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Nov 6 2010 02:49pm
Quote (KramerFtw @ Nov 6 2010 02:08am)
Hey raynor, How much weight do u think is possible to lose from 1 month on keto?

so far, Im sure ive lost weight/bf, cuz my abs are showing up more

and i feel like i have more energy for some reason too, strange

Keto will give you more energy because there are no energy spikes throughout the day based on carbohydrates. Instead energy is constantly fed through fat in your food and fat in your body tissue.

Secondly, you can lose anywhere from 1-4 lbs of fat PER WEEK depending on your genetics, exact diet, exercise plan, etc.
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Nov 6 2010 02:51pm
Quote (Mesonychid @ Nov 6 2010 04:38pm)
I've always heard arguments about not working chest/tris the same day, or not working back/bis the same day, but is it really bad to do it?
For bodybuilding purposes of course.

I can't say it's bad or good...it DEPENDS on the person.

Some people have very resistant tris or bis and they need to be trained multiple times per week for growth. In addition, training them after pre-exhaustion through back/chest as secondary muscle groups makes these muscle groups work harder, and thus grow faster.

For PURE strength purposes, this is a bad idea. For bodybuilding, it can work. The best idea is to try it out and see how you respond. If you start seeing decreases in strength, or signs of overtraining, then separate them up.
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Nov 6 2010 03:08pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Nov 6 2010 12:51pm)
I can't say it's bad or good...it DEPENDS on the person.

Some people have very resistant tris or bis and they need to be trained multiple times per week for growth. In addition, training them after pre-exhaustion through back/chest as secondary muscle groups makes these muscle groups work harder, and thus grow faster.

For PURE strength purposes, this is a bad idea. For bodybuilding, it can work. The best idea is to try it out and see how you respond. If you start seeing decreases in strength, or signs of overtraining, then separate them up.

Ah I see, so what a good chest/tri day look like?
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Nov 6 2010 03:12pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Nov 6 2010 04:51pm)
I can't say it's bad or good...it DEPENDS on the person.

Some people have very resistant tris or bis and they need to be trained multiple times per week for growth. In addition, training them after pre-exhaustion through back/chest as secondary muscle groups makes these muscle groups work harder, and thus grow faster.

For PURE strength purposes, this is a bad idea. For bodybuilding, it can work. The best idea is to try it out and see how you respond. If you start seeing decreases in strength, or signs of overtraining, then separate them up.

Was wondering about this, if I go back to a no-arm day split, should I be doing the same amount of tri exercises as I was(on chest day now) or will I be overtraining in comparison to spreading it out?
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Nov 6 2010 09:04pm
Quote (Mesonychid @ Nov 6 2010 05:08pm)
Ah I see, so what a good chest/tri day look like?

Do the chest routine as usual...please see my 5x5 plan...but immediately after the chest routine throw in 20 sets of triceps:

5 sets DB kickbacks
5 sets skullcrushers
5 sets rope pulldowns
5 sets close-grip dips

you can also do close-grip bench press, but it tends to get pretty difficult after a chest routine if you did the chest routine properly.
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Nov 6 2010 09:06pm
Quote (spfraiders1 @ Nov 6 2010 05:12pm)
Was wondering about this, if I go back to a no-arm day split, should I be doing the same amount of tri exercises as I was(on chest day now) or will I be overtraining in comparison to spreading it out?

You would have to do the same volume of triceps exercises on chest day as you would on arms day. However I always recommend the arms day seperate anyway because arms are a highly desirable part of most bodybuilders which tend to require more attention. However, if you have highly responsive triceps and biceps, you would be able to eliminate arms day in favor on extra chest/back for example. Just put tris and bis on the chest and back days in their full volume as previously used when they were separate.
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Nov 6 2010 09:46pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Nov 6 2010 03:49pm)
Keto will give you more energy because there are no energy spikes throughout the day based on carbohydrates. Instead energy is constantly fed through fat in your food and fat in your body tissue.

Secondly, you can lose anywhere from 1-4 lbs of fat PER WEEK depending on your genetics, exact diet, exercise plan, etc.

well, i weighd myself like 4 or 5 days in, and it was 5 pounds less then when i started, def feel lighter and have more energy, its strange, i thought id be weak

the only thing ive noticd tho , is that some of my lifts are going down, idk
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Nov 6 2010 10:05pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Nov 6 2010 11:06pm)
You would have to do the same volume of triceps exercises on chest day as you would on arms day. However I always recommend the arms day seperate anyway because arms are a highly desirable part of most bodybuilders which tend to require more attention. However, if you have highly responsive triceps and biceps, you would be able to eliminate arms day in favor on extra chest/back for example. Just put tris and bis on the chest and back days in their full volume as previously used when they were separate.

What about doing a light tri/bi following chest/back respectively? Then still having an arm day? I already do 12-15 light tri/bi sets following.
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Nov 7 2010 02:03am
j/w how much muscle do you think i will/could lose during this time? i'm really not sure :/

basketball is about to start the 15th, then practices will start, 2-3 hour practices 6 days a week until march. of course not running the whole time but it's alot of running during that and games of course..but yeah...say ill be soo busy during this time i won't be able to lift AT ALL..if maybe once a week max.
how much muscle do you think i'll lose during that time? or if i even ate at around maintenance and then let the cardio do that how much fat do you think could be dropped off in that time period as well?

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Nov 7 2010 11:11am
Quote (KramerFtw @ Nov 6 2010 11:46pm)
well, i weighd myself like 4 or 5 days in, and it was 5 pounds less then when i started, def feel lighter and have more energy, its strange, i thought id be weak

the only thing ive noticd tho , is that some of my lifts are going down, idk

you WILL have more energy, you will lose fat, but your strength with TEMPORARILY decrease from lack of glycogen in the muscles. Once you are off keto, it usually takes 1-2 weeks to get back to full strength.
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