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Apr 14 2011 04:41pm
What's your opinion on Nolvadex helping to cure/reduce gyno?
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Apr 14 2011 08:45pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Apr 13 2011 12:30pm)
You can substitute meals for 0 carb (or very low carb) shakes. Just add some heavy cream to boost the fat.

For shakes, try NOW! 100% Whey isolate or Optimum Nutrition Pro Complex

Lastly, the gist isn't really that...please re-read the diet, it's a bit more complicated than that.

You need basically 60% calories from fats, 40% calories from protein (and less than 20g carbs per day). Remember a fat gram is 9 cals, and a protein gram is 4 cals....so plan accordingly.

You want to eat high protien, high fat foods. One day every week (the same day, at the end of 6 days) you are going to CARB LOAD which means you eat like 180g protein and around 400g carbs. With very low fat (around 30g or so).

The day after you immediately jump back on high fat and high protein with no carbs for a week.

So plan accordingly.

Are low carb soups okay?
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Apr 14 2011 09:46pm
Hey Raynor

a while back you gave me a maintenance meal plan that lookd like this

Meal 1:protein,carbs,fats
Meal 2: protein , carbs ,fats
Meal 3: protein: Pwo with a simple carb
Meal 4: protein,fats
Meal 5: protein. fats
Meal 6: protein , fats
200protein, 170carbs, 80 fats

(before this i was doing keto)

and calculated my bmr which came to 2000 and u said 2300 would be ok for me cuz i train 5 days a week

Im enjoying the carbs and all that, but

strangly, seems like just since i started this diet, about an hour after my last carb meal

it seems like i get really tired, I get the feeling like my eyes are drooping or trying to close, (similar to when u need sleep), but ive been sleeping the same amount i always have

any ideas?

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Apr 14 2011 10:10pm
Quote (TheOak @ Apr 14 2011 03:26pm)
lol damn u build my confidence up!

well if im 170 and 11-12% bf now

is it possible i can drop to 5%bf by my comp? (i think 9 weeks, june 11th)

Yes...but you need to jack yourself up with a hell of a lot more activity and VERY close careful dieting. You need to also not splurge on your carb days, keep the cals around 2,000-2,200.

Also start using every cheating method possible, this means:

Caffeine throughout the day, jet fuel in the morning on empty stomach with cardio and pre-workout (3 pills each time), as well as using the heating pad to sleep with, and even wearing heavy clothing to promote heat increases and stimulating metabolic increases.

You should also make sure you visualize your goal frequently and again I stress this - WORK YOUR ASS OFF!! HIIT CARDIO 3-4 times a day!!! HARDCORE WORKOUTS!!! BURN THAT SHIT APART!

sorry I start getting into this lol.

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Apr 14 2011 10:15pm
Quote (Haewyr @ Apr 14 2011 05:49pm)
What kind of water have I to drink ? with mineral, magensi or smth like ?

Thanks for help :lol:

e : oh, and what's about fruitjuices ? o,o

depends, for fat loss, avoid fruit juice or anything with sugar...acceptable beverages are the following:

1. any water (with no sugar added) literally any type
2. tea (any type as long as no sugar)
3. Diet Soda

If you are BULKING (trying to gain weight) virtually any beverage except for regular soda is acceptable
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Apr 14 2011 10:16pm
What's the best protein for mass gain, and should I take it before and after workout?

Thanks in advance.
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Apr 14 2011 10:21pm
Quote (Miniflight @ Apr 14 2011 05:57pm)
Hey Raynor,

What can I do to target fat loss on my front stomach and quads/thighs.

I am pretty lean everywhere else.

Thanks Again,

Edit: Currently just doing cardio and normal workouts.

Unfortunately spot reduction is generally not possible. However, there is a possibility that these areas just need more muscle mass in order to make it appear less fatty.

Most of the time, people tend to have fatty looking midsections and legs because they don't train them as hard as the rest of their body.

I recommend that you train abs 3 times a week and legs 2 times a week - check these out:

Abs Workout Routine

Hypertrophy Plan 3-on-1-off (regular)

Hypertrophy 5 day split (modified)
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Apr 14 2011 10:22pm
Quote (IDUTCIH @ Apr 14 2011 06:41pm)
What's your opinion on Nolvadex helping to cure/reduce gyno?

Assuming you are talking about NOLVADEX - and not NOVADEX (by gaspari)

It is used primarily as PCT after steroid use. I can not talk about that sort of thing on here - sorry.
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Apr 14 2011 10:23pm
Quote (Tydus @ Apr 14 2011 10:45pm)
Are low carb soups okay?

depends, remember you can only have 20-25g of carbs per day total. A simple chicken broth or veggie broth with chicken or beef would be fine
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Apr 14 2011 10:24pm
Quote (KramerFtw @ Apr 14 2011 11:46pm)
Hey Raynor

a while back you gave me a maintenance meal plan that lookd like this

Meal 1:protein,carbs,fats
Meal 2: protein , carbs ,fats
Meal 3: protein: Pwo with a simple carb
Meal 4: protein,fats
Meal 5: protein. fats
Meal 6: protein , fats
  200protein, 170carbs, 80 fats

(before this i was doing keto)

and calculated my bmr which came to 2000 and u said 2300 would be ok for me cuz i train 5 days a week

Im enjoying the carbs and all that, but

strangly, seems like just since i started this diet, about an hour after my last carb meal

it seems like i get really tired, I get the feeling like my eyes are drooping or trying to close, (similar to when u need sleep), but ive been sleeping the same amount i always have

any ideas?

Just a normal reaction to carbs. Sincerely, some people tolerate carbs better than others. Keto always makes me very energetic and ready to go - carbs make me tired and lazy. It seems you are the same way. There really isn't much to do except maybe go back on keto, but maintenance keto if you are interested in that.
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