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May 28 2010 07:16am
will be in three posts as it is so long

It was early April when the lives of 6 people would change forever. There wasn’t anything that they could do about it, nor was there any warning of what was to come. In the end, they were all left with a shock, and only years of memories floating in their minds to keep them from crying.
This is a story of 6 people, struggling through life aimlessly, after their worlds were shattered abruptly, by a single, soulless man.

The Baal Runners section was home. A loud, chaotic, sometimes monstrous place, but it was home, and there wasn’t anything that could change how they all felt about it. It was a fairly small community, around 25 people at best, most of which were inactive, and didn’t contribute much to the town.
RvBFan, pattywacker, Sharpsticks, Caulder10, bjones9, and joshuamcc1002 were amongst the most popular of the group, but obviously everyone had their own opinions of them. It was simple; they all had their differences, like every other town or city in the World, but I don’t doubt for one minute that they wouldn’t all take a bullet for one another.

It was a clear, collective day in April. The kind of day that almost seems as if it alone will make you sad if you thought about it enough. The air was fresh, but you could just smell something odd in it. Something different, something unknown. Something disastrous, that had been waiting to show its ugly head, and today was finally the day it could. Everyone felt it, but no one acknowledged it.
If only they did. If only.

Sharpsticks had woken up in a pleasant mood. The night before was Sunday, and he had finally gotten a good night sleep after two days of staying constantly awake; just waiting for what he knew would happen. But at last, he dismissed himself as paranoid, and spent a good 13 hours sleeping. It was the first day he actually felt chipper about going to work.
Half way across the world, pattywacker sat in a cold, lonely desk, trying to absorb the useless and pointless information about soil erosion. The teacher had convinced him one day that he would actually need to know about soil erosion, and how truly important it was to pay attention. At first glance, he did appear to be writing down notes, displaying the usual respect and good attitude that was his trademark around the school. The teachers wouldn’t ever find out that he was writing satirical poetry about them all.
5000 miles east, RvBFan was running her usual 7 miles outside of the campus, feeling great and well dehydrated.
Caulder10 had recently returned from one of his dog-shows. He had spent the entire weekend showing off his well groomed dog, and how he had spent 8 long and hard months training it. Unfortunately, Smokey had a great hatred towards cats, and just so it happens, a small black and white kitty found its way into Madison Square Garden that weekend.
Smokey was instantly disqualified, for undisclosed reasons.
Bjones9 spent that weekend in the shade, having sex with moderators.
joshuamcc1002 spent the weekend with the love of his life, Andrea.

Pattywacker was the first of them to find out what had happened. It was 2 weeks after that when police finally found him, lying in the streets, and checked him into a mental hospital.
Sharpsticks had always been the most cool and calm one of the bunch. He was the big brother of the gang, the guy who you could always go to talk to when things were bad. No one actually knew the extent of his depression after the incident, but he was the authority figure, and had to keep everyone calm.

The Baal Runners section had been closed, and it was late Monday night when everyone finally had found out about it. No one had heard from pattywacker since early that day, and joshuamcc1002 was found dead in his apartment, shortly after he had received the news.
It was truly a horrific day. Sharpsticks, RvBFan, Caulder10, and bjones9 spent the night in tears, trying to think of what they could do. Rita313, DrMurder, and ElCapitan had fortunately came out of their slumber to try and comfort their friends. But they didn’t want comfort, they wanted their home.
It was up to Sharpsticks. He had to make a decision of what to do, and he was the only one who could accomplish such a feat. Sharpsticks knew what they had to do, but it was going to be hard to tell them, and even harder for him to accept it himself. They had to move.

This post was edited by pattywacker on May 28 2010 07:20am
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May 28 2010 07:20am
‘Are you out of your god damn mind?’ ‘What’s the matter with you, you’re disgusting.’ ‘You think you are so smart, but you are gay and ugly.’ Sharpsticks was criticized hard, but it was their only option. Their only way to be free. They made preparations to move on Tuesday, the next day. They all packed their bags and flamethrowers, to get ready to spend their last night in the Gaming Coalition section.
Their boat left in 8 hours.

Rappelz would be their new home. Sharpsticks spotted it on a large map, and saw that the town was very small, and nearly uninhibited. It was perfect, they could start anew, and things would eventually pick up, or so they all thought.
It was a 5 hour boat ride from the ruins of where Baal Runners used to be to get to Rappelz. Sharpsticks spent the majority of the time at the end of the ship, staring over the railing into the endless blue water, anger and frustration nearly overwhelming him.
Meanwhile, in the cabin of the boat, everyone else was getting their things ready, excited but scared.
Caulder10 had unpacked his flamethrower with a deep hysterical laugh. ‘Paul thinks he can just get rid of us like that? He doesn’t know what’s coming’, he said proudly, almost patriotically. Little did he know that Paul really was unstoppable, and would very shortly take away all of his profile rights, making sure Caulder10 would never step out of line again.

