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Apr 15 2011 01:07pm
Quote (PunkAnarchist @ Apr 15 2011 06:50am)
I'm looking to just basically trim fat off my pecs/core, and definitely change up my eating habits. I'm not looking to bulk up, and I'm looking to do just do this from home, also trying to keep whatever it is I end up doing for my routine safe for my spine (I've had lower spine problems since my days of playing hockey). I'm 5'10" and weigh about 210 lbs.

Any help on some exercise/diet ideas is greatly appreciated. :)


Hey there...for a good amount of fat loss coupled with high energy and overall good health, I recommend you try the anabolic cutting diet and cutting workout routine:

anabolic cutting diet (cyclical keto diet)

Cutting Workout Routine
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Apr 15 2011 01:08pm
Quote (TheOak @ Apr 15 2011 08:03am)
FUCK YEA!!  :fume:

Stay motivated man, that is 99.9% of the battle.
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Apr 15 2011 01:11pm
Quote (MegaVovaN @ Apr 15 2011 08:19am)
hey raynor,

could you see if this is a good exercise for hip flexors? if it doesn't, could you tell me the target muscles?


It is...but that is also very difficult to perform if you don't know what you're doing.

There are machines at the gym specifically for hip flexors. You might wanna try these as well:


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Apr 15 2011 05:02pm
shld i add cardio on leg days (pwo) ??

currently onnly doing cardio on my upper body/off days....
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Apr 15 2011 05:31pm
Quote (TheOak @ Apr 15 2011 07:02pm)
shld i add cardio on leg days (pwo) ??

currently onnly doing cardio on my upper body/off days....

yes! use the stationary bike for this...45 mins worth of medium-to-high intensity should cover it.
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Apr 15 2011 06:03pm
Looking for a cutting diet that will hopefully decrease my bodyfat from 16-17% body fat too 12% in two months and example diet.

Weighing in at 175 pounds at 5'10, thanks.
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Apr 15 2011 06:28pm
Looking for you're opinions on my workout plan for over the summer, goals are to increase vertical / speed + gain as much lean mass as possible
Currently 6' ft, ~170lbs
Current Lifts (Last set of my current 12,10,8 workout except DL which i do 5x5) are Bench = 155X8 Squat = 210x8 DL= 270x5
Monday - Chest + Biceps + Core (Bench press, Flys, Incline DB press, BB curls, Hammer curls, concentration curls, russian twists, weighted decline situps)
Sprinting - Endurance Day

Tuesday - Plyometrics (Box jumps, squat jumps, bounding etc) OR track workout
Sprinting - Speed day (only done if no plyometrics)

Wednesday- Rest
Sprinting - Recovery Day

Thursday - Shoulders + Legs + triceps + core (Squat, Goblet Squat, hamstring curl, calf raises, DB skullcrushes, DB tricep extensions, Tricep Pushdown, medicine ball work for core)
Sprinting - Speed endurance day

Friday - Yoga (horrible flexibility / helps with 2 pulled hamstrings i had)
Sprinting - Vertical Work

Saturday - Back + traps (Deadlift, Lat pulldown, DB 1arm rows, DB shrugs)
Sprinting - Form Day

Sunday - Off
Sprinting - Off

Diet - Macros are 40/40/20 Carb / Protein/ fat 4-4.5k cals total
Supplements - Whey / Fish oil / Multi

Posts: 22
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Apr 15 2011 09:04pm
hello i'm honestly, new here, what has been going on skcraynor, have you ever received a generous donation for 66 dollars and 66 cents? you are a great person for helping people like me

what are some plyometrics drills or exercises that you would recommend?
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Apr 15 2011 09:16pm
Quote (dgkblack @ Apr 15 2011 08:03pm)
Looking for a cutting diet that will hopefully decrease my bodyfat from 16-17% body fat too 12% in two months and example diet.

Weighing in at 175 pounds at 5'10, thanks.

Your wish is my command.

anabolic cutting diet (cyclical keto diet)

Cutting Workout Routine

Abs Workout Routine
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Apr 15 2011 09:31pm
Quote (Websters @ Apr 15 2011 08:28pm)
Looking for you're opinions on my workout plan for over the summer, goals are to increase vertical / speed  + gain as much lean mass as possible
Currently 6' ft, ~170lbs
Current Lifts (Last set of my current 12,10,8 workout except DL which i do 5x5) are          Bench = 155X8            Squat = 210x8        DL= 270x5
Monday - Chest + Biceps + Core (Bench press, Flys, Incline DB press, BB curls, Hammer curls, concentration curls, russian twists, weighted decline situps)
    Sprinting - Endurance Day

Tuesday - Plyometrics (Box jumps, squat jumps, bounding etc)  OR track workout
    Sprinting - Speed day (only done if no plyometrics)

Wednesday- Rest
    Sprinting - Recovery Day

Thursday - Shoulders + Legs + triceps + core (Squat, Goblet Squat, hamstring curl, calf raises, DB skullcrushes, DB tricep extensions, Tricep Pushdown, medicine ball work for core)
    Sprinting - Speed endurance day

Friday - Yoga (horrible flexibility / helps with 2 pulled hamstrings i had)
    Sprinting - Vertical Work

Saturday - Back + traps (Deadlift, Lat pulldown, DB 1arm rows, DB shrugs)
    Sprinting - Form Day

Sunday - Off
    Sprinting - Off

Diet - Macros are 40/40/20 Carb / Protein/ fat 4-4.5k cals total
Supplements - Whey / Fish oil / Multi

Looks very solid...however you need MORE core work. Core is where you will get a lot of explosive power from...so make sure to hit core at least 2x per week, but more likely 3x.

Lastly, diet looks good, but just make sure to get the 30-40g sugar PWO (strength workouts) with lean protein and avoid fats at that meal. Other than that, keep the fats in order (at least 2:1 unsat to sat fat ratio).

Also ensure you have a mineral ratio of 1 sodium to 2 potassium to 1 magnesium to 1 calcium (example: 2g sodium, 4g potassium, 2g magnesium, 2g calcium)

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