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Dec 5 2010 11:39pm
Quote (spfraiders1 @ Dec 5 2010 11:40pm)
Meal 1 - 3 whole eggs + 1 cup oatmeal + 1 large serving of fruit (any type)
Meal 2 - 2 slices whole grain bread w/ 4-6 oz sliced low-sodium meat (turkey/chicken/ham) and cheese (2% reduced fat and low sodium) w/ veggies made into a sandwich
Meal 3 - Protein Shake (any brand, make sure to get approx 40g protein) + 1 large serving of fruit + handful of mixed nuts
Meal 4 - 1 large chicken breast or lean steak + 1 cup brown rice + 1/2 cup black beans + large serving of veggies
Meal 5 - 1 can of tuna + whole grain crackers + mayo/mustard + veggies or salad
Meal 6 - 1 cup cottage cheese + cinnamon + mixed nuts

Switching to this, what can I eat as opposed to black beans, then for meal 6 any alternatives aside from casein?

in place of black beans you can go with 2oz cheese

as far as an alternative to casein from cottage cheese or a shake you could try 12 oz whole milk + mixed nuts
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Dec 5 2010 11:44pm
raynor, if i were to eat 10 eggs a day, everyday, and drink a gallon of milk a day everyday, eat 7 - 8 slices of whole grain bread, eating 3 - 4 apples, 1/5th pound of celery sticks dipped in ranch. Do the starting strength 3x5 program. Would this be a good diet for me to grain some strength?

I know what i'm asking is prolly ridiculous, but i honestly have no time to cook, my schedule is full because of school.
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Dec 5 2010 11:51pm
Quote (IDUTCIH @ Dec 6 2010 12:48am)
What are some ways I can add massive fats in my KETO diet. I got my protein to lean mass ratio perfect, I just need to fulfill my fats but I have a hard time achieving them.

As of right now I only get fats from cheese.

Avocados, butter, heavy cream, olive oil, nuts, nut butter, coconut butter, fish oil, flax oil, sour cream, etc.

Just add servings of those to each meal.

Ex: Sour Cream chicken w/ melted cheese.


Ground beef on a salad w/ o oil and avocados
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Dec 5 2010 11:52pm
Quote (GangstaBloo @ Dec 6 2010 01:16am)
If you could throw me some quick alternatives to these:

Meal 1 - 3 whole eggs + 1 cup oatmeal + 1 large serving of fruit (any type)
Meal 2 - 2 slices whole grain bread w/ 4-6 oz sliced low-sodium meat (turkey/chicken/ham) and cheese (2% reduced fat and low sodium) w/ veggies made into a sandwich
Meal 3 - Protein Shake (any brand, make sure to get approx 40g protein) + 1 large serving of fruit + handful of mixed nuts
Meal 4 - 1 large chicken breast or lean steak + 1 cup brown rice + 1/2 cup black beans + large serving of veggies
Meal 5 - 1 can of tuna + whole grain crackers + mayo/mustard + veggies or salad
Meal 6 - 1 cup cottage cheese + cinnamon + mixed nuts

I'm not a huge fan of cottage cheese or fish and the beans just rub me the wrong way :P

Thanks in advance, and sorry for being picky.

Replace black beans with 2 oz of cheese.

Replace 1 can of tuna with 1 chicken breast or 5 oz of lean steak/beef or 3 eggs + 2 oz cheese

replace cottage cheese with casein protein shake

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Dec 5 2010 11:54pm
Quote (MegaVovaN @ Dec 6 2010 01:44am)
raynor, if i were to eat 10 eggs a day, everyday, and drink a gallon of milk a day everyday, eat 7 - 8 slices of whole grain bread, eating 3 - 4 apples, 1/5th pound of celery sticks dipped in ranch. Do the starting strength 3x5 program. Would this be a good diet for me to grain some strength?

I know what i'm asking is prolly ridiculous, but i honestly have no time to cook, my schedule is full because of school.

Hey there, I understand your problem.

Yes you could eat 10 eggs a day, 1 gal of milk, 1 loaf of whole grain bread, 3-4 apples, and half a pound of celery sticks w/ ranch and technically be in pretty good shape macronutrient wise. A bit high on the saturated fats though...might want to use 2% milk as a result.

Just make sure to take a multivitamin(NOW! Adam or CL Orange Triad) and supplemental vitamin D-3(2,500 iu / day) and Vitamin C (1,000mg 3x per day)
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Dec 5 2010 11:58pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Dec 5 2010 11:54pm)
Hey there, I understand your problem.

