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Jan 13 2011 01:34am
Quote (IDUTCIH @ Jan 13 2011 03:24am)
Two part question.

Can you give me a substitution for the things bolded to fit into the macros for KETO
Meal 1 - 4 whole eggs + 1 oz full fat cheese w/ 1/2 cup green peppers
Meal 2 - 1 zero carb protein shake w/ 3 tbsp heavy cream(Is gasoari 5g of carb shake okay?)
Meal 3 - 1 salad with chicken breast and 2 tbsp olive oil + vinegar
Meal 4 - 1 can of tuna + 2 oz full fat cheese + 2-3 tbsp mayo + green veggies (celery, green pepper, etc)
Meal 5 - 6oz ground beef (80/20) with grated romano cheese, 4tbsp tomato sauce, and green veggies
Meal 6 - 1 cup cottage cheese + either 3tbsp heavy cream or 2tbsp olive oil w/ 8-10 almonds.

At about a .... ~15-17% BF whats a estimate to reach ~11%

instead of green peppers, substitute any green veggie....broccoli, kale, spinach, lettuce, celery, etc.

you need salad...if you can't deal with veggies I suggest you start learning to - the fiber is essential on KETO. ANY green veggies will do however.

replace the ground beef + tomato with 5 oz of chicken or turkey w/ 1 tbsp olive oil and 1 oz full fat cheese

replace your last meal with a 100% casein protein shake (with as close to 0 carbs as possible) - add 2tbsp coconut oil to the shake.
5g of net carbs in your shake is only OK if your total carbs for the day is 25 or less.

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Jan 13 2011 01:35am
Quote (KramerFtw @ Jan 13 2011 03:32am)
Hey raynor, Im currently early in my 3rd month of cutting, I started on october 31st and am still going right now.

Starting weight was 237-240, now im at 207.

The first month I did cardio and saw fast results, 2nd month I was lazy and did none at all same as this month, but the weight is still falling

I know I need to do cardio, i know

but my question is, when should i change the diet macros? Like the 2200 calories and all that, Let me kno , thanks

when your weight loss slows down or stops all together is when macros and/or calories need to change. Right now you're making excellent progress, so keep it up until you hit a plateau.
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Jan 13 2011 01:35am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Jan 13 2011 02:35am)
when your weight loss slows down or stops all together is when macros and/or calories need to change. Right now you're making excellent progress, so keep it up until you hit a plateau.

Alright, Im sure i can get down to 200 and maybe a bit lower, I bet id already be there if i did cardio lately, but.. :(

Il keep it up
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Jan 13 2011 01:43am
for cutting , and just overall general shape and athletic ability what routine is better, full body workout, or isolations ? or a mix of both ?

im wondering if i did something like 3 x a week FBW for cutting would that be better? i AM looking to get nice and toned /ripped because im fat right now, but i would also like to have strength too ( not really mass just general strength with a slim-built figure )

also do you know of any good circuits i could do that would benefit and increase my cardio alot ? looking to get into boxing but i want to have my cardio and be in better shape before i do so. thanks .

E: also ,, what is the equasion for how much protein i should be getting in my cutting diet again? at 200lbs my friend said i should only be getting 140-150 and not going over, when i told him i need about 200g ? not sure.

This post was edited by EverNineAfter on Jan 13 2011 01:44am
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Jan 13 2011 01:57am
Quote (EverNineAfter @ Jan 13 2011 12:43am)
for cutting , and just overall general shape and athletic ability what routine is  better, full body workout, or isolations ? or a mix of both ?

im wondering if i did something like 3 x  a week FBW for cutting would that be better? i AM looking to get nice and toned /ripped because im fat right now, but i would also like to have strength too ( not really mass just general strength with a slim-built figure )

also do you know of any good circuits i could do that would benefit and increase my cardio alot  ? looking to get into boxing but i want to have my cardio and be in better shape before i do so. thanks .

E: also ,, what is the equasion for how much protein i should be getting in my cutting diet again? at 200lbs my friend said i should only be getting 140-150 and not going over, when i told him i need about 200g ? not sure.

E: also what are some prime core workouts, like ab ones not just "ab workouts' but the ones that are most effective, not so much for showing abs but just having a great stomach to take a shot or w.e
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Jan 13 2011 02:27am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Jan 13 2011 01:27am)
Good overall. The workout plan seems to be lacking, but I know what you are trying to do. You can attempt that method for a few months and see if you notice good progress, if not, I will put you on something different.

As far as diet goes, solid so far - but couldn't hurt to add a few more raw veggies in there.

I will prolly add in some spinach with meal 2.

what would you recommend I add to my workout?
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Jan 13 2011 08:26am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Jan 12 2011 11:24pm)
Is this serious? or are you trolling me?

I was actually being srs about this.
I have no kitchen no home and i only got a microwave and don't likey buying fast food -__- help me out w this man, thanks
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Jan 13 2011 02:05pm
Quote (EverNineAfter @ Jan 13 2011 03:43am)
for cutting , and just overall general shape and athletic ability what routine is  better, full body workout, or isolations ? or a mix of both ?

im wondering if i did something like 3 x  a week FBW for cutting would that be better? i AM looking to get nice and toned /ripped because im fat right now, but i would also like to have strength too ( not really mass just general strength with a slim-built figure )

also do you know of any good circuits i could do that would benefit and increase my cardio alot  ? looking to get into boxing but i want to have my cardio and be in better shape before i do so. thanks .

E: also ,, what is the equasion for how much protein i should be getting in my cutting diet again? at 200lbs my friend said i should only be getting 140-150 and not going over, when i told him i need about 200g ? not sure.

Hey there. Check these out.

Cutting Workout Routine

Abs Workout Routine

Circuit Stations

Bodyweight exercises

anabolic cutting diet

Also for protein on cutting it depends. If you are on keto, you want 1g / lb of LEAN bodyweight (take bodyweight - bf % and that is your lean weight...so 200 lbs man at 10% bf would be 200 - 10% (20 lbs) = 180 lbs or 180g protein)

if you are on a regular cutting diet and not on keto...then you will have to increase protein intake to accommodate the lower fat.
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Jan 13 2011 02:07pm
Quote (MegaVovaN @ Jan 13 2011 04:27am)
I will prolly add in some spinach with meal 2.

what would you recommend I add to my workout?

well for now it's fine for pure power and general strength.

After a few months of that, I would recommend trying my 5x5 plan so you can start improving the slower growing muscle groups you have. Some people have lagging biceps, others might have slower growing traps. On the 5x5 every part is hit hard, very hard - which forces growth even to muscles that are stubborn.
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Jan 13 2011 02:11pm
Quote (Gutah @ Jan 13 2011 10:26am)
I was actually being srs about this.
I have no kitchen no home and i only got a microwave and don't likey buying fast food -__- help me out w this man, thanks

Ok well in that case...figure your BMR online (google this) and shoot for a diet 500 cals less than that.

You want to eat every 2-3 hours without fail....follow the below guidelines:

Fat loss 15 tips

Then choose from these foods to make life easier on yourself:

Cheese, pre-cooked chicken, tuna, sliced turkey/chicken/roast beef/ham, or store bought hard boiled eggs.

Oats, granola, whole grain cereal w/ no sugar added (like shredded wheat), canned boiled potaotes, whole grain bread or crackers, whole grain chips w/ lower fat.

peanut butter, mixed nuts, olive oil, avocados or guacamole

just make yourself meals and be creative...keep your calories 500 under what your BMR is and you will cut.
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