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Jul 29 2010 08:13pm
Quote (cseitz71690 @ Jul 29 2010 06:34pm)
BW = 200-205
BF% is probably around 12-14...I want to get back down to 10%.

My current diet I've been doing has been like this

7am - 5 egg whites/2 whole eggs
3 pieces of brownberry double protein bread (toasted)

10 am - 1.5 cans of tuna
1 TBSP Miracle whip
2 pieces of brownberry double protein bread

12:30 pm - 7oz ground beef or ground turkey (I found out recently I could get ground turkey VERY cheap compared to beef, it's usually been the other way around) but I know bodybuilders need beef to feel "full" as they call it.

3:30 pm - 7oz chicken
8oz potato

post workout shake around 6 or 6:30 pm - consists of 40g protein and 60 g waxy maize

1-1.5 hrs later I eat 7oz chicken, sometimes I have a salad or some green veggie with it.

around 10 pm I have a 40g casein shake with 1 TBSP natural peanut butter

This is for off-season bulking, I just don't want to get too fat ( I feel like I am already ) lol
working out 5 days a week, 3 on 1 off, 2 on 1 off, etc...

Also could I do fasted cardio too? I can probably do it on the weekends, when I did it I drank a 40g protein shake about an hour before...did 30 mins on the treadmill then ate my meal right after. Let me know how this would work out. :)

Oh and how much cardio should I be doing post-workouts? I've been doing it for 20-30 mins.

hm...so you don't really want to cut, you just want to lose a slight bit of bodyfat and continue bulking I'm assuming?

if so...we can clean up your diet quite easily to make room for the 3-4% fat loss without the expense of muscle.

Meal 1 - 3 whole eggs + 1 cup oatmeal or farina (cream of wheat) + 1/2 grapefruit
Meal 2 - 1 can of tuna + 1 tbsp mayo + 1 oz cheddar cheese + 1 slice whole grain bread + veggies or small salad
Meal 3 - 6 oz 90/10 or better lean ground beef (if you do turkey, go for 8oz because of the obviously reduced fat aspect to beef) + 1 cup of black beans + raw green veggies
Meal 4 - 6 oz chicken breast on top of a salad w/ 1 tbsp o-oil and vinegar to taste
Meal 5 - PWO shake - 100% whey isolate (your choice of brand...obviously I like NOW! and optimum) 40g protein and only 20g waxy maize (you want to lower this to keep your carbs in check...after meal 3 you aren't supposed to be eating ANY carbs except raw green veggies if you want to start losing some fat)
Meal 6 - Casein shake 30g or cottage cheese (approx 1 cup to get 30g protein) + 1 tsp peanut butter

with my meal plan your calories are approx 500 less than what you had (mostly from excess carbs)...at this point you should still have PLENTY of energy as well as moderate fat burning from caloric deficit. However if you ever want to get a solid cut in, you are going to want to do things MUCH differently. This is just to help you start losing a tiny bit of fat over the course of the next 2 months or so to get down to around 10-11%.


forgot to mention...do 15-20 mins of HIIT cardio post workout also to accelerate the process.

This post was edited by SKCRaynor on Jul 29 2010 08:14pm
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Jul 29 2010 11:09pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Jul 27 2010 10:37am)
Hey there.

well I'm very sorry to say but your plan is in need of a TOTAL overhaul.

Try this on for size:

First of all, you need to be drinking 1-1.5 GALLONS (3,700-5,500 ml) of water per day....not 700ML....that's total dehydration right there.

