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Apr 3 2010 01:52am
Quote (Kiston @ Apr 3 2010 01:55am)
would a 'high carb on workdays/ low-no carbs on off days' be good for recomping while using a ph?

high/low carb yes...high/no carb no.

Lower the carbs by about 50% on the days off
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Apr 3 2010 01:53am
Quote (LVL_DDryan62 @ Apr 3 2010 02:54am)
Okay so youve helped me ALOT here so far! and im completly happy that you are helping me,

But like you said with the diets, what should i be eating

i've been thinking of a type of sandwich i can eat each day

-Whole wheat bread
-Roast Beef
-Fresh Lettuce
-Whole wheat bread
-Side of Broclie/Zucchini/Celery
-Water/juice/iced tea with no sugar

Is this good?

thats perfect...but make sure its WHOLE GRAIN bread, not just whole wheat. Read the labels!

Thats a good sandwich to have, get creative with your meals...lean meats, veggies, complex carbs and you're set!
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Apr 3 2010 01:54am
Quote (spfraiders1 @ Apr 3 2010 12:04am)
Whats the best thing to do to increase my cardio/endurance? (like how long I can run for etc)

yes, keep doing it!

cardio endurance is developed from constantly DOING

I also like to use swimming as a great way to boost endurance, it seems to build my endurance faster than other exercises.
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Apr 3 2010 01:57am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Apr 2 2010 11:53pm)
thats perfect...but make sure its WHOLE GRAIN bread, not just whole wheat. Read the labels!

Thats a good sandwich to have, get creative with your meals...lean meats, veggies, complex carbs and you're set!


if you have anything you llike please let me know!

This post was edited by LVL_DDryan62 on Apr 3 2010 01:58am
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Apr 3 2010 08:42am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Apr 2 2010 09:02pm)
all of that looks very good. the stimulant fat burner from USP labs is intersting...appears to be a BS product...but I could be wrong. I have never used it before, but it seems to be just hype with the content of each capsule. I would avoid and stick to black coffee as your cutting agent if you are on a budget.

awesome info thanks, what time of the day do you think I should have coffee, how many times in a day.

9am. 12.pm. 3pm. ?

is that good or?
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Apr 3 2010 08:47am
Hey there

I was told the salt thing would make up for all the electrolytes I lost through perspiration..

Anyway, creatine and my sweaty construction job. Yes?
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Apr 3 2010 01:39pm
been looking up when to take creatine

i read after work out..

before and after

just before..

site said..take an hour before because the muscles will be depleted while working out ...blah blah..but theres not a lot of scienetific evidence?

also what about off days?
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Apr 3 2010 09:18pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Apr 2 2010 02:15pm)
for cutting:

NOW! 100% Whey Protein Isolate
Optimum Nutrition Pro Complex (not the gainer variety)

or bulking:

Cytosport Cytogainer (excellent weight gainer)

Ya I'am looking to gain some pounds, so the Cyto would be the way to go.

This post was edited by Destruct0 on Apr 3 2010 09:21pm
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Apr 3 2010 10:53pm
hey how's this diet look like and what i can expect from it? i'm 180 cm / 74 kg working out 5 times a week, 3 days running 5 km's in 30 minutes on empty stomach other 2 days doing hiit after workout. i don't want to get huge or something just to get ripped

1) 100 gr oatmeal mixed with 250 ml 2% fat yogurt stored in refrigerator over night, 10 gr of dark chocolate with 70% of cacao, 2 whole eggs, and normal size apple.
2) 100 gr oatmeal cooked with 200 ml milk, banana.
3) 2 slices of whole wheat bread, 100 gr salmon, large grapefruit.
4) 200 gr of chicken breast or fish with veggies 30 ml olive oil, some peppers.
5) 25 gr cheese stick, 100 gr cottage cheese
6) 200 gr cottage cheese mixed with 25 gr almonds some cinnamon and blueberries
7) 250 ml milk before bed

also i drink bout 3.5 l of water/day
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Apr 4 2010 12:24pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Apr 3 2010 07:52am)
high/low carb yes...high/no carb no.

Lower the carbs by about 50% on the days off

so ill have about

200-300g protein ED
200-300g carbs work days
100-150 carbs off days

following that plan, is 1 1/2 hrs resistance training followed by 15min HIIT cardio the best way to recomp, using a ph?
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