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Posts: 17,247
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Jan 2 2011 12:43am
Vitamin C has been the subject of great attention for something like the past 20 years and no consistent research has shown benefits to immune function nor recovery. On top of that, high doses of vitamin C have been indicated in significantly increased rates of certain cancers (which may seem counterintuitive, but have been reproduced in research).

In long-term studies trying to promote very, very low-fat diets, subjects are unable to maintain compliance with a 20% or lower fat intake. The body begins to crave fat as an energy source and the intake will increase to around 25% at the very least. Higher intake of healthy fats is actually more beneficial, especially if you're trying to gain weight since research shows that more fat in the diet (whether animal or plant) increases synthesis of testosterone. People just tend to naturally stay above 20% of calories. It's silly to contemplate that especially since fat is the primary fuel (provides ~70% of energy) for resting skeletal muscle.

Whats your take on this? You said your diet was 40/40/20% fat. I'm kinda lost on what to do now lol.

I also asked him to quote his research, and link me to it. I'll see what he can produce.

This post was edited by MegaVovaN on Jan 2 2011 12:44am
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Jan 2 2011 12:44am
Quote (yCoRrUpT @ Jan 1 2011 06:46pm)
how long do the new years resolution gym people last

lol - great question ;-)

usually not more than 2-3 weeks. Many quit after the first few days.

Only about 1% or less actually make it a full year or more.
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Jan 2 2011 12:54am
Quote (MegaVovaN @ Jan 2 2011 01:26am)
Hey Raynor,

I don't mean to question your judgment, but there's people that says that vitamin C doesn't really help much with recovery.

I'm following your 40card/40protein/20fat diet for bulking.

heres what he said:

Whats your take on this?

hey there..

first of all:

Vitamin C has very, very little research backing its beneficial effects on immune function and almost none on recovery. On top of that, 20% intake from fat is very, very low and actually unsustainable in the long run. A much more moderate and maintainable skew is 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat. It's still entirely healthy and promotes lean muscle mass. If anything, you should cut back a bit on the carbs, which will put your body in a better hormone balance for fat loss.

that above quote is HORRIBLY untrue.

First of all, every single study of high vitamin C intake (2,000 mg / day or more) has shown it to not only support anabolism and increased immune function, but also increase metabolism decrease recovery time.

I can start googling scientific sources for you but I honestly do not have the time. However, I give you my word if you take 15-20 minutes of your time you will find a PLETHORA of extremely credible resources to back my position.

The idea that "there is very little research backing the beneficial effects of vitamin C" is like saying that there is not enough evidence to prove the body needs water and sleep to function.

Lastly, when you are in KETOSIS, you require a good deal of fat to provide you with necessary energy. However when you are NOT in ketosis, the body does NOT require nearly as much fat. HOWEVER, 30% is a proper amount for an average healthy individual (BASED ON CALORIES)

based on grams however, 20-25% should be from fat.

The discrepancy here is based on the caloric differences between fat and carbs/protein.

Carbs = 4 cal / gram
Protein = 4 cal / gram
Fats = 9 cal / gram

so as a result, an average healthy bulking diet should be approximately 40/30/30 in calories (3,000 cal a day @ 300g protein, 225g carbs, and 100g fat). But when we measure in GRAMS, it would be 47/37/16.

You see the difference?

P.S. on the fat vs testosterone production note...this is VERY true.

Fat and cholesterol naturally increase your body's testosterone levels and help support anabolism. Fat is VERY important. However, if you are NOT on keto, you do not need to be pumping fat to see good results. You only need approximately 30% of your daily caloric intake from fat to suffice accordingly. You can take in as MUCH as 35%, but that is really pushing it (remember if you are taking in enough protein, and still hitting high marks on fat you are probably overdoing the total caloric intake and thus crossing into a dirty bulk).

This post was edited by SKCRaynor on Jan 2 2011 01:00am
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Jan 2 2011 12:55am
Quote (Pakamon @ Jan 1 2011 07:00pm)
Hey there,
I've got some quick questions.

