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Dec 7 2010 01:23am
Hey again, so this is the exercises ive chosen to do for my routines, could you give me some feed back and advice if i should change up anything, a reminder my goals are to maintain strength and cut.

you said : Work out for 1-2 hours a day (minimum of one hour) doing the following muscle groups and exercise ideals -

Monday - Chest/Back : Start with 15 minutes of cardio (treadmill, bike, or power walking) Then hit chest and back for a total of 20 sets (10 sets of each muscle group)

Tuesday - Cardio and Abs : Do 45 minutes of cardio (teadmill, bike, power walking, swimming, etc) and do 100-200 reps of good ab work (crunches, situps, leg raises, etc)

Wednesday - Shoulders and Legs - Start with 15 minutes of cardio warmup then do 20 sets total (10 sets of each muslce group)

Thursday - Cardio and Abs : Do 45 minutes of cardio (teadmill, bike, power walking, swimming, etc) and do 100-200 reps of good ab work (crunches, situps, leg raises, etc)

Friday - ARMS!!! - Start with 15 minutes of cardio warmup then do 20 sets total, 10 biceps and 10 triceps.

Saturday - Cardio and Abs : Do 45 minutes of cardio (teadmill, bike, power walking, swimming, etc) and do 100-200 reps of good ab work (crunches, situps, leg raises, etc)

Sunday - REST!! Take a break!

and i chose these : CHEST/BACK - Flat Bench / Incline DB bench / Decline DB bench / Barbell Deadlift / Lat Pulldown / Seated Cable Row - 5x5

SHOULDERS/LEGS - Military DB Press / DB Shoulder Shrugs / Seated Arnold Press / Shoulder Raises / Barbell Squats / Laying Leg curls / DB lunges / DB Calf Raises - 5x5

ARMS !!! - EZ-Bar Curls / DB concentration Curls / Seated Hammer Curls / Dips / Tricep Cable Pulldowns / DB Tricep Kickbacks - 5x5

thanks let me know what you think !
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Dec 7 2010 07:41am
What exercises do you think stimulate more bicep growth, weighted chin ups or barbell curls?
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Dec 7 2010 09:48am
hey raynor i have to write a 2000 word paper and the topic is health it has to be something current what are some ideas that i could write 2000 words on?
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Dec 7 2010 08:30pm
Quote (Darkblue @ Dec 6 2010 09:09pm)
why would this guy need arginine at his age

Arginine is a naturally occuring amino acid present in virtually all protein rich foods. Supplemental arginine stimulates nitric oxide production in the body which can assist with increased vascularity, blood flow, and even increase the body's IGF and GH production overnight by nearly 300% during immediate post-puberty years. Increased muscular and cardiovascular endurance has also been scientifically founded but not fully backed just yet.

This supplement is vital to nearly everyone.
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Dec 7 2010 08:31pm
Quote (MegaVovaN @ Dec 6 2010 09:18pm)
hmm, just curious, whats in centrum that makes it so bad? the composition of the vitamins and minerals?

The quantity of vitamins is very low, the pill itself is nearly indigestible, and it's entirely overpriced for what you get.
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Dec 7 2010 08:32pm
Quote (KramerFtw @ Dec 6 2010 09:28pm)
so much stuff, i was thinkin just getin , fish oil and multivitiamin, dang

you can pick and choose.

Multi and creatine are ABSOLUTELY required for what you wish to accomplish.

after that in order of importance would be:

Vit C
Vit D
Fish Oil
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Dec 7 2010 08:33pm
Quote (GrahamC @ Dec 7 2010 01:08am)
outside of the anabolic keto diet, is a low-carb (under 100 grams), high protein (1.25+ grams per pound), medium fat (~.5 grams per pound) one of the next best options?

I would recommend pure calorie control at that point with pure attention to protein @ 1g / lb of bodyweight minimum, and NO CARBS after the 3rd meal each day (assuming a 6 meal day).

Calories should be approx 500 less than what is burned throughout the day (BMR + Exercise burned calories)
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Dec 7 2010 08:34pm
Quote (burton_clash @ Dec 7 2010 01:20am)
what are some signs that occur when people overtrain

Lack of interest in working out
Lack of Sexual Performance
Lack of appetite
Low endurance levels
Decreased strength

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Dec 7 2010 08:42pm
Quote (MegaVovaN @ Dec 7 2010 02:25am)
Hey raynor, I dont mean to question ur knowledge or anything, but I heard stories about people getting vitamin C poisoning because they took over 1000 mg a day. could you explain your take on this?

These stories of 1,000mg resulting in a vitamin C overdose are totally unfounded and actually based on blatant lies (as far as the research goes).

There have been 0 recorded cases of a person contracting vitamin C poisoning from 1,000 mg or even up to 5,000mg of vitamin C over the course of the day.

Vitamin C over 5,000mg per day can start causing minor symptoms such as strong smelling urine. However in truth it takes obscene amounts of vitamin C to cause true poisoning.

I assure you 1-5g of vitamin C is hardly an issue =)
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Dec 7 2010 09:11pm
hey raynor did you not see my post or are you just not answering it?
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