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Nov 23 2010 02:34pm
Quote (TheOak @ Nov 22 2010 11:09pm)

iirc creatine doesnt actually increase strength, but muscle endurance (right?)

so i rlly shld not lose strength wen i go off of it? for example if while on creatine i lift x weight for 8 reps, when i stop i still should be able to lift x weight but just not necessarily a full 8 reps?
also, if i DO lose strength wat would be the best way (if any) to minimize it?

You will lose strength for the point that you will have less ATP available which in turn prevents the muscles from enduring as much punishment...both in the 1RM area as well as the sustained reps area. With more ATP comes more ability and thus more strength.

To minimize the strength losses, just keep training hard as usual. Go back on creatine after the off-period and you will see explosive gains once you do.

x for 8 reps on creatine would be closer to x for 6 reps without (once fully purged from the system so that ATP is back to normal)
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Nov 23 2010 03:12pm
Yeah, sorry. Must be hard to remember what all did post previously ^^

So this questions is for the ''Hypertrophy'' plan you gave me.

As the third and fourth set says there I should go with 75% of max, I wonder this -

If I go with 75% of my 1RM, let's use my bench as example 205 lbs, then 75% of that would be around ~ 150-155 lbs, and you said 75% usually is 3-5 reps. But I can do quite more than 3-5 reps with 155 lbs, at least 10+ reps. With 180 lbs I can do 3-4 reps or something. So what am I going for? 155 lbs until failure both third and fourth set, or 180 lbs both set? Since 75% of max actually is ~ 155 lbs, BUT that won't make sense to that you wrote that 75% of 1RM usually is 3-5 reps...

Also, I wonder if I should do these ''3 warmup set'' (those with 15ish rep, 10-12 rep and 8-10 rep) on every exercise, or just on the first to warmup? Let's say on Chest day, Should I make those warmup sets on every exercise, or just first one, like bench press that I starting with?

If all those 3 are warmup sets ofc.

Hope you understand all, sorry my english aren't the best. If you don't get anything - just ask again what I mean in here, or just shoot me an PM.
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Nov 23 2010 10:48pm
Quote (SyB_BaM @ Nov 23 2010 05:12pm)
Yeah, sorry. Must be hard to remember what all did post previously ^^

So this questions is for the ''Hypertrophy'' plan you gave me.

As the third and fourth set says there I should go with 75% of max, I wonder this -

If I go with 75% of my 1RM, let's use my bench as example 205 lbs, then 75% of that would be around ~ 150-155 lbs, and you said 75% usually is 3-5 reps. But I can do quite more than 3-5 reps with 155 lbs, at least 10+ reps. With 180 lbs I can do 3-4 reps or something. So what am I going for? 155 lbs until failure both third and fourth set, or 180 lbs both set? Since 75% of max actually is ~ 155 lbs, BUT that won't make sense to that you wrote that 75% of 1RM usually is 3-5 reps...

Also, I wonder if I should do these ''3 warmup set'' (those with 15ish rep, 10-12 rep and 8-10 rep) on every exercise, or just on the first to warmup? Let's say on Chest day, Should I make those warmup sets on every exercise, or just first one, like bench press that I starting with?

If all those 3 are warmup sets ofc.

Hope you understand all, sorry my english aren't the best. If you don't get anything - just ask again what I mean in here, or just shoot me an PM.

Ah I understand now.

Yes you will be going UNTIL FAILURE on set's 3 and 4 with approx 180 lbs or 85% of your max.

I made a calculation error when I said 75% = 3-5 REPS. that's really 85%. I made a minor error there, sorry.


Warmup sets belong on EVERY exercise (just 1 set to get the fluid motion of the exercises going and stretch out the muscles involved with that particular movement)

hope this helps!
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Nov 24 2010 10:35am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Nov 24 2010 04:48am)
Ah I understand now.

Yes you will be going UNTIL FAILURE on set's 3 and 4 with approx 180 lbs or 85% of your max.

I made a calculation error when I said 75% = 3-5 REPS. that's really 85%. I made a minor error there, sorry.


Warmup sets belong on EVERY exercise (just 1 set to get the fluid motion of the exercises going and stretch out the muscles involved with that particular movement)

hope this helps!

