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Posts: 31,524
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Apr 14 2011 03:03am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Apr 14 2011 12:16am)
5 meals:

Meal 1 - 1 cup oatmeal + 6 whole eggs + 1 banana + 1 slice whole grain bread w/ 2 tbsp peanut butter
Meal 2 - 8oz chicken breast + 1 cup black beans + 1 cup brown rice + 1/2 cup shredded cheese + side salad w/ o oil and vinegar
Meal 3 - (PWO meal) - 1 cytogainer shake + 2 bananas + 2tbsp peanut butter
Meal 4 -  1/2 a box of pasta + 8 oz ground beef made into meat sauce w/ grated cheese + 2 cups broccoli
Meal 5 - 1 cup cottage cheese + 1 tbsp peanut butter + mixed nuts + 1 apple + cinnamon

that is a solid diet , i'll have to try it

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Apr 14 2011 11:16am
is drinking grapefruit juice at any time of the day a bad idea if i supplement with creatine?
Posts: 6,519
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Apr 14 2011 12:47pm
Hey Raynor ,
Could you get me a substitute for my chest day?
So far I'm doing :
Bench 4 sets
Incline Db press 4 sets
Incline flies 4 sets
dips 4 sets

Need a substitute since I filled my upper chest allright now :)
O looking to train it proportional now.

This post was edited by Hellspray on Apr 14 2011 12:49pm
Posts: 14,696
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Apr 14 2011 01:10pm
Quote (Honestly @ Apr 14 2011 01:16pm)
is drinking grapefruit juice at any time of the day a bad idea if i supplement with creatine?


However, you can drink grapefruit juice 2 hours before or after taking creatine (or longer) without any contraindications.
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Apr 14 2011 01:12pm
Quote (Hellspray @ Apr 14 2011 02:47pm)
Hey Raynor ,
Could you get me a substitute for my chest day?
So far I'm doing :
Bench 4 sets
Incline Db press 4 sets
Incline flies 4 sets
dips 4 sets

Need a substitute since I filled my upper chest allright now :)
O looking to train it proportional now.

Try this

5x5 Flat Bench
5x5 Decline Bench
8x3 Overhead DB extensions
8x3 Cable Crossovers
8x3 Flat Bench DB Flies
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Apr 14 2011 01:16pm
hey raynor

im getting paranoid and wondering if keto is best for me

I've lost around 20lbs which is great and i feel good, i jst dont kno if its the best thing for me

My weight loss has slowed down and i went back to check the problem and my protein intake was too high and my fats were too low

so i adjusted it and got this..

2000cal / 155g fat / 150g protein / <25g carbs (i weigh 170-175)

Im just wondering if i should switch to a high protein intake like this
2000cal / 40g carb / 200g protein / 200g carbs


This post was edited by TheOak on Apr 14 2011 01:17pm
Posts: 14,696
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Apr 14 2011 01:24pm
Quote (TheOak @ Apr 14 2011 03:16pm)
hey raynor

im getting paranoid and wondering if keto is best for me

I've lost around 20lbs which is great and i feel good, i jst dont kno if its the best thing for me

My weight loss has slowed down and i went back to check the problem and my protein intake was too high and my fats were too low

so i adjusted it and got this..

2000cal / 155g fat / 150g protein / <25g carbs (i weigh 170-175)

Im just wondering if i should switch to a high protein intake like this
2000cal / 40g carb / 200g protein / 200g carbs


For pure cutting no, and for pre-contest no.

If anything you need to increase the amount of activity you have every day by doing 30 mins of HIIT cardio 3-4 times a day (staggered). For example, when jay cutler gets into the last few weeks leading up until contest, that psychopath wakes up twice in the middle of the night to run on his treadmill. He is a sick sick man....but also has a tremendous physique to show for it.

Now is the proving grounds, where we separate the men from the boys.

Jack the cardio up, keep the diet proper with protein/fats, and get in the zone. You can also try sleeping with a heating pad on the areas that require more fat loss. Remember, the more heat to an area, the more the body will be encouraged to burn up fat stores there.

You are doing great so far, keep up the good work - just remember, more activity at this point is BETTER.

Just make sure to keep the muscles constantly challenged, pumped, stretched to ensure maximum size/vascularity/volume for the contest.
Posts: 12,196
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Apr 14 2011 01:26pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Apr 14 2011 02:24pm)
For pure cutting no, and for pre-contest no.

If anything you need to increase the amount of activity you have every day by doing 30 mins of HIIT cardio 3-4 times a day (staggered). For example, when jay cutler gets into the last few weeks leading up until contest, that psychopath wakes up twice in the middle of the night to run on his treadmill. He is a sick sick man....but also has a tremendous physique to show for it.

Now is the proving grounds, where we separate the men from the boys.

Jack the cardio up, keep the diet proper with protein/fats, and get in the zone. You can also try sleeping with a heating pad on the areas that require more fat loss. Remember, the more heat to an area, the more the body will be encouraged to burn up fat stores there.

You are doing great so far, keep up the good work - just remember, more activity at this point is BETTER.

Just make sure to keep the muscles constantly challenged, pumped, stretched to ensure maximum size/vascularity/volume for the contest.

lol damn u build my confidence up!

well if im 170 and 11-12% bf now

is it possible i can drop to 5%bf by my comp? (i think 9 weeks, june 11th)
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Apr 14 2011 03:49pm
What kind of water have I to drink ? with mineral, magensi or smth like ?

Thanks for help :lol:

e : oh, and what's about fruitjuices ? o,o

This post was edited by Haewyr on Apr 14 2011 03:50pm
Posts: 26,508
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Apr 14 2011 03:57pm
Hey Raynor,

What can I do to target fat loss on my front stomach and quads/thighs.

I am pretty lean everywhere else.

Thanks Again,

Edit: Currently just doing cardio and normal workouts.

This post was edited by Miniflight on Apr 14 2011 03:58pm
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