I'm using this build now for a while.
atm im at 45k hp, ~200-260@, 59k dmg, 4,3k armor, 19,5%crits, 50% critdmg, 2.4 atk/s, 10movespeed
can do pony lvl pretty easily, but when there are fast/reflecting mobs i often have problems
but i just pull them into a corner and np.
http://eu.battle.net/d3/de/calculator/wizard#blYRSO!YfX!bbcbZYany other champs: run, blizzard spam, hydra, run, blizzard spam, hydra...if they run too near to me: frost nova. and if i have time ofc normal attack
and passively i switch between astral presence and coldblooded
another edit
i can take (1hit champs) 2 hits from ponies, sometimes 3 - this helps a lot since u dont get instagib all time.
but ofc could this all be better but will cost a lot more then
need more res, more hp, more dmg
This post was edited by Wavej on Jun 14 2012 07:54pm