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May 9 2010 02:54am
Quote (TheOak @ May 8 2010 09:17pm)
hey there,
i have been cutting and losing weight rather rapidly i've been running 2.5-3 miles 4-6 days a week around my neighborhood. the 2.5 miles take about 24 minutes its a nice pace jog. today i decided to jst run 1.25 mile which took me 7:52sec which was basicaly a sprint considering the up hills of the road.

if my goal was to cut fat with minimal muscle loss for bodybuilding is the sprint bad for me?
is it a good idea to switch it up somtimes?
is 8 min of sprinting really not long enough for fat loss?

that's far superior for fat loss without as much muscle wasting as extended cardio sessions. No matter what physical activity you do, however, make sure to take approx 2-3g bcaa's every 45 minutes (before/during/after) in order to guarantee the least possibility of muscle catabolism.

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May 9 2010 02:58am
Quote (Parakleet @ May 8 2010 11:55pm)
You probably already answered some questions like these, but 400 pages of posts is too much for me to check sorry :D.  I am a hard gainer, 5'11/6'' and about 160 lbs. I am trying to bulk, basically eating as much as i can of the right foods. I eat relatively healthy and I get my vegetables and fruits in, but how many calories should I realistically aim for if I'm trying to pack on some serious muscle, upwards of 5000? 

edit: dont take supplements really except omega-3, flax seed oil, multivitamin and whey protein shake which has added bcaa's/glutamine/creatine monohydrate

Also, as far as lifting routines go I have tried many such as the 5x5 setup, regular chest/tri back/bi leg/shoulder split, total body training lifts etc. but which would you recommend for someone like myself? I know which exercises to go for, but I don't know what rep scheme would be best really. Should i go for volume, or just heavy low reps? I care more about getting bigger than stronger per say.

Hey there.

Start by taking Cytosport Cytogainer - 2x shakes a day in ADDITION to at least 4 more FULL food meals. Each shake will be mixed with milk + fruit + peanut butter (or make it with water if it's your post-workout shake). The shakes with everything in them with reach approx 1,000 cal per shake. Between the two shakes (2,000 cal) + 4 good solid meals, you will be at nearly 5,000 cal a day spread out in order to sustain your body in proper intervals. Make sure to have a good 40/40/20 pro/carb/fat intake to maximize gains. Avoid sugary foods and drinks, get LOTS of complex carbs and good solid proteins (like chicken, turkey, tuna, beef, lamb, fish, eggs, etc)

As for exercise routines, stick to this:

Mon - Chest/Abs
Tues - Back/Calves
Weds - Shoulders/Traps
Thurs - Legs/Abs
Fri - Arms/Calves
Sat - OFF
Sun - OFF

No cardio! Just stick to approx 20-25 sets...plenty of rest between sets, and use the 5x5 plan that I have outlined within the last 10-15 pages.
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May 9 2010 02:59am
Quote (iloveualot @ May 9 2010 03:24am)
which track is better for running? the stadium track or the ground with grass? cuz i tried ground with grass today and my feet likes it better :)

grass is better for shock absorption.

running barefoot through grass (sand is actually the best) is one of the best ways to train calves as well.

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May 9 2010 09:04am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ May 9 2010 12:59am)
grass is better for shock absorption.

running barefoot through grass (sand is actually the best) is one of the best ways to train calves as well.

Isn't running barefoot in sand a really easy way to break an ankle/foot because sand is more compacted and is harder in some places than others?
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May 9 2010 09:20am
best way to eat your eggs in the morning is? scrambled, hard boiled? or somehow else? i mean how they are best absorbed
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May 9 2010 09:23am
Quote (iloveualot @ May 9 2010 07:20am)
best way to eat your eggs in the morning is? scrambled, hard boiled? or somehow else? i mean how they are best absorbed

Boil, dont eat the shell.. and don't eat the yoke imo.
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May 9 2010 11:51am
Quote (knoxri @ May 9 2010 10:23am)
Boil, dont eat the shell.. and don't eat the yoke imo.

Don't ever offer advice in this thread.

Seriously...you're not a trainer. You're not even really educated on basic aspects of training/nutrition. This is the one thread in this subforum that shouldn't be clouded with ignorant comments.

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May 9 2010 12:39pm
Quote (Boxa @ May 9 2010 09:51am)
Don't ever offer advice in this thread.

Seriously...you're not a trainer.  You're not even really educated on basic aspects of training/nutrition.  This is the one thread in this subforum that shouldn't be clouded with ignorant comments.

Boxa, don't spam the only helpful thread H&F has.. and grow up soon please, thank you.

e: That's funny, because I get daily PMs from people asking me for advise ^_^ You don't. Feel free to take your rant elsewhere or via PM, just keep it from here.. kthx.

This post was edited by knoxri on May 9 2010 12:52pm
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May 9 2010 12:59pm
Quote (knoxri @ May 9 2010 02:39pm)
Boxa, don't spam the only helpful thread H&F has.. and grow up soon please, thank you.

e: That's funny, because I get daily PMs from people asking me for advise ^_^ You don't. Feel free to take your rant elsewhere or via PM, just keep it from here.. kthx.

screen shots of these PM's please, these folks are either deranged or imaginary
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May 9 2010 01:10pm
Quote (Mesonychid @ May 9 2010 11:04am)
Isn't running barefoot in sand a really easy way to break an ankle/foot because sand is more compacted and is harder in some places than others?

Hello -

Yes and no.

It is technically best to run in moderately wet sand (the kind right on the edge of the shoreline) - but any sand is okay to run in. But you have to make sure to pay attention to form and gradually work up in both speed and distance. Like anything else, practice makes perfect - doing too much without the necessary training is ill-advised.
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