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Posts: 2,479
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Apr 27 2010 11:59pm
Hey SKCRaynor.

First off body info:
21 years old.
5'6" (make fun!)
135-140 lbs

Yeah, I am pretty tiny =P,

I am looking for a good training routine to get in shape. I don't want crazy muscles, just something to do so I look a little bigger. Right now most of the exercise I do is playing basketball a few times a week. I would like to be able to have some more leg strength to jump higher, as well as arm and chest strength.

Any tips/advice or guides would be appreciated, and let me know if you need more info =).
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Apr 28 2010 04:31am
I <3 Herbalife
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Apr 28 2010 07:51am
is there such thing as to much water? :)) or 5 litres a day is fine? cuz i thought i was drinking 4 litres a day but it seems i was wrong cuz i calculated wrong the glass capacity ;)
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Apr 28 2010 08:17am

I would like to put on weight coz i am rly skinn y :/

i have been workin out in the gym for some months now.

But i dont know hot to put on weith ?

what do you recommend ?

and u have a good scheduler for begiinners ? ( been workin out for 3 months )

thx in advance
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Apr 28 2010 08:26am
Quote (grinderpet @ Apr 28 2010 03:17pm)

I would like to put on weight coz i am rly skinn y :/

i have been workin out in the gym for some months now.

But i dont know hot to put on weith ?

what do you recommend ?

and u have a good scheduler for begiinners ? ( been workin out for 3 months )

thx in advance

I am 190 cm and 66 kg :/
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Apr 28 2010 10:07am

can intense workouts, lead to test depletion? when its come to sexual performance?
does that make sense.

workout takes up xx amount of test,
sex requires xx


to keep harder longer erections..

Posts: 2,073
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Apr 28 2010 12:21pm
also im interested to put 1 tbsp of crunchy peanut butter to my diet..
but this is the only brand i can get.. is it good? http://caloriecount.about.com/calories-meridian-foods-natural-crunchy-peanut-i122528
and 1 more question..
is it enough to run 3-4 times a week in the morning on empty stomach 7-8 km's in 30 minutes for cardio and to become lean?
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Apr 28 2010 03:03pm
simple question

is it possible to over train your abs?
Posts: 34,856
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Apr 28 2010 03:08pm
Quote (g4mer @ Apr 28 2010 05:03pm)
simple question

is it possible to over train your abs?

yes, you can overtrain any muscle group
Posts: 14,819
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Apr 28 2010 04:56pm
talking about argine early giving great pump for workout any brand/prodcut you recommend cause theirs tons


for the BCAA's you said recommend ON there was 2:1:1 recovery product should i go for it or stick to the plain BCAA's

This post was edited by baboli on Apr 28 2010 05:00pm
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