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Posts: 6,818
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May 11 2010 09:24pm
What do you think of this rep scheme for cutting ?

3x3x7 with 45-60secs rest

7 upper half of rep
7 down half of rep
7 complete rep



A 'super 21' for every exercice
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May 12 2010 12:42am
Quote (serennia @ May 11 2010 11:24pm)
What do you think of this rep scheme for cutting ?

3x3x7 with 45-60secs rest

7 upper half of rep
7 down half of rep
7 complete rep



A 'super 21' for every exercice

hmm...interesting concept. As long as your heart rate stays at approx 135-145 during the whole routine you are fine
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May 12 2010 01:03am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ May 12 2010 02:01am)
you can actually do 1 scoop + milk before bed as the poor-man's approach

1 scoop + milk is my approach

1/2 scoop + milk is the poor mans approach for me, but it this too little?
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May 12 2010 10:43am
Quote (eSora @ May 11 2010 05:21pm)
What should my diet look like if I'm bulking but don't drink whey?(Includes the meal after a workout)


Not sure if you missed but I'm very interested if I'm doing it right.
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May 12 2010 12:17pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ May 11 2010 10:05pm)
that's horrible lol....no offense to the MMA guys - but 95% of them have really bad diet/nutrition/workout routine advice. Their fighting skill is very good...but as far as overall quality of health in the form of muscle/fat, overall strength, as well as total body health - they are FAR behind that of professional bodybuilders/powerlifters/strongmen/fitness models and most athletes. I'm not sure what to attribute this to, but I have trained quite a few at the gym - most of which came to me with HORRIBLE previous health practices. The others that I know in person have equally atrocious ideas about health and fitness. If someone was to combine the fantastic form and skill of some of the top MMA fighters with the proper nutrition, endurance, and physical strength of professional bodybuilders/powerlifters/strongmen....then you would have quite an unstoppable force.

Mariusz Pudzianowski might fulfill this role...not sure yet...but there's a good possibility.

clearly you didn't see his lulzy 2 round fight yet.
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May 12 2010 01:26pm
Raynor, my chest is having a difficult time keeping up with my arms.. I do about 3 lifts per muscle group@ 4x8-12. (just recently decided to step it down to 4 sets in order to save more juice for the other exercises.) I don't do ne more exercises than that because my muscles begin to fatigue.

For chest days I've been doing..



push ups.

All @ 5x8-12.. cept for pushups, I do 5 sets of 20 with those.. (These are @ 5 sets because I don't have a 3rd weighted exercise.)

Do you think I should Add more exercises regardless of the fatiguing, or possibly fit two chest days in per week..? lmk thanks.
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May 12 2010 01:34pm
got any tips for working on form of olympic & other explosive lifts?

my form sucks dick
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May 12 2010 02:16pm
hey skc

how big of an issue do you think the mercury in tuna is? Would a can a day be too much?
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May 12 2010 05:33pm
hey, so i posted that big long workout one page back.. ive lost 11 pounds since monday (2 days) and im making sure to drink a ton of water because i thought it might be water loss after the 7 pound drop from monday to tuesday, but ive been pissing like at least every hour and its real clear, so i dont think im dehydrated... could the loss still be mostly water weight? im thinking there isnt enough sodium in my diet to keep the water in my muscles and such... how should i encorporate this? just start eating a little bit of salt with every meal? or i was thinking about getting some pedialyte from the store (the electrolytes for babies stuff) and maybe drinking some of that during my lifts...
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May 13 2010 12:43pm
I got a couple of Nitrotech samples

should i even bother to try them

and when should i take them?? after during before
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