiance ) or Combat Nightmare ( for thorns )
Phoenix Polearm ( what keeps him alive )
Eth Fort
Andy's Visage or Gaze, socket with ber or 40/15
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