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Apr 19 2010 02:52pm
Quote (Undiscover @ Apr 19 2010 04:07pm)
so how long do i do the workouts for? don't i need to switch them up after some time so i don't get the plateau effect or something ? and if i stick to this plan and eat properly when do you think ill start being able to see some physical progress?

this plan should last you 4 months

As far as duration of the workouts, 1.5-2hours total
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Apr 19 2010 03:15pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Apr 19 2010 03:52pm)
30 minutes every morning is sufficient.

Spin bikes are also fine as long as you achieve moderate to high intensity

your heart needs to be in the 135bpm zone

No idea what my heart rate is during, should I look into one of those devices that take your heart rate? I can't think of the name right now :lol:
I go moderate to high intensity 20ish mph, thinking I'll have to up the resistance as well.
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Apr 19 2010 05:23pm
How long are you suppose to bulk for? Or is it just a personal preference?

Also how much should your bf% go up?

Wondering if im doing it right, went from 158-165 in about month and one week.

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Apr 19 2010 07:42pm
So, I was reading and I had a random question. How essential to the velocity diet is it that you use all THEIR supplements. Like instead of that bullshit you just take ON Whey and A Multi and maybe some sort of amino acid stuff?

Or is there stuff what actually works?

And does the diet actually work? Maintain Strength or do you lose alot of mass?
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Apr 19 2010 07:51pm
Ok Ive bulked up and gained 2much fat so now im going to start cutting and i want to do cardio ofc.

I heard that running can deteriorate ur muscles?
is this a myth?
can i do cardio without losing muscle size?

anyone have a cardio plan they'd like to pass on? i havnt done cardio in a while
but im really athletic and like to run.

help please and thanks
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Apr 19 2010 08:06pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Apr 19 2010 12:52pm)
this plan should last you 4 months

As far as duration of the workouts, 1.5-2hours total

alright mate ! ill be starting up this workout routine next month, and following it as best as i can. 4 months time ill post a before and after photo =) wish me luck and thanks ~.
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Apr 19 2010 08:23pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Apr 19 2010 02:24pm)
proper method would be like this

set 1 - low weight warmup set of approx 15-20 reps
set 2- increase weight to moderate weight for approx 12 reps
set 3 - increase weight to moderate/heavy weight for approx 8 reps
set 4 - increase weight to heavy weight for approx 3-5 reps
set 5 - BREAKDOWN approx 30% of the weight and force out as many reps as possible (until failure with no break inbetween sets)
set 6 - BREAKDOWN approx 30% of the weight and force out as many reps as possible (until failure with no break inbetween sets)

By the end of set 6, you will feel numb like the muscles you just trained are going to fall off. You are then allowed 1 minute of rest before beginning the next exercise.

Also, between sets 1,2,3,and 4 you are allowed only 12-20 seconds of rest. After that, set5 and 6 have NO rest.

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Apr 19 2010 10:53pm
Quote (kbk @ Apr 19 2010 05:15pm)
No idea what my heart rate is during, should I look into one of those devices that take your heart rate? I can't think of the name right now :lol:
I go moderate to high intensity 20ish mph, thinking I'll have to up the resistance as well.

check your pulse.

then use a watch or clock to see how many times it beats in 15 seconds....then multiply it by 4.

if your heart beats 25 times in 15 seconds your heart rate is 100
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Apr 19 2010 10:55pm
Quote (g4mer @ Apr 19 2010 07:23pm)
How long are you suppose to bulk for? Or is it just a personal preference?

Also how much should your bf% go up?

Wondering if im doing it right, went from 158-165 in about month and one week.

For a normal person looking to gain strength and size, a bulk should occur for approximately 7-8 months a year with no more than 1-2 months of dirty bulking and the rest clean bulking w/ 2-3 months of cuttting and 1-2 months of maintenance

for a hard gainer, they will bulk 11-12 months a year

for someone who easily puts on bodyfat, they will bulk 4-6 months a year and conduct maintenance for 3-4 months and cutting for the rest.
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Apr 19 2010 10:57pm
Quote (PureOwnage2 @ Apr 19 2010 09:42pm)
So, I was reading and I had a random question.  How essential to the velocity diet is it that you use all THEIR supplements.  Like instead of that bullshit you just take ON Whey and A Multi and maybe some sort of amino acid stuff?

Or is there stuff what actually works?

And does the diet actually work?  Maintain Strength or do you lose alot of mass?

its a bunch of bullshit.

protein shakes only is a terrible way to cut

eat clean whole foods instead - the body reacts better overall and you maintain your progress much better with it.
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