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Apr 21 2010 01:19pm
Quote (DAEpyro @ Apr 21 2010 04:04am)
Hey SKC i've been workin out for about 7months now working hard too! and ive noticed im liftin alot more now and eating properly just wondering why i cant gain any weight... im 5'8" and 130lbs 19yrs old ive been that way for bout 1.5 years. my max bench went from 135-180 in the 7month period i was wondering if i should stop taking N.O. Xplode im sure u know of it, i know its big time fat burner and shit but ive gained lots of power just not much mass at all i look more cut but not bigger. Mainly just wanna know a way to gain more mass, power since i stopped gainin power after hittin 180 max(bench), also about the N.O. i guess its bad for me since im tryin to gain weight but love the extreme energy boost it gives i usually work out for 2-3 hours hittin everything i guess thats bad too, workin every body part in 1 day PM me or post here w/e works for u, u seem to know what ur talkin about THANKS!:D

Hey there.

Well first of all, NO explode has been proven to be a highly ineffective supplement as of late. It is mostly just small amounts of creatine, HIGH amounts of caffeine, and mediocre amounts of arginine all mixed together with a TON of artificial sugar. I would avoid this product.

If you want to build strength and size, please refer about 5-10 pages back to my "5x5 plan for strength and size" to see some really intense gains.

As far as supplementation goes - avoid NO explode and just stick to plain arginine+ornithine + creatine monohydrate
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Apr 21 2010 01:21pm
Quote (ILoveMetal @ Apr 21 2010 07:22am)
is it really necessary to have whole wheat/grain bread? i hate it :( whats so bad about white bread?

also why shouldnt i have my protein shake in milk in the morning?

Yes, true whole grain bread is a complex carb which slowly digests and doesnt raise blood sugar and thus doesnt encourage the body to retain fat.

as far as why theres no milk in the morning shake, that is because milk is SLOW DIGESTING and thus will make protein synthesis in the morning take too long. Shake w/ water reaches digestion within 30 minutes.
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Apr 21 2010 02:19pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Apr 21 2010 07:21pm)
Yes, true whole grain bread is a complex carb which slowly digests and doesnt raise blood sugar and thus doesnt encourage the body to retain fat.

as far as why theres no milk in the morning shake, that is because milk is SLOW DIGESTING and thus will make protein synthesis in the morning take too long. Shake w/ water reaches digestion within 30 minutes.

why would i want protein to be digested fast in the morning tho (6am)... wouldnt i want it slow since im not gonna be eating till 10:55 since i got work?

This post was edited by ILoveMetal on Apr 21 2010 02:19pm
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Apr 21 2010 02:44pm
Quote (ILoveMetal @ Apr 21 2010 04:19pm)
why would i want protein to be digested fast in the morning tho (6am)... wouldnt i want it slow since im not gonna be eating till 10:55 since i got work?

because you haven't eaten all 8 hours while you were sleeping...this will then stimulate your metabolism.
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Apr 21 2010 04:22pm
well ill be starting another cutting cycle very shortly and was wondering whats the most effective cutting pill (if i were to take it still thinking)
curious i asked maybe a year ago about this once and u said german american jet fuel but i looked it up and it loks as though they're slightly different than they used to be.

any suggestions still?
or would GA jetfuel still be most effective
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Apr 21 2010 06:46pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Apr 21 2010 02:48am)
Meal 1 - protein shake + Grapefruit Juice or 1/2 grapefruit + 1 cup oatmeal
Meal 2 - 1 Chicken Breast + 1 whole grain bun w/ veggies
Meal 3 - protein shake + grapefruit juice or 1/2 grapefruit + 2 brown rice cakes
Meal 4 - 1 can of tuna on a salad
Meal 5 - protein shake + handful mixed nuts
Meal 6 - 1 cup cottage cheese + cinnamon


i think i can do this.

( i only copied the meals, as a reference).

1) are there more options you can list, in terms of my early 3 meal slow carbs, as well as my late protein, or am i eating cottage cheese every night for the next 4 weeks?

2) Also, my dad has 1 of those "all in 1" work out machines. I wish I could remember the damn name. It has two sets of weights, u can change each to a D-ring etc

So theres two towers, with an adjustable pin. I can bring the D-ring to my ankle, or up to my head, or anywhere inbetween (on both towers). There is also a moveable bench in the middle.

edit, so it is a similar concept to this 1 http://www.flickr.com/photos/terrespictures/4123872642/ except the two "arms" dont pivit, the D-ring just slides up and down, and can lock at various points of the machine. then i have the option of a bench, ...i typically put the D-rings at the bottom, lay on the bench...and thats my bench press. Or stand, and do some curls...thats my curls. Are machines like this chincing me out? I don't really feel the burn when I use this machine...might just be my imagination. /endedit

There is a sticker on the machine that shows some possible work out routines. Half of them are either silly or just weak, the other half I do...then for the other half of my body, I kinda try and make up my own routines.

