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Jul 7 2010 10:00am
Quote (Honestly @ Jul 6 2010 05:24pm)
okay ty ty.

can you give me some supplementation advice?
So my training would be between meals one and two?
does the caloric deficit theory work the same?
If im dying can i stuff myself with salad greens? Or need i count every carbo I am eating?
Are artificial sweeteners allowed? I think diet dr pepper may save me
How many grams of pro and fat do you think I will be consuming with the diet plan you gave me?
Do I absolutely need a zero carb protein shake? Or can i use something like myofusion which i think had 3-6 grams carbs total along with fats in it?

lol I feel like im giving you a god damn pop quiz everytime i post here sorry

Multi (now! adam or CL orange triad) 2x per day, now! arginine + ornithine 3x pre/post workout and pre-bed, vitamin C (1g 3x a day), vitamin d (5,000 iu per day in addition to multi), creatine monohydrate (creapure version from optimum), BCAA-1000 caps (take 2-4 every 45 mins pre/post/intra workout), and protein shakes ofc.

training can be at ANY point...just fit it into your schedule appropriately...make sure you follow up with a protein shake...and make sure you haven't eaten for 1-2 hours prior to training. Take BCAA's!!

You can eat as many GREEN veggies as you want to be honest WITHIN REASON (pay attention not to go over 20 net carbs worth...which is approx 1 lb of green veggies I think)...I have never seen anyone lose keto from overeating green veggies....watch all other veggies though...like carrots/onions/tomatoes/red peppers etc. Celery + peanut butter or cream cheese is damn good on this plan.

calorie deficit works the same...however now the body is burning fat stores directly rather than glycogen, muscle, then fat.

artificial sweeteners are allowed as long as citric acid and dextrose or maltodextrin are NOT present!!! Diet soda is generally acceptable....but make sure not to get kinds with the aforementioned ingredients. Also NO SUGAR ALCOHOLS ALLOWED!! Stevia is also a good sweetener...doesn't throw anyone out of keto from what I've seen because its absorbed as a fiber.

for 2,200 calories on your plan:

approx 170g protein, 170g fat, less than 20g net carbs from green veggies and nuts/nut butter

stick to 0 carb shakes. gaspari is 5g per scoop...@ 2 scoops is 10g carbs which is HALF of your daily allowance in one shake. Stick to NOW! 100% whey isolate or isopure

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Jul 7 2010 10:00am
Quote (Mesonychid @ Jul 6 2010 11:42pm)
What's your opinion on DC training?

for some it's effective...for other not so much. There is no specific plan that works for everyone. If you are curious then give it a shot for 2-3 months and see if it works out.

Quote (Honestly @ Jul 6 2010 11:50pm)
very sketchy. the black people there will likely rob you


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Jul 7 2010 10:02am
Quote (wing_fighter2 @ Jul 7 2010 03:38am)
I feel lame for asking this on JSP but..

What schedule would you recommend if I just wanted a more lean/cut look? -Do not want bulky!

As of right now I just jog daily and go to the gym every other day working out each muscle and doing a lot of reps till I burn myself out. - Also any foods you would recommend to help give me an edge?

Tried to google all this myself but really had no results that satisfied me, and the trainers that work at my gym are retarded and recommend those shakes they sell behind the counters. If there is a shake I could take that would actually be healthy, beneficial and have NO crazy side effects let me know. Otherwise I just stay away from them in general...

Hello. It seems you are very inexperienced in this area. Please read up on a lot of my prior posts in regards to these same questions:




once you check all of this out...write back and ill see what I can do
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Jul 7 2010 10:04am
Quote (DeVaginey @ Jul 7 2010 04:15am)
Hi there!

Im 6'2" and about 180 lbs on the average day. I however, would like to cut a little fat (i think im about 15% right now) and gain a little muscle.

Here are my questions:

1st: What foods can i eat to stop constipation and stomach aches? too often do i find myself sitting on the toilet forever with one of those conditions

2nd: How do you feel about pro hormones/test boosters?

3rd: Im going off to college soon and think im gonna get fat haha, how many days a week do you think i could workout and still be able to eat as much as i want without gaining weight (at least fatty weight)?

thanks :)

1. Green veggies and whole grains....eat LOTS of them. Also fiber supplements like psyllium husk powder

2. Effective but not good for everyone. Some people get gyno with PH and others see no results with TB. Try them out and see what works best for you. Always use NOW! liver support with any PH cycle.

3. There is no such thing as being able to eat as much and whatever you want without getting fat...unless you are a hard gainer. Average bodytypes will gain tremendous amounts of fat when food consumption goes up substantially without restriction. Keep yourself under control to avoid fat loss.
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Jul 7 2010 10:06am
Quote (Babolat @ Jul 7 2010 11:42am)
Hey Raynor

I'm really not that lazy of a person when I put my mind to something,
but I just can't seem to get motivated to go to the gym everyday and continue a subperb diet...
Due to not seeing results with the metabolism I have, it's pretty emotionally draining to me.

Any tips on motivation and/or when can someone see results?

what kind of results are you looking for? Are you a hardgainer?

Also, getting a partner to work out with at the gym is really the best method of getting motivated....that plus an mp3 player with your favorite music blaring in your ears as you lift. Also, mental and self discipline is KEY....try to gain control of your body and mind through focus and meditation.
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Jul 7 2010 10:10am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Jul 7 2010 04:06pm)
what kind of results are you looking for? Are you a hardgainer?

Also, getting a partner to work out with at the gym is really the best method of getting motivated....that plus an mp3 player with your favorite music blaring in your ears as you lift. Also, mental and self discipline is KEY....try to gain control of your body and mind through focus and meditation.

Hardgainer is putting it lightly, more like an impossiblegainer... lol

I gave you my stats awhile ago, just can't seem to see anything.
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Jul 7 2010 10:30am
Quote (Babolat @ Jul 7 2010 12:10pm)
Hardgainer is putting it lightly, more like an impossiblegainer... lol

I gave you my stats awhile ago, just can't seem to see anything.

I can make you gain if you just follow my nutritional information to the T

height and weight?
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Jul 7 2010 10:54am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Jul 7 2010 04:30pm)
I can make you gain if you just follow my nutritional information to the T

height and weight?

I only go by the "t"

6'2'' 6'3'' Range

Around 155-160 lbs - Fluctuates daily - At my mom's, I have access to Salmon, Filet, Flounder, New York Strip, Turkey Burgers +
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Jul 7 2010 12:22pm

So I was wondering.. When you run, you burn calories, by using your energy. But to restore that energy you will have a desire to eat more. So does cardio actually help for weight loss unless you starve yourself?

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Jul 7 2010 12:55pm
do people overly-critisize their own body?

i always still think im fat but girls say they love my body and my dad even thinks i should start gaining weight.
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