Rappelz was a strange and enigmatic land. It was basically just a small random place, that no one knew of, like a small island in the middle of the Pacific.
Their first day there, the gang didn’t find any people there. They immediately took this to their advantage, and began posting once again, just hoping that this really would work, and that they could leave Baal Runners behind in their memories.
It wasn’t more than 3 hours when a moderator found them and closed their threads. RvBFan had a slight suspicion that bjones9 had something to do with it, but decided to keep her thoughts to herself for the time being. After all, bjones9 was their friend.

When the day had ended, they labelled it as productive. Sharpsticks was once again atop of the list with 105 daily posts, RvBFan was in a close second with 23 posts, Caulder10 had 18, and bjones9 was in last place, with 7. They had all wondered how Sharpsticks had over 80 more posts than everyone else, when it was just the four of them there, but that was why he was legendary.
They decided to call it a night at that, and went to bed with 8 threads open, for their morning session.

The threads were all closed when they awoke. Sharpsticks had had it, and finally lost control over his emotions. He opened his mouth wide enough for a train to go through, and bellowed out the loudest, most angry yell any of them had ever heard. Rubble began shaking on the ground, dust flew into the air. Great holes in the sky formed as sonic booms tore throughout the land, water flew up into the air with such great momentum, that tidal waves soon began to form.The entire land began to shake, and still, 4 minutes later, Sharpsticks was still screaming. All of them had honestly believed that his hair would turn yellow and that he would release a kamayamaya wave on all of them and kill every person in his path.
They were all horrified, and couldn’t hold on much longer. Sharpsticks had nearly conjured up a hurricane, and none of them could fight it. They flew into the air, water flying over them from the tsunamis, gigantic rocks flying past them like a meteor shower.
9 minutes had passed, and Sharpsticks finally stopped screaming, to take a breath. The rest of the gang fell back to the land, panting, most of them bleeding from multiple places. Caulder10’s leg had fell off from the sound waves, and bjones9 had broken his left arm. They decided it was best to leave Sharpsticks alone for the time being, and decided to have a camp fire, and to roast some marsh mellows later that night.
They all sat around the fire and reminisced of baal runners. The things they had once done were outrageous, and they wouldn’t take back any of it.
Sharpsticks spent that time sitting by the water, legs crossed, staring into the waves with a mellow expression. But there wasn’t anything anyone could do about it. Sharpsticks’ mind was beginning to slip, and they had all feared that he would end up with pattywacker in the mental hospital very shortly.
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May 28 2010 07:21am
RvBFan sat by, eating marsh mellows. She pretended to be listening to the conversation, but she wasn’t. She had much more important things on her mind; more specifically, bjones9. There was just something about him that she didn’t trust. The threads being closed even though they were far away from anybody else, the 0% warn, the very high-up and popular friends he had...
And then she realized it. Bjones9 top friends were all moderators and mediators. There was something about this that she knew just wasn’t right.

She went back to the threads from the night before, and began looking through all of the posts. It was time consuming, as Sharpsticks had posted so many times, but she finished, with a very shocking surprise, that sent chills down her spine. She had counted only 6 posts made by Bjones9, and he made 7 that night. So where had the other post been?

She hadn’t any forum gold, so she logged onto pattywacker’s account to steal his, as he wouldn’t ever be needing it again. She spent the entire 5.00 forum gold and searched bjones9’s post history.
And there it was. A topic made in General Help by bjones9 that read ‘Please close these spam threads in this forum, and keep an eye on everybody there, as they’re all troublemakers.’
He was a mole.

She called Caulder10 and Sharpsticks over to tell them the shocking truth. In a way, they were relieved, that they had finally found out the source of the problem. But anger ran through Sharpsticks like a black man running with a bicycle. Sharpsticks ran over to bjones9, and punched him right in the stomach.
His fist went directly though bjones9, and came out the other end. Bjones9 cried out in pain, as Sharpsticks lifted his arm, screaming out in anger, and tossed him into the air. He then took a stance, with his arms open, his legs spread apart. Bjones9 came falling back to the earth 15 seconds later, and Sharpsticks gave him a round-house kick, right in the head.
His entire head exploded, and the rest of his body went flying out into the ocean.

After that fatal incident, things went back to normal. All of the inactive friends finally came over to Rappelz to join the new community, to start off anew.
It was a rough few weeks, but they prevailed, and life eventually became peaceful once again.

This post was edited by pattywacker on May 28 2010 07:22am
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May 28 2010 07:52am

This post was edited by zeja on May 28 2010 08:03am
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May 28 2010 09:39am
bump for you
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May 28 2010 10:43am
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May 28 2010 04:53pm
Quote (Kruterkallikopp @ 28 May 2010 12:09)
bump for you

thanks man!!!
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May 28 2010 11:54pm
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May 29 2010 11:10am
And Bjones9 was never heard from again. Muahhahahaha! Now I'm the only Sorc that looks like me!

What's that 9 about anyways? Seems like something a multi would do!!! Right joshuamcc1002?
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May 29 2010 12:43pm
Quote (RvBFan @ May 29 2010 05:10pm)
And Bjones9 was never heard from again. Muahhahahaha! Now I'm the only Sorc that looks like me!

What's that 9 about anyways? Seems like something a multi would do!!! Right joshuamcc1002?

its my library card pw to get onto the computers there LoL
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