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Posts: 12,196
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Apr 18 2011 05:07pm
hey bro im freaking out here lmao i cant figure out wat to do....

alright well before i would jst buy 16oz ground beef and eat 1/4 (measuring by eye) so i would have a serving of 4oz

well i finally got a scale to measure out everything. Do I weigh the meat b4 or after its cooked?

I decided to buy fatter meat (73/27) so the ratio is better prot/fat but then I was thinking, majority of the fats come out wen it cooked ne ways (grease)

so would i benefit more by buying better meat (90/10) that way I actually get MORE meat per serving? (Since less is getting drained)

lol its confusing.
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Apr 18 2011 05:08pm
Quote (Honestly @ Apr 18 2011 06:15pm)

hey there.

I am unimpressed with their fish oil that I received as a free gift a while ago with some OT.

Also, the greens mix is pretty decent, but nothing uncommon. I would stick with NOW! super omega 3-6-9 and for greens, I would go with something organic on bb.com
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Apr 18 2011 05:10pm
Quote (Honestly @ Apr 18 2011 06:48pm)
also, what % of my lifts should i increase from the previous week?

on a pure strength routine, such as 5x5...you want to increase 5% per week (maximum) but consistently.

If you managed to do that for a full year...

52 weeks x 5% per week = 260% (so a 225 bench would be a 585 bench).

So as you can see, 5% is the TOP. You will most likely increase by 1% per week (average) if you keep everything in top condition. You might see some 5-10% surges along the way, but those are not common for long term sustainability.
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Apr 18 2011 05:11pm
whats tips would u give to someone who is just starting the "Jerk" of the clean and jerk? I've been practicing squat clean already.
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Apr 18 2011 05:11pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Apr 18 2011 05:10pm)
on a pure strength routine, such as 5x5...you want to increase 5% per week (maximum) but consistently.

If you managed to do that for a full year...

52 weeks x 5% per week = 260% (so a 225 bench would be a 585 bench).

So as you can see, 5% is the TOP. You will most likely increase by 1% per week (average) if you keep everything in top condition. You might see some 5-10% surges along the way, but those are not common for long term sustainability.

if i can do more should i do more? or should i keep it at a steady 5% increase

also what is a good routine for chest day


db fly
db press

is that good? should i change the order?
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Apr 18 2011 05:14pm
Quote (TheOak @ Apr 18 2011 07:07pm)
hey bro im freaking out here lmao i cant figure out wat to do....

alright well before i would jst buy 16oz ground beef and eat 1/4 (measuring by eye) so i would have a serving of 4oz

well i finally got a scale to measure out everything.  Do I weigh the meat b4 or after its cooked?

I decided to buy fatter meat (73/27) so the ratio is better prot/fat but then I was thinking, majority of the fats come out wen it cooked ne ways (grease)

so would i benefit more by buying better meat (90/10) that way I actually get MORE meat per serving?  (Since less is getting drained)

lol its confusing.

ah, this is a good question.

First of all, 90/10 is actually the perfect beef cut. You want to avoid as much animal fat as possible.

I personally use 91/9 lean beef (grass fed) by maverick farms.

However, to boost the fat, I use BUTTER or GARLIC INFUSED OLIVE OIL!! Both of those on steak is absolutely godlike, and the fat from butter is much healthier than the fat from beef. (not to mention o oil lol)

anyway, the weight is uncooked weight when measuring cals/fat/protein.

I recommend you cook the beef on the george foreman and get out the beef fat as much as possible, and add plenty of o-oil or butter as your fat. Easier to control at that point also. Assume that the george foreman makes a sirloin 90/10 into around a 98/2.
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Apr 18 2011 05:15pm
Quote (MoneysHc2 @ Apr 18 2011 07:11pm)
whats tips would u give to someone who is just starting the "Jerk" of the clean and jerk? I've been practicing squat clean already.

This is one of the hardest things to do. Using only a light weight, practice your form over and over until it becomes muscle memory and your body accommodates to it. Once you are able to accomplish it with very light weight (say 45-95 lbs), start moving into real weight. The key is repetition in this department.
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Apr 18 2011 05:32pm
A few weeks ago i asked you about the cottage cheese before bed thing and why it works and your responded with:

cottage cheese contains a lot of casein protein. Casein protein is among the slowest acting proteins available. As a result, you can use this for pre-bedtime to sustain metabolism throughout the night and eliminate direct catabolism while you fast (sleeping = fasting).

i showed this to my nutrition lecturer and her response was:

1. How can eating casein foster calorie burning, maintain metabolism (what does this mean exactly) and eliminate direct catabolism while you sleep? What is the mechanism? If cottage cheese can help eliminate catabolism, it is due to it's protein content, which means that this could apply to eating any protein source at this time)
2. Milk also contains casein, so why does this not apply to milk?

Can you please answer these questions? i find this a very interesting subject and would love to know the science behind it.

Thanks, Zeebo.
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Apr 18 2011 05:36pm
What's your opinion on USPlabs OxyELITE Pro?
Any good? Do you suggest it over other similar supp pills?
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Apr 18 2011 05:47pm
Thanks for the pro advice dude! Will help out a lot when i don't randomly walk around wondering what to do next haha.
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