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Nov 22 2010 12:22am
Quote (TheOak @ Nov 21 2010 04:24pm)
Set 1 – 5 reps of 50% max weight
Set 2 – 5 reps of 55% max weight
Set 3 – 5 reps of 60% max weight
Set 4 – 5 reps of 65% max weight
Set 5 – 5 reps of 75% max weight

if i use those % for 5x5, all my sets are going to be tooo easy.

i estamated my 1rm at 270lbs for bench
(if my math is correct)

my sets usually go like..

are those % used for beginners or something lol?

yes! that was a beginner 5x5 plan for basic strength gains for most people who have never trained for strength before....it was a cookie cutter 5x5 I made for that exact purpose.

For true power gains using the 5x5, one would do the following:

Set 1 - 50% of max
Set 2 - 60% of max
Set 3 - 70% of max
Set 4 - 80% of max
Set 5 - 90% of max (you wil probablyl fail before 5 reps, use a spotter and force negatives for the remaining reps)

Optional Set 6 with 1-2RM
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Nov 22 2010 12:25am
Quote (bnrhodes2 @ Nov 21 2010 05:34pm)
is this the only reason that creatine assists in gains?

i always understood that it helps in another way that is much more important than the swelling properties

Essentially creatine helps release ATP by transferring the active phosphate in its chemical compound. Creatine stores fuel additional ATP production when under muscular or cardiovascular stress.

Creatine does assist in intramuscular water uptake, which gives the muscles that swollen or sometimes bloated look - however that also increases the protein and nutrient uptake and synthesis in the muscles as well which thus accelerates their growth.

Basically, creatine increases ATP which improves strength and muscular endurance (which further improves strength when you take advantage of this) and also increases the rate and efficiency by which nutrients are taken into the muscles.

This is the most basic explanation I can give at this bleary eyed hour =)
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Nov 22 2010 01:58am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Nov 22 2010 02:25am)
Essentially creatine helps release ATP by transferring the active phosphate in its chemical compound. Creatine stores fuel additional ATP production when under muscular or cardiovascular stress.

Creatine does assist in intramuscular water uptake, which gives the muscles that swollen or sometimes bloated look - however that also increases the protein and nutrient uptake and synthesis in the muscles as well which thus accelerates their growth.

Basically, creatine increases ATP which improves strength and muscular endurance (which further improves strength when you take advantage of this) and also increases the rate and efficiency by which nutrients are taken into the muscles.

This is the most basic explanation I can give at this bleary eyed hour =)

okay good, that was the perception i had then..when people have asked me the benefits of creatine i normally explain the phosphocreatine system and how the storage of more energy always for more work to be done..i was just hoping i wasn't explaining that wrong to people haha

i always ignored the swelling part of that though as i wasn't aware that it had any significant effect (it always bothered me how ppl tend to think the only thing creatine does is add water weight lol)..does the actually swelling have any effect on the strenght/hypertrophy (aside from the extra nutrients)?

does the swelling of the cells actually help in
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Nov 22 2010 08:58am
If I go with 75% of my 1RM, let's use my bench as example 205 lbs, then 75% of that would be around ~ 150-155 lbs, and you said 75% usually is 3-5 reps. But I can do some more with that, with 180 lbs I can do 4-5 reps or something. So what am I going for? 155 lbs until failure both third and fourth set, or 180 lbs both set, since 75% of max actually is ~ 155 lbs.