Next follow this meal plan if you want to do a small cut:

Meal 1 - 3 WHOLE EGGS (none of that eggwhite BS), mixed with green peppers/onions (if desired) + 1/2 cup cooked oatmeal + 1 piece of fruit (apple/banana/6-8 strawberries/etc)
Meal 2 - 4 ounces of turkey + 1 ounce of cheese on this: http://www.arnoldbread.com/Thins/DescriptionProduct.aspx?sSku=7341013547 + at least 1 cup of veggies or a salad
Meal 3 - 1 can of tuna mixed with mayo and veggies on top of a salad (NO CORN)
meal 4 - 6 oz of grilled, sauteed, or broiled chicken + 1 cup of green veggies (broccoli/green beans/green peppers/etc)
meal 5 -
POST WORKOUT and PRE-BEDTIME meal - 1 scoop protein powder + small handful blueberries or strawberries mixed in a blender with water and ice. Drink this and have 1/2 cup of cottage cheese to go along with it.

For protein powder, try getting NOW! 100% whey isolate or Optimum Nutrition Pro Complex (regular...not the gainer variety)

you can order it from www.bodybuilding.com or get it from vitaminshoppe or GNC.

Monday - (chest and back) -

5 sets of pushups (set 1 wide-grip, set 2 medium-grip, set 3 diamond-grip which is where your thumbs and index fingers touch forming the shape of a diamond between your two hands, set 4 low-grip, set 5 high-grip) this works all parts of the chest.
Do all 5 sets of pushups until failure (if you fail on the 8th rep for example, take a break, then move onto the next set)

Dumbell Chest Flies - (Lay on you back, grab some light dumbells 15-20 lbs max and extend your arms and make it look like you're hugging a barrell) an illustration of this exercise can be found here http://www.weight-lifting-workout-routines.com/dumbbell-flies.jpg
Do 5 sets of this 15 reps each set. Make sure to squeeze your chest tightly with each rep and feel the blood rushing to your chest. Go up in weight starting at 10 lbs in each hand and finish somewhere around 20-25 lbs each hand. Modify as necessary.

Dumbell rows - (grab a dumbell and do 5 sets for each arm - this exercise can be found here http://www.mothernature.com/images/library/books/PeakCond/Back-6b.GIF) Do a total of 5 sets for each arm (total of 10 sets) with 10-15 reps for each set. Go up in weight, starting at 25-30 lbs, and go up to 40-50 lbs.

Deadlifts - Find something in your house thats heavy (with even weight distribution) with the ability to grip it evenly on both sides (a good item for example is the end of your bed). Proceed to bend at the knees, lock your back, and lift with your back and legs at the same time. Really squeeze your back while doing this for 5 total sets.

Tuesday -

NO WEIGHTS, DO ABS AND/OR CARDIO! Go Bike riding or jog/swim for 30-45 minutes and/or do crunches/situps for 100-200 reps total.

Wednesday - Legs and Shoulders

5 sets of leg lunges - (http://www.philkaplan.com/transformpages/exerciseillustrations/lunge.jpg) make sure to use enough weight that you can feel a burn, but no pain! Also do roughly 15 reps before taking a break and beginning a new set.


5 sets of dumbell squats - (http://www.bodybuilding.nl/usa/fotos/workouts/oefeningen/39.gif) - do light weight but enough that you feel a burn, and do this for 15-20 reps and burn your legs out! (you can do this exercise in substitution for the lunges if it suits you better)

5 sets of one-leg calf raises - Stand on one leg (with or without weight depending on the strength of your calves) and go up on your toes (of one leg) while the other leg is elevated or wrapped around the other. Squeeze the calf vigorously and feel the pump with each rep. Do 5 sets on each leg until total failure.

5 sets of dumbell shoulder shrugs - GO SLOW and do 15-20 reps, making a motion like you're shrugging when someone asks you a question that you don't know the answer to. exercise can be found here (http://www.la-fitness.nl/web/oefeningen/dumbell_shoulder_shrugscopybig.jpg)

5 sets of dumbell shoulder presses - go slow, do 15 reps for each set. Make sure to squeeze the shoulders at the top and feel the front portions of your shoulders getting burned out before you finish. (http://www.building-muscle101.com/images/dumbel_press.jpg)


NO WEIGHTS, DO ABS AND/OR CARDIO! Go Bike riding or jog/swim for 30-45 minutes and/or do crunches/situps for 100-200 reps total.