Is there a site you'd recommend I should look at in terms of proper use for my purposes?

3) lastly. How hard should I be working. How hard is too hard? u said 1 hr strength. maybe ~3 reps with enough weight where I quit at about 15-20reps? or is that too intense for a beginner.
and then 45 minutes of cardio to end it. Maybe ~6 MPH on a treadmill? ive heard uphill is a good fat burn routine...or should i not use an incline?


This post was edited by illsonmedia on Apr 21 2010 06:51pm
Posts: 4,157
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Apr 21 2010 08:57pm
I'm really excited about this. I have been meaning to do this for a long time, just been looking for some direction.

Meal 1 - protein shake + Grapefruit Juice or 1/2 grapefruit + 1 cup oatmeal
Meal 2 - 1 Chicken Breast + 1 whole grain bun w/ veggies
Meal 3 - protein shake + grapefruit juice or 1/2 grapefruit + 2 brown rice cakes
Meal 4 - 1 can of tuna on a salad
Meal 5 - protein shake + handful mixed nuts
Meal 6 - 1 cup cottage cheese + cinnamon

Let me tell you what I got...maybe you can help me determine whether or not I got the right stuff...maybe I picked the wrong brands etc.

Protein: Universal Super Whey Pro - Whey Peptide Protein. 1 scoop=23g = 17.5gprotein
Mixed Nuts: Serving Size=1oz. Cals=170 Fat=15g Sodium=55mg Protein=6g
Brown Rice Cake: Serving Size=1cake Calories=70 Fat=0 Sodium=55mg potassium=65 carbohydrate=15g protein=1g
Cottage Cheese (Crowley): "large curd", wtf is this. Serving Size 1/2 Cup. Total fat 5g sodium 430mg(18%!) carb=5g protein 14g(nice!...what is this stuff lol)
Oatmeal (Quaker cinnamon): Serving Size =1 packet (8 in box). Calories = 160 fat=3g sodium=270mg potassium=150mg carb=29g fiber=6g protein=7g(didnt know protein in oatmeal)
Whole Grain Bun (this is where I might have severely messed it up-like a hamburger bun? because I got hamburger buns..) Arnold "made with whole grains". Serving Size 1 roll (bag contains 8) calories 150 fat 2g sodium 310mg carbo 29g sugars 5g protein 6g
With Veggie: I picked up some Brocolli at the store.
Tunafish: Bumble Bee Chunck White Albacore-in water-omega3: serving size 2ozdrained (2 servings per) 60 cals 1g fat 180mg sodium 135mg potass 0 carb 12g
With Salad (I just got spinach): serving size = 2 3/4 cup. cals 20 sodium 70mg potass 470mg carb 3g protein 3g
With Grapefruit: I picked up some ruby reds at the store
Or GF Juice: (i know u said stay away from sugars..i had a tough time w/ this 1...) Serving size 1cup/8 fl oz): cals 120 sodium 35mg carbs 39g sugars29g!! vitamin c 130% Wegmans Ruby Red Grapefruit Juice Blend from 2 fruit Juices from concentrate w/ added ingredients pasturized 100% juice, etc.

I wanna get this right.
So don't be bashful to tell me I messed up some things. someone in my house will eat it, and i'll go get the proper goods.

Thanks man!

PS do I want to take the listed serving size, with my 6 meals (unless you specified otherwise ie 1can tuna 1cup cottage cheese)?
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Apr 22 2010 01:10am
Quote (d4v1dxl33 @ Apr 21 2010 06:22pm)
well ill be starting another cutting cycle very shortly and was wondering whats the most effective cutting pill (if i were to take it still thinking)
curious i asked maybe a year ago about this once and u said german american jet fuel but i looked it up and it loks as though they're slightly different than they used to be.

any suggestions still?
or would GA jetfuel still be most effective

GAT jet fuel is still my favorite for cutting
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Apr 22 2010 02:21am
Quote (illsonmedia @ Apr 21 2010 08:46pm)

i think i can do this.

( i only copied the meals, as a reference).

1) are there more options you can list, in terms of my early 3 meal slow carbs, as well as my late protein, or am i eating cottage cheese every night for the next 4 weeks?

2) Also, my dad has 1 of those "all in 1" work out machines. I wish I could remember the damn name. It has two sets of weights, u can change each to a D-ring etc

So theres two towers, with an adjustable pin. I can bring the D-ring to my ankle, or up to my head, or anywhere inbetween (on both towers). There is also a moveable bench in the middle.

edit, so it is a similar concept to this 1 http://www.flickr.com/photos/terrespictures/4123872642/  except the two "arms" dont pivit, the D-ring just slides up and down, and can lock at various points of the machine.  then i have the option of a bench, ...i typically put the D-rings at the bottom, lay on the bench...and thats my bench press.  Or stand, and do some curls...thats my curls.    Are machines like this chincing me out?  I don't really feel the burn when I use this machine...might just be my imagination. /endedit

There is a sticker on the machine that shows some possible work out routines. Half of them are either silly or just weak, the other half I do...then for the other half of my body, I kinda try and make up my own routines.

