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Jul 30 2010 03:08pm
Quote (siaclan @ Jul 30 2010 11:15am)
One question I had when doing day 1 workout.

For my high jump, I can do two types of jumps. First one can just be an explosive jump up as high as I can. The other is the same thing but bringing my legs up with me (I pull my knees up to my chest). Second jump is WAY more tiring and it would be almost impossible to do 10 sets (I was completely gased and had jello legs after my first warmup set, and 2 sets with ankle weights). Which is the proper jump I should be using?

proper jump is the kind when you bring your knees up in the jump...if you would be gassed after the first few sets, then work up to it. The more you work at it, the more muscular endurance you will build for that particular routine.
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Jul 30 2010 03:10pm
Quote (Honestly @ Jul 30 2010 12:58pm)
hey is there a way to diagnose a pectoral tear? even a very mild one?

what about a pec strain? this is what im thinking it is

was acute pain/discomfort maybe 3 out of 10 in my left pec

pain is subsiding though after last nights sleep

sounds like pectoral strain yielding you some minor inflammation and discomfort. dont do ANY chest work for at least 1 week, take 1 advil or ibuprofen every 3-4 hours for today and tomorrow if necessary to bring down inflammation. Drink plenty of water. You should be fine. If it gets worse or you start feeling SHARP pains during movement, that is probably a tear and would result in the necessity of medical attention
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Jul 30 2010 03:13pm
Quote (cseitz71690 @ Jul 30 2010 01:15pm)
Yeah I want to continue bulking for my next show that I'm doing, october of 2011. :)
So no fasted cardio will be needed? and also no cardio after leg days, correct?

and do I have to wait another 2.5-3 hours to eat after the PWO shake? I'll be starvinggggg! haha :P
this diet just doesn't seem like enough protein to me...3 egg and oatmeal isn't much :/ and I refuse to eat a grapefruit lol would a banana suffice?

hey there. First of all, that is approx 250g protein per day...and for solid muscle building you only require 1g per LB of LEAN MASS per day....1.5g if you are a hardgainer.

Anyway, if you are 210 lbs at 14% bf, that makes your lean mass at 180 lbs. You therefore need 180g of protein per day for sufficient muscle growth, however I put you closer to 1.5x for optimal gains.

Lastly...you are going to eat the PWO shake RIGHT after the workout...no waiting.

oh yeah, and grapefruit has been shown to help reduce bodyfat which is why I recommend it...if you really can't eat grapefruit or drink grapefruit juice...then you can have some mixed berries instead (low glycemic fruit)
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Jul 30 2010 03:14pm
Quote (siaclan @ Jul 30 2010 01:20pm)
grapefruit is om nom nom. Too girly for you or what? Quick to cut up, plop a small amount of sugar on it if its too sour

I also love grapefruit...however for losing BF...gotta keep the sugar off of it....stick to Truvia (Stevia) instead...0 cal 0 sugar all natural no bullshit like aspartame or splenda which are both linked to possible negative effects and health concerns.
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Jul 30 2010 03:21pm
Back to the creatine discussion, I have always wondered about the comments about losing muscle mass once you get off creatine. Is this true at all? I was on creatine for about 2.5 months and now I am off of it (because of the mom issue) and I am going to start taking it again in 2 weeks.
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Jul 30 2010 04:04pm
Quote (siaclan @ Jul 30 2010 05:21pm)
Back to the creatine discussion, I have always wondered about the comments about losing muscle mass once you get off creatine. Is this true at all? I was on creatine for about 2.5 months and now I am off of it (because of the mom issue) and I am going to start taking it again in 2 weeks.

No. You will lose muscle "Fullness" but not actual muscle mass. The reason for this is the water-retention effect of creatine which helps puff out the muscles visually. At the same time, increased water and nutrient uptake to the muscles also helps volumize and thus increase the rate at which muscle fibers can grow after being microscopically torn (through exercise). So essentially you will not lose muscle itself...just the volume that goes along with the water/nutrient retention.
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Jul 30 2010 04:05pm
what classes are you taking right now for med?

also can i still do other pressing movements?

shoulder/ db/ bicep curls

i havent tried to do anything lifting wise yet

This post was edited by Honestly on Jul 30 2010 04:13pm
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Jul 30 2010 04:21pm
Quote (Honestly @ Jul 30 2010 06:05pm)
what classes are you taking right now for med?

also can i still do other pressing movements?

shoulder/ db/ bicep curls

i havent tried to do anything lifting wise yet

Respiratory, Renal/MSK, Digestive, Neurological, etc...it goes on and on.

anyway...as far as other movments go...anything that uses the chest is to be avoided...so military press, dips, front raises, and standing curls must be avoided.
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Jul 30 2010 04:38pm
Any tips to make oatmeal and cottage cheese taste less nasty. Following the diet you gave me and so far I like it. Keeps me full and it's a different variety of what I usually ate.

Made a thread about this and peanut butter seemed to be triumphant.

This post was edited by xXCrAzYsHoT on Jul 30 2010 04:38pm
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Jul 30 2010 09:32pm
Quote (xXCrAzYsHoT @ Jul 30 2010 06:38pm)
Any tips to make oatmeal and cottage cheese taste less nasty. Following the diet you gave me and so far I like it. Keeps me full and it's a different variety of what I usually ate.

Made a thread about this and peanut butter seemed to be triumphant.

things to try with oatmeal:

Protein powder (muscle milk is supreme here), chopped berries and honey or whipped cream, peanut butter + bananas, or for low carbers: cinnamon + stevia + blueberries + almonds.

things to try in cottage cheese:

cinnamon + mixed nuts, peanut butter + cocoa powder or muscle milk powder, chopped fresh fruit + honey, or if you're bulking try cottage cheese with whole grain noodles + romano cheese and garlic....absolutely fantastic!!
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