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Jun 1 2011 02:17pm
Quote (Wild @ Jun 1 2011 04:11pm)
forgot to tell you i cant have nuts and im lactoseintolerant :/
this may be a problem

not a problem at all!

if you are alergic to nuts, replace any peanut butter / nuts from the menu and replace it with any lactose free cheese (there are MANY of these - generally sharp cheddar is lactose free).

The same goes for any cheese on the menu, replace with lactose free cheese.

Alternatively for cheese, you can substitute with an egg...1 oz of cheese = 1 whole egg more or less.
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Jun 1 2011 03:31pm
Hey Raynor,

Cardio questions for you.

Why do I seem to be able to run significantly farther in doors on a treadmill than when I am outside?

I did 21 minutes (2 miles) on the treadmill the other day.

I did 7 and half minutes today or so and I felt toast.

I know treadmill is easier but is it that much??
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Jun 1 2011 04:54pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Jun 1 2011 02:13pm)
As per your reply, this tells me a lot about you...moreso than the original post.

Let me explain a few things...first of all, forget about time for a minute, and forget about reasons why something "can't" happen. I want you to genuinely think about WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY. Just stop and think about it. Pretend the world is currently standing still right now...and there is nothing else going on...and you can freely pick whatever you want to do (within reason - no murdering people or flying around on jet packs lol). After you come to this realization, please do tell me what it is (if you feel like you can share it).

If you feel that you can't share it, I highly advise for you to start changing your life to accommodate that. Think about this for a minute...pretend you are in law school, and you hate it. Pretend your real passion is cooking....but you feel there isn't any money in that, or you feel that you won't be a good enough success, or you don't want to go to school for it. You need to immerse yourself in what you LOVE. Forget the laws school, forget every aspect of your life that is dragging you down. I am enabling you to become liberated from the chains of modern life which restrict us and prevent us from doing what we truly want to do that makes us happy, all for fear of not making enough money, or from fear of not being successful. If there's one thing I've learned in my years...it's that success and money ALWAYS come with something you truly love, are passionate about, and dedicate yourself to....no matter how silly or different it might be.

I IMPLORE you to please sit down and think about what really makes you happy....not like just a little happy...I mean deep down inside happy...content...proud of yourself, and so forth.

Secondly, as for women...there are two sides to your issues...first of all...there will never be just TWO women who you are interested in...not a chance. There will be thousands of women that you will at some point meet or come in contact with that you would genuinely like to cultivate a relationship with IF you allowed yourself the time and opportunity to do so. Sometimes you have to LET GO of what "was" and move onto something that "will be."

the other point about those women....so what if these two different girls moved 1-2 hours away....if you REALLY cared enough for either of them...you would drive yourself down there and spend some time with them. After all what is 1-2 hours down and another 1-2 hours back if it makes you happy? If you tell me that the 1-2 hour drive in each direction doesn't make you happy...then you genuinely don't care about either of them...and I mean that.

When you meet a woman that you absolutely fall for, you are going to move mountains to be able to see her...you will do pretty much anything. It's a weird feeling and it overtakes you...the next step in that puzzle is deciding whether or not she deserves it or not...but that's a different issue.

Please read and take in all that I have said, and take the time to realize what genuinely makes you happy...and really soul search before replying back. If it helps, meditate first....dark silent room, sitting or laying in a position of comfort, eyes closed, focus on NOTHING but your breathing....do this for as long as it takes for you to be at peace....and then ask yourself the question(s)

I feel a stable and healthy relationship will help me substantially, but I don't know where to start and what to think anymore.
I have tried to make me think what really makes me happy, and I've come to the conclusion that hardly anything does anymore, and I realize it which sucks even more.
I am aware that I have a lot of good things going for me and not a worry in the world, yet I am stuck here wondering every night why the hell do I have to get up in the morning to repeat the same schedule, same patterns, same food, same end result. My exercise and diet are fine, I just don't feel healthy either, and it may be due to just the mental health aspect that could be dragging me down.

I will try and read a good book tonight and meditate after when I am a little less stressed and a little more tired and get back to you, but I also came to the conclusion that I really want a nice car and feel that could also make me happy.
Nothing special, maybe in the 25-40,000 range brand new. But even that will just be a short run thing, since money can't really buy happiness and materialistic thoughts can only get you so far in life...
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Jun 1 2011 05:32pm
Hey Raynor, few things...

- If im depleting carbs the week of the comp, to then load them thur/fri.
- Good carb sources for these days? (Sweetpotatoe, rice cakes, oatmeal, whole wheat? )
- Any bad carb sources? ( white vs brown rice)

Things I should make sure I cut out week of...
- All Dairy (I hear it can make ppl bloat)
- Sweeteners, gum, diet sodas
- I also read that brocolli is a bad choice of fibre as it makes ppl hold water?

Finally, POST (first) COMP BINGE!

Alright so, if i have a comp 4 wks after this one (june 11th / july 9th)

The plan is to leave the venue and head to the beach, where my family and I are staying the rest of the weekend.
-How bad would a two do "holy shit" binge effect my 2nd comp?
- I can still do cardio while at the beach
- I'd be back to regular routine that monday
- Anything I can do/eat to minimze fat gain on this binge

Thanks for any and all info Raynor
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Jun 1 2011 07:29pm
Could you explain fasted cardio? I seem to get many different view points. Thanks.
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Jun 1 2011 08:29pm
Sup bro, I have a question about diet.

I'm 5'10 145-150lbs. Trying to get up to 165-70 so I want to gain about 20lbs. I'm lifting 2-3 times a week and doing cardio 2-3 times a week. (I'm actually following one of the routines that you posted in here)

anyways... my question has to do with diet and meals... I'm eating all that I can... from the time that I get up to the time that I go to sleep (fuck sometimes I even wake up in the middle of the night and eat a snack....) I just don't think I'm gaining enough or taking in enough calories.

