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Posts: 14,561
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Apr 17 2010 07:14pm
Could you post that split when training each body part twice a week?
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Apr 17 2010 07:19pm
Quote (Boxa @ Apr 18 2010 12:48am)
bcaas are


what you're thinking of are essential, conditionally essential, and non-essential amino acids.

check out optimum's superior amino 2222 tabs for that.

l-glut is still a separate cap though.

thanks for that boxa.
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Apr 17 2010 08:51pm
Quote (CoBm @ Apr 17 2010 08:15pm)
are eggs better cooked or it doesnt matter ?

i tough about making an 'egg shake' after my work outs (with raw eggs)

since my step mother doesnt like when i take whey lol

eggs MUST be cooked to gain the full benefit. the body can only assimilate about half of the eggs protein if it is not cooked. This has to do with the egg albumin's reaction to heat and how your stomach acid affects raw egg. Always cook your eggs
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Apr 18 2010 02:36am
Quote (jjarv @ Apr 17 2010 09:13pm)
5' 9"
130 LBs

I want to gain 20 LBs.

I was on a 3,000 calorie clean diet plan for about 6 weeks last year just to test myself as to how much weight I could gain. I topped out at 148, and that was with 0 excercise. I bulked, and didn't bother cutting, because I knew I would just loose all those gains once I went off the meal plan which was ridiculously difficult to follow and now completely impossible for me with my busy schedule.

I've decided that I need to take a performance enhancer if I'm going to have any hope to make any gains. So I'm going to buy some 5 deca zol. It's a superdrol clone. I'm going to buy some milk thistle and a post cycle therapy to go with it.

I've also created a 3,000 calorie a day meal plan which will be realistic for me to maintain. The problem I face is that I was diagnosed with celiac disease, so I can't eat any foods containing gluten. Processed foods are basically completely out of the picture and so are many other fresh foods, (bread, flour, pasta (unless gluten free)) Here's what I have so far. I'd appreciate suggestions. For my meal plan, I don't have a set time to eat anything except for my first and last meals. It basically will just work around my schedule. Obviously I will bracket protein shakes on my workout days. I plan to work out 3 days a week, mostly on my arms. I'm satisfied with my torso area, but my arms are too small.

wake up - 6 eggs, 1 glass of juice (540 calories)
1 salad with 1 CAN OF TUNA and ranch dressing (300-400 calories)
3 bananas or 1 avocado w/ protein shake (~300 calories)
1 tbsp flax seed oil + handful of mixed nuts (130 calories)
gluten free pasta + 1x chicken breast (~1100 calories)
steak, green beans, and nuts or artichokes 3 days a week (~1000 calories)
before bed - 1 cup of cottage cheese + mixed nuts (540 calories)

The one thing I'm not sure about at all is how much protein powder I should take every day and if I'm missing anything big nutritionally with this diet that I need to add somewhere.

I have made changes - please look above.

Also as far as protein powder, you need to take 2 shakes a day. Morning/Mid Day and post workout is usually best.
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Apr 18 2010 02:38am
Quote (eSora @ Apr 17 2010 09:14pm)
Could you post that split when training each body part twice a week?

Mon - Chest/Bis
Tues - Back/Tris
Weds - Legs/shoulders
Thurs - OFF
Fri - Chest/Bis
Sat - Back/Tris
Sun - Legs/Shoulders

as far as exercises go - stick to good strength exercises such as

chest/bis - bench press, db flies, olympic bar curls, db hammer curls, etc
back/tris - deadlifts, lat pulldowns, tricep kickbacks, skullcrushers
legs/shoudlers - squats, leg extensions, leg curls, military press, bb shrugs

etc. you can add/subtract exercises as necessary, those are just a baseline
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Apr 18 2010 09:30am
i've been eating lettuce salad for like 9 months now every day :D im kinda got tired of it.. can i switch up to something like carrot + garlic salad or beetroot salad or cabbage salad? or these veggies are somehow bad for u?
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Apr 18 2010 11:55am
hey, i have been training for an up coming Bodybuidling compatition so i bulked up as much as i can grew big proportioned but of course during this bulking faise i but on body fat, im not too fat by ne means u can still c lil abs but i know i want to cut this fat to make me more vainascular and ripped.
btw i hav 15-20% bodyfat and wld like to get 6%

Any Ways the compatitions in 7 weeks, June 8th to b exact, im wondering when i shld start cutting? now? 4 weeks prior?
reason im asking is i heard if u cut 2 soon ur muscles will look sluggish rather than defined..idk

Thanks in advance
Posts: 6,078
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Apr 18 2010 02:42pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Apr 18 2010 03:38am)
Mon - Chest/Bis
Tues - Back/Tris
Weds - Legs/shoulders
Thurs - OFF
Fri - Chest/Bis
Sat - Back/Tris
Sun - Legs/Shoulders

as far as exercises go - stick to good strength exercises such as

chest/bis - bench press, db flies, olympic bar curls, db hammer curls, etc
back/tris - deadlifts, lat pulldowns, tricep kickbacks, skullcrushers
legs/shoudlers - squats, leg extensions, leg curls, military press, bb shrugs

etc. you can add/subtract exercises as necessary, those are just a baseline

I was thinking about doing a similar exercise, or just sticking to a weekly base exercise with only working 2 body regions a day each week, instead of 2x. Which do you perfer?
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Apr 18 2010 04:44pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Apr 18 2010 04:38am)
Mon - Chest/Bis
Tues - Back/Tris
Weds - Legs/shoulders
Thurs - OFF
Fri - Chest/Bis
Sat - Back/Tris
Sun - Legs/Shoulders

as far as exercises go - stick to good strength exercises such as

chest/bis - bench press, db flies, olympic bar curls, db hammer curls, etc
back/tris - deadlifts, lat pulldowns, tricep kickbacks, skullcrushers
legs/shoudlers - squats, leg extensions, leg curls, military press, bb shrugs

etc. you can add/subtract exercises as necessary, those are just a baseline

i was considering doing a high frequency routine one of these days
what kinda volume do you do? for major/minor groups
Posts: 30,461
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Apr 18 2010 05:42pm
Mon - Back/Tris
Tues - Chest/Bis/Abs
Weds - Legs/Shoulders
Thurs - OFF
Fri - Chest/Back/Abs
Sat - Arms/Legs/Shoulders
Sunday - OFF

what do you think about this split for training each body part twice a week?
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