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Posts: 6,078
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May 16 2010 03:39am
Damn it another night of drinking.. at what level does alcohol effectt musicle gains? lol I guess if I get a answer it will discourage drinking perhaps, thanks :P.
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May 16 2010 09:25am
I have a possibly dumb question to ask.. I'm 19 and 5'9, seems like I won't be getting any taller, but just incase.. any sort of vitamins or nething that may assist my height growth?

(I know this really mostly depends on genetics =\)
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May 16 2010 04:55pm
Okay, here's my question. I'm 19, 5'10, 175 lbs and about...12% body fat. I haven't worked out in a while, and after highschool my lifestyle dropped out of the football "wakeup, lift, school, rest, agilities, sleep, rinse repeat" schedule, and into a lot less healthier one. I look decent, but truth is I feel like total ass.
When i lifted a lot earlier, i used to stack protein and creatine, taking noxplode before workouts. I know the protein is an absolute if I want to bulk, or even if i don't, but what other supplements should i take - Already take a multi-vitamin and omega-3. I'm mostly going to be doing a weightless workout, pushups, pullups, situps? (i know there's a lot of controversy around those)
Advice, tips, anything is welcome =)
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May 16 2010 06:00pm
is there such a thing when an obese person loses weight, but they still feel as if they're fat?
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May 16 2010 08:02pm

It's great to see someone like you on these forums.

I'm currently 17 years old. 6'2 almost 6'3. Weigh in about 190-195.
I play lacrosse year round as my exercise. However, my season is coming to an end for a few months for the summer.

I'm hoping to cut fat and build on existing muscle, so I'm looking for a weight lifting plan to do over summer and also some kind of running exercise to help my speed and endurance. Playing lacrosse requires me to have a lot of endurance, speed is secondary to me.

Lifting wise (on what I know what to do):
- Clean
- Bench
- Squat
- Curls
As you can see its a very basic set of lifts that I know. Hoping to maybe find some new things to do.

What I've done in this past for running in the off season is running about 6-8miles a week. Though I'm sure there's things that I can do instead of straight running that will help burn more cals and give me a better work out.

edit: After looking at page 2. You posted a long comment with an exercise plan that I think will fit me well. Do you think this is something I should be considering?

Thanks for the help,


This post was edited by Icelord700 on May 16 2010 08:29pm
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May 17 2010 01:41am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ May 14 2010 05:39pm)
basically do as heavy a weight as you can for the given rep scheme listed...it's whatever your body can handle basically.

as for exercises try this:

day 1 - chest/bis/abs
day 2 - back/tris/calves
day 3 - legs/shoulders/traps
day 4 - chest/back/bis
day 5 - legs/shoulders/tris

Quote (SKCRaynor @ May 14 2010 01:20pm)
ok you're doing it wrong then.

For your height/weight you need approx 2,000 cal / day for cutting and greatly reduced carbs and increased exercise.

for true cutting try this:

1. wake up and do 20 mins of cardio on empty stomach
2. eat meal 1 consisting of 3 whole eggs + 1/2 cup oatmeal + 1/2 grapefruit
3. eat meal 2 consisting of 1 large chicken breast + 1/2 cup black beans + 1 cup broccoli
4. eat meal 3 consisting of 1 protein shake + handful of mixed berries
5. eat meal 4 consisting of 1 large chicken breast + 1 cup green beans
6. eat meal 5 consisting of approx 6oz of lean beef + 1 small salad
7. eat meal 6 consisting of 1 cup cottage cheese + cinnamon

You should fit your workout in somewhere in the middle of the day, just make sure you have your shake POST-workout so adjust accordingly. Also don't eat any sooner than 1.5 hours before lifting.

for exercise try this:

Jack up your rep scheme and reduce the time on all breaks between sets. Do a lot of breakdowns, double-breakdowns, and failure sets.

that means for example lets take bench press:

Set 1 - 15 reps of light weight to warm up
15 seconds of rest
Set 2 - 15 reps of moderately heavy weight
12 seconds of rest
Set 3 - 12 reps of heavier weight
12 seconds of rest
Set 4 - 10 reps of much heavier weight
12 seconds of rest
Set 5 - xx reps until failure of even heavier weight
set 6 - half of set 5's weight until failure
set 7 - half of set 6's weight until failure

this 7 set scheme will be used for all BIG exercises (like bench, squat, deadlift, etc) in the same fashion.

for small lifts like curls, flies, extensions, etc do the following

set 1 - 15 reps light weight warmup
set 2 - xx reps until failure with moderately heavy weight
set 3 - xx reps until failure with VERY heavy weight
set 4 - 50% of set 3 until failure - but force out at least 5 reps even with semi-bad form

Every day you should be doing approx 40 sets. Immediately after training hit HIIT cardio for at least 30 mins directly post workout.

Don't forget to take bcaa's every 45 mins before/during/after training (at least 2-3g each time)

Question about the 7 rep scheme:
So for example it would look like
Set 1 - 10 pds Set 2 - 20 pds Set 3- 30 pds Set 4- 40 pds set 5- 60 pounds till failure, set 6 - 30 pounds set 7 - 15 pounds

And for the bolded, pretty much I should be aiming for 40 sets totals of workouts a day? So for a chest/bis/abs day

I can do 7 sets of flat bench, 7 sets of incline, 7 sets of decline, 3-5 various isolation exercises like weighted sit-ups, curls, etc for 4sets each. something like that?

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May 17 2010 04:13am
just wanted to check in and let you know that im down 15lbs after the first week of my diet that i posted a couple days ago... 15-20 more to go and i should be around 8-10% :D
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May 18 2010 06:40am
If i eat a lot of proteins a day lets say 150g +
and about 2000 calories and not much fat or sugar
can i los weight and keep muscles (and build them up) ( i go 2-3 times a week 20 minutes jogging )
i trained last 8 month just eating what i want but a lot of protein
now want to get fat away but keep muscles and build up at the same time

and is the a lot of sleep thing true?
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May 18 2010 12:39pm
SKC - Random health related question.

Some of my muscles have been twitching for awhile now, some days it's one muscle, another day it's another.

I've looked up what it could be, but other than twitches, neuromuscularly, I'm fine. I'm not feeling any weaker, I still can coordinate very well and my reflexes are the same.

What could this be?
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May 18 2010 09:55pm
Thank you SKCRaynor for this great idea

i will post this here http://forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=43878329&f=241 similar to yours

thanks again
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