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Dec 7 2010 10:23pm
Quote (EverNineAfter @ Dec 7 2010 03:23am)
Hey again, so this is the exercises ive chosen to do for my routines, could you give me some feed back and advice if i should change up anything, a reminder my goals are to maintain strength and cut.

you said : Work out for 1-2 hours a day (minimum of one hour) doing the following muscle groups and exercise ideals -

Monday - Chest/Back : Start with 15 minutes of cardio (treadmill, bike, or power walking) Then hit chest and back for a total of 20 sets (10 sets of each muscle group)

Tuesday - Cardio and Abs : Do 45 minutes of cardio (teadmill, bike, power walking, swimming, etc) and do 100-200 reps of good ab work (crunches, situps, leg raises, etc)

Wednesday - Shoulders and Legs -  Start with 15 minutes of cardio warmup then do 20 sets total (10 sets of each muslce group)

Thursday - Cardio and Abs : Do 45 minutes of cardio (teadmill, bike, power walking, swimming, etc) and do 100-200 reps of good ab work (crunches, situps, leg raises, etc)

Friday - ARMS!!!  - Start with 15 minutes of cardio warmup then do 20 sets total, 10 biceps and 10 triceps.

Saturday - Cardio and Abs : Do 45 minutes of cardio (teadmill, bike, power walking, swimming, etc) and do 100-200 reps of good ab work (crunches, situps, leg raises, etc)

Sunday - REST!! Take a break!

and i chose these : CHEST/BACK - Flat Bench / Incline DB bench / Decline DB bench / Barbell Deadlift / Lat Pulldown / Seated Cable Row - 5x5

SHOULDERS/LEGS - Military DB Press / DB Shoulder Shrugs / Seated Arnold Press / Shoulder Raises / Barbell Squats / Laying Leg curls / DB lunges / DB Calf Raises - 5x5

ARMS !!! - EZ-Bar Curls / DB concentration Curls / Seated Hammer Curls / Dips / Tricep Cable Pulldowns / DB Tricep Kickbacks - 5x5

thanks let me know what you think !

Looks pretty good. Just make sure that the Dips are CLOSE GRIP for triceps. Also you can do more than 5x5 of the arms exercises. Stick to somewhere around 5x8-12 assuming you are still going heavy and forcing a nice pump. 5x5 is more effective with compound and complex exercises like deadlifts, squats, bench, etc.
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Dec 7 2010 10:24pm
Quote (Mesonychid @ Dec 7 2010 09:41am)
What exercises do you think stimulate more bicep growth, weighted chin ups or barbell curls?

bicep curls by far.

Chinups work a LOT of back - and to a lesser extend, shoulders/chest/lats. If you really isolate yourself for barbell curls, you can achieve a lot more direct bicep work.
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Dec 7 2010 10:27pm
Quote (3atsarr0ws @ Dec 7 2010 11:48am)
hey raynor i have to write a 2000 word paper and the  topic is  health it has to be something current what are some ideas that i could write 2000 words on?


You could write about any of the following:

1. The benefits of supplementation
2. The downside of over-prescribing drugs to cure symptoms rather than treat the root cause of ailments
3. Easy solutions to obesity
4. Age extending therapy (GH, IGF, etc.)
5. Anabolic steroids and the POSITIVE side they [can] provide.
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Dec 7 2010 10:28pm
Quote (3atsarr0ws @ Dec 7 2010 11:11pm)
hey raynor did you not see my post or are you just not answering it?

I did answer it...please see above.
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Dec 7 2010 11:18pm
What would be the best type of shoe for running that you can recommend me?


I was looking at those and they don't look too bad.
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Dec 7 2010 11:20pm
Quote (IDUTCIH @ Dec 8 2010 01:18am)
What would be the best type of shoe for running that you can recommend me?


I was looking at those and they don't look too bad.

for PURE running...the shoes make a HUGE difference.

