Quote (Accurate @ 2 Sep 2012 04:39)
Right, since 1.0.4 has arrieved since some days it's time to build for a "future PvP" (I hope ;P)
I've been looking on diabloprogress for different builds, most of them run with 2 new nat pieces, 2 inna pieces, rest crit chance / dmg / dex etc
I'm not looking for a glasscannon, I want some kind of hybrid (good life - res and dps)
Do you guys have any suggestion? semi-unlimited budget, trolls, get the fuck out
Im trying to build a hybrid monk too, and i think im doing it well, i can tank almost all elites and kill them quickly, the set for monks doest not exist, id only pick innas helm or belt withnice stats, althought the best would be nats ring + boots (the boots are like a shield with mass ress + 12% ms + 600 armor + 6% damage reduction)
dh have 2 sets: innas + natalyas, but if you want to keep your survavility y recommend you only nats
If you want you can view my monk to get a sample (
http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/SanLeon-2108/hero/201654 ) i have 808 res and 413% chd
I hope my post would be helpful for you!