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Nov 8 2007 07:29pm
Chaos Mfing Hammerdin
(CMH Palladin)
The Original & Authentic Guide to the CMH Palladin

1. Intro & Berth of the CMH Pally (palladin)
2. Skills & Stats
3. Gear
4. Merc ( mercanary) Type & Gear (one of the unique differences in my build)
5. How to Use CMH Pally
6. Closing

1. Introduction & Berth of the CMH Palladin:
Ok i made this hdin (hammerdin) at first cause i was TIRED of all my friends that would need grushes (glitch rushes) followed by chaos runs, i hated changing gear to do both of these situations (call me lazy). i was so annoyed at my damn merc getting IM'd all time and wasting my gold getting new one, i would much prefer to gamble with that gold duh! And i am too lazy to switch to redemption all time (it slows down run in my opinion), so i thought and thought how can make the perfect hdin for mfing all acts AND chaosing WITHOUT switching gear for each situation. So the Chaos/Mfadin Hybrid pally was born (CMH pally from now on).

2.Stats & Skills:

Strength - none enigma takes care of this along w/ torch anni etc.
Dexterity - Enough for max block with holy shield, make sure to take you +stat gear into consideration BEFORE adding into dex.
Vita - After you have achieved max block put EVERYTHING here, more life = better chance to survive.
Energy - NOTHING goes here

1 skill into all preq (prerequisit skills)
1 into mediation (good for tight binds with this build)
1 into salvation (optional if you want although i dont see any point)
20 into BH (Blessed Hammer)
20 into Blessed Aim (BH sinergy)
20 into Vigor (nice to have for running around in town etc. plus its a sinergy to BH)
20 into concentration (this is your main aura it increases BH damage)
Rest goes into HS (Holy Shield)


Helm: shako um'd (Ber'd is the better choice should you be able get max resis with the other gear.)
Amulet: Maras OR a Pally amulet with fcr (faster cast rate) all resistances (Strenght and/or dex would be a nice bonus too.) Obviously the second ammy is better but along comes a higher price tag and a loss of 2 skills to your BO (battle Orders).
Armor: Should be self-explanatory but i'll define anyway lol (laughing out loud, LOL if you didnt know this ) +2skills, teleport, Magic find based on character level, Raise max life 5%,8% Dr (damage reduction 8%), damage taken goes to mana (seems useless but hey mana is always welcome here since you don't use a merc that has insight which in turn grants you and your party mediation .)
Belt: Arachs (arachnids mesh) mods speak for themselves +1skill, 20% fcr, and slows enemys down.
Weapon: Hoto (heart of the oak) or a wizard spike if you can't afford a hoto, but honestly i highly recomend buying a cheap 30resis hoto if possible over the wizzy.
Shield: Palladin Pheonix Shield with resis all base. This is one of the MOST important pieces of this build, thus why it's underlined. Let's see why it's so great for this build shall we; 1. Redemption aura so you dont have to bother with switching auras back and fourth and no more merc dieing to Im (iron maiden) YAY! 350-400 defense vs missles may not seem important but when you figure that it makes your max block all that much better cause now you can focus on melle guys first if you wish cause missle shooters will have hell time hitting you w/ max block then factor in the extra def= gg missle shooters lol. Raises max light resis 5% (great for all situations souls, chaos, etc.) 10max fire resis (gg for chaos runs and for anyhting else DUH!) Absorbs fire damage 15-21 (again gg for chaos runs, eat fire like candy!) All around great shield imo (in my opinion).
Gloves: Honesly this is a very versatile peice of gear on this build, you have plenty options here. Mages for fcr (faster cast rate), Bloodfists for life and fhr(faster hit recovery), Chance Guards for mf and gf (magic find and gold find), or a pair of rare gloves with some sort of this combination resis/str/dex/life/mf.
Ring#1: BK (Bul-Kathos wedding Band) gives +1skill and life = the hot sex for this build.
Ring#2: BK again cause its sexy.
Ring Secondary Options: Ravens (Dex, mana, and cold sorb if you want to get the last elemtn sorbed ) Dwarf Stars (If you really wanna be a as and eat fire like you are a fat kid at Mcdonald's plus it gives life always sexxii) or a fcr ring with dex/resis/str/life ( the basics you know)
Boots: Ok now my prefrence here is Tri resis boots with fhr/dex/frw (faster run walk) and mf%, but if you cant afford somthing like this or just don't like this as your boots then use waterwalks (dex, life, max fire resis) all around sexy boots for hdin ( hammerdin in case you did'nt know this term ).
Switch: Any bo flail/cs (crystal sword) will do if your budget deprived, but as always the higher you can afford the better and ANY palladin spirit will do just fine.
Inventory: Any paladin torch and anni (annihulus) will do if your budget will not allow BUT try to upgrade when your funds allow. Get a decent Gheeds charm.
Now the rest of your inventory is personal preference, if you want pcombs (palladin combat skill grand charms) then get them, i don't use them cause they take up room and are useless for this build imo, and mf scs (magic find small charms) are always a decent bonus to have but not required. Lifer scs or resis scs are also welcome in the build if you prefer, BUT keep some room to pick up goodies that drop.

