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Apr 18 2010 08:11pm
my right ear is infected I think. It rings quite noticably loud...

i THINK that when i put my finger in it it kinda abates the ringing

you think I gotta get the antibiotics?
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Apr 18 2010 11:26pm
Quote (iloveualot @ Apr 18 2010 11:30am)
i've been eating lettuce salad for like 9 months now every day :D im kinda got tired of it.. can i switch up to something like carrot + garlic salad or beetroot salad or cabbage salad? or these veggies are somehow bad for u?

Depending on your goals...

if cutting avoid tomatoes and carrots (any other veggies are fine for salad)

if bulking all veggies are acceptable!

cucumber salad, tomato salad, spinach salad, get creative!
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Apr 18 2010 11:29pm
Quote (TheOak @ Apr 18 2010 01:55pm)
hey, i have been training for an up coming Bodybuidling compatition so i bulked up as much as i can grew big proportioned but of course during this bulking faise i but on body fat, im not too fat by ne means u can still c lil abs but i know i want to cut this fat to make me more vainascular and ripped.
btw i hav 15-20% bodyfat and wld like to get 6%

Any Ways the compatitions in 7 weeks, June 8th to b exact, im wondering when i shld start cutting? now? 4 weeks prior?
reason im asking is i heard if u cut 2 soon ur muscles will look sluggish rather than defined..idk

Thanks in advance

for bodybuilding comps, cutting begins 8-12 weeks out. The really hard cut (0 carbs, tons of cardio, and mild dehydration behind 2 weeks out)

make sure to train lots of pumping style exercises, train until failue, and work as hard as possible at the gym 1-2x a day 6 days a week.

on the day of the competition, drink NO WATER and eat several candy bars right before going on stage (this huge insulin spike forces crazy vascularity prior to the show)

p.s. dont forget the tan lol
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Apr 18 2010 11:30pm
Quote (Destruct0 @ Apr 18 2010 04:42pm)
I was thinking about doing a similar exercise, or just sticking to a weekly base exercise with only working 2 body regions a day each week, instead of 2x. Which do you perfer?

the split I posted is very good as an overall bodybuilding style regimen. if you are looking for pure power, then I'd recommend 1x musclegroup per week (mon-fri workouts)
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Apr 18 2010 11:30pm
Quote (ant885 @ Apr 18 2010 06:44pm)
i was considering doing a high frequency routine one of these days
what kinda volume do you do? for major/minor groups

see this depends on your goals....let me know what you are trying to achieve and we'll go from there
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Apr 18 2010 11:31pm
Quote (Balla @ Apr 18 2010 07:42pm)
Mon - Back/Tris
Tues - Chest/Bis/Abs
Weds - Legs/Shoulders
Thurs - OFF
Fri - Chest/Back/Abs
Sat - Arms/Legs/Shoulders
Sunday - OFF

what do you think about this split for training each body part twice a week?

it's good depending on goals. if your goal is cutting and pumping - there is no finer plan
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Apr 18 2010 11:32pm
Quote (Honestly @ Apr 18 2010 10:11pm)
my right ear is infected I think. It rings quite noticably loud...

i THINK that when i put my finger in it it kinda abates the ringing

you think I gotta get the antibiotics?

I would seriously go see a doctor about that.

If you really are having ringing constantly that lets up when you put pressure on the ear...theres a good chance you have fluid buildup near the eardrum - definitely go to a walk-in clinic (they are cheap and easy for this sort of thing) and get it looked at.
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Apr 19 2010 12:36am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Apr 19 2010 07:26am)
Depending on your goals...

if cutting avoid tomatoes and carrots (any other veggies are fine for salad)

if bulking all veggies are acceptable!

cucumber salad, tomato salad, spinach salad, get creative!

what's wrong with carrots? ;d cuz i have to wear glasses and carrots are good for my eyes as i was told by mine doctor :/
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Apr 19 2010 01:31am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Apr 16 2010 09:48pm)
Meal 1 - 3 eggs + 1/2 cup oatmeal + 1/2 grapefruit
Meal 2 - 1x chicken breast + 1 cup broccoli + 1/2 grapefruit
Meal 3 - protein shake + handful of mixed nuts
Meal 4 - 1x lean steak + 1 cup green beans
Meal 5 - 1 can of tuna + salad
Meal 6 - 1 cup cottage cheese + cinnamon

workout plan:
DO 30 mins of cardio at the end of every workout - also try to do 15-30 mins of cardio every morning on an empty stomach before eating breakfast

(5 sets of each, pyramiding up from low to high weight ending at approx 6 reps, starting at about 12 reps)
mon - chest/abs - flat bench, incline bench, DB flies, cable crossovers, v-crunches, hanging leg raises, and decline situps (or roman chair)
tues - back/calves - straight leg deadlifts, lat pulldowns, bent over BB rows, DB lawnmower rows, standing calf raises, bent over donkey calf raises, one-leg calf raises.
weds - shoulders/traps - military press, arnold presses, lat raises, front raises, db shrubs, bb shrugs, front cable pulldowns (dickersons)
thurs - legs/abs - squats, lunges, leg press, leg extensions, laying leg curls, standing calf raises, v-crunches, hanging leg raises, and decline situps (or roman chair)
fri - bis/tris/calves - standing olympic bar curls, alternating DB curls, seated hammer curls, tricep kickbacks, cable pulldowns, skullcrushers, donkey calf raises, one-leg calf raises
sat - cardio only - do at least 60 mins of cardio (any style at moderate intensity)
sun - off


for the bolded part, isnt it bad to work on an empty stomach? like dont i need energy. ?? also if i do cardio on the empty stomach how long should i wait before i eat after finishing. Is it ok to do 30 min cardio, then eat 3 eggs or w/e it may be right after and then go to work and about my buisness ?
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Apr 19 2010 03:43am
what should i expect to happen when i eat this every day?

(not asking you to make me a meal plan)

6am - 4 pieces of white toast with margarine + protein shake in milk

10 55am 2x chicken sandwiches on white bread with margarine spread on it

2pm protein shake in water

4 30pm 4 eggs 4 pieces of toast

6pm protein shake in water

7pm 1 cup of rice 3 eggs

9 30pm bowl of cereal

doing a 5 day split - no cardio

18 y/o 5'9 140 lbs high metabolism

would i be...
gaining fat + muscle
just gaining muscle
losing fat and gaining muscle?

im beginning to think this may be a stupid question so feel free to ignore me... but imma risk looking like a tool and post it anyways :D
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