5 sets of BICEP CURLS! - if you have a bar use it...if not, use independent dumbells in each hand. Put a decent amount of weight for you, and pump the biceps heavilly. Feel like each bicep is a baloon filling with air about to explode with each rep. (http://www.pro-weight-training.com/Big/alternate_dumbell_curl%20copybig.jpg)

5 sets of tricep kickbacks with dumbells - do 15-20 reps on each arm....focus on keeping your elbow and shoulder in-line and flexing the tricep until it feels like its going to explode. (http://www.building-muscle-101.com/images/triceps_kickback_1.png)

5 sets of hammer curls - same as bicep curls except you keep your thumbs pointing up and work the forearms and brachials along with the biceps. (http://blogs.nypost.com/40by40/hamercurl.jpg) do 5 sets of 15 reps and pump pump pump!

5 sets of dips - These can be done with two chairs or one. Two examples can be found here: http://www.bodyresults.com/_iexer/S2Clim9.jpg and also here http://img.timeinc.net/health/i/200712/c2strength2_225.jpg - do 5 sets of 15 reps, and squeeze the triceps on each rep. by the time you're done your arms will feel like jello (if you did everything correctly)

Saturday -

NO WEIGHTS, DO ABS AND/OR CARDIO! Go Bike riding or jog/swim for 30-45 minutes and/or do crunches/situps for 100-200 reps total.


Does that workout from post #18 seem suitable to the diet you gave me?
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Jul 29 2010 11:55pm
Couldn't edit my post. My goal as stated in a page or two back was to cut 10 pounds, and gain lean muscle. Does that workout plan above work for my goals? Or would it need some changing.
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Jul 30 2010 01:39am
sorry to be reposting but this is something that ive come up with and would like to see if you have any suggestions or what i should be adding
im 5'10 @ 150 lbs

Day 1 (Monday) - Bicep/Back
3x10 dumbell curl
3x10 bar curl
3x10 hammer curl
7-7-7 curl

3x10 bent rows
3x10 pull down
3x10 seated row

Day 2 (Wednesday) – Chest/Tris
3x10 db press
3x10 db fly
3x10 pushups

3x10 kickbacks
3x10 extension
3x10 cable pushdowns

Day 3(Friday) - Shoulders/Legs
3x10 military presses
3x10 front raise
3x10 shrugs
3x10 upright row

3x10 squats (going to be my first time doing them.. EVER)
3x10 leg presses
2x20 lunges no weight

basically taking t/th/sat/sun off and playing basketball everyday..
and i eat anything i want but am limiting myself to only eating fastfood 2x a week (cuz of work)

also im thinking about getting Optimum Nutrition Pro Complex Gainer
and i randomly add workout while working.. like if im not feeling as though i got a good enough workout ill move around and find something thats doing the same work out and do it for another 3x10 =)

also my goal is just to build up a big chest, and bigger arms.. not caring if its crazy cut just to gain a few lbs.. cuz eating a lot isn't doing jack shit to me.

thanks in advance!

This post was edited by TG3 on Jul 30 2010 01:56am
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Jul 30 2010 09:15am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Jul 26 2010 02:44pm)
Hey there. First off you are very welcome. It always makes me feel good to know that people on here follow my advice and get real results. Very inspiring!

Anyway, as far as high jump goes....there is an excellent little routine I have made for other people interested in high jump before.

First lets understand that for proper high jump you need mostly fast twitch development....however the key is in what type of motion you use for the fast twitch exercises. You are wanting to recreate a high jump with whatever you do in order to get your body so used to it, that progress becomes a natural occurrence.

With that in mind, we are going to do a 3/1 split for high jumps (in addition to a regular upper body routine).