Also, in other post I meant if I should do those ''3 warmup set'' (those with 15ish rep, 10-12 rep and 8-10 rep) on every exercise, or just on the first to warmup? Let's say on Chest day, Should I make those warmup sets on every exercise, or just first one, like bench press that I starting with?
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Nov 22 2010 01:12pm
Quote (bnrhodes2 @ Nov 22 2010 03:58am)
okay good, that was the perception i had then..when people have asked me the benefits of creatine i normally explain the phosphocreatine system and how the storage of more energy always for more work to be done..i was just hoping i wasn't explaining that wrong to people haha

i always ignored the swelling part of that though as i wasn't aware that it had any significant effect (it always bothered me how ppl tend to think the only thing creatine does is add water weight lol)..does the actually swelling have any effect on the strenght/hypertrophy (aside from the extra nutrients)?

does the swelling of the cells actually help in

The actual swelling itself has no effect on strength or gains...but the swelling is a side effect of the INCREASED water and nutrient uptake in the muscles which DOES have obvious strength and size gains as a result. The extra uptake of nutrients and water (as well as insulin sensitivity) does indeed increase the anabolic drive of the muscles and thus contributes to growth.
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Nov 22 2010 01:13pm
Quote (SyB_BaM @ Nov 22 2010 10:58am)
If I go with 75% of my 1RM, let's use my bench as example 205 lbs, then 75% of that would be around ~ 150-155 lbs, and you said 75% usually is 3-5 reps. But I can do some more with that, with 180 lbs I can do 4-5 reps or something. So what am I going for? 155 lbs until failure both third and fourth set, or 180 lbs both set, since 75% of max actually is ~ 155 lbs.

Also, in other post I meant if I should do those ''3 warmup set'' (those with 15ish rep, 10-12 rep and 8-10 rep) on every exercise, or just on the first to warmup? Let's say on Chest day, Should I make those warmup sets on every exercise, or just first one, like bench press that I starting with?

please see this post:


the 5x5 plan is for beginners. If you are more advanced, please follow the directions posted there. you will essentially do 5x5 @ 50/60/70/80/90 % margins
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Nov 22 2010 01:48pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Nov 22 2010 07:13pm)
please see this post:


the 5x5 plan is for beginners. If you are more advanced, please follow the directions posted there. you will essentially do 5x5 @ 50/60/70/80/90 % margins

Sorry, I don't get it, lol ....

The Hypertrophy plan you gave me first wasn't like this one you gave me now 5x5 @ 50/60/70/80/90 % margins? :O

It was 75% on both Third and Fifth set, also last set was 50% of max.

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Nov 22 2010 07:56pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Nov 22 2010 03:12pm)
The actual swelling itself has no effect on strength or gains...but the swelling is a side effect of the INCREASED water and nutrient uptake in the muscles which DOES have obvious strength and size gains as a result. The extra uptake of nutrients and water (as well as insulin sensitivity) does indeed increase the anabolic drive of the muscles and thus contributes to growth.

alright..i just wasn't sure if the stress from an increase in intracellular pressure might cause some sort of adaption at the cellular level or something fun like that haha...thanks
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Nov 22 2010 09:09pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Nov 22 2010 02:12pm)
The actual swelling itself has no effect on strength or gains...but the swelling is a side effect of the INCREASED water and nutrient uptake in the muscles which DOES have obvious strength and size gains as a result. The extra uptake of nutrients and water (as well as insulin sensitivity) does indeed increase the anabolic drive of the muscles and thus contributes to growth.


iirc creatine doesnt actually increase strength, but muscle endurance (right?)

so i rlly shld not lose strength wen i go off of it? for example if while on creatine i lift x weight for 8 reps, when i stop i still should be able to lift x weight but just not necessarily a full 8 reps?
also, if i DO lose strength wat would be the best way (if any) to minimize it?

This post was edited by TheOak on Nov 22 2010 09:11pm
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Nov 23 2010 02:32pm
Quote (SyB_BaM @ Nov 22 2010 03:48pm)
Sorry, I don't get it, lol ....

The Hypertrophy plan you gave me first wasn't like this one you gave me now 5x5 @ 50/60/70/80/90 % margins? :O

It was 75% on both Third and Fifth set, also last set was 50% of max.


I can't keep track of each person and what plans I give them...too many people. sorry

Next time, please post what plan I made you to avoid confusion.

Stick to the hypertrophe plan...the 5x5 is a separate entity.
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