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Posts: 5,563
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Apr 10 2010 08:48pm
any remedies on joint/knee/shin pain? flipping around as much as i do feels as if i'm destroying everything from my knee on down.

also, a relative question, though it may sound pretty dumb. can constant strain (roughly 4 hours a week, to put it into perspective) fudge up my lower extremities later down the road? i don't want to have a reckless childhood and a handicapped adult life. i can feel slight pain (from the land/impact) but walking around is just dandy.

much obliged, m911.
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Apr 11 2010 03:20am
Quote (Bail @ Apr 10 2010 10:48pm)
any remedies on joint/knee/shin pain? flipping around as much as i do feels as if i'm destroying everything from my knee on down.

also, a relative question, though it may sound pretty dumb. can constant strain (roughly 4 hours a week, to put it into perspective) fudge up my lower extremities later down the road? i don't want to have a reckless childhood and a handicapped adult life. i can feel slight pain (from the land/impact) but walking around is just dandy.

much obliged, m911.

Hey there.

you don't want simple pain suppression, but rather a way to fix the root cause of the pain. If you have pain because of damage to the lower extremities, this can and most likely will require medical intervention or at least a very blatant change of lifestyle.

Constant trauma (any kind of force directed at a part of the body resulting in minor or major injury) will eventually lead to permanent damage. Lifting weights is one thing, but jumping and impacting with the ground is another. Constant physical activity where pain is felt will almost undoubtedly lead to long term damage.

My advice to you would be to stop what you're doing right now, see a doctor or chiropractor and have a full exam done. After that, you will probably need to reduce, if not stop all together, your flipping routine.
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Apr 11 2010 11:03am
What's your diet look like currently? And are you still dirty bulking or went back to clean bulk/cut?
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Apr 11 2010 12:26pm
Quote (Mesonychid @ Apr 11 2010 01:03pm)
What's your diet look like currently? And are you still dirty bulking or went back to clean bulk/cut?

I'm on maintenance right now. With the way school, work, and my gym schedule are...I do not have time for a rigorous bulk or cut.

I'm taking in approx 300g protein, 150g carbs, and 80g fat (approx 2500 cal)

I eat my carbs for the first 3 meals and suspend carbs for the 2nd 3 meals.

no sugar, no simple carbs (except post workout) and 2 shakes a day.
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Apr 11 2010 07:16pm
do hang cleans workout shoulders generally?
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Apr 11 2010 08:46pm
Whats a good workout to get a solid chest going? I currently dont have a gym membership so something I could do at home would be legit.
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Apr 11 2010 10:06pm
Quote (Kiston @ Apr 11 2010 09:16pm)
do hang cleans workout shoulders generally?

yes but not as an isolation exercise.

it is a complex movement and thus works MANY muscles, including shoulders.
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Apr 11 2010 10:09pm
Quote (TheGine @ Apr 11 2010 10:46pm)
Whats a good workout to get a solid chest going? I currently dont have a gym membership so something I could do at home would be legit.

some exericses at home to improve chest include:

Pushups (with varying grips of wide, medium, narrow - with alternating fingertip position...either facing up, in, or out)

Chair Dips (google this if you dont know what it is)

Pushing your car while it's in neutral down a flat stretch of ground (this works a lot of legs as well, but chest/triceps are the secondary group here if you are pushing with your arms in front of you)

Swimming (breaststroke)

I'd probably recommend you buy some dumbbells/barbell/weights/bench so you can do a proper routine at home, but if you take the exercises I mentioned above and do at least an hour 2x a week, you will see noticeable improvements.
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Apr 11 2010 10:14pm
What are you're thoughts on hiking mountains with added weight as far as joints and stuff go?
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Apr 11 2010 11:43pm
Quote (Blaze-Weed @ Apr 12 2010 12:14am)
What are you're thoughts on hiking mountains with added weight as far as joints and stuff go?

This is a tricky question...reason being that adding weight to a hike makes it obviously more dangerous and also damaging to the joints because of the sustained weight over the course of an extended period of time.

Overall I would have to say avoid this - what would you be using the added weight for anyway? additional muscle strength training? or additional calorie burning?
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