Day 1 - 10 sets of High Jumps with ankle weights and light dumbbells in your hands...gradually going up in weight. Perform a warmup set of 10 high jumps with no weights, then for set 2 attach ankle weights (2.5-5lbs each) and get 10 reps, then for the 3rd set grab some 2.5-5lb dumbbells in each hand and crank out another 10 reps. After this, when you start going up in weight for your dumbbells, go down in reps until the 7th set, where you will breakdown and start reducing the weight until you get to the 10th set of what you did on your 3rd set. For all sets after set 3, you will perform as many reps as you can UP TO 10. If you can't get 10, that's fine...but if you do hit 10...then stop.

Day 2 - Explosive Squats, Explosive Standing Calf Raises, Explosive Leg Extensions, Explosive Leg Curls, and Explosive Lunges. (Do 3 sets of each, going up in weight each set - do 12-15 reps with moderate weight). Proper explosive sets should be very SLOW on the decline and explode up as fast as possible on the incline. So for squats...when you go down, go down really slow for a count of 4-5 seconds. Then explode up as fast as you can and immediately start coming back down. Use this same form for all exercises.

Day 3 - Repeat day 1.

Day 4 - OFF

Day 5 - Repeat day 2.

Day 6 - Repeat day 1.

Day 7 - Repeat day 2.

Day 8 - OFF

and so forth.

As time goes on, your high jump is going to start getting better and better (with and ESPECIALLY without weights). If you have any problems or concerns, let me know. But I estimate that within 12 weeks you should have added at least a few solid inches to your high jump.

One question I had when doing day 1 workout.

For my high jump, I can do two types of jumps. First one can just be an explosive jump up as high as I can. The other is the same thing but bringing my legs up with me (I pull my knees up to my chest). Second jump is WAY more tiring and it would be almost impossible to do 10 sets (I was completely gased and had jello legs after my first warmup set, and 2 sets with ankle weights). Which is the proper jump I should be using?

This post was edited by siaclan on Jul 30 2010 09:16am
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Jul 30 2010 10:58am
hey is there a way to diagnose a pectoral tear? even a very mild one?

what about a pec strain? this is what im thinking it is

was acute pain/discomfort maybe 3 out of 10 in my left pec

pain is subsiding though after last nights sleep
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Jul 30 2010 11:15am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Jul 29 2010 10:13pm)
hm...so you don't really want to cut, you just want to lose a slight bit of bodyfat and continue bulking I'm assuming?

if so...we can clean up your diet quite easily to make room for the 3-4% fat loss without the expense of muscle.

Meal 1 - 3 whole eggs + 1 cup oatmeal or farina (cream of wheat) + 1/2 grapefruit
Meal 2 - 1 can of tuna + 1 tbsp mayo + 1 oz cheddar cheese + 1 slice whole grain bread + veggies or small salad
Meal 3 - 6 oz 90/10 or better lean ground beef (if you do turkey, go for 8oz because of the obviously reduced fat aspect to beef) + 1 cup of black beans + raw green veggies
Meal 4 - 6 oz chicken breast on top of a salad w/ 1 tbsp o-oil and vinegar to taste
Meal 5 - PWO shake - 100% whey isolate (your choice of brand...obviously I like NOW! and optimum) 40g protein and only 20g waxy maize (you want to lower this to keep your carbs in check...after meal 3 you aren't supposed to be eating ANY carbs except raw green veggies if you want to start losing some fat)
Meal 6 - Casein shake 30g or cottage cheese (approx 1 cup to get 30g protein) + 1 tsp peanut butter

with my meal plan your calories are approx 500 less than what you had (mostly from excess carbs)...at this point you should still have PLENTY of energy as well as moderate fat burning from caloric deficit. However if you ever want to get a solid cut in, you are going to want to do things MUCH differently. This is just to help you start losing a tiny bit of fat over the course of the next 2 months or so to get down to around 10-11%.


forgot to mention...do 15-20 mins of HIIT cardio post workout also to accelerate the process.

