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Apr 28 2010 11:48pm
Quote (IceMage @ Apr 29 2010 01:40am)

Is this a decent supplement?  I know it's probably overpriced, but are the ingredients decent?

Yes, decent product but high price.

also vouch your sig.
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Apr 29 2010 12:24am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Apr 29 2010 12:48am)
Yes, decent product but high price.

also vouch your sig.


Why is orange juice in a picture described as junk food?

Honestly, as long as you don't overdue it how is it not healthy?
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Apr 29 2010 10:52am
hey once again :) could u hook me up with a good strength routine? (DON'T want to get big)
i saw the 5x5 routine u've been posting but it requires bulking.. i don't wanna bulk ;)
just want to get stronger.. and some day maybe a fitness model :))
also maybe this kinda things require some specific diet i dunno tell me what do you think
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Apr 29 2010 12:11pm
Quote (IceMage @ Apr 29 2010 02:24am)


Why is orange juice in a picture described as junk food?

Honestly, as long as you don't overdue it how is it not healthy?

as long as it's not made with sugar or high fructose corn syrup and its 100% juice then its not junk food.

The person who made that picture was obviously an idiot when they incorporated orange juice (that appears to be 100% juice and not additionally sweetened)

edit: confirmed it's 100% juice


person who made that picture = idiot

This post was edited by SKCRaynor on Apr 29 2010 12:16pm
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Apr 29 2010 12:14pm
Quote (iloveualot @ Apr 29 2010 12:52pm)
hey once again :) could u hook me up with a good strength routine? (DON'T want to get big)
i saw the 5x5 routine u've been posting but it requires bulking.. i don't wanna bulk ;)
just want to get stronger.. and some day maybe a fitness model :))
also maybe this kinda things require some specific diet i dunno tell me what do you think

Hey there. It doesn't work like that unfortunately.

If you want to really get stronger, you need to add more mass and thus go on a "bulking" cycle.

From there, you would go on a CUTTING CYCLE and remove most of the fat you gained while bulking and get down to a very low bodyfat percentage.

At this point you will be ripped and more muscular. You will repeat the process until you are as big/muscular as you want (when ripped) and then proceed with a follow up maintenance routine (which will not allow you to gain more strength, just maintain what you have).

But in order to get where you want to be (without steroids) you need to bulk and cut over and over until you hit the perfect size you are shooting for. On average, male fitness models require approximately 5 years of bulk and cut before they can go on constant maintenance.

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Apr 29 2010 01:03pm
How hard was it for you to complete your degree in Nutrition? I'm majoring in it and any advice or experiences that you had that can help me would be greatly appreciated.
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Apr 29 2010 01:10pm
Quote (Timjm2 @ Apr 29 2010 03:03pm)
How hard was it for you to complete your degree in Nutrition? I'm majoring in it and any advice or experiences that you had that can help me would be greatly appreciated.

That's a matter of perspective. It takes a total of 4 years (B.S. Degree in Nutrition). It wasn't the hardest route to take in college, but also not the easiest. I'm not really sure how else to explain it, but if you aren't a fan of intense memorization of terminology - it might be pretty hard. If you are good with things like that, it should be fairly easy.
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Apr 29 2010 01:47pm
Hey im only 14 but i would like to start building some more muscle and get healthier, im kinda skinny for my age but i have a deacent amount of muscle. ive been starting to run a half hour every day and lift a bit. Think you could help me out with a workout plan and a more healthy way to eat, i dont eat to healthy.
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Apr 29 2010 04:06pm
whats the best time to do cardio ?

just after work out, 2 hours after work out, or on rest day ?
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Apr 29 2010 05:39pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Apr 29 2010 01:21am)
Do today's workout tomorrow.


Instead, try stretching and glutamine!

As far as an extra meal, yes you can. Make sure it's all protein and no impact carbs...stick to protein shakes, lean meats (like eggs, turkey, tuna, chicken, lean beef, etc) and green veggies.

Awesome thanks.

Whats an impact carb, simply?

I'm Italian...my body is URNING for some real food.

What are the chances I could work some whole wheat pasta with or without red sauce into this meal plan...or is pasta a big no no?
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