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Apr 5 2010 03:28am
Quote (ZombieBot @ Apr 5 2010 03:13am)
Hey there so I'm looking to gain some more muscle, increasing my weight and then cutting after.
So I was wondering what type of lifting / cardio schedule I should try .
what type of diet that would be the best for my situation.
What type of vitamins I should be taking
And what protein supplement I should try.

around 15%bf

Lifting schedule:
M - Chest/Tri
T - Off
W - Back/Bi
R - Off
F - Legs/Sholders
S - Off
S - Off

Normally I will do 30mins of cardio after each lift and about 1hour on days that I don't lift.
Sundays are my rest days.

I don't really have a diet plan, but I take a generic multi-vitamin and fish oil 300mg. And a protein shake after work outs (60g of Protein).

155 - 160lbs
10%bf or less

can you make it to the gym 5 days a week? if so...try this

mon- chest
tues- back
weds- quads/hammys
thurs- shoulders/calves
friday - arms

do abs every other day (mon-weds-fri)

go for a good 5x5 as has been posted in the last 5 pages (please search for this in my thread)
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Apr 5 2010 08:29am
Hey Raynor.
I've been doing my cut as well as your 3 day split/3 day cardio routine and I'm seeing pretty great results although I've slacked with my diet a bit this easter weekend :P

I was wondering in regards to training sport specifically for soccer, is this still a good routine? I also play soccer on top of this even if just like 20-30 minutes outside kicking around the ball.
Or if there is another routine you could suggest, I'm assuming heavily cardio based (I have a spin bike, treadmill and the outdoors, I would prefer treadmill/bike for time being just because it's more convenient) and as well as focus on legs, core and back?
Not to sure where I'm going for this, I guess I'm looking for a routine that will help me improve for soccer, explosiveness, speed and mainly endurance

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Apr 5 2010 10:10am
I stuck to my low-cal diet, and had more free time so I was able to visit the gym 6 times this week. I did about an hour of cardio each day.
At the end of the week I have not lost a single pound.
My fiance says it might be because I am gaining muscle, but what is your opinion?
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Apr 5 2010 05:05pm
i'm about 5'6, 125 lbs

Any tips on getting mass ?

Pm me please :)
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Apr 5 2010 06:36pm

I'm currently living a sedentary lifestyle and want to get out of it completely.
I'm 5'11 and underweight (120 pounds). I only work out in the evenings for about 10 to 30 mins. and I don't actually have a clue as to what I'm doing.
Would appreciate it if you could help me get started on how to get bigger and like what to eat, how often to train, what exercises/work outs to do, etc
I currently have like no time to go to gyms because I have school. At home I have a bench, a 15 lb bar with 45 lbs in weights, 2 dumbbells that are 10 lbs each and a weight vest that's about 40 lbs (20 kg).
I normally do all the usual workouts: squats, pushups, sit ups, curls, bench presses, etc but I don't do much cardiovascular...

So PM me please, I'll just lose this post.
Thanks :)

edit: I'm like really skinny too D:
But I've been trying to work out a lot and I can only see my ribs in my chest and not like everywhere like before.
And if I brace my abs enough, I can kinda see a 4-pack xD

This post was edited by 1nt0_3t3rn1ty on Apr 5 2010 06:40pm
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Apr 5 2010 07:55pm
just out of curiosity;

what's in YOUR current supplement stack?
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Apr 5 2010 08:12pm
Pm me your email guy I'm paypaling you
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Apr 5 2010 09:43pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Apr 5 2010 04:25am)
first of all, NO ONE should be doing a 7 day workout...this would cause lots of stress to the body, prevent sufficient gains, and ultimately lead to less gains and more injuries.

2on1off or 5on2off are best for strength gains
3on1off or 6on1off are best for cutting

please let me know what ur goals are

Goals as of now are to gain 10-15 pounds and gain more muscle mass, I'am currently 18, 6"0 155, cut and trim.

e; After entering the gym last week(agian), so far I have done arms/tris every other day, chest/legs on days I don't do arms/tris and abs every other time. I think I'am putting to much strain on my musclse by doing arms/tris and sometimes chest on the same workout day.

This post was edited by Destruct0 on Apr 5 2010 09:46pm
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Apr 5 2010 11:00pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Apr 4 2010 06:51pm)
that is correct.

'high carb work days/ low carb off days' vs ketogenic

on a ph (goal: recomp)

what do you suggest?
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Apr 6 2010 10:52am
does fat usually store at the bottom of the chest?
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