Yeah I want to continue bulking for my next show that I'm doing, october of 2011. :)
So no fasted cardio will be needed? and also no cardio after leg days, correct?

and do I have to wait another 2.5-3 hours to eat after the PWO shake? I'll be starvinggggg! haha :P
this diet just doesn't seem like enough protein to me...3 egg and oatmeal isn't much :/ and I refuse to eat a grapefruit lol would a banana suffice?
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Jul 30 2010 11:20am
Quote (cseitz71690 @ Jul 30 2010 11:15am)
Yeah I want to continue bulking for my next show that I'm doing, october of 2011. :)
So no fasted cardio will be needed? and also no cardio after leg days, correct?

and do I have to wait another 2.5-3 hours to eat after the PWO shake? I'll be starvinggggg! haha :P
this diet just doesn't seem like enough protein to me...3 egg and oatmeal isn't much :/ and I refuse to eat a grapefruit lol would a banana suffice?

grapefruit is om nom nom. Too girly for you or what? Quick to cut up, plop a small amount of sugar on it if its too sour
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Jul 30 2010 03:05pm
Quote (xXCrAzYsHoT @ Jul 30 2010 01:09am)
Monday - (chest and back) -

5 sets of pushups (set 1 wide-grip, set 2 medium-grip, set 3 diamond-grip which is where your thumbs and index fingers touch forming the shape of a diamond between your two hands, set 4 low-grip, set 5 high-grip) this works all parts of the chest.
Do all 5 sets of pushups until failure (if you fail on the 8th rep for example, take a break, then move onto the next set)

Dumbell Chest Flies - (Lay on you back, grab some light dumbells 15-20 lbs max and extend your arms and make it look like you're hugging a barrell) an illustration of this exercise can be found here http://www.weight-lifting-workout-routines.com/dumbbell-flies.jpg
Do 5 sets of this 15 reps each set. Make sure to squeeze your chest tightly with each rep and feel the blood rushing to your chest. Go up in weight starting at 10 lbs in each hand and finish somewhere around 20-25 lbs each hand. Modify as necessary.

Dumbell rows - (grab a dumbell and do 5 sets for each arm - this exercise can be found here http://www.mothernature.com/images/library/books/PeakCond/Back-6b.GIF) Do a total of 5 sets for each arm (total of 10 sets) with 10-15 reps for each set. Go up in weight, starting at 25-30 lbs, and go up to 40-50 lbs.

Deadlifts - Find something in your house thats heavy (with even weight distribution) with the ability to grip it evenly on both sides (a good item for example is the end of your bed). Proceed to bend at the knees, lock your back, and lift with your back and legs at the same time. Really squeeze your back while doing this for 5 total sets.

Tuesday -

NO WEIGHTS, DO ABS AND/OR CARDIO! Go Bike riding or jog/swim for 30-45 minutes and/or do crunches/situps for 100-200 reps total.

Wednesday - Legs and Shoulders

5 sets of leg lunges - (http://www.philkaplan.com/transformpages/exerciseillustrations/lunge.jpg) make sure to use enough weight that you can feel a burn, but no pain! Also do roughly 15 reps before taking a break and beginning a new set.


5 sets of dumbell squats - (http://www.bodybuilding.nl/usa/fotos/workouts/oefeningen/39.gif) - do light weight but enough that you feel a burn, and do this for 15-20 reps and burn your legs out! (you can do this exercise in substitution for the lunges if it suits you better)

5 sets of one-leg calf raises - Stand on one leg (with or without weight depending on the strength of your calves) and go up on your toes (of one leg) while the other leg is elevated or wrapped around the other. Squeeze the calf vigorously and feel the pump with each rep. Do 5 sets on each leg until total failure.

