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Dec 30 2010 01:35am
Quote (serennia @ Dec 29 2010 10:59pm)
Should I take a pwo shake with this meal plan? or my pwo shake is meal 2

Meal 1 - 4 whole eggs + 1 oz full fat cheese w/ 1/2 cup green peppers
Meal 2 - 1 zero carb protein shake w/ 3 tbsp heavy cream
Meal 3 - 1 salad with chicken breast and 2 tbsp olive oil + vinegar
Meal 4 - 1 can of tuna + 2 oz full fat cheese + 2-3 tbsp mayo + green veggies (celery, green pepper, etc)
Meal 5 - 6oz ground beef (80/20) with grated romano cheese, 4tbsp tomato sauce, and green veggies
Meal 6 - 1 cup cottage cheese + either 3tbsp heavy cream or 2tbsp olive oil w/ 8-10 almonds.

with a pwo shake I come up with

220g prots
181g fat
2500ish cals

With taking meal 2 as pwo shake

192g prots
166g fat
2300ish cals

you can take the PWO shake in addition to the meal plan. Meal 2 is listed as a shake as well. Total of 2 shakes per day on workout days.
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Dec 30 2010 01:39am
Quote (EverNineAfter @ Dec 30 2010 03:12am)
CHEST/BACK - Flat Bench / Incline DB bench / Decline DB bench / Barbell Deadlift / Lat Pulldown / Barbell Row / Seated Cable Row - 5x5 3x8-12 (on the other workouts)

SHOULDERS/LEGS - Military DB Press / DB Shoulder Shrugs / Seated Arnold Press / Shoulder Raises / Barbell Squats / Laying Leg curls / DB lunges / DB Calf Raises - 5x5

ARMS !!! - EZ-Bar Curls / DB concentration Curls / Seated Hammer Curls / Dips / Tricep Cable Pulldowns / DB Tricep Kickbacks - 5x5

hey raynor, for how long do i follow this workout routine ? today was my second day , but i decided to do CHESTBACK > ARMS > SHOULDERLEGS because my legs hurt from deadlifts >_< , also when do i change the weight ? This is the first week i started following the diet plan you gave me too, how long do you think it will take to see some results ? just curiouos thanks. aslo , is this workout routine better then a FBW routine ? if so why?? ( for cutting purposes? _)

You will do 3 days in a row, then take your rest day, then do another 3 days. If you start to feel overworked, you can take 2 rest days in between instead of just 1.

Also as far as increasing weight goes, you can increase weight every 1-2 weeks by approximately 10% each time. When you finally hit a plateau, you will know it and then you will have to make some adjustments and so forth.

It usually takes approximately 6 weeks to start seeing results from any decent workout plan.

For cutting purposes this routine is good...however every BODY differs and some people respond to some workouts differently than others...therefore it all depends. Proceed with this working accordingly and see how you do with it...after 6 weeks you can make a better decision.
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Dec 30 2010 01:51am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Dec 30 2010 12:39am)
You will do 3 days in a row, then take your rest day, then do another 3 days. If you start to feel overworked, you can take 2 rest days in between instead of just 1.

Also as far as increasing weight goes, you can increase weight every 1-2 weeks by approximately 10% each time. When you finally hit a plateau, you will know it and then you will have to make some adjustments and so forth.

It usually takes approximately 6 weeks to start seeing results from any decent workout plan.

For cutting purposes this routine is good...however every BODY differs and some people respond to some workouts differently than others...therefore it all depends. Proceed with this working accordingly and see how you do with it...after 6 weeks you can make a better decision.

wait so 3 days in a row you mean...like mon tues wed all workouts? when do i do my cardio / abs then >_< and what does plateau mean ? and how will i know !

E: right meow im doing mon /wed / fri workout , tue/thur/sat cardio/abs sun rest

This post was edited by EverNineAfter on Dec 30 2010 01:52am
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Dec 30 2010 12:04pm
Quote (EverNineAfter @ Dec 30 2010 03:51am)
wait so 3 days in a row you mean...like mon tues wed all workouts? when do i do my cardio / abs then >_<  and what does plateau mean ? and how will i know !

E: right meow im doing mon /wed / fri workout , tue/thur/sat cardio/abs sun rest

The way you're doing it is correct....I was blearly eyed this morning when I replied to you. Got up an hour early for no reason and couldn't get back to sleep.

anyway, mon-weds-fri is correct. tues/thurs/sat can be cardio/abs, although at least ONE of those days could be focusing on whatever muscle group is lagging behind (you only need to hit abs 2x per week anyway).
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Dec 30 2010 10:30pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Dec 21 2010 02:51pm)
Hey there. Essentially I want you to keep your workout exactly as it is, but one of the days where you aren't as busy as the other days, either come in to the gym for a SECOND workout and train just the left arm, or do it immediately following a workout (I arbitrarily chose legs). You can pick what day works best for you.

Keep the plan to exactly as I prescribed to you before....just add in the left arm...do not make a 7th workout day either.

If the equipment you are using doesn't have a method of saving you from a true fail, you defintiely need to just grab a spotter at the gym and have him watch you and prevent you from dropping weight on yourself. Just pick a random person who is of decent physical shape and ask them to spot you because you are doing a failure set.

Is it okay to do cardio or abs on the 7th day or should it be pure rest?

As for the ab exercises, it says to do a plethora of ab exercises for 30 minutes without stopping in between. Which exercises do I do, I don't know enough to fill an entire 30 mins...and is it okay to lets say repeat one i've already done?
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Dec 31 2010 12:10am
Hey raynor

if you ever get a chance, post up some videos of your lifts man! especially squat, deadlift, bench, clean
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Dec 31 2010 02:11am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Dec 28 2010 06:37am)
The length at which the human body can go without food depends on many factors including your muscle mass, body fat percentage, basal metabolism, genetics, daily activity, sleep pattern, breathing rate, heart rate, presence of meditation, etc.

There are certain individuals (very inactive, morbidly obese, but young) that can go up to 30 weeks without food before dying.

There are other individuals (old, frail, sickly, and low body fat) that can go maybe 2-3 days without food before dying.

However, a good rule of thumb in the medical world is 4-6 weeks for an "average" person.

I would NEVER advise starvation in any case. It is one of the single most DAMAGING things to the human body.

wow thanks alot this really helps

im just asking cus, i have zero money for anything right now so i wont be able to eat for a week or two

i have lots of water tho

i heard you can eat like grass or sticks?

im going berry picking too, hopefully that will help me out
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Dec 31 2010 11:00pm
What do you use to pack your food for school? 6 meals a day for me. Some days I will have to eat 3 - 4 meals at school.
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Jan 1 2011 01:39am
Quote (Darkblue @ Dec 31 2010 12:30am)
Is it okay to do cardio or abs on the 7th day or should it be pure rest?

As for the ab exercises, it says to do a plethora of ab exercises for 30 minutes without stopping in between. Which exercises do I do, I don't know enough to fill an entire 30 mins...and is it okay to lets say repeat one i've already done?

Pure rest.

refer to this:

Abs Workout Routine
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Jan 1 2011 01:40am
Quote (MegaVovaN @ Dec 31 2010 02:10am)
Hey raynor

if you ever get a chance, post up some videos of your lifts man! especially squat, deadlift, bench, clean

Quite a few people have asked me for these over the last few months. I have unfortunately NOT had enough time to do anything like this - nor do I own a camcorder. However if the time presents itself in the future, I will be glad to do so!
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