4. Merc Type & Gear:

Type: Act one merc, get the one that uses cold arrow ( to freeze enemies because your merc doesn't have holy freeze and you will see why in the rest of the gear).
Why a a1 (act one) merc you ask? SIMPLE, it doesn't get killed by IM and she casts inner sight which illuminates monsters and decreases their ability to defend themselves, and she will pick off monsters that you hammer blind spots miss, sexxi huh?

Merc Gear:

Helm: you have a few options here, Option 1-Crown of Thieves socketed with a ias (increase attack speed)/resis all jewl. Option 2-Andariels Visage Socketed with ral to negate the -fire resis, and finally Option 3-Stealskull socketed with a ias/resis jewel, ber for dr, shael for fhr, lem for gf, ist for mf, or a cham to prevent being frozen. Now there are other options like Rockstopper and Vampire's Gaze, but i am only posting the three i see most fit.
Option 1: It provides 9-12 LL (life leech), +50 to life, and ALOT of gold find 80-100%. it also gives alot other minor mods.
Option 2: It 20% ias, 8-10% LL, and 25-30str (honeslt this doesnt matter cause we aren't using str heavy items like act 2 mercs do ) and it also gives -30 fire resis WHICH IS A BAD THING FOR CHAOS RUNS, which is why we ral it as said above.
Option 3: Personally this is my favorite option of the main three choices listed. Why? Simple, the mods (modifications) speak for themselves. 10% ias, 10% fhr, 5% LL, 30-50% mf. Just wow, simply wow, amazing mods, and so versatile with what you choose to socket it with.
Now obviously if you can obtain one of the above items eth (ethereal) the better, but if you cant no biggie.
Armor: Fort (Fortitude) the mods again speak for themselves but ill clarify anyway . 25% fcr (this is actually a benefit should she choose to cast inner site in quick succession!!! ), 300% enhanced damage, 200% enhanced defense, life based on char (character) level, +5% light resis, 25-30 resis all. Obviously a 15ed (15% enhanced defense) eth bugged armor as the fort's shell is godly but if you cant obtain one dont sweat it.
Faith bow. Why? Let me clarify, It gives fanatiscm which increases attack power, rating, and speed. It has 300% ar (attack rating), 330% ed (enhanced damage), 50% ar and 75% damage to undead (godly for chaos), all resis 15, 10% chance reanimate as returned ( so freaking godly let me explain why, 1. your redemption won't stop this from happening because should reanimation take place it happens instantly after the enemy dies 2. it creates a bigger army for you and a nice meat shield 3. they get powered up by both your concentration AND your merc's fanatiscm.....can you say strong meat shields?), 75% extra gold from monsters. And in RARE circumstances say Dclone should enter the game you are in, you can switch to smite cause your merc has fant and you keep conc on and you can get over 2k smite damage, your merc won't die from him cause she will be distant shooting him with cold arrows and freezing him wink.gif. Godly..simply godly no substitue here. That means NO do not use ice for holy freeze on this build....DO NOT USE IT, why? Because your merc has cold arrow and although it doesn't freeze everyhting in a radius, it's better then nothing and if your merc froze everything redemption cant redempt monsters that die and were frozen. wink.gif **Also remember a amazon class bow (grand matron bow, matriarchal bow, etc.) will not be able to work on your merc, so remember that.

