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Jan 28 2009 05:11pm
Quote (Hellspray @ Wed, Jan 28 2009, 08:45am)
Ok i need your help
Im traning kickbox / freeclimbing
theres a tournament next month
and i have 74 kilograms or however you spell it
i need to have 68-69 for a lower category and diet / traning help?

this is a very vague question...so I'm just going to give you generic advice.

Exercise more (at least 1-2 hours a day), eat less carbohydrates (especially after your 2nd or 3rd meal), eat smaller meals more frequently (every 2-3 hours), and try drinking a lot of caffeine (coffee especially, but most caffeinated products will act as a dieuretic which will purge you of excess water weight and reduce ur total weight). Lastly, make sure that you switch to DISTILLED WATER for the few weeks prior to your weigh-in - this will help purge excess water weight as well. Also, NO SODIUM ! This helps retain water which will increase your weight - so ELIMINATE it!

good luck
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Jan 28 2009 05:25pm
Don't listen to the Angershark Wallace, we all appreciate your advice. I haven't asked anything, but I've read, and it's greatly attributing to weight loss and muscle-building. You're the man.

This post was edited by A_teamer on Jan 28 2009 05:25pm
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Jan 28 2009 05:33pm
Lets take another step back shall we.

You are inherantly angry and jealous for whatever reason - stop being so insecure...I'm here to help everyone, even you if that's what you wanted. However, coming across to me and saying things like this makes you out to be a bigger and bigger moron.

Legs are the LARGEST and strongest muscle in the human body...however, where you fail to read or comprehend is that ass-to-floor squats which is not the required squat for setting records (only 90 degree breach is required) - put a LOT of stress on the knees. I simply WILL NOT squat more than 455 for simple measure of not wanting to damage my knees - any professional in the sport knows when to call it quits. I can bench press more than I can squat because my elbows don't suffer as a result (I have naturally resilient elbows....but weaker knees - probably from catching in baseball for several years).

Anyway, you say Leg press isn't even on the top 10 exercises? I beg to differ...and so does nearly any bodybuilder or powerlifter with a brain.

If you were to take any TWO exercises for each muscle group here's what you'd have.

Chest - Bench Press, Dumbbell Press

Back - Deadlift, Rows

Shoulders - Military Press, Standing Barbell Press (clean and press, or snatch and press are both acceptable for this)

Biceps - Standing Olympic Bar Curl, Preacher curl

Triceps - Close-Grip-Bench, Skullcrushers

LEGS - Squats, Leg Press

You say lunges are more important and more noteworthy than squats? Where did you learn to lift? From John Basedow and his Fitness Made Easy videos? (no offense to john or his workouts, he's a millionaire from those)

I have nothing against lunges - as a matter of fact I do them semi-regularly as a warm up to my legs routine. However, by you saying lunges have more impact or credance than legpress makes you horribly mistaken....that's like you saying that cable flies for chest are more important than bench press.

Please take your horrible attempts to sully my reputation elsewhere. You are a sad excuse for a human being, who probably gets mad when he sees people that have achieved more in several years than he can in his entire life. I recommend you change your attitude, or later in life, you will have no one but yourself to look to.

PS -

your 1.75 equation doesn't even compare to raw bench vs raw squat.

Raw bench record (Scott Mendelson) - 715 lbs
Raw squat record (Don Reinhoudt) - 934.5 lbs

thats a ratio of 1.3

a ratio of 1.75 would be 1251.25 raw squat...which has never been achieved raw (as far as records go).

So anyway...continue being a nuisance to everyone on here, and continue to get slammed for it - you're only proving my point further than you are a total waste of space who's obviously insecure, depressed, and has to find reasons to throw his self-hatred at others.

lunges, front squats, good mornings, dumbell squats, deadlifts (with the hips low), stiff leg deadlifts, hack squats are all by far greater then a leg press man. go lift at planet fitness, because thats what you are, a commercial in and out weightlifter. you really dont even squat (they dont allow squating or deadlifting at planet fitness). your just one of those guys who works upper body every week an does cardio for legs. please man.