Right now I think I'm at somewhere between 2500-3000 calories a day, is that enough? Also I'm drinking 2x protein shakes a day so I'm getting around 800 calories just from that...

Can you recommend some good foods or if I need to change anything (IE Eat specific things).

Also I am lactose intolerant which limits what I can eat.
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Jun 1 2011 08:44pm
If I may
I've been following the conversation you've been having Raynor and Armani
and as someone who's always been told he gives great advice...
I have to say that Raynor is giving you amazing advice, I actually really enjoyed reading it
I can relate to everything your going through Armani, I had gone through it in the past for a year and once again for another year recently
Try and take time to discover yourself Armani and find something you love, like Raynor was saying
and as for women, I thought the same thing...just wouldn't find someone for me...like I was set at thinking that and basically I would talk exactly as you are right now
but things have a funny way to working out when you throw yourself into something you love, start socializing more with people and keep yourself in shape...brings back joy in your life
Don't worry yourself thinking there won't be anyone or nothing will work out...sometimes the best technique you can use while in this position is to fake-it-till-you-make-it, it will draw more positivity towards you--I always use the analogy that it's like bluffing in poker, you can make something out of nothing, until you build your stack of chips up (success/happiness/etc.) and then you won't have to fake it anymore because you'll already be there.
I followed this and I came back from major depression and traumatic stress, I'm doing good in college...workout nearly every day, and found myself a girl who's amazing; like I said things just have a way of working out, it just takes time and finding happiness for yourself first.

Anyways, I thought I'd just throw that in there and mention that you had AMAZING advice in this Raynor, considering it isn't the typical topic that would come about in your thread. Sorry if I was impinging on your turf at all.

As for myself, I have been bulking for quite some time now; not strictly but I have been able to gain 30 lbs.
So now I'm thinking it's time to cut...I've read your cutting workout before, the cardio before and after seems pretty intense though...would it be as effective to just do the HIIT post-workout only rather than both? I'd figure you'd burn most of your glycogen stores within the resistance training alone
And as dieting, do you know of any tools that can help me figure out my Energy Expenditure fairly accurately in order to determine where I have to be along with the 500 cal. deficiency

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Jun 1 2011 11:01pm
Quote (Miniflight @ Jun 1 2011 05:31pm)
Hey Raynor,

Cardio questions for you.

Why do I seem to be able to run significantly farther in doors on a treadmill than when I am outside?

I did 21 minutes (2 miles) on the treadmill the other day.

I did 7 and half minutes today or so and I felt toast.

I know treadmill is easier but is it that much??

treadmill is softer to run on, also the air conditioning is very helpful. Running outside provides additional changes of terrain, hotter temperatures, and harder surfaces - it is always easier to run indoors.
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Jun 1 2011 11:02pm
Quote (Armani_Code @ Jun 1 2011 06:54pm)
I feel a stable and healthy relationship will help me substantially, but I don't know where to start and what to think anymore.
I have tried to make me think what really makes me happy, and I've come to the conclusion that hardly anything does anymore, and I realize it which sucks even more.
I am aware that I have a lot of good things going for me and not a worry in the world, yet I am stuck here wondering every night why the hell do I have to get up in the morning to repeat the same schedule, same patterns, same food, same end result. My exercise and diet are fine, I just don't feel healthy either, and it may be due to just the mental health aspect that could be dragging me down.

I will try and read a good book tonight and meditate after when I am a little less stressed and a little more tired and get back to you, but I also came to the conclusion that I really want a nice car and feel that could also make me happy.
Nothing special, maybe in the 25-40,000 range brand new. But even that will just be a short run thing, since money can't really buy happiness and materialistic thoughts can only get you so far in life...

I will await your reply tomorrow...take your time in soul searching...it can take a while.

Also, short-sighted materialistic things never truly help...they are just a temporary fix on a problem that is much larger..

when you get back to me we'll talk some more, try to relax, unwind, and get an answer from yourself.
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Jun 1 2011 11:15pm
Quote (TheOak @ Jun 1 2011 07:32pm)
Hey Raynor, few things...

- If im depleting carbs the week of the comp, to then load them thur/fri.
- Good carb sources for these days? (Sweetpotatoe, rice cakes, oatmeal, whole wheat? )
- Any bad carb sources? ( white vs brown rice)

Things I should make sure I cut out week of...
- All Dairy (I hear it can make ppl bloat)
- Sweeteners, gum, diet sodas
- I also read that brocolli is a bad choice of fibre as it makes ppl hold water?

Finally, POST (first) COMP BINGE!

Alright so, if i have a comp 4 wks after this one (june 11th / july 9th)

The plan is to leave the venue and head to the beach, where my family and I are staying the rest of the weekend.
-How bad would a two do "holy shit" binge effect my 2nd comp?
- I can still do cardio while at the beach
- I'd be back to regular routine that monday
- Anything I can do/eat to minimze fat gain on this binge

Thanks for any and all info Raynor

Hey there.

For re-comp you want ALL complex carbs.....ie: Sweet potatoes, whole grain pasta, whole grain bread, oatmeal, brown rice, cream of wheat, quinoa, granola, spelt, and buckwheat.

Don't forget the pre-comp sugar!!! =)

the week of, you want to cut out:

- ALL SODIUM RICH PRODUCTS (remember to keep sodium low and potassium high)

As for the post-comp binge...I recommend that you do EVERYTHING in your power to enjoy yourself....feel free to load up on everything! It wouldn't hurt to purchase BSN Cheater's Relief and take 3-4x 15 mins before and after each meal. Just follow the directions accordingly. You don't need to do any cardio or any workouts at all...just relax and enjoy yourself...you've earned it.
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