I read some about the ''Hypertrophy'' plan, and most says 8-10 reps?

That would be the ''75% of max'' I think, but if you say 85% of max I'll go with it, since you seem to know what you're talking about. Just thought 3-5 reps where more ''Strenght'' training.

Thanks man, you rock! :)

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Nov 24 2010 11:31am
Quote (SyB_BaM @ Nov 24 2010 12:35pm)
I read some about the ''Hypertrophy'' plan, and most says 8-10 reps?

That would be the ''75% of max'' I think, but if you say 85% of max I'll go with it, since you seem to know what you're talking about. Just thought 3-5 reps where more ''Strenght'' training.

Thanks man, you rock! :)

Well it depends, you can train strength and hypertrophe simultaneously. The key of hypertrophe is failure, breakdowns, and constantly keeping the pump. There are no 1RM's during hypertrophe. As long as you are getting at least 3-5 reps of something, and getting each one with good form, hard pump, slow decline, etc. you will see hypertrophic gains
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Nov 24 2010 11:41pm
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

I don't want to bring politics into this forum so don't take this wrong and certainly don't try and complicate this...but

Let's all take this day to give thanks for what the Thanksgiving holiday really was intended to celebrate....the death of socialism in the "New World"

By that I mean, the first surplus of food, after years of famine and strife brought on by socialist rules. The colonists had signed agreements that everyone would be required to contribute all food to the community food storage, and were then entitled to one supply worth of food each. On paper, this sounded great - but with no real necessity for each individual to produce for themselves, everyone relied on everyone else. The result was hardly any food at all, as most people at the time were more concerned with treasure hunting than with providing enough food for their community. After all, they thought, someone else will do it for me. Finally, the settlers had enough with the famine caused by these socialist/communist edicts, and declared that every man would be responsible for his own well-being (that included food, shelter, clothing, etc.) The first year of that practice being put into effect yielded the first major bounty of food so great that they had surplus to sell and trade with the local native Americans. The profits they made from the trade of food to the natives yielded them enough to pay back their debts with the merchants of England who helped finance their expedition to the new world in the first place.

So in essence, thanksgiving is a creation of free-market, free-enterprise, and people taking responsibility for their own actions.

May you all have a happy thanksgiving and truly give thanks for all that you have the ability to accomplish.

This post was edited by SKCRaynor on Nov 24 2010 11:44pm
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Nov 25 2010 12:12am
Happy Thanksgiving, don't forget to eat a ton!
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Nov 25 2010 02:35am
how many grams of chicken can you eat before your body wont digest all of the protein?
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Nov 25 2010 09:25am
when i squat i started to feel some pain in my right butt cheek. I squat with about 90-95 kg's for 8 reps and i can withstand the pain but it's kinda weird.. the feeling is like something is stretching there..
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Nov 25 2010 09:27am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Nov 24 2010 11:41pm)
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.[B][/B]

I don't want to bring politics into this forum so don't take this wrong and certainly don't try and complicate this...but

Let's all take this day to give thanks for what the Thanksgiving holiday really was intended to celebrate....the death of socialism in the "New World"

By that I mean, the first surplus of food, after years of famine and strife brought on by socialist rules. The colonists had signed agreements that everyone would be required to contribute all food to the community food storage, and were then entitled to one supply worth of food each. On paper, this sounded great - but with no real necessity for each individual to produce for themselves, everyone relied on everyone else. The result was hardly any food at all, as most people at the time were more concerned with treasure hunting than with providing enough food for their community. After all, they thought, someone else will do it for me. Finally, the settlers had enough with the famine caused by these socialist/communist edicts, and declared that every man would be responsible for his own well-being (that included food, shelter, clothing, etc.) The first year of that practice being put into effect yielded the first major bounty of food so great that they had surplus to sell and trade with the local native Americans. The profits they made from the trade of food to the natives yielded them enough to pay back their debts with the merchants of England who helped finance their expedition to the new world in the first place.

So in essence, thanksgiving is a creation of free-market, free-enterprise, and people taking responsibility for their own actions.

May you all have a happy thanksgiving and truly give thanks for all that you have the ability to accomplish.

Happy Thanksgiving to you too!! Hope you have a good time with your family.
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