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Jan 17 2011 01:00pm
Do you take steroids?
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Jan 17 2011 02:42pm
looking for a exerciseplan for an upcoming powerlifter. a friend of mine asked me to make a plan for him but i dont know too much about powerlifting and my co worker is currently not at work.

can you link me to any on this forum or post one yourself raynor? i'd prefer a 3 split for 6 days training and 1 day break. or at least push/pull one.
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Jan 17 2011 04:53pm
Quote (LikeABoss @ Jan 17 2011 03:00pm)
Do you take steroids?


Never have and never will.

I am too concerned with my long term health to do that.
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Jan 17 2011 05:06pm
Quote (Mephisto @ Jan 17 2011 04:42pm)
looking for a exerciseplan for an upcoming powerlifter. a friend of mine asked me to make a plan for him but i dont know too much about powerlifting and my co worker is currently not at work.

can you link me to any on this forum or post one yourself raynor? i'd prefer a 3 split for 6 days training and 1 day break. or at least push/pull one.

for powerlifting you should NOT be doing 6 on 1 off.

you should be doing either 2 on 1 off or 5 on 2 off.

Here is an example of a good POWER LIFTING routine to follow:

(Sets x reps)

Mon (CHEST) - 5x5 bench press, 1x2 bench press, 5x5 incline bench press, 5x5 decline bench press, 5x8 DB flat bench press (this is not a typical powerlifter exercise but I use it for developing the stabilizer muscles which increase bench press strength), 3x8 DB pullovers, 5x5 wide grip dips, 3x8 cable crossovers (also mostly for stabilizer development).

Tues (BACK) - 5x5 straight leg deadlift, 1x2 straight leg deadlift, 5x3 rack pulls, 5x5 bent over rows (regular bar, not smith machine), 5x8 seated cable rows, 5x5 weighted pull ups, 3x5 DB lawnmower rows (use straps), 3x5 t-bar rows.

Weds - OFF

Thurs - (SHOULDERS) - 5x5 military press, 1x2 military press, 3x3 clean and press, 5x8 DB shrugs, 3x8 Seated DB Shoulder press (mostly for stabilizers), 5x12 DB Front/Lat Raises (all stabilizers here), 5x5 Behind the neck press, 3x8 DB shrugs.

Fri - (LEGS) - 5x5 ATG Squats, 1x2 squat (just below 90 degrees), 5x8 DB lunges (very heavy and don't let the knee touch the ground), 5x5 Hack Squats, 5x5 Wide Stance Leg Deadlifts, 3x8 Leg Extensions (stabilizers), 3x8 laying leg curls (stabilizers).

Sat - OFF





Calves, biceps, and triceps are neglected from formalized training. The reason for this is that for powerlifting they are unnecessary to train independently. The normal chest and shoulder days work the triceps sufficiently, the normal back day would work the biceps sufficiently, and the normal leg day would work the calves sufficiently.

Overall this plan is just a sample. It is highly effective for PURE POWERLIFTING. Make sure to have a proper bulking diet when doing this plan.

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Jan 17 2011 05:53pm
hey, do you have any good brown rice recipes?
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Jan 17 2011 06:16pm
now what are the reasons split > fbw when trying to cut, doesnt fbw make you burn more calories and shit like that ?
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Jan 17 2011 07:03pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Jan 17 2011 01:56pm)
Should be fine Remember to check ketosis with strips if you think you threw yourself out of it at any point.

just curious about ketosis, say I check with it and see that I threw myself out of it, would I just stop eating carbs rest of day until im keto again? Or is the purpose of it to know what food/supplements not to eat next time?
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Jan 17 2011 07:24pm
Over the past year I have changed my life completely. I lost 120+ pounds and I am very healthy and active now. I run, lift weights, eat right (occassional cheat). However, I have all this loose skin.

I'm still 205-210 pounds..But, I'm not sure where I should go from here..It's really not motivating to look at the mirror and feel like you haven't lose any weight since youve started (shirtless anyways). I am planning on getting plastic surgery. However, there is not a set date and I'm not sure if I will be able to with the costs of everything.But, I'm not sure what I should do in the meantime..if I should try and bulk and gain some muscle to fill in the skin..or lose more fat..I've just been maintaining for the past 3 months.

I'll try and provide pictures tommorow so you can assess the situation better. But, I'm really not sure what I should do and could use some advice.
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Jan 17 2011 09:07pm
hey, whats the limit for vitamin D3? I'm taking 5000 iu with breakfast. If I take a multivitamin with meal 2 and meal 5, would it be too much?
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Jan 17 2011 11:30pm
Quote (MegaVovaN @ Jan 17 2011 07:53pm)
hey, do you have any good brown rice recipes?

just cook it as usual and season it with olive oil or butter + a pinch of salt + chopped onions + salsa.

That's amazing.
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