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May 11 2010 01:57am
Quote (Bluff @ May 10 2010 11:20pm)
So I'm just starting back again and I wanted help with a 3 day cut workout schedule..

trying to cut down to like 210.

im trying to be 210 with a good cuts >.>

'anyone wana set me a good schedule i can give a try? keep it simple though since i have a hectic work schedule if you can.

"anyone wanna set me a good schedule"

you are posting in the wrong thread if you want help from just "anyone".

if you want help from me...then you are in the right place lol.

Please read the last 15 pages of the thread...you will find at least 2-3 sample cutting diets/exercise programs that will suit your needs perfectly. I'd be glad to write you up one...but I think that the information already posted would be just as good. Read the last 15 pages and then get back to me if you have any further questions.
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May 11 2010 01:58am
Quote (IceMage @ May 11 2010 12:00am)
Caution:  Weird Question

What are the benefits/harms of drinking your own urine?

someone has asked me this one other time on the thread...about 50-60 pages back if I recall...

I'm thinking this is trolling but just to be safe...

It is very harmful to your health to drink your own urine - it is excreted as waste for a reason...not meant to be consumed unless it is in the most absolutely DIRE situations where there simply is no water....and even there using the distillation method would be the only suitable way for extended consumption.

There are no true health benefits to this.
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May 11 2010 02:01am
Quote (Destruct0 @ May 11 2010 12:05am)
I would like to be a little more advised on how alcohol and marajiana effects muscle gains etc.. thanks :P

Mary Jane can act to relax the muscles and also deplete test production. I wouldn't recommend overdoing it (once in a while is fine...minus the illegality of it)

Alcohol puts on excess bodyfat, spikes insulin, and causes liver damage (over prolonged use) - no real nutritive properties for building muscle so also not advised. If you are cutting, avoid booze like the plague.

In general, your gains will only be harmed by excessive mary jane consumption...but not so much alcohol (more fat gains sure, but muscle gains tend to not fall off while using alcohol)
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May 11 2010 04:04am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ May 11 2010 03:31am)
Hey there.

That was a very long and very thorough post.

Let me address each thing in numerical order for ease of reading:

1. Sub your orange juice for grapefruit juice (greater fat burning effect)
2. Replace 6x egg whites with 3x whole eggs + 3 egg whites
3. Right before bed take 1 cup of cottage cheese w/ cinnamon and add the olive oil to it or take separately. Alternate is to take Optimum Casein protein right before bed as well - either way you need one or the other to sustain fat loss throughout sleep.
4. Multivitamin - get NOW! Adam (take 2x a day 1 with breakfast and 1 with midday meal)
5. your protein powder is fine
6. make sure to do at least 20 mins of cardio post workout during your first workout
7. 3 on 1 off is the best schedule for your purposes - make sure to do cardio on the day off.

how about half a grapefruit instead of grapefruit juice? completely forgot about them some how when i was eatin half a one first thing every morning during my last cut.. was also eating cottage cheese every night too on my last cut... thanks for the reminders... also, do i want to buy just any ground cinnamon from the store, or should i buy like whole cinnamon (not really sure what a whole cinnamon would be lol.. a stick of it maybe?) and how much should i be adding to the cottage cheese... should the cottage cheese be fat free, low fat, or fat ass? and should i keep the EVOO or supplement with omega 3-6-9? and i would definately be doing cardio on the off day, however probably no cardio on the day before legs unless i decide to throw in some boxing instead of any type of leg cardio....

thanks for all the help
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May 11 2010 10:16am
so i waxed my chest and stomach about a month and a half ago.. after 1 week there appeared lots of red small pimples on those places.. they didin't itch or something they just were there.. and now some of them are gone or become less visible but there are still some left.. i dunno what to do.. can u help me with this or should i go see a doctor? as i said they just are there and there's no discomfort but the looks..
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May 11 2010 11:07am
Thanks for the previous help, ill get on that fiber & water asap.

is this recipe healthy if im on a strict diet? (trying to get to 8% bf)

and i seen a post where u told sum 1 to eat cottage cheese and cinnamin b4 bed for fat loss?

Quote (Boxa @ May 10 2010 08:10pm)
I just took

2 Cups 1% Whipped Cottage Cheese
2 Scoops Myo Milk Chocolate
1 Cup Whole Wheat Flour
3 Eggs

Whipped it up together and baked it up as a brownie @ 400 degrees F.

Was absolutely amazing.

Oh yea, i know the donation wasnt much but im sure all helps, your welcome and thanks for all the help

This post was edited by TheOak on May 11 2010 11:09am
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May 11 2010 12:59pm
Quote (dendo12689 @ May 11 2010 06:04am)
how about half a grapefruit instead of grapefruit juice? completely forgot about them some how when i was eatin half a one first thing every morning during my last cut.. was also eating cottage cheese every night too on my last cut... thanks for the reminders... also, do i want to buy just any ground cinnamon from the store, or should i buy like whole cinnamon (not really sure what a whole cinnamon would be lol.. a stick of it maybe?) and how much should i be adding to the cottage cheese... should the cottage cheese be fat free, low fat, or fat ass? and should i keep the EVOO or supplement with omega 3-6-9? and i would definately be doing cardio on the off day, however probably no cardio on the day before legs unless i decide to throw in some boxing instead of any type of leg cardio....

thanks for all the help

hey there. Use about one TSP of cinnamon (ground cinnamon is just fine). A half grapefruit is fine as well...but split it up into two halves and have half with breakfast and half after meal 2. Cottage cheese should be 1-2%, not fat free. As far as EVOO goes...you can keep that post-bedtime and throughout the day as well as some omega 3-6-9. Keep the variety! for the day before legs in the way of cardio - use the stationary bike. It doesn't beat your legs up too bad and makes the leg workout the next plausible.
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May 11 2010 01:00pm
Quote (iloveualot @ May 11 2010 12:16pm)
so i waxed my chest and stomach about a month and a half ago.. after 1 week there appeared lots of red small pimples on those places.. they didin't itch or something they just were there.. and now some of them are gone or become less visible but there are still some left.. i dunno what to do.. can u help me with this or should i go see a doctor? as i said they just are there and there's no discomfort but the looks..

hey there - this is normal from waxing especially when you are not used to it.

Use hydrogen peroxide and witch hazel on the spots that are irritated and eventually it will go away on its own.

Next time try a different waxing treatment and see if you react the same way.
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May 11 2010 01:02pm
Quote (TheOak @ May 11 2010 01:07pm)
Thanks for the previous help, ill get on that fiber & water asap.

is this recipe healthy if im on a strict diet? (trying to get to 8% bf)

and i seen a post where u told sum 1 to eat cottage cheese and cinnamin b4 bed for fat loss?

Oh yea, i know the donation wasnt much but im sure all helps, your welcome and thanks for all the help

Hey there....the brownies you just described are still made with flour which is a carb and would not be part of a STRICT diet. That would be more of a once a week cheat item that you could make and eat in the morning or post workout....overall I would try to avoid it, but if you want something that feels like its bad eating it...but really isn't that bad...go for it...but keep it to 1-2 servings once a week in the AM


p.s. thanks again for donation - anything is always appreciated.

This post was edited by SKCRaynor on May 11 2010 01:02pm
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May 11 2010 01:14pm
casien powder is like 40$

can i just use half a scoop (12g) + a cup of milk for the extra 10g protein? lets me use the casein for double the length.

or is 24g casein atleast advised?
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