This post was edited by Anilator(A) on Jan 28 2009 05:36pm
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Jan 28 2009 05:36pm
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Jan 28 2009 06:11pm
Empty your PM box when you get a chance bro.

I hope everything is getting better for you, and hope you get well soon.
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Jan 28 2009 07:23pm
hey dude!

is it a good idea to do cardio at a separate time than weight lifting?

i workout at school and my friends are skinny little boys and want to gain weight, unlike me, so they never run... they just jump right into weights

i have a gym at my community that has tredmills/ellipticals that i can run on at night.

i heard working out twice a day was bad? iono
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Jan 28 2009 08:01pm
Quote (Jimmy16 @ Wed, Jan 28 2009, 09:23pm)
hey dude!

is it a good idea to do cardio at a separate time than weight lifting?

i workout at school and my friends are skinny little boys and want to gain weight, unlike me, so they never run... they just jump right into weights

i have a gym at my community that has tredmills/ellipticals that i can run on at night.

i heard working out twice a day was bad? iono

It's not a bad idea to do one in the AM and one in the PM. Or, cardio right after you do weights, however remember you need to eat something asap.
It will boost your metab and appetite threw out the day.
Never do it before you weight lift, make weight training your priority.
If you can sip on some BCAAs when you're doing your cardio. I think running is stupid as hell, bad for your knees. I cycle every time I do cardio.
Remember if you use a certain hear rate zone, you will either be doing cardio, or burning fat.
SKC might have a different opinion though.
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Jan 28 2009 08:42pm
Nutritional Health -

For a man of your weight and height - eat about 2,000 calories a day (try not to go over or under by 100 cal) Make sure to get most of it from high quality lean protein (fish, chicken, lean beef, eggs, protein shakes) and Good Fats (fish, eggs, avocado, olive oil, etc)

Eat 2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight each day, spread out into 20% per pound increments. For you, you weigh 185 - we'll round that up to 190. that means you need to take in at least 380g protein per day. Split that up to 40-50 grams per meal.

Make sure to eat only about 100grams of carbs per day...split up in your first 3 meals (mostly at breakfast). Good complex carbs include: Oatmeal, whole grain bread, whole grain cereals (watch the sugar! shredded wheat and 100% bran are good ones), Whole grain english muffins, Brown Rice, Whole Grain Pasta, Veggies (especially sweet potatoes), and Beans.

Watch the sodium! Sodium makes you retain water which gives the appearance of being bloated or fat when in truth you are not. Make sure to consume no more than 2g (2,000mg) of sodium per day, balanced with at least 2,000mg of potassium (ideally 4g potassium to 2g sodium).

Eat plenty of good fats (olive oil, nuts, fish, eggs, etc)

Watch the foods in general! Make sure to eat good whole foods and protein shakes - avoid the fast food and processed foods (as well as restaurant foods unless you order very specific healthy things - like grilled chicken breast on top of a salad).

Eat every 2-3 hours (no longer, no sooner!) to optimize your metabolism for perfect building of muscle and burning of fat.

STOP EATING SUGAR! The only sugar you should eat is in the form of fresh fruits. If you have a sweet tooth or love soda (like me) switch to diet and sugar-free foods. Get Xylitol or Splenda sweetner for your stuff also, its calorie free and safe.


Make sure you supplement! Your body needs certain nutrients not found adequately enough in food - I reccomend the following:

Multi Vitamin (NOW! Adam is the best)
Omega Fatty Acids to take with every meal for Essential fatty acids (NOW! Omega 3-6-9 is the best)
Protein Shakes (For simple lean mass, Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey is the best)
30 minutes in the sun every day (For vitamin D support)
at least 1 gallon of water per day (I recommend bottled spring water like zepheryhills brand spring water)

I recommend using www.bodybuilding.com to buy these, you can also find coupon codes for that website on google and save 10%.

Exercise Plan

For the goals you specified, and given the weights you mentioned having I can provide you a perfect plan for gaining lean muscle and losing fat mass.

