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Jul 9 2010 03:29pm
Quote (SeXyJeBuS @ Jul 9 2010 02:04am)
alright so the only problem i see is doing like 5 x 5 on a delt triad (my favorite delt exercise), or on like cable flies.

you can add that into the 5x5...just add it in ADDITION to everything else and preferably at the end of the workout for total failure. For both, try doing 21's
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Jul 9 2010 03:30pm
what are some things that would like help become a well rounded athlete that has the ability to compete at all sports

I'm thinking lots of plyos and core work? And hiit running and long distance running?
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Jul 9 2010 05:54pm
Quote (Honestly @ Jul 9 2010 05:30pm)
what are some things that would like help become a well rounded athlete that has the ability to compete at all sports

I'm thinking lots of plyos and core work? And hiit running and long distance running?

This is unfortunately not an easy question to answer...nor will the answer apply to everyone.

For each person there would be a very specific set of exercises, stretches, cardio/endurance routines, diets, etc to achieve a "well rounded" status...not to mention the grueling skill related training for the various sports.

Some people are born with natural athletic ability far beyond that of others...this is genetics. However in order to flip the bird to your genetics and overcome any hardships and make yourself a physical specimen requires absolute dedication...no ands/ifs/or buts.

if this is something you really want...you can say goodbye to your current life as it is and hello to a life where you have virtually no free time whatsoever.

In a broad way of answering this.....the more cardiovascularly adept you become (HIIT, pure distance running, sprints/suicides, etc) and the more fast-twitch strength you build (plyo + bodyweight activites performed at a rapid pace + strength training exercises with a burst on the positive and let it down slow on the negative, etc) in addition to a rigorous diet to fuel your body, combined with TONS of constant use and variety...that means playing sports all the time in addition to hitting the gym and doing other things like swimming/biking/running etc.....the more adept as an overall athlete you will become

This post was edited by SKCRaynor on Jul 9 2010 05:59pm
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Jul 9 2010 06:22pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Jul 9 2010 04:19pm)
If you're looking for a good supply of carbs to ensure sufficient energy for intense activity try eating a a combination of approximately 80g of complex carbs (sweet potatoes, whole grain pasta, brown rice, etc)  1 hour before exercises and 30g of simple carbs (try gatorade or any simple sugar drink) 15 minutes before. During exercises if you can sip BCAA enhanced sugar beverages (any sugar beverage w/ added unflavored bcaa powder), this will help as well.

and after how much carb should i have?

and non pratice days i usually hit the gym and do weights

should i cut down the carbs.
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Jul 9 2010 11:48pm
Hey. I suppose I should introduce myself. I'm male, 17, roughly 6'3, 190 pounds. I'm pretty active, I play football for my high school (first year unfortunately) and participate in a lot of pick-up sports games with friends. These include football, basketball, baseball, hockey, and soccer games. I'm pretty active. As for what I am looking to do, they might not seem like the most football playing goals, but it's what I want to do. Here goes.. I want (note that some of the following may be contradictory, I don't mean to come off as such):

More mass/definition in my:


And as strange as it may seem for a high school football player, I want to trim down my stomach and "love handles" as to present the superficial abs and 'inguinal crease'.

The reason I left my legs out of the questionaire is because I have decently strong legs, and haven't experienced any problems. Anything else I have mentioned are particularly weaker, or I just want to have it. Also please note that I hope I don't come off as insulting to anyone else here who are serious body builders. PM me if/when you reply, so I know to check this thread.

Thank You! :)

As for my current diet. I do pay attention to getting enough Vitamins per the RDA, and protein, calcium, etc. I don't have a really strict diet, but I am not against having a strict diet. I tried to make my own, but I would like a pro's opinion ;)

This post was edited by GangstaBloo on Jul 9 2010 11:50pm
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Jul 10 2010 10:45am
Another quick question, when cutting on a low carb diet, is it necessary or helpful to have a carb refeed day once a week?
< ~30 g Carbs a day

This post was edited by Mesonychid on Jul 10 2010 10:45am
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Jul 10 2010 11:05am
Quote (baboli @ Jul 9 2010 08:22pm)
and after how much carb should i have?

and non pratice days i usually hit the gym and do weights

should i cut down the carbs.

Post tennis get at least 30-40g simple carbs....waxy maize or simple sugar beverage + 40-60g complex carbs

on weight training days, you can use the same carb loadout if you are a HARDGAINER.

