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Apr 29 2010 07:02pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Apr 29 2010 02:10pm)
That's a matter of perspective. It takes a total of 4 years (B.S. Degree in Nutrition). It wasn't the hardest route to take in college, but also not the easiest. I'm not really sure how else to explain it, but if you aren't a fan of intense memorization of terminology - it might be pretty hard. If you are good with things like that, it should be fairly easy.

Yeah, I'm planning on actually going the route of becoming a Registered Dietitian ..going to a school tahts accredited with the ADA (American Dietetic Association)..so 4 years / 1 year intership or 6 years/ 6 month intership...I know that it's about perspective..but I always love hearing how other people managed to do things that I am going to try in the future..kind of helps me get prepared..

But, terminology..blah I hate that but its not too hard..thanks for the info though
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Apr 29 2010 08:32pm

Recently it came into question about the authenticity of my pics...

someone on JSP (user name EyeforanEye) said that I'm a faker and that the pics are not of me.

To prove him wrong I snapped a quick cell phone pic in the mirror at the gym today...with a sign in my mouth that said SKC Raynor @ jsp (of course I wrote the sign normally...so the pic shows itself as being reversed because in the was in the mirror). Anyway, enjoy the proof of my reality.

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Apr 29 2010 08:33pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Apr 29 2010 06:32pm)
Recently it came into question about the authenticity of my pics...

someone on JSP (user name EyeforanEye) said that I'm a faker and that the pics are not of me.

To prove him wrong I snapped a quick cell phone pic in the mirror at the gym today...with a sign in my mouth that said SKC Raynor @ jsp  (of course I wrote the sign normally...so the pic shows itself as being reversed because in the was in the mirror). Anyway, enjoy the proof of my reality.


Lookin' big :o
Any shirtless pictures? :o
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Apr 29 2010 08:34pm
Quote (Mcmatt @ Apr 29 2010 03:47pm)
Hey im only 14 but i would like to start building some more muscle and get healthier, im kinda skinny for my age but i have a deacent amount of muscle. ive been starting to run a half hour every day and lift a bit. Think you could help me out with a workout plan and a more healthy way to eat, i dont eat to healthy.

Hey there.

Please read the last 10 pages of the thread entirely. There is a TON of information there to help you including a good bulking plan, 5x5 plan for strength and size, among other things.

After reading the 10 pages, please come back to me with some more specific questions and I'll be glad to help you
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Apr 29 2010 08:35pm
Quote (CoBm @ Apr 29 2010 06:06pm)
whats the best time to do cardio ?

just after work out, 2 hours after work out, or on rest day ?

30 mins in the morning on empty stomach and 30 mins immediately after a workout for optimal fat loss.
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Apr 29 2010 08:37pm
Quote (illsonmedia @ Apr 29 2010 07:39pm)
Awesome thanks.

Whats an impact carb, simply?

I'm Italian...my body is URNING for some real food.

What are the chances I could work some whole wheat pasta with or without red sauce into this meal plan...or is pasta a big no no?

Hey there. I feel your pain. Impact carbs are carbohydrates that are digested quickly and thus impact your blood sugar. The primary offenders are simple carbs and sugars like white bread, soda, white rice, cookies, etc.

The slow digesting carbs (like sweet potatoes, whole grain pasta, brown rice, or oatmeal) are okay for eating in the first 2-3 meals of the day (assuming you are on a 6 meal/day plan).

You can eat some whole grain pasta in the morning or with meal 2 and not have any consequences.
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Apr 29 2010 08:39pm
Quote (Timjm2 @ Apr 29 2010 09:02pm)
Yeah, I'm planning on actually going the route of becoming a Registered Dietitian ..going to a school tahts accredited with the ADA (American Dietetic Association)..so 4 years / 1 year intership or 6 years/ 6 month intership...I know that it's about perspective..but I always love hearing how other people managed to do things that I am going to try in the future..kind of helps me get prepared..

But, terminology..blah I hate that but its not too hard..thanks for the info though

Dietitian and Nutritionist are definitely 2 different things. If you go the dietitian route, there is a LOT of money to be made (especially in working for the govt). A friend of mine is a dietitian for the Navy and makes 95K a year working 30 hours a week. He isn't a naval officer, but he works for the navy (civilian job).

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Apr 29 2010 08:40pm
Quote (Mesonychid @ Apr 29 2010 10:33pm)
Lookin' big :o
Any shirtless pictures? :o


I was going to...but didn't want to seem like a total toolbag in the gym locker room.

Eventually I'll have some real pics taken with a real camera...just haven't had the time or the will to really do it considering that I haven't had any reason to (Medical school pretty much running my life lol)

I'd like to have some real pics and videos up eventually though...and I'll certainly let everyone know when that happens.
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Apr 29 2010 08:45pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Apr 29 2010 09:32pm)
Recently it came into question about the authenticity of my pics...

someone on JSP (user name EyeforanEye) said that I'm a faker and that the pics are not of me.

To prove him wrong I snapped a quick cell phone pic in the mirror at the gym today...with a sign in my mouth that said SKC Raynor @ jsp  (of course I wrote the sign normally...so the pic shows itself as being reversed because in the was in the mirror). Anyway, enjoy the proof of my reality.


Well done.. :)
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Apr 29 2010 11:02pm
eating about 3000+ cals a day
minimal simple carbs/high complex carbs
15min morning cardio 5x a week
1 1/2 hrs resistance training/ 12min hiit cardio after 4x a week

how would this work for getting bigger or more cut?

5'11 190 @ 11%bf
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