1-Is it bad to drink milk after workout? Some people say you'll gain fat instead of muscle. Any thoughts?
2-Is it better to do crunches without any weight holding down or feet or?

avoid milk post workout because it digests slowly...post workout you need immediate protein...I recommend whey protein and water w/ a simple carb like waxy maize or simple sugar.
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Jan 2 2011 01:03am
what can i do to help my arm

because i cant straighten it all the way and it hurts
Posts: 17,247
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Jan 2 2011 01:16am
I was reading some info about vitamin C on this page: http://www.exrx.net/Nutrition/Antioxidants/VitaminC.html

It seems like vitamin C plays an indirect roll in recovery by helping to regenerate vitamin E. It also says that 100 mg to 500 mg is enough for a exercising individual.

And as to the fats in my diet. I might start to take 2 capsules of fish oil every 3 - 4 hours.

This post was edited by MegaVovaN on Jan 2 2011 01:18am
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Jan 2 2011 01:20am
What's the most efficient way to lose belly fat?

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Jan 2 2011 12:19pm
Hey raynor,

Should i be resting 24 hours before reworking my abs/chest/back/shoulders? or is 48 hours required?
Does a protein shake count as a meal buffer? or at least a temporary meal placement as long as i eat soon after?
Also wanted to give you a sample of what i've been eating to see what you think.

9am 20oz water + thermalgenics
930am bowl of Go Lean (kashi) with 2 eggs
1140am Protein shake
1245 pork loin with 1 slice of wheat bread
315pm pork loin with small handful of unsalted nuts
600pm fried chicken (not breaded)
845pm cottage cheese

Should i avoid using protein shakes after my cardio or will it benefit me if i use it.

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Jan 2 2011 12:40pm
Quote (burton_clash @ Jan 2 2011 03:03am)
what can i do to help my arm

because i cant straighten it all the way and it hurts

I need more details...what happened to it? is this just post workout pain/soreness from a good bicep routine? Or an injury?
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Jan 2 2011 12:47pm
Quote (MegaVovaN @ Jan 2 2011 03:16am)
I was reading some info about vitamin C on this page: http://www.exrx.net/Nutrition/Antioxidants/VitaminC.html

It seems like vitamin C plays an indirect roll in recovery by helping to regenerate vitamin E. It also says that 100 mg to 500 mg is enough for a exercising individual.

And as to the fats in my diet. I might start to take 2 capsules of fish oil every 3 - 4 hours.

100-500mg of vitamin C is NOT NEARLY enough to support anabolic function, increased recovery, and boosted immune system. The minimum a healthy adult requires is 1-2g per day in order to achieve optimal functioning of these systems.

This is the OLD way of thinking that the FDA supports in full (this should tell you something). If 500mg was enough vitamin C to promote healthy recovery, immune function, and anabolism - why don't you follow those same scientific guidelines for protein? According to the FDA and other "credible" sources the human body only needs 60g of protein per day, 40g of fats per day, and a about 350g of carbs per day. This is of course obviously untrue and never takes into consideration people who want to strive BEYOND adequacy and achieve EXCELLENT health and and EXCELLENT physique. Not just "get by" and survive.

If you choose to not take my advise so be it. However this thread is not to spur arguments and disagreements with my medical training, knowledge, and expertise.

If you want to debate further, please make a new post on JSP and debate with people who have time for that. I honestly barely have enough time to help people on here to engage in this sort of thing. Sorry.

I have told you everything I need to in reference to vitamin C. Now it is your choice to take the advice or disregard it. I obviously recommend you take it =)

p.s. fish oil every 3-4 hours is not beneficial. You need to be taking it with EVERY food meal. The reason is that these EFA's balance out the saturated fats you will find in many of your food meals. In addition, their digestibility is improved when taken with food, vs on an empty stomach. Maximum fat loss and cardiovascular benefit is found when you take 2-3g efa's with every food meal (not shakes) per day.

This post was edited by SKCRaynor on Jan 2 2011 12:52pm
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