Every-Other-Day-Split -

Monday - (chest and back) -

5 sets of pushups (set 1 wide-grip, set 2 medium-grip, set 3 diamond-grip which is where your thumbs and index fingers touch forming the shape of a diamond between your two hands, set 4 low-grip, set 5 high-grip) this works all parts of the chest.
Do all 5 sets of pushups until failure (if you fail on the 8th rep for example, take a break, then move onto the next set)

Dumbell Chest Flies - (Lay on you back, grab some light dumbells 15-20 lbs max and extend your arms and make it look like you're hugging a barrell) an illustration of this exercise can be found here http://www.weight-lifting-workout-routines.com/dumbbell-flies.jpg
5 sets of this 15 reps each set. Make sure to squeeze your chest tightly with each rep and feel the blood rushing to your chest. Go up in weight starting at 10 lbs in each hand and finish somewhere around 20-25 lbs each hand. Modify as necessary.

Dumbell rows - (grab a dumbell and do 5 sets for each arm - this exercise can be found here http://www.mothernature.com/images/library/books/PeakCond/Back-6b.GIF) Do a total of 5 sets for each arm (total of 10 sets) with 10-15 reps for each set. Go up in weight, starting at 25-30 lbs, and go up to 40-50 lbs.

Deadlifts - Find something in your house thats heavy (with even weight distribution) with the ability to grip it evenly on both sides (a good item for example is the end of your bed). Proceed to bend at the knees, lock your back, and lift with your back and legs at the same time. Really squeeze your back while doing this for 5 total sets.

Tuesday -

NO WEIGHTS, DO ABS AND/OR CARDIO! Go Bike riding or jog/swim for 30-45 minutes and/or do crunches/situps for 100-200 reps total.

Wednesday - Legs and Shoulders

5 sets of leg lunges - (http://www.philkaplan.com/transformpages/exerciseillustrations/lunge.jpg) make sure to use enough weight that you can feel a burn, but no pain! Also do roughly 15 reps before taking a break and beginning a new set.


5 sets of dumbell squats - (http://www.bodybuilding.nl/usa/fotos/workouts/oefeningen/39.gif) - do light weight but enough that you feel a burn, and do this for 15-20 reps and burn your legs out! (you can do this exercise in substitution for the lunges if it suits you better)

5 sets of one-leg calf raises - Stand on one leg (with or without weight depending on the strength of your calves) and go up on your toes (of one leg) while the other leg is elevated or wrapped around the other. Squeeze the calf vigorously and feel the pump with each rep. Do 5 sets on each leg until total failure.

5 sets of dumbell shoulder shrugs - GO SLOW and do 15-20 reps, making a motion like you're shrugging when someone asks you a question that you don't know the answer to. exercise can be found here (http://www.la-fitness.nl/web/oefeningen/dumbell_shoulder_shrugscopybig.jpg)

5 sets of dumbell shoulder presses - go slow, do 15 reps for each set. Make sure to squeeze the shoulders at the top and feel the front portions of your shoulders getting burned out before you finish. (http://www.building-muscle101.com/images/dumbel_press.jpg)


NO WEIGHTS, DO ABS AND/OR CARDIO! Go Bike riding or jog/swim for 30-45 minutes and/or do crunches/situps for 100-200 reps total.


5 sets of BICEP CURLS! - if you have a bar use it...if not, use independent dumbells in each hand. Put a decent amount of weight for you, and pump the biceps heavilly. Feel like each bicep is a baloon filling with air about to explode with each rep. (http://www.pro-weight-training.com/Big/alternate_dumbell_curl%20copybig.jpg)

5 sets of tricep kickbacks with dumbells - do 15-20 reps on each arm....focus on keeping your elbow and shoulder in-line and flexing the tricep until it feels like its going to explode. (http://www.building-muscle-101.com/images/triceps_kickback_1.png)

5 sets of hammer curls - same as bicep curls except you keep your thumbs pointing up and work the forearms and brachials along with the biceps. (http://blogs.nypost.com/40by40/hamercurl.jpg) do 5 sets of 15 reps and pump pump pump!