If you have a tendency to put on bodyfat, then replace that carb matrix with 40g complex 1 hour before, and 25-30g simple Post workout.
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Jul 10 2010 11:05am
Heya. I'm so glad I found this thread :) Please help me if you can. (I'm from Australia btw)

I have been out of school for a while (graduated) and think it is time to start doing something career wise. Personal trainer is pretty much one of if not the only option that has stayed in my top list over the years.

I am thinking of doing a course for it, University isn't needed as that would just make me an extremely over qualified personal trainer, costs alot and takes a while.

There are two course options for me;
One costs about $5000-ish and is an 8week course to get qualified. (AIF which is Australian Institute of Fitness)
Second costs less than $500 but takes 18months-ish to get qualified. (TAFE which is basically a cheap less 'smart' version of college)

I'm thinking of doing the 8week one.

Anyway few questions :)

1. Is it an enjoyable career?
2. What is the pay like?
3. What forms are there? I know there is private like 1on1 trainers which make more money, also big group ones like arobics classes and stuff, and also just ones at the local gym that give people detailed instructions on the things they need to do to improve the areas they wanna improve. Are there any more types?
4. Would a dietician/nutrician course be an added bonus so I improve my 'worth' to the employer and am able to suggest diets for people aswell?
5. I don't have to be super like muscley do I? (like your display pic) Just lean and athletic is enough? (think like swimmer build)

Any and all help is greatly appreciated :)
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Jul 10 2010 11:13am
Quote (GangstaBloo @ Jul 10 2010 01:48am)
Hey. I suppose I should introduce myself. I'm male, 17, roughly 6'3, 190 pounds. I'm pretty active, I play football for my high school (first year unfortunately) and participate in a lot of pick-up sports games with friends. These include football, basketball, baseball, hockey, and soccer games. I'm pretty active. As for what I am looking to do, they might not seem like the most football playing goals, but it's what I want to do. Here goes.. I want (note that some of the following may be contradictory, I don't mean to come off as such):

More mass/definition in my:


And as strange as it may seem for a high school football player, I want to trim down my stomach and "love handles" as to present the superficial abs and 'inguinal crease'.

The reason I left my legs out of the questionaire is because I have decently strong legs, and haven't experienced any problems. Anything else I have mentioned are particularly weaker, or I just want to have it. Also please note that I hope I don't come off as insulting to anyone else here who are serious body builders. PM me if/when you reply, so I know to check this thread.

Thank You!  :)

As for my current diet. I do pay attention to getting enough Vitamins per the RDA, and protein, calcium, etc. I don't have a really strict diet, but I am not against having a strict diet. I tried to make my own, but I would like a pro's opinion ;)

It sounds like you are going to want to switch over to bodybuilder training.

Check out this post...and follow that specific workout routine...but I'd like you to change a few things with your diet:


Instead of doing the anabolic approach (no carbs and high fat/protein with carb cycling days) I want you to try the following:

2,500 cal / day

First 3 meals with plenty of carbs, second 3 meals with very few/no carbs

clean food sources (no excess sugar or sodium)

Balanced meals every 2-3 hours

1-2 gal of water per day

5g creatine monohydrate every day post-workout w/ grape juice

Sample meal plan:

Meal 1 - 4 whole eggs + 1 cup oatmeal + 1 banana + 1 cup milk

Meal 2 - 8-10 oz chicken breast + 1 cup brown rice + 1 cup black beans + veggies

Meal 3 - 2 cups whole grain pasta + 8 oz lean beef + broccoli

Meal 4 - Post-workout protein shake (try optimum pro complex or now! 100% whey isolate)

Meal 5 - 1 can of tuna + 2 oz cheese + salad

Meal 6 - 1 cup cottage cheese + 1 tbsp peanut butter + 6 oz milk

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Jul 10 2010 11:14am
Quote (Mesonychid @ Jul 10 2010 12:45pm)
Another quick question, when cutting on a low carb diet, is it necessary or helpful to have a carb refeed day once a week?
< ~30 g Carbs a day

usually once every week or once every 2 weeks for a carb refeed is NECESSARY to prevent muscle "flatness" and help cycle the body out of ketosis to give the liver a temporary rest.

You can try once per week....but if you start seeing diminished fat losses, try only once every 2 weeks. But yes, refeed is very important
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