5 sets of dumbell shoulder shrugs - GO SLOW and do 15-20 reps, making a motion like you're shrugging when someone asks you a question that you don't know the answer to. exercise can be found here (http://www.la-fitness.nl/web/oefeningen/dumbell_shoulder_shrugscopybig.jpg)

5 sets of dumbell shoulder presses - go slow, do 15 reps for each set. Make sure to squeeze the shoulders at the top and feel the front portions of your shoulders getting burned out before you finish. (http://www.building-muscle101.com/images/dumbel_press.jpg)


NO WEIGHTS, DO ABS AND/OR CARDIO! Go Bike riding or jog/swim for 30-45 minutes and/or do crunches/situps for 100-200 reps total.


5 sets of BICEP CURLS! - if you have a bar use it...if not, use independent dumbells in each hand. Put a decent amount of weight for you, and pump the biceps heavilly. Feel like each bicep is a baloon filling with air about to explode with each rep. (http://www.pro-weight-training.com/Big/alternate_dumbell_curl%20copybig.jpg)

5 sets of tricep kickbacks with dumbells - do 15-20 reps on each arm....focus on keeping your elbow and shoulder in-line and flexing the tricep until it feels like its going to explode. (http://www.building-muscle-101.com/images/triceps_kickback_1.png)

5 sets of hammer curls - same as bicep curls except you keep your thumbs pointing up and work the forearms and brachials along with the biceps. (http://blogs.nypost.com/40by40/hamercurl.jpg) do 5 sets of 15 reps and pump pump pump!

5 sets of dips - These can be done with two chairs or one. Two examples can be found here: http://www.bodyresults.com/_iexer/S2Clim9.jpg and also here http://img.timeinc.net/health/i/200712/c2strength2_225.jpg - do 5 sets of 15 reps, and squeeze the triceps on each rep. by the time you're done your arms will feel like jello (if you did everything correctly)

Saturday -

NO WEIGHTS, DO ABS AND/OR CARDIO! Go Bike riding or jog/swim for 30-45 minutes and/or do crunches/situps for 100-200 reps total.


Does that workout from post #18 seem suitable to the diet you gave me?

that workout would be fine with your diet for generalized fat loss....just keep in mind that you are required to do 20-30 mins of cardio at the end of each strength routine.
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Jul 30 2010 03:07pm
Quote (TG3 @ Jul 30 2010 03:39am)
sorry to be reposting but this is something that ive come up with and would like to see if you have any suggestions or what i should be adding
im 5'10 @ 150 lbs

Day 1 (Monday) - Bicep/Back
3x10 dumbell curl
3x10 bar curl
3x10 hammer curl
7-7-7 curl

3x10 bent rows
3x10 pull down
3x10 seated row

Day 2 (Wednesday) – Chest/Tris
3x10 db press
3x10 db fly
3x10 pushups

3x10 kickbacks
3x10 extension
3x10 cable pushdowns

Day 3(Friday) - Shoulders/Legs
3x10 military presses
3x10 front raise
3x10 shrugs
3x10 upright row

3x10 squats (going to be my first time doing them.. EVER)
3x10 leg presses
2x20 lunges no weight

basically taking t/th/sat/sun off and playing basketball everyday..
and i eat anything i want but am limiting myself to only eating fastfood 2x a week (cuz of work)

also im thinking about getting Optimum Nutrition Pro Complex Gainer
and i randomly add workout while working.. like if im not feeling as though i got a good enough workout ill move around and find something thats doing the same work out and do it for another 3x10 =)

also my goal is just to build up a big chest, and bigger arms.. not caring if its crazy cut just to gain a few lbs.. cuz eating a lot isn't doing jack shit to me.

thanks in advance!

you can stick to that routine for now...but don't limit yourself to 10 reps on these exercises....start increasing the weight and forcing out more reps...if you fail at 6 reps with heavier weight, that's fine, but at least your muscles are getting stressed under a more complete workload.

As far as diet goes, definitely try the procomplex gainer...or my personal favorite Cytosport Cytogainer. Either one should work fine as it seems like you are a hardgainer.
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