Yes you could eat 10 eggs a day, 1 gal of milk, 1 loaf of whole grain bread, 3-4 apples, and half a pound of celery sticks w/ ranch and technically be in pretty good shape macronutrient wise. A bit high on the saturated fats though...might want to use 2% milk as a result.

Just make sure to take a multivitamin(NOW! Adam or CL Orange Triad) and supplemental vitamin D-3(2,500 iu / day) and Vitamin C (1,000mg 3x per day)

hmm, a single 500 mg is like like 833% of what you need according to the vita C bottle i'm looking at, why 3 times per day for 1000 mg? but yea, if you say it works, then thats prolly what i will do + the taking the multivitamin.

would also recommend taking 3 fish oil capsules a day?

also, about the 1 gal of milk, i dont plan on drinking any water, as the milk would prolly provide me with enough, is this ok as well? or do i still need to force down some water?

This post was edited by MegaVovaN on Dec 6 2010 12:06am
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Dec 6 2010 12:12am
Quote (MegaVovaN @ Dec 6 2010 01:58am)
hmm, a single 500 mg is like like 833% of what you need according to the vita C bottle i'm looking at, why 3 times per day for 1000 mg? but yea, if you say it works, then thats prolly what i will do + the taking the multivitamin.

would also recommend taking 3 fish oil capsules a day?

also, about the 1 gal of milk, i dont plan on drinking any water, as the milk would prolly provide me with enough, is this ok as well? or do i still need to force down some water?

Hey there.

First of all, NEVER listen to the FDA requirements for anything. According to them, your diet would be approximately 75% carbohydrates with no more than 60g of protein per day....truly laughable.

Anyway, 4g of vitamin C a day has been shown to greatly increase immune function, anabolic function, and recovery.

As far as water goes...I can not stress this enough....YOU MUST DRINK AT LEAST 1 GALLON OF WATER PER DAY IN ADDITION TO THE MILK!


For ease of use, just buy 1 gal jugs of Zephyrhills spring water or Crystal Springs Spring Water (about $1 a gal) and drink 1 gal each day throughout the day. Instead of carrying around a little 12 oz bottle like regular people you will carry around a 1 gal jug like an animal.
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Dec 6 2010 12:16am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Dec 6 2010 12:12am)
Hey there.

First of all, NEVER listen to the FDA requirements for anything. According to them, your diet would be approximately 75% carbohydrates with no more than 60g of protein per day....truly laughable.

Anyway, 4g of vitamin C a day has been shown to greatly increase immune function, anabolic function, and recovery.

As far as water goes...I can not stress this enough....YOU MUST DRINK AT LEAST 1 GALLON OF WATER PER DAY IN ADDITION TO THE MILK!


For ease of use, just buy 1 gal jugs of Zephyrhills spring water or Crystal Springs Spring Water (about $1 a gal) and drink 1 gal each day throughout the day. Instead of carrying around a little 12 oz bottle like regular people you will carry around a 1 gal jug like an animal.

oh gosh lol, my friends will laugh at me for carrying that, but who cares, i'm willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done haha. Anyway, so 4000 mg of vita c is equivalent to taking 8 vitamin c pills a day? also 1 pill of centrum multivitamin is good enough right, or should i take more?

this will also prolly make me wanna pee every 10 min haha 2 gallons of liquid going down my throat.

also to make sure, so 7 pills 500 mg of vita C + 1 pill of multi vita + the above diet wont have any negative effect on my health right? Not questioning ur judgment, but I never heard of someone taking sooo much vita c in a single day.

This post was edited by MegaVovaN on Dec 6 2010 12:32am
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Dec 6 2010 12:23am
Sorry for the double post, but before I quit lifting a year and half a ago, i had a 1 rep max of 185 for bench, 265 for squat, and 335 for deadlift, 130 for overhead press. I got those by lifting for 1 year.I weighed about 152 pounds back then. height = 5 feet 8

Right now, i weigh 145 pounds, but the numbers for my lift are much lower. I also didnt really watch my diet too much while i lifted back then, basically ate a lot, or tried to eat a lot.

My body type is a ectomorph aka hard gainer. If I do this, should I expect to gain back my strength fast and gain much more strength? in ur opinion, if i persist for say 6 month under this diet plan and workout plan, what numbers should i be proximately looking at?

This post was edited by MegaVovaN on Dec 6 2010 12:30am
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Dec 6 2010 09:24am
hey raynor i have to write a 2000 word paper and i chose the topic health it has to be something current what are some ideas that i could write 2000 words on
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