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May 10 2010 12:23pm
Quote (Kiston @ May 10 2010 02:17am)
thats shitty. i bought 2 bags of 100% multi grain and i already have 2 bags of whole wheat :/

is lactose considered a simple or complex carb?

Simple carbs = fructose sucrose and lactose
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May 10 2010 12:24pm
Quote (Bluff @ May 10 2010 04:35am)
Wanted to know some beginer vitamins/oils to take starting out. I also need help sticking to a sleep scheule, for some reason I go to bed one night at 8 PM then the next night I end up going to bed at 5 AM. How do you guys train your body to go to sleep at a certin time rather your sleepy or not?

Also, how do you keep the craving for junk foods/drinks out? Any way to help totally get rid of the cravings?

Multivitamin - NOW! Adam (take 2x a day)
EFA's - NOW! Omega Super 3-6-9 (take 2x with every food meal - not with shakes)

as for sleeping pattern, it's really just discipline. You can also try to take Melatonin (get Optimum Nutrition Melatonin) and take 2 pills 30-45 mins before you want to sleep.


as far as cravings go, you need to stay on a regular healthy eating plan to the point where you are getting enough nutrition and do not feel hungry. This is most of the battle right there. Secondly, willpower is the next key component. I also recommend certain things to curb cravings such as diet soda and labrada lean body (cookie twist) bars - these are the closest thing to a candy bar...and have only 10g impact carbs and 30g protein per bar.

This post was edited by SKCRaynor on May 10 2010 12:28pm
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May 10 2010 12:26pm
Quote (Act1 @ May 10 2010 05:41am)
-fish oil
-any multivitamin specifically for strength training

-melatonin regulates sleeping supposedly. popular use from people who experience jet lag.
-no concentrated caffeine/sugar in your diet through day to maintain schedule
-no naps

Food cravings
-it takes a lot of self control to stop the cravings
-find something else to eat

Hello -

Why are you answering questions in my thread?

If you are new to this thread, please understand that all questions are directed towards me and are to be answered only by me.

This prevents people from sending misinformation, helps avoid confusion, and also keeps things working at optimum efficiency.

Do not hijack this thread.

Please don't let me see this again.


I also wanted to show you that the information you gave was only about 1/3 accurate and helpful - First off "any multivitamin for strength training" is one of the most broad and unhelpful things I have ever heard. There are hundreds of vitamins marketed towards strength-training - but NO multivitamin has only strength training in mind. 99.9% of multivitamins are frauds to begin with - so finding a good, digestible, and complete blend is very difficult to find. I have spent years refining my vitamin search down to 3 optimal candidates - NOW! Adam (good for any males), CL Orange Triad (best for powerlifters and people who require joint support and increased dosages of vitamins), and Twinlab One-a-Day Multi (mostly for middle aged to elderly). Also you state "fish oil" and leave it there...not answering the question at hand but instead when he asks what fish oil to take you reply with "fish oil". Fish Oil is not something to mess around with by checking various brands - know the products in advance and go with something pure and of good quality - NOW! Omega Super 3-6-9 is by far the best blend of EFA's. Also, simply telling someone to curb their cravings by finding something else to eat is absolutely useless.

If you feel that you are MORE qualified than me to handle this thread on JSP please post your own thread and lets see if it gets stickied or not. Also please post your qualifications, certifications, pics, and physical/educational training if you truly do believe you are more qualified than me.

I understand some of you may now know exactly how this thread works as this is the SECOND instance of this in 2 days. I would really appreciate you guys using good manners and keeping the thread clean and free of spam, bad advice, and anyone else giving advice except for me. Thank you for understanding.

This post was edited by SKCRaynor on May 10 2010 12:39pm
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May 10 2010 12:29pm
Quote (dendo12689 @ May 10 2010 06:24am)
hey, i was just wondering if youve ever tried that ezekial 4:9 bread and your feelings on it... pretty much if its easier to chew shoe leather or that bread and if you would rather eat dog shit than that bread... the contents of it seem very reasonable to me... thanks :D

It's one of the best things you can eat for complex carbs - Jay Cutler loves the stuff and eats it constantly...I hate the flavor and the texture so I avoid it and replace with things like plain brown rice or oatmeal
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May 10 2010 02:38pm
I'm entering my last week of training. To recap, you put me on a 3 and a half week program with meal plan and workout routine.

I feel good, and look good.

Once this is over we'll have to recap on it, and maybe there will be a visible difference in my physique.

I know that I've lost stomache fat and bulked a bit on my bicepts already. (I had to take a few days off--got so sore 'cuz I overdid it my first week)--so really I've only been working out 2 weeks.
If I continue a moderatly similar/healthy meal plan over the next few weeks, and keep working out like I am, I should be looking like a champion in a month or two.

I'm curious...Once I get my stomache's fat % to a place where I want it, should I cut out the cardio?
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May 10 2010 02:48pm
Quote (illsonmedia @ May 10 2010 04:38pm)
I'm entering my last week of training.  To recap, you put me on a 3 and a half week program with meal plan and workout routine.

I feel good, and look good. 

Once this is over we'll have to recap on it, and maybe there will be a visible difference in my physique.

I know that I've lost stomache fat and bulked a bit on my bicepts already.  (I had to take a few days off--got so sore 'cuz I overdid it my first week)--so really I've only been working out 2 weeks.
If I continue a moderatly similar/healthy meal plan over the next few weeks, and keep working out like I am, I should be looking like a champion in a month or two.

I'm curious...Once I get my stomache's fat % to a place where I want it, should I cut out the cardio?

Hey there.

Yes you can reduce or eliminate cardio after you achieve the bodyfat % that represents your goal. If you start seeing increasing bodyfat while clean bulking, add 20-30 mins of cardio post workout each day and it should take care of the problem
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May 10 2010 03:28pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ May 10 2010 04:48pm)
Hey there.

Yes you can reduce or eliminate cardio after you achieve the bodyfat % that represents your goal. If you start seeing increasing bodyfat while clean bulking, add 20-30 mins of cardio post workout each day and it should take care of the problem

Is jogging as opposed to an elliptical for cardio any different?
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May 10 2010 03:41pm
hey.. im going on a serious cut diet, because i would like to get down around 7-8% body fat and maybe try an amateur competition some time next year... currently im 5'11 250 at around 15-18% BF... im going to get tested in a few days at the gym... ive been lifting for almost 8 years now (4 years very seriously with the right people-- ie my training "partner" (more of a teacher) who is now about 50 used to squat over 800 lbs in his prime).. anyway i wanted to see how you felt about my ideas for a summer diet.. this will be an average days worth of meals for my first month of the diet and ill list all supplements at the end... it is basically more or less a zero carb diet..
3am-- 8oz 100% orange juice not from concentrate (this is all of my daily carbs), 1 scoop 100% pure unflavored whey with bcaas (its made my nutrabio, i bought a 50 lb box of it to split with my roomate from school)
345am--large muscle group lifting session (ie chest or back or legs)
515am---finish lift, 1 scoop 100% pure unflavored whey+bcaas
545am---6x egg whites
8am---1 scoop 100% pure unflavored whey
10am--- 1 8oz chicken breast
noon----1 8oz chicken breast + some raw veggies (i had broccoli today)
4pm----1 scoop protein (same is listed earlier)
430pm--- smaller muscle group (tris or bis or shoulders with respect to the order listed above) and cardio (45 minutes stair master or elliptical)
630pm--- 10oz fish (today i had striped bass)
7pm---- this is right before bed and ill usually have 1tbsp of extra virgin olive oil

as for supplements heres what i take:
NO-Xplode and cell mass before and after my lift. i usually have a couple cups of coffee throughout the day as well (today i had 3)
5g glutamine (adds up to 10g total with cell mass and protein. taken after both lifts)

and as far as pills go in the morning at 545 with breakfast:
centrum multi (ya its bad i know, im going to look into some of the ones you recommend)
calcium/magnesium/zinc (1500mg/750mg/45mg)
glucosamine chondroitin (1500mg glucosamine hydrochloride/1200mg chondroitin sulfate)
milk thistle (1gram)
fiber (6grams)

and then pills at 4pm:
centrum multi (ya its bad i know, im going to look into some of the ones you recommend)
calcium/magnesium/zinc (1500mg/750mg/45mg)
milk thistle (1gram)
green tea (630mg extract, 94.5 of which are polyphenols)
arginine (1 gram)
fiber (6 grams)

heres the bcaa breakdown of my whey protein per 100grams of it:
Amino Acid Profile:
(per 100 grams of protein)

Alanine: 4,540 mg
Arginine: 2,209 mg
Aspartic Acid: 9,939 mg
Cysteine: 2,331 mg
Glutamic Acid: 11,411 mg
Glutamine: 4,417 mg
Glycine: 1,718 mg
Histidine: 1,840 mg
Isolucine: 5,767 mg
Luecine: 10,184 mg
Lysine: 8,466 mg
Methionine: 1,963 mg
Phenylalanine: 190 mg
Proline: 5,513 mg
Serine: 4,417 mg
Threonine: 6,012 mg
Tryptophan: 1,595 mg
Tyrosine: 2,822 mg
Valine: 5,399 mg

and heres a picture of the nutrition facts:

i still havent decided whether im going to do a 3 day on 1 day off split or a 4day split continuously.. for the most part, i train very high volume, but stay at 3x6-8.. for example i did chest this morning.. i did 3x6-8 flat, 3x6-8 incline, 3x6-8 decline on the hammer strength machine, 3x8 incline dumbell hammer grip press, 3x8-10 cable flyes, 3x6-8 incline dumbell flyes.... and then i did a couple ab circuits when i was done... this afternoon i did tris and im going to take the dog for a run once i get done writing this essay.....

i guess i would just like an overall critique on it.. im only going to stay on this diet for ~1 month to accelerate the initial losses hopefully and gradually work in a few complex carbs again... i will be eating red meat 1-2 times per week but other than that everything is chicken, turkey, egg whites and fish... are there any other supplements you think i should be taking? any you think i can scrap (besides the centrum multivitamins that i got for free and i know they are trash ha).. you have been very helpful with all of my questions that ive posted so far... hopefully you dont want to shoot yourself after reading this all... i guess if theres any other details you need, just let me know and ill post up

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May 10 2010 04:26pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ May 10 2010 06:23pm)
Simple carbs = fructose sucrose and lactose

i keep hearing that the carbs in milk are slow digesting, is this false?
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May 10 2010 05:03pm
Quote (spfraiders1 @ May 10 2010 05:28pm)
Is jogging as opposed to an elliptical for cardio any different?

depends on the intensity. eliptical is better for your knees and joints....jogging is better for building leg muscle.

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