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Jan 20 2011 06:29am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Jan 18 2011 09:40am)
boiling defeats MUCH of the nutritional value unfortunately.

I thought so....
what about "steaming them" in 1-2 in of water top closed.....
or whats the best way to cook them?
Is there any good way to cook them in bulk?

Also....how is frying potatoes on the stove top in olive oil?

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Jan 20 2011 08:27am
Any and all help appreciated.

I want to go from the 1st image to the 2nd image (or kind of close to the 2nd image). I do not want to get ripped, tanked or anything like that. Just toned swimmer build.

I am 20 years old, I'm about 181-183cm tall, my weight is about 60-62kg. I am naturally athletic and have a slim bodynot skinny, slim. This picture is not me, I am a tiny bit more toned than him and my upper legs are not fat like the guy in the pics but it was the closest I could find.


This guy is 22, 174cm tall and his weight is roughly 67kg.


What kinds of exercises would I need to do? (please let me know if there is an alternative to situps 'cos I really don't feel comfortable doing them, it just doesn't feel right no matter how many times I do them)
Any special diets?

Edit: Forgot this, how do you go about increasing flexibility in your legs? Is it just stretching frequently and as time goes on you are able to flex more and more?

This post was edited by JukeBOXX on Jan 20 2011 08:39am
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Jan 20 2011 12:57pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Dec 14 2010 11:17pm)
Hey there. I have just the thing for you:

anabolic cutting diet

Cutting Workout Routine

Follow those links. If you follow the anabolic cutting diet along with that workout routine you will see TREMENDOUS fat loss and good muscle maintenance.

I asked my friends and they said that this is a straight "bodybuilding" regiment and I was wondering is it just their lack of knowledge or is what they are saying legit? I mean my lifestyle is pretty sedentary and I'm trying to change that but I also want something doable. Since I am new to everything, is this a realistic first step? How is this different than p90x? As I don't have a gym membership and it may be more convenient in working out if I carve out an hour to work out at home, is that a more realistic program? Just wondering...I think diet wise isn't too bad but being Asian and avoiding rice is going to be rather difficult! ;)

Thanks again!
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Jan 20 2011 02:58pm
hey raynor check out my cooking! http://forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=51532342&f=60

what d'ya think?
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Jan 20 2011 10:42pm
Quote (KramerFtw @ Jan 19 2011 11:19pm)
Hey raynor, ive been following the cutting routine for almost 3 months now, and today I cheatd (non cheat day) , family orderd fast food, which had tons of cals and carbs etc in it, my cheat day was supposd to be this sat, as carb day was LAST sat, so, If I just eat a bunch of carbs the rest of the night, can I just consider THIS my cheat day and then wait another 14 days for next?

would that mess me up at all?, I figure that, i already fell out of keto today for sure with that fast food, so why not just carb up big time and not have the cheat day sat cuz then itl take me longer to get back into fat-burn mode.

Just begin the cheat day starting with the first cheat meal you ate. That means, if you started at lets say 7pm on thursday, continue the cheating until 7pm on friday. Either way it's a 24 hr period (including sleep) no matter how you cut it.
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Jan 20 2011 10:42pm
Quote (senki1234 @ Jan 20 2011 01:36am)
Cutting and bulking, What are the differences?
I know cutting is losing weight
Bulking is gaining?

yes...bulking is adding on weight, mass, size, etc.

Generally bulking makes you gain both fat and muscle

cutting is where you try to cut the fat but maintain the muscle.
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Jan 20 2011 10:43pm
Quote (EverNineAfter @ Jan 20 2011 02:54am)
what are some good pills to take just for general health ?

Multivitamins - NOW! Adam (take 1 in the morning and 1 at night with food)
EFA's - NOW! Super Omega 3-6-9 (take 1-2 3x per day with meals)
Vitamin C - NOW! C-1000 (take 1 pill twice a day)
Vitamin D - NOW! Vitamin D 5,000 iu (1 per day)
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Jan 20 2011 10:45pm
Quote (gloryfield @ Jan 20 2011 03:43am)


just supplement with those key nutrients by themselves.

basically, ZMA before bed, Multi Mineral at night, and BCAA's before during and after workouts and before bed.
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Jan 20 2011 10:46pm
Quote (45sz @ Jan 20 2011 08:29am)
I thought so....
what about "steaming them" in 1-2 in of water top closed..... 
or whats the best way to cook them?
Is there any good way to cook them in bulk?

Also....how is  frying potatoes on the stove top in olive oil?


steaming is preferred, only lightly though.

potatoes cooked via stovetop w/ o oil is also good.
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Jan 20 2011 10:47pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Jan 20 2011 11:42pm)
Just begin the cheat day starting with the first cheat meal you ate. That means, if you started at lets say 7pm on thursday, continue the cheating until 7pm on friday. Either way it's a 24 hr period (including sleep) no matter how you cut it.

Alright, thats pretty much wat I did, now I go another 14 days no carb

my progress is slowin down alot now tho, i could do more cardio, but , I still want to get down to maybe 185, want my abs to show up good, I weigh about 207 at my lowest in the morning

Im just wondering tho, cuz after I cut to 185, im gonna prolly clean bulk through summer

is it bad for your body to constantly cut and bulk all year long?
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