5 sets of dips - These can be done with two chairs or one. Two examples can be found here: http://www.bodyresults.com/_iexer/S2Clim9.jpg and also here http://img.timeinc.net/health/i/200712/c2strength2_225.jpg - do 5 sets of 15 reps, and squeeze the triceps on each rep. by the time you're done your arms will feel like jello (if you did everything correctly)

Saturday -

NO WEIGHTS, DO ABS AND/OR CARDIO! Go Bike riding or jog/swim for 30-45 minutes and/or do crunches/situps for 100-200 reps total.


Ok that should cover everything. Make sure to stretch before working out for 10-15 minutes, light stretching to avoid injury. It would also be best to drink a protein shake before and after workout for optimal muscle growth and anti-catabolic properties.

You will DEFINITELY see results with this plan.

any more questions ask me!


Would this still be good for me to start this, I have been unactive so I never done this yet.
I have been doing free weights by my self, about 20Ib's for 30Mins to One Hour a Night.
My new weight is 195 and About 6'1"

I was planning to get a Gym Membership at the following since Ill be driving within three weeks
- Anytime Fitness ( Open 24/7 and has the basic's for normal work out )
- PaC ( Would Do this in the Morning and or Night after Work, this has everything from pool to a field to run it )

I really want to cut about 20-10 Ib's of pure fat weight by time Summer Hits ( is this possible with the workout above )

I normally never eat Breakfast due to school, but I heard it is best to eat breakfast.
Would this help alot to maintain a normal "eatting/nut. plan" and good for workout.

- fruit loops w/ banannas

- PB n J with Fruit or Chips

- Depends on what my Mom Cooks
( I also cook myself, been taking Nut. and Culinary Arts for over Two Years. So I could always cook what you recomend)

At work I normally eat (Lunch or Dinner )
250 Cal. Salad with GrillChicken w/ Unsweet Lemonaid

Can you let me know info on bike riding?
Its one thing I loved to do as a Child and still do but I will have to buy a bike biggrin.gif, which is no problem.

Sorry about the rambling on, ^^
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Jan 28 2009 08:55pm
Quote (S3th @ Wed, Jan 28 2009, 10:42pm)
Would this still be good for me to start this, I have been unactive so I never done this yet.
I have been doing free weights by my self, about 20Ib's for 30Mins to One Hour a Night.
My new weight is 195 and About 6'1"

I was planning to get a Gym Membership at the following since Ill be driving within three weeks
- Anytime Fitness ( Open 24/7 and has the basic's for normal work out )
- PaC ( Would Do this in the Morning and or Night after Work, this has everything from pool to a field to run it )

I really want to cut about 20-10 Ib's of pure fat weight by time Summer Hits ( is this possible with the workout above )

I normally never eat Breakfast due to school, but I heard it is best to eat breakfast.
Would this help alot to maintain a normal "eatting/nut. plan" and good for workout.

- fruit loops w/ banannas

- PB n J with Fruit or Chips

- Depends on what my Mom Cooks
( I also cook myself, been taking Nut. and Culinary Arts for over Two Years. So I could always cook what you recomend)

At work I normally eat (Lunch or Dinner )
250 Cal. Salad with GrillChicken w/ Unsweet Lemonaid

Can you let me know info on bike riding?
Its one thing I loved to do as a Child and still do but I will have to buy a bike biggrin.gif, which is no problem.

Sorry about the rambling on, ^^

You need to eat more protein, and more meals a day, try to get in 5-6 meals if you can.
Also, your diet seems to largely be sugar and carbs.

What info do you need to know about bike riding? It's the best form of cardio to me, swimming is better, but its hard and not the time of the year.
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Jan 29 2009 08:59am

I have a question,
Since about three months i have been going to a gym, and i always do the same workouts/machines.
But on this forum i see most people prefer using free weights over machines, but why is that? Does it make any difference in increasing your strength or growing muscles?
If you use more than one muscle group at a time for a certain machine, does that make it better than one that focuses on one single muscle group?
At the gym i see most people that have trained for a much longer time than me, use free weights. So does that mean it is better or that you should only use them if you are like.. advanced?

I still have a lot to learn about all these things, so any help would be much appreciated.

thank you,

(sorry for putting so many questions in one post btw) sad.gif

This post was edited by SeaBas on Jan 29 2009 09:21am
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