5.How To Use:
Basically use just like a normal hammerdin, tele on top monsters and kill them, your merc will walk off them when you tele and shoot them with arrows so dont worry about her, she usually tries to avoid direct damage to herself. Now, on the chaos runs, just tele on monsters kill them, your merc will do her job making reainmations etc. The chaos sanctuary will be a breeze for you. THE ONLY AREA YOU MIGHT STRUGGLE IS BAAL, and this is only due to the fact he has mana burn lol, just take mana pots and you will ez (easy) him. Generally take mana/juve (mana and rejuvination) pots wherever you go to heal mana while teleing to desired location.

Ok i hope we shared some laughs and you enjoyed my build. I hope you AT LEAST try this build before you critize me and my build. I have grushed and chaosed ALOT of people and i think most would vouch the reliability of this build. Any criticizm, ideas, comments are appreciated, any typos (incorrect spelling, grammar, etc.) you notice pm me and ill correct them ASAP (as soon as possible). If you notice any acronyms that didn't clarify their meaning tell me lol. If you would like to see my CMH pally in a game feel free to pm me, i would be more then happy to show you my stats and final turnout if i have time. I hope this gets stickied, i believe it's a worthwhile build and deserving of a sticky. Thank you for reading, Enjoy.

**Please note almost all versions of a hammerdin are alike in alot of ways, please relize when i say mine is different is that i imply i use a bit different gear then a pure chaoser would and different gear a pure mfing hammerdin would, thus making my own hybrid combination so to speak. so please dont criticize on this fact, thank you.**

Author: 1uke (Luke is my name if you couldn't guess.)
Special thanks to PnWolf and other friends who have complimented me on my grush/chaos run abilities and my build.

This post was edited by 1uke on Nov 8 2007 07:31pm
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Nov 8 2007 07:36pm
Very thorough guide, i like the Pally Phoenix Shield, i've never seen this done before on a hammerdin.
Posts: 41,666
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Nov 8 2007 07:37pm
Did I miss the fcr/fhr tables? Or did you not add them? Also you should add the optional passive resist build.
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Nov 8 2007 07:54pm
Quote (SkaDiablo @ Thu, Nov 8 2007, 07:36pm)
Very thorough guide, i like the Pally Phoenix Shield, i've never seen this done before on a hammerdin.

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Nov 8 2007 08:10pm
Quote (tehtwitchy @ Fri, Nov 9 2007, 01:37am)
Did I miss the fcr/fhr tables? Or did you not add them? Also you should add the optional passive resist build.

i didnt add them because quite simply ALOT of people use tmc and stuff, plus there is so many diff options like gloves etc. you can reach the tables just adjust gear accordingly and the passive resist isnt needed imo when u use pheonix and waterwalks should u choose them over tri resis boots w/ mods. wink.gif

EDIT: thank you diabloevenger and skadiablo for your comments smile.gif

This post was edited by 1uke on Nov 8 2007 08:11pm
Posts: 38,548
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Nov 9 2007 12:20am
Quote (1uke @ Fri, Nov 9 2007, 02:10am)
i didnt add them because quite simply ALOT of people use tmc and stuff, plus there is so many diff options like gloves etc. you can reach the tables just adjust gear accordingly and the passive resist isnt needed imo when u use pheonix and waterwalks should u choose them over tri resis boots w/ mods. wink.gif

EDIT: thank you diabloevenger and skadiablo for your comments smile.gif

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Nov 9 2007 12:49am
yep gg hdin
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Nov 9 2007 05:56pm
Quote (PnWoLf @ Fri, Nov 9 2007, 06:49am)
yep gg hdin

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Nov 9 2007 11:04pm
Quote (1uke @ Fri, Nov 9 2007, 11:56pm)

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Nov 16 2007 02:31am
Quote (PnWoLf @ Fri, Nov 9 2007, 06:49am)
yep gg hdin

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