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Posts: 14,696
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Jan 11 2011 11:32pm
Quote (KramerFtw @ Jan 12 2011 01:29am)
Can I get an answer for this? I know it might be a silly question, maybe not, but

Ive been drinkin only distiled water for almost a year and just recently got some spring water and got dizzy right when i drank it, and its hard to drink more

is it my body reacting to the minerals? or what

also i hate the taste of spring water, distiled seems much more pure and ez to down 4 litres a day =(

If you have been drinking only distilled water for a year, I am surprised you aren't sick.

Distilled water has NO MINERALS in it. Your body REQUIRES minerals to survive. I suppose the minerals you are getting from food and/or supplementation has been enough to sustain you.

You NEED to drink spring water or any kind of water with minerals in it....but preferably spring.

The flavor isn't much different and if you have a problem getting used to it, just tough it out.
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Jan 11 2011 11:33pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Jan 12 2011 12:32am)
If you have been drinking only distilled water for a year, I am surprised you aren't sick.

Distilled water has NO MINERALS in it. Your body REQUIRES minerals to survive. I suppose the minerals you are getting from food and/or supplementation has been enough to sustain you.

You NEED to drink spring water or any kind of water with minerals in it....but preferably spring.

The flavor isn't much different and if you have a problem getting used to it, just tough it out.

yeah, strange i havent gotten sick i guess, but i ate a balancd diet and had a multi everyday

But il get used to it, well see
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Jan 12 2011 12:48am
Hello Sir,

I'm New In This Part of Jsp, But Came Here Because I'm Intrested in Getting In Better Shape. I Never Done Exercise Concistantly and Don't Know Much About Workouts or Nutrition.
I Was Wondering If You Could Help Me Reach My Goals, Getting the Famous 6packs and Getting Just a Little bit Bigger In Arms Chest and All that. I'm not Looking In Getting Real Big, Just a Proper Size That Will Go With My Body. Maybe Something Like tHe Guy From Twilight. My Stats Are as Follow:
Height: 5.6'
Weight: 146Lbs
Age: 18

I Was Looking For You To Give Me Some Advice, I'm Looking into the 5x5 program but Don't Know Much About it.(Or Maybe Differnt Program, that Would Be Better For What i'm Trying To Do) I Would Like to Know What I Have To Do Each Day, but Also What I Have to Eat (It Seems Like This is Important), But If You Could Explain Little Better as I Don't Know Much About tHe Terms And Stuff. Thanks For Taking The Time To Help Me,

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Jan 12 2011 03:03pm
whats your thoughts on this guy and his plan
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Jan 12 2011 06:19pm
Good diet for weight loss?

I was thinking oat's for breakfast lunch and dinner w lots of water and every other day a tuna sandwich for lunch ?
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Jan 12 2011 08:04pm
Hey SKCRaynor,

So, I was really looking at wanting to tone my body, building muscle, but more on the toning and ripped part. I am about 5'9? weigh 160 lb, and about 14% bf? I was just wondering if
there were some tips or pointers with stuff I could do at home, seeing as I dont really have access to a gym, and I dont have a home gym. Aswell, people tell me neutrition and meal plan
is very important, if there was anything you could suggest, it would be much appreciated.

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Jan 12 2011 08:27pm
Hey raynor,

hows my diet and workout schedule, anything you suggest I should add? I'm 5' 8''. my goal is to gain both strength and size

diet plan

(7 am) Meal 1 - 4 eggs fried in olive oil + 1 cup oatmeal + 1 Orange + 1 banana
(10 am) Meal 2 - 2 slices whole grain bread (toasted) w/ 4-6 oz sliced low-sodium ham w/ tomatoes made into a sandwich + 1 cup of whole milk (1x lactaid pills)
(12 pm) Meal 3 - Protein Shake (approx 40g protein) with 1 cup of whole milk (1x lactaid pill) + 1 handful raspberries + handful of mixed nuts
(3 pm) Meal 4 - 1 large chicken breast (fried in olive oil) + 1 cup brown rice + 1/2 cup mixed nuts + 1/3 pound of celery sticks
(6 pm) Meal 5 - 3 hard boiled eggs dipped in soy sauce + whole grain crackers (with dip) + 1/5 pound Kim chi (Korean pickled cabbage)
(9 pm) Meal 6 - 2 cups of whole milk (2x lactaid pills) + whey protein + 1/2 handful mixed nuts


1. Multivitamin (Opti-men) - Taken with breakfast and with meal 5
2. Vitamin C (HEB brand 500 mg vita C) - take 4000 mg per day (2x tablets every 3-4 hours)
3. Vitamin D (HEB brand Vita D) - take one 5,000 mg capsule per day with breakfast
4. 2 g of fish oil per day, spread over 6 meals.
Workout plan


3x5 Squat
3x5 Barbell bench press
1x5 deadlift
3xfailure pull ups


3x5 Squat
3x5 overhead press
3xfailure inverted rows

Alternating between A and B, with ~ 48 hour rest in between. Monday, Wed, Friday.

Increasing weight by 5 pounds per workout for squat and bench. Increasing weight by 10 pounds per dead lift day. (Will try to) increase weight by 5 pounds every week for overhead press (if I can't make 5 pounds per week on this lift, will stay at same weight for another week).

This post was edited by MegaVovaN on Jan 12 2011 08:27pm
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Jan 12 2011 08:33pm
Loading Phase - When you first start using creatine, begin with a loading phase of 20g per day for 1 week - split into 4x 5g doses throughout the day mixed with 100% natural grape juice (or thrown in your protein shake).

Take 1x in morning, 1x pre-workout, 1x post-workout, and 1x pre-bedtime. If you do not workout, just take the 2 pre/post workout doses sometime during the middle of the day, spread apart a few hours.

After the Loading phase, move onto the regular dosing phase - 5g 1x per day or 2.5g 2x per day.

Take 1x 5g dose mixed in 100% natural grape juice pre or post workout. Alternatively, you can take 2.5g pre and 2.5g post workout also mixed in grape juice. Both ways work just fine.

Lastly, you will need to cycle on and off of creatine for maximum effectiveness. An example of a cycle would be 3 months on, 2 weeks off, begin loading again.

The cycling will differ for each person, but the above idea will help get you started.

i just have a question about your creatine dosing regarding the bolded part. when you say mix with grape juice..does this mean a glass of it? so do i drink 4 glasses of grape juice? (roughly 1 litre)? just wondenrig because thats a shitloads of carbs and if this is the case, will it hinder my bulking in any way?
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Jan 12 2011 09:04pm
if i buy fresh veggie products, how can i figure out the stats and portioning size from them ?
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