Is there a site you'd recommend I should look at in terms of proper use for my purposes?

3) lastly. How hard should I be working. How hard is too hard? u said 1 hr strength. maybe ~3 reps with enough weight where I quit at about 15-20reps? or is that too intense for a beginner.
and then 45 minutes of cardio to end it. Maybe ~6 MPH on a treadmill? ive heard uphill is a good fat burn routine...or should i not use an incline?


Hey there.

First of all, as far as pre-bedtime protein goes, stick to cottage cheese or you could go for Casein Protein Shakes from Optimum Nutrition or NOW!

secondly, as far as that type of equipment goes, for a proper workout it would be in your best interest to get a gym membership. If such a thing is out of the question, that machine + bodyweight exercises (pushups, pullups, squats, etc) will definitely help.

Lastly...as far as reps/weight goes...the best bet is to try pyramiding.

that means start low weight and high reps and work your way up to heavier weight and lower reps...5 sets per exercise is sufficient.
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Apr 22 2010 02:25am
Quote (illsonmedia @ Apr 21 2010 10:57pm)
I'm really excited about this.  I have been meaning to do this for a long time, just been looking for some direction.

Meal 1 - protein shake + Grapefruit Juice or 1/2 grapefruit + 1 cup oatmeal
Meal 2 - 1 Chicken Breast + 1 whole grain bun w/ veggies
Meal 3 - protein shake + grapefruit juice or 1/2 grapefruit + 2 brown rice cakes
Meal 4 - 1 can of tuna on a salad
Meal 5 - protein shake + handful mixed nuts
Meal 6 - 1 cup cottage cheese + cinnamon

Let me tell you what I got...maybe you can help me determine whether or not I got the right stuff...maybe I picked the wrong brands etc.

Protein:  Universal Super Whey Pro - Whey Peptide Protein.  1 scoop=23g = 17.5gprotein
Mixed Nuts: Serving Size=1oz.  Cals=170 Fat=15g Sodium=55mg  Protein=6g
Brown Rice Cake: Serving Size=1cake  Calories=70  Fat=0  Sodium=55mg potassium=65  carbohydrate=15g protein=1g
Cottage Cheese (Crowley): "large curd", wtf is this.  Serving Size 1/2 Cup.  Total fat 5g sodium 430mg(18%!) carb=5g  protein 14g(nice!...what is this stuff lol)
Oatmeal (Quaker cinnamon): Serving Size =1 packet (8 in box).  Calories = 160  fat=3g  sodium=270mg  potassium=150mg  carb=29g  fiber=6g  protein=7g(didnt know protein in oatmeal)
Whole Grain Bun (this is where I might have severely messed it up-like a hamburger bun?  because I got hamburger buns..)  Arnold  "made with whole grains".  Serving Size 1 roll (bag contains 8)  calories 150  fat 2g  sodium 310mg  carbo 29g  sugars 5g  protein 6g
With Veggie: I picked up some Brocolli at the store.
Tunafish: Bumble Bee Chunck White Albacore-in water-omega3:  serving size 2ozdrained (2 servings per)  60 cals 1g fat  180mg sodium  135mg potass  0 carb 12g
With Salad (I just got spinach): serving size = 2 3/4 cup.  cals 20 sodium 70mg potass 470mg carb 3g protein 3g
With Grapefruit: I picked up some ruby reds at the store
Or GF Juice:  (i know u said stay away from sugars..i had a tough time w/ this 1...)  Serving size 1cup/8 fl oz): cals 120 sodium 35mg  carbs 39g  sugars29g!!  vitamin c 130%  Wegmans Ruby Red Grapefruit Juice Blend from 2 fruit Juices from concentrate w/ added ingredients pasturized 100% juice, etc.

I wanna get this right.
So don't be bashful to tell me I messed up some things.  someone in my house will eat it, and i'll go get the proper goods.

Thanks man!

PS do I want to take the listed serving size, with my 6 meals (unless you specified otherwise ie 1can tuna 1cup cottage cheese)?

Hey there...all of that is good.

Cottage cheese curd size has to do with the "chunks" of cottage cheese inside...those are considered the curds...larger or smaller is just a matter of preference.

all other items are good...except wheres the chicken breast? or did you just forget to list that?

Lastly, the sugar in the grapefruit juice is fine - grapefruit juice actually promotes fat loss - so this is perfectly okay - don't worry about the sugars here.

serving size is listed in the sample diet plan I made...stick to that if possible.

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