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Jul 11 2010 09:10am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Jul 4 2010 11:41pm)
Hey there.

1. first off, why are you interested in the zig zag approach? just want to try something new? or do you have specific goals in mind?

2. Secondly...the 6 day split with cardio (primarily for cutting and volume enhancing/maintaining) is pretty basic and effective...please read the bottom of this post for the plan.

3. Thirdly, don't count reps when you are doing breakdowns and failure sets....the goal is muscular failure...and when you count reps you shortchange your potential. Just simply do as many reps as you can with a specific % of weight. Example, for set 1, you WILL count reps because its a warmup (usually 30% of max vs 15 reps). After that, set 2 should be close to 80% of max for as many reps until failure, then take 20% off and keep going, then another 20% off of that and so forth until you get all the way back down to virtually what you started with.

4. VPX zero impact bars are my absolute favorite for quick meals on bulking when a full food meal is not available. They taste amazing, have ZERO soy protein, and are made entirely of good stuff (no artificials or other garbage) They are worth it in my opinion, definitely.

Ok and now for your 6 days split for cutting and volume enhancement/maintenance:

Mon - chest/bis + cardio
tues - back/tris + cardio
weds - legs/shoulders + cardio
thurs - chest/bis + cardio
fri - back/tris + cardio
sat - legs/shoulders + cardio

Each exercise will be performed in the way of 5 total sets....1st set being a warmup set, 2nd set jumping to 80% of weight and then failure, drop 20% off of that and go until failure, drop 20% off that and go till failure, and drop a final 20% off and go until failure for a total of 5 sets. Take no more than 12-15 seconds rest between sets....the less rest the better. Do plenty of FORCED REPS...negatives....and breakdowns. You are working until total muscular destruction.

Mon - Flat Bench, Incline Bench, Decline Bench, DB Flies, Preacher Curls, Seated Hammer Curls, EZ bar 21's

Tues - wide grip Lat pulldowns, cable rows, bent over BB rows, T-bar rows, skullcrushers, cable tricep pulldowns, and DB kickbacks

Weds - Squats, Laying leg curls, DB lunges, Leg Extensions, Standing Calf Raises, DB Front and Lat Raises (3 sets of each), DB shrugs, seated arnold presses, behind-the-head military press.

Thurs - incline DB press, flat bench DB press, DB pullovers, Cable flies 21's, Standing DB curls, High Cable curls, Olympic bar curls (standing)

Fri - Good Mornings, close grip lat pulldowns, DB lawnmower rows, Cable Rope Pulls, Close-Grip Dips, Cable Kickbacks, DB Tricep Extensions (seated)

Sat - Hack Squats, Seated Leg Curls, Leg Press, Donkey Calf Raises, Seated DB shoulder press, Straight-Arm cable pulldowns (Dickersons), BB shrugs


Every day, do 20 mins of HIIT cardio BEFORE hitting the strength training, then follow up with another 20 mins of HIIT post-strength training.

you can do either treadmill, eliptical, or stationary bike (alternating these is fine)....or you can swim/jog/bike also using HIIT format.

just make sure to do a total of 40 mins (20 pre and 20 post) of HIIT.

for sunday - do 1 hour of cardio in two 30 min intervals, also HIIT in style.

This plan is primarily for a solid cut with maximized muscle volume saving

would this be the cut routine u were talking about? and why is the 5x5 not good for cutting?

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Jul 11 2010 10:44am
Quote (TheOak @ Jul 11 2010 05:21am)
hey Ray, i gotta quick question.

i used to do front squats in school for the weightlifting team, the reasoning was to get used to holding the weight in the front b/c clean & jerks were very important.

my question is, now that i dnt do c&j is there a reason to do front squats once in a while if im training for bodybuilding? b/c i obv. cant go as heavy as i would with back squats but only thing i can think of is it forces ur back to keep a straight line...
lmk thanks again bud.

Yes...front squats are good to use periodically to shake up the body and give it a different angle on the leg work. I would do front squats at least once every 3 leg workouts.
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Jul 11 2010 10:45am
Quote (BeastOf_TheEast @ Jul 11 2010 11:10am)
would this be the cut routine u were talking about? and why is the 5x5 not good for cutting?

yes it is.

5x5 is for strength and size...it burns mininal calories compared to a cutting routine.

during bulking for strength and size...you want a caloric surplus...during cutting you want a caloric deficit.

5x5 should never be used on cutting
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Jul 11 2010 11:29am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Jul 11 2010 11:45am)
yes it is.

5x5 is for strength and size...it burns mininal calories compared to a cutting routine.

during bulking for strength and size...you want a caloric surplus...during cutting you want a caloric deficit.

5x5 should never be used on cutting

but what do you think about training for strength on a cut to maintain your strength in a caloric deficit and let your cardio worry about the burning cals
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Jul 11 2010 11:33am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Jul 11 2010 04:45pm)
yes it is.

5x5 is for strength and size...it burns mininal calories compared to a cutting routine.

during bulking for strength and size...you want a caloric surplus...during cutting you want a caloric deficit.

5x5 should never be used on cutting

u told me to do 20-30 sets for cutting, im doing 5x5 on 3 diff excercises per body part, so thats like

5x5 flat
5x5 incline
5x5 decline
5x5 deadlift
5x5 rows
5x5-12 pullups

coo right?
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Jul 11 2010 10:09pm
Quote (Balla @ Jul 11 2010 01:29pm)
but what do you think about training for strength on a cut to maintain your strength in a caloric deficit and let your cardio worry about the burning cals


You don't train for strength on a cut to maintain strength. You train to failure to maintain muscle volume and do anabolic dieting to prevent muscle wasting. You can focus on increasing strength during the 8 months of bulking per year. When you start mixing the two, you can actually see reduced fat loss and increased muscle fatigue with muscle volume losses
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Jul 11 2010 10:09pm
Quote (Kiston @ Jul 11 2010 01:33pm)
u told me to do 20-30 sets for cutting, im doing 5x5 on 3 diff excercises per body part, so thats like

5x5 flat
5x5 incline
5x5 decline
5x5 deadlift
5x5 rows
5x5-12 pullups

coo right?


Avoid 5x5 for cutting as I just said.

You are going to be doing failure reps, breakdowns, and drop sets on cutting, not 5x5s.

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Jul 13 2010 09:18pm
Does a strict diet really matter for cutting fat? What I mean is can I eat stuff like sandwiches, fruits, meats and vegetables and drink water and just never touch junk food ever again?

This post was edited by yCoRrUpT on Jul 13 2010 09:19pm
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Jul 13 2010 10:01pm
Quote (yCoRrUpT @ Jul 13 2010 11:18pm)
Does a strict diet really matter for cutting fat? What I mean is can I eat stuff like sandwiches, fruits, meats and vegetables and drink water and just never touch junk food ever again?

For a true cutting cycle...strict diet is half the game. You REALLY do need a VERY strict diet in order to maximize fat loss in an efficient time frame.
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Jul 14 2010 12:38am
how many carbs do we really need on a day to day basis?
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