I recommend going to a local mall and finding a "fit to run" store or the equivalent where they put you on a treadmill and have you walk/jog/sprint and video record the whole thing and find the pressure points you have and thus get a specific shoe especially made to work perfectly with you. Total price is anywhere between $80-$140 total out the door. I HIGHLY recommend this.
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Dec 7 2010 11:28pm

alright as i said before im looking to compete in ~june (bulking as much as possible till jan ~20th) then start pre-contest.

well my chest lacks A LOT, and i've tried all sorts of things and im getting stronger but still yet to see much or any growth in my chest.

i was thinking about hitting chest twice a week, not 2 full blown chest days but like 1 intense one and then like 6-9 sets of chest work later in the week.

should i try that?

edit: idk if its relevant but today i did 255x3 on for flat.... so my numbers are not all that impressive but they are getting higher.


Got it, thanks again.

This post was edited by TheOak on Dec 7 2010 11:47pm
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Dec 7 2010 11:40pm
Quote (TheOak @ Dec 8 2010 01:28am)

alright as i said before im looking to compete in ~june (bulking as much as possible till jan ~20th) then start pre-contest.

well my chest lacks A LOT, and i've tried all sorts of things and im getting stronger but still yet to see much or any growth in my chest.

i was thinking about hitting chest twice a week, not 2 full blown chest days but like 1 intense one and then like 6-9 sets of chest work later in the week.

should i try that?

edit:  idk if its relevant but today i did 255x3 on for flat.... so my numbers are not all that impressive but they are getting higher.

Hey there.

Yes some muscle groups are more stubborn than others.

I would try to hit chest twice a week...but leave at least 2-3 days between chest workouts. ie: mon - chest, tues - NO, weds - NO, thurs - NO, fri - CHEST, sat - NO, sun - NO, mon - CHEST etc.

So essentially mon/fri would be chest days...monday being the heavy day and friday being the hemovascular day (go for approx 10-12 sets of high reps, moderate weight, forced reps, failures, etc.)
Posts: 30,712
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Dec 7 2010 11:45pm
Don't have free weights atm so I've been getting by with the basics. Lots of pullups, pushups, dips. I mainly care about my upper body looking good right now. Any major upper body muscle I am forgetting to work? Don't want anything looking off portion.

Pull up types I've been doing-
wide grip palms out
close grip palms in
close grip palms out
close grip palms facing each other
close grip palms facing each other/reversed (face away from the bar and pull back up to bar)

Don't do all of these every day but I try to cycle them all in. Been trying to get the most for my pullups so the way I've been doing them is I shoot up and then I slowly go down (3-5sec). Was told with benching one time that most of your gains actually come from slowly bringing the weight down not necessarily pushing it back up fast. Thought if I applied this to pullups the same could be true. Got to say slow pullups are way harder and it seems to work the stability in my arms way better.

This post was edited by Kevorkian on Dec 7 2010 11:47pm
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Dec 7 2010 11:54pm
Quote (Kevorkian @ Dec 8 2010 01:45am)
Don't have free weights atm so I've been getting by with the basics. Lots of pullups, pushups, dips. I mainly care about my upper body looking good right now. Any major upper body muscle I am forgetting to work? Don't want anything looking off portion.

Pull up types I've been doing-
wide grip palms out
close grip palms in
close grip palms out
close grip palms facing each other
close grip palms facing each other/reversed (face away from the bar and pull back up to bar)

Don't do all of these every day but I try to cycle them all in. Been trying to get the most for my pullups so the way I've been doing them is I shoot up and then I slowly go down (3-5sec). Was told with benching one time that most of your gains actually come from slowly bringing the weight down not necessarily pushing it back up fast. Thought if I applied this to pullups the same could be true. Got to say slow pullups are way harder and it seems to work the stability in my arms way better.

yes this is true...on the CONTROLLED decline, you are tearing more muscle fibers than on the way up. The slower the downward part of the rep, the more benefit.

also please see this for more exercise choices:


Bodyweight exercises
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