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May 13 2010 05:03pm
Hey i just started working out and i was wondering what i should be drinking protein or creatine do you have any suggestions ? i just want to build muscle
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May 13 2010 09:06pm
hey man, quick question

im cutting im just wounderin how much carbs i should be eating and when.

im thinking just have a piece of whole wheat toast or oatmeal with my eggs and maybe carbs after workout and thats it.

This post was edited by Soad69 on May 13 2010 09:07pm
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May 13 2010 09:45pm
Quote (Kiston @ May 12 2010 03:03am)
1 scoop + milk is my approach

1/2 scoop + milk is the poor mans approach for me, but it this too little?

yes...go for the full scoop.
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May 13 2010 09:53pm
Quote (eSora @ May 12 2010 12:43pm)
Not sure if you missed but I'm very interested if I'm doing it right.

for bulking without protein supps...i need your height/weight and body type as well as goals to give you a diet.

but as a general rule, you can pretty much just eat a ton of chicken breast, brown rice, broccoli and black beans throughout the day....you can also have eggs + oatmeal in the morning and cottage cheese + peanut butter before bed....but this is very broad and generalized...I can give you something more exact if u require it
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May 13 2010 11:41pm
Hello raynor

Im a fuggin fatty.
I want to lose weight and tone, but dont really know where to start.

My current routine looks like. 60 mins of brisk walking in morning. IN the after noon I do 3x5 bench / 3x5 squats/ 3x5 barbell row sun/tues/thurs, alternating with incline bench 3x5 and dips 3x10. Followed by a 30 minute elliptical session after workout.

I've been at it for about 3 weeks but havent really lost any weight, and its not like im gorging on steaks and triple cheese burgers or something. I eat 3-5 moderate meals a day with low carbs and almost no sugar.

Is there anything I can improve on to really lose more weight and tone my body? I think to cut is the term?

Thanks in advance for help
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May 14 2010 12:17am
Quote (Boxa @ May 12 2010 02:17pm)
clearly you didn't see his lulzy 2 round fight yet.

lmao!!! I just watched it...and wow...that was fucking horrible....it was like watching two men hugging 90% of the time
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May 14 2010 12:25am
Quote (knoxri @ May 12 2010 03:26pm)
Raynor, my chest is having a difficult time keeping up with my arms.. I do about 3 lifts per muscle group@ 4x8-12. (just recently decided to step it down to 4 sets in order to save more juice for the other exercises.) I don't do ne more exercises than that because my muscles begin to fatigue.

For chest days I've been doing..



push ups.

All @ 5x8-12.. cept for pushups, I do 5 sets of 20 with those.. (These are @ 5 sets because I don't have a 3rd weighted exercise.)

Do you think I should Add more exercises regardless of the fatiguing, or possibly fit two chest days in per week..? lmk thanks.

Hey there. eliminate pushups from chest day!! this causes your chest to fatigue rapidly and won't lead to great strength gains....the best bet to increase your chest strength is to do chest 2x a week (approx 3 days apart) and train the following:

Bench Press, Incline Press, Dumbbell Flat Presses, Dumbbell Overhead Pullovers, Wide-grip weighted dips.

also try 5x5 instead of 4x8-12
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May 14 2010 12:26am
Quote (Dangers @ May 12 2010 03:34pm)
got any tips for working on form of olympic & other explosive lifts?

my form sucks dick

youtube some professional videos and practice your form WITHOUT weight.

Then when you start using weight, go really light until your form is immaculate.

Gradually increase weight and keep form proper.

Practice makes perfect.
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May 14 2010 12:30am
Quote (ant885 @ May 12 2010 04:16pm)
hey skc

how big of an issue do you think the mercury in tuna is? Would a can a day be too much?

This is a very interesting question....to play it absolutely safe...you should only eat tuna 1-2 times a week.

here is an interesting article
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May 14 2010 12:36am
Quote (dendo12689 @ May 12 2010 07:33pm)
hey, so i posted that big long workout one page back.. ive lost 11 pounds since monday (2 days) and im making sure to drink a ton of water because i thought it might be water loss after the 7 pound drop from monday to tuesday, but ive been pissing like at least every hour and its real clear, so i dont think im dehydrated... could the loss still be mostly water weight? im thinking there isnt enough sodium in my diet to keep the water in my muscles and such... how should i encorporate this? just start eating a little bit of salt with every meal? or i was thinking about getting some pedialyte from the store (the electrolytes for babies stuff) and maybe drinking some of that during my lifts...

Hey there.

Make sure you add about 1 tbsp of sea salt per 1 gal of water if you feel that your sodium is too low.

Make sure to have also 2x potassium and 1x magnesium and 1x calcium to every 1x of sodium in your diet. Make sure not to go over 1500-2000 mg sodium per day on average cutting (pre-contest cutting would be 500mg / day)

also your first week or two of losses are mostly water stored up in the muscle groups from extensive prior